essay 2




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All of us know if Indonesia is one country that is located in the tropics. Regions with tropical climate has a lot of potential to be maximized in terms of developing house such as plenty of sunshine and wind that can used to support it. However, tropical climate also has some impacts for those houses like the temperature will increase drastically in the dry season. The Arcithects have been competed to develope house for the comfort reason that can also be a dream house for some people regarded with the tropical climate. Reflect on it, I as Architecture Student also has a dream house associated with the potential and impact of tropical climate. In this case, i want to make my house comfort with gardens with some trees in the yard and backyard of the house, use glasses as a replacement of the brick wall, and has enough ventilations.

Firstly, why my house must has gardens on the yard and the backyard of the house? Actually, the main purpose of the garden is, to decrease the effect of tropical climate which is the temperature will increase in the dry season. The leaves of the the trees and plants on the garden will breathe in the CO2 and exhale the Oxygen that can make the air become fresh. These trees also make the house feel shady, so the temperature will decrease and feel so cool. The other function of the garden is to make the environment around the house seen beautiful.

The Second is, I choose glass to replace the brick wall in some part of the house’s wall that become an arrival direction of sunrise and sunset. Why? Based on the statement above, Indonesia has a lot of potential as a tropical climate country, one of it is availability of plenty of the sunshine. So, I shouldn’t fool away this chance. I should maximize this potential by choose the glass than the brick wall because the brick wall will block up the sunshine. In the other side, glass also has a high aesthethics value.

The last is, I want to increase the quantity of ventilation and the other aperture in my dream house. Beside the availability of plenty of the sunshine, Indonesia is also filled by availability of wind. Therefore, we should utilize it by increasing the quantity of ventilation so that the air circulation in the house will be better. In addition, the good air circulation will cause the people in the house feel comfort, not stuffy. The house also will be healthy because the dirty air in the house will be replaced by the clean air.

There are many way to develope the house on the region with tropical climate that has many potential and some impacts to the house. To maximize the sunshine and wind potential, I must increase the amount of aperture in my dream house, beside to decrease the temperature of the air. I can also make gardens that will prevent the high temperature in dry season and make the air feel fresh, cool, and healthy. Come on! That was my troical dream house, what’s yours?