Eric the red –Erik Thorvaldsson- was one of the most famous Viking explorers of all time and...


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Eric the red –Erik Thorvaldsson- was one of the most famous Viking explorers of all time and discovered Greenland because he was convicted of manslaughter and exiled, along with is family and close friends.

Eric the red was quite a short podgy Viking and was quite rude.

Viking warriors raided nearby lands, explored uncharted seas, and searched for and found trade routes throughout Britain, Ireland, Southern Europe, North Africa, and Central Asia.

The Viking Age in Britain began about 1,200 years ago in the 9th Century AD and lasted for 300 years. The Vikings first invaded Britain in AD 793.

They last invaded in AD 1066 when William the Conqueror became King of England after the Battle of Hastings.

Longboats were naval vessels made and used by

the Vikings from Scandinavia and Iceland for trade,

exploration, and warfare during the Viking Age.

Vikings had a large range of weapons: daggers, swords, axes, helmets, maces and shields.

The longboats is part of the popular image of the Vikings today but there were many different types of boat for different purposes. so far no two boats have been found that are the same.There are some characteristics that make Viking boats distinctive.

This is a turf house from Greenland and Iceland. The grass was put on the roof to keep out the harsh wind and snow in the treacherous winters.

Of course not all Viking houses had turf roofs they either had thatch or wood and their real name was Viking longhouses.

God of thunder God of war Goddess of love and war

Thor was the most popular and strongest god but not the smartest.

Thor’s hammer

Odin was the king of the Norse gods and father of Thor.


In Norse mythology, Freyja was a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, gold, war, and death.


Over one thousand years ago, from the 8th to the 11th century the Vikings set out to explore and raid countries across the world. The Viking originated from Scandinavia-Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

In their fine longships the Vikings explored, raided and traded across Europe, Russia and the middle east. They even got as far as Iceland Greenland and north America.

Viking houses were usually rectangular and large enough to house more than one generation of a family.

Poor people had few possessions and little luxury.

Wealthy homes might feature wooden furniture and decorative wall panels.

For people with qualified brains!

What is Eric the Reds real name?

A) Erik Thorvaldson

B)Erik Thorvaldsson

C)Erik Thorvaldsen

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

The final slide

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

The final slide

How long did the Viking age last?

A) 1066

B) 793

C) 300

How many different weapons did the Vikings have?

A) 7

B) 5

C) 6

Why did the Vikings have turf roofs on their houses ?

A) To keep out the harsh winds in winter.

B) To make it look pretty.

C) Or just for fun.

Who is the most famous God?




By Tom and Callum.
