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"G.R.E.E.N." 2018-1-NO01-KA229-038895_5

Norway hosted the first meeting of the project from 2-12-18 to 8-12-18. In this meeting, teachers worked on: essential agreements, roles and responsibilities, budget, monitoring of progress and analysis of activities. Students:

• presented the videos "our place" and "our school" introducing briefly Italy and the ITIS "A. • MONACO"; • presented their proposals related to the logo of the project; • presented a power point on waste management procedures in Italy; • prepared a survey to be able to self-assess "green" or "not green".

Students attended some lessons in the host school to better understand the Norwegian educational system and organized with the Norwegian companions the sale of food they cooked themselves whose proceeds were donated to Green Peace. All teachers and students, to learn about culture, customs and traditions of Norway, visited Holmenkollen (famous ski resort), the botanical garden, the zoo and the Viking museum.

Poland hosted the second meeting from 24-3-19 to 29-3-19. Teachers worked on what was planned, revisiting roles and responsibilities and monitoring the progress of ongoing activities. Students presented:

• a power point on energy efficiency in Italy; • a work on biomethane systems; • a poster entitled "Confortable environment... but it is not forever... desertification is coming • the result of the survey.

The purpose of this meeting was to carry on the exchange program among the teams and to help students to understand energy efficiency and management. For this reason they visited:

• hydroelectric plants; • photovoltaic systems; • pneumatic reconstruction plants; • waste disposal plants; • the Hevelianum Center with multimedia exhibitions (Reenergy and With Energy).

All participants, teachers and students, to learn about the culture, customs and traditions of Poland, visited Malbork and its medieval castle UNESCO World Heritage, the Museum of World War II, Sopot, Gdańsk and its shipyards.

The third meeting was held in TURKEY from 29-4-19 to 5-5-19. The purpose of this meeting was to explore the renewable energy sector. The participants of the project, after visiting the laboratories of the institute, met the principal of the host school who illustrated them the Turkish educational system. Students presented

• a power point on renewable energy, • a model of renewable energy on a small scale and in particular we presented a perfectly • working model of wind turbine.

Teachers and students visited Petkim, a remarkable petrochemical company, whose head of the Energy Management Department provided information on renewable energy policies and on the wind farm in the area of the company. This plant consists of 17 towers. All participants, to learn about the culture, customs and traditions of Turkey visited Aliağa-Izmir, the ancient city of Ephesus, the village of Şirince and the historic bazaar of Kemeraltı. The "G.R.E.E.N." team then organized an event at the school to raise funds for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral, at that time just hit by arson. Students from each partner country sold their products made from recycled materials.

PORTUGAL hosted the fourth meeting from 20-10-19 to 26-10-19. The theme of this mobility was “sustainable tourism”. Students prepared:

• a video about sustainable tourism; • a video about traditional games.

The host school organized a series of guided tours for us. The tours were well explained and managed using small brochures. Being a hotel school and for tourism, the students prepared a typical meal for all participants in mobility and also presented a fashion show with "green" dresses. The fifth meeting should have been held in ITALY from 23-2-20 to 29-2-20 but it did not take place because it was suspended due to force majeure. The Portuguese, Turkish and Polish guests, no matter how arrived in Cosenza, were forced to return immediately to their places of origin. Norwegian and Greek partners were contacted while traveling and invited to go back. So our school complied with the national provisions contained in the DPCM February 23, 2020, n. 6 and related measures of the Italian Government adopted for the containment of the contagion from Covid-19. The Monaco provided all the necessary support and invited students/teachers to take into account the indications provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The sixth meeting took place in GREECE, from 31-5-21 to 4-6-21, in virtual mode via Webex platform. For this meeting students prepared:

• a transport questionnaire; • a video about the pandemic; • a glossary; • a video titled "Bike ride: for one less car"; • a dynamic poster "For one car less"; • a power point titled "Green Jobs".

In addition, the activities that should have been carried out in Italy have been recovered, that is: • an interview with Prof. Chidichimo on “green buildings”; • a power point on "green building".

The Greek school provided for the construction of an e-book on the theme "green jobs" gathering the work of each partner. Then the best poster was voted. All participants voted and the Greek team got the most votes. At the end of the meeting, each participating country proposed some videos with dances and sounds of their own tradition.