Episode 3 Organizing Content for Meaningful LearningName of FS Students




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Episode 3 Organizing content for

meaningful learningName of FS Students:

Irvin Kent Guintu; Alvin Lim; Raymon

Masangcay; Linart Tolentino;Niberato

Tolentino; Diana Mae Cunanan; Judy Anne

Isip; Maricar Tolentino; & Sarah Jane

TullaoCourse: ______BSEd_Major in

English________________ Year:

____Second Year___________Resource

Teacher: _Mrs. Abelita F. Dizon (ENGLISH

II)__ Signature:


Teacher: _Ms. Jillian Gonzales (ENGLISH

III)__ Signature:


School: Sta. Maria High School (SMHS),

Macabebe, Pampanga _______________


the Resource Teachers Observed: Mrs.

Abelita F. Dizon, and Ms. Jillian

Gonzales___School Address: Sta. Maria,

Macabebe, Pampanga Date: February 6,

2013_____________Year Level: 2nd Year

and 3rd Year Subject Area: English II and

English III_________________ A.) FOR


lesson about? Class I: Adjectives Class II:

Poem “When I was one and twenty” 2. What

are the examples of facts mentioned in the

lesson? Class I: There were picture

presented and the students are asked to

describe this picture. Class II: The students

were asked on how they handle the advices

of their guardian or other elder people.12 | F

i e l d S t u d y 2 - E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e

T e a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g P r o c e s s

13. 3. Did the lesson end with facts? Or did

these facts lead to understanding of

concepts? Prove your answers. Class I: In

the First lesson the students have learned

the use of adjective. Class II: The students

understand the importance of listening to

their parents’ advice. 4. Write down

instances of treating the topic in depth

(giving examples, examining cause – effect

relationships, relating ideas or concepts to

one another) Class I: The teacher

presented pictures where in, in describing

these pictures they gained their examples of

adjectives. Class II: The students were

asked about the advices they were given by

their parents and on how they act upon this

advices. 5. Cite an instance/s when

students were encouraged to ask questions,

to talk about and reflect on what they

learned. Class I: The students were curious

about the uses and significance of

adjectives that’s why they raise a lot of

questions. Class II: The students were

aware of the fact that parents have greater

experience that’s why there were only few

questions raised. B.) FOR THE SKILL

LESSON 1. What was the skill lesson

about? Which skill/s was/were target?

Manipulative skill or thinking skill? The

lesson more focused on the thinking skills of

the student where in they can think fluent,

they can construct ideas relevant to the

certain topic and they can response easily

because of their own insights and own

experiences by reminiscing their past. Ex.

Love… places…13 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 - E

x p e r i e n c i n g t h e T e a c h i n g - L e a

r n i n g P r o c e s s

14. 2. Write evidence of teacher’s

encouragement of divergent thinking by the

students. So, when we say divergent

thinking, it includes fluent thinking, flexible

thinking, original thinking and collaborative

thinking. The teacher encouragement of

divergent thinking by the students is that

they can think fluent related to that

particular lesson. The English lesson that

we’ve observed was all about the poem

“When I was one and twenty” where in the

teacher relate her students to explain it

because it’s all about love, we all know that

students nowadays are teenagers who are

very aware when the topic all about is

LOVE. So, the teacher let them to relate

their experiences to this poem. They

construct ideas through their experiences.

3. Which are proofs that the Resource

Teacher promoted convergent thinking?

When we say convergent thinking, it is

narrowing down from many possible

thoughts to end up on a single best thought

or an answer to a problem. The other

English lesson we’ve observed was

promoting adjectives. The teacher

motivation was she presented a picture of

different tourist spots or different beautiful

places in the Philippines. The teacher let

the students to recognize these pictures.

So, students were willing to answer and

answer. Say for instance, “The Luneta

Park.” A student answered “It placed in

Manila.” The other student answered

“Where Jose Rizal Died” by answering

possible thoughts; the teacher can modify a

thing or describe particular things using

adjectives. 4. If there was problem solving

in the lesson, were the pupils taught to

solve the problem using algorithm or

heuristic strategy? Yes! Just by letting the

students to reminisce their past so that they

can construct a lesson by their

experiences.14 | F i e l d S t u d y 2 - E x p

e r i e n c i n g t h e T e a c h i n g - L e a r n

i n g P r o c e s s

15. 5. What are the proofs that the students

were encouraged to do critical thinking?

When we say critical thinking, it involves

evaluating information or arguments in

terms of their accuracy and worth. Students

use their critical thinking ability through their

activities not only in the common interaction

in the class but also analyzing their

observation. Isn’t they had an observation

outside? So, discover approach takes place

by the teacher without guiding them; the

teacher let the students to find adjectives or

modifier through observing outside and

describing the surroundings. After that, their

observation leads them to group

competition where in the group who

construct more sentences will won the

activity. C.) Value/ Affective Lesson 1. What

was the value lesson about? The values

lesson was all about “Following and

Obeying Instructions and Advices of

Elders.” 2. Was the value taught alone or

was it integrated with a cognitive or skill

lesson? The value was taught integrated

with a cognitive and skill lesson. 3. How

was the value lesson developed? The value

lesson developed in this way: first, the

teacher tested the reading skills of the

students by reading the said poem

considering correct pronunciation of words

and correct accents and stresses. Next,

they analyzed the facts and concepts within

the literary work from the cognitive follow-up

questions. And lastly, there are also

questions that tested their affective

domains, including giving their insights

about the poem and the moral lesson which

can be deduces from the poem.15 | F i e l d

S t u d y 2 - E x p e r i e n c i n g t h e T e a

c h i n g - L e a r n i n g P r o c e s s

16. Our Analysis A. For the Cognitive

Lesson The teacher delivered the lesson

which is adjectives in way where students

will relate their experiences in giving

examples. For example in giving their

example they were asked to describe the

beautiful places they have already visited.

B. For the Skill Lesson In the lesson the

thinking skill is what the teacher gave focus

it is taught by giving examples by describing

pictures. While in the manipulative skill the

students were ask to list all of the things

that they have observed in their school in

the blackboard. C. For the Affective Lesson

The value lesson is taught or delivered

without giving emphasis on it for example in

the second class big where they have

discussed about the poem the value lesson

is not given attention or is not a big deal the

poem “When I was One and Twenty” is the

one that has been mostly given attention.

That is why the value lesson is delivered

within the skill and cognitive lessons. Our

Reflection Someone said: “There are dull

teachers, dull textbooks, dull films, but no

dull subjects”. Do you agree? Write you’re

your reflections here. I agree with this

statement because the subjects which we

are taking are all interesting the only thing

that is making it dull is the way they are

delivered to us. The dullness of subjects are

because of teachers who don’t know how to

deliver their lessons in an interesting way.

Dull films also are the reason why some

subjects become uninteresting. So in sum I

can say that there are no dull subjects in

fact it is the way that these subjects are

delivered that will show or become that

reason whether the subject is delivered

interestingly or uninteresting.
