eParish Notes March 21, 2021 In This Issue: WELCOME TO … · 2021. 3. 19. · March 21, 2021—...


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1 March 21, 2021— Fifth Sunday in Lent

LIVESTREAMING WORSHIP Worship is presented on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. with elements of both traditional and contemporary services, plus pre-recorded portions. You can also watch the recording of the service any time after Sunday. There are three ways to join Sunday worship services:

Scroll down on the church website: http://carmichaelpres.org/ and click on “Click here Watch Live from CPC YouTube Channel”

Go to the URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/carmichaelpres/

Use the YouTube App or Smart TV: search for carmichaelpres (Please subscribe to our channel if you haven’t already)

eParish Notes March 21, 2021

Register Your


Let us know you’re

watching and

worshiping with us

by filling out the

form HERE!

In This Issue: • Live Streaming Worship

• Register Your Attendance

• Zoom Coffee Fellowship

• Prayer Requests

• Stepping Stones Bible Celebration

• In-Person Worship

• Par Capita

• Art Show

• Special Friends

• Holy Week Schedule

WELCOME TO WORSHIP Welcome to worship at Carmichael Presbyterian Church. As God’s

people, worship is what we are called to do. Whether together or apart,

near or far, God’s people are called to be the church and to worship the

God of love incarnate in Jesus Christ.

During these 40 days of Lent leading toward Easter, we seek

repentance and renewal as we build a digital community that is life-

giving. We hope you will join us in worship, devotion, and service. Our

10:00 a.m. live stream worship service blends traditional and

contemporary styles and includes pre-recorded videos which provide

an opportunity for members of our faith community to participate in

new ways.

May the peace and wholeness of Christ be with you always,

~Pastor Keith and Pastor Ivan

Chat with your church family after worship TODAY during Zoom Coffee Fel-

lowship at 11:00 a.m. (following the worship live stream). Connect to Zoom

using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85853810435?

pwd=UWZuc21WcmpGRlJPWXlWczBuN2FnUT09 OR Meeting ID 858 5381

0435 and Passcode 670965. You can also join by telephone (like a conference

call) by dialing +1 669 900 6833 and entering Meeting ID 858 5381 0435. This

event is BYOCC (Bring Your Own Coffee and Cookies). You can drop in or

drop out any time during the 30 minutes as your schedule allows.

If you are familiar with Zoom and would be interested in “hosting” future coffee

fellowship times, please contact Karen Gray at karen@carmichaelpres.org


2 March 21, 2021— Fifth Sunday in Lent

Remember in Prayer: • COVID-19 Victims & Frontline

Workers • Victims of Violence & Natural

Disasters • Dick & Carol Piper • Dee & John Irwin • Mary Lou Pettit • Mary Simpson • Robin Hayes • Sharlene St. Clair • Gary Lee • Cindy Morris • Lillie Tonkin • Polly Hunt • Char Bergsten • Paul & Mary Buehler • Laurie White • Dennis Marks • Ron & Carol Dobler • Jack Roach • Carole & Dick Jacobi • Don Cox • Darci Drawbert • Mary Kroger • Raymelle King • Janann Poteet • Kate Erlich • Marie Frye • Jymmye Black • Vern Bisho • Pom (Kiran Lanfranchi-Rizzardi’s

cousin) • Alex Henry (friend of Lisa

Torgerson) • Jane Leek (Jay Leek’s mother) • Gillian (Kathy Lewin’s great niece)

• Shelley & Lauryn Catanyag (Bill & Misty Dunn’s daughter & granddaughter)

• Rob Parker (Bruce & Sharon MacLean’s brother-in-law)

• Alana Kaiser (friend of Mary MacDonald)

• Gina Voelker (Kate Erlich’s cousin) • Kaylan DeVries (Keith and Jenny

DeVries’s daughter) • Natsuki Grace (Anne Parker’s

sister-in-law) • Madeleine Carter (Rachel Ratliff’s

stepdaughter) • Sharmel McCarthy (Sally Willey’s

sister) • Marilyn Garwood (Laura

Garwood’s mother) • Brad Morgan (friend of Chris

Beeby) • Viktor Solovyw (friend of Una

Edwards) • Charlotte Murdoff (Barbara

Hussey’s cousin) • Jay Geha (Bonnie Pearsons’ son)

• Giza & John Meyer (friends of Jeff & Dani Romais)

• Sylvia Ekberg (Kate Eisel’s mother)

• Deanna Fernandes (friend of Laura Garwood)

• Michael Lauffelman (husband of Cathy Levering’s granddaughter)

• Michelle Hock (friend of Lisa Benadom)

• Elvira Ramirez (friend of Dick & Charlotte Frink)

• Wade Chandler (Terry Barto’s son-in-law)

• Midge Ames (Food Closet volunteer)

ART SHOW: “IN EVERY SEASON” Kathy Daigle is a CPC member, artist, and spiritual director. She enjoys

being in nature, capturing glimpses of God’s gifts through her iPhone lens.

We are celebrating the first day of spring with a collection of colorful

flowers. A beautiful blessing that can be enjoyed in every season.

You are invited to join in an outdoor, in-person worship service on Sunday,

March 21 at 12:00 noon in the courtyard between McMillen Hall and the Gather-

ing Place. Please bring your own chair, wear a face covering, and keep social

distance in your marked area. Park in the rear parking lot and enter through the

iron gates. Dress casually and for the weather. You do not need to make a reser-


Starting on Palm Sunday, March 28, in-person worship moves to McMillen Hall.

Face coverings and social distancing will be required, but we will provide chairs.

Ushers will be on hand to assist at all in-person services. Printed bulletins will be

available for you to pick up as you enter the worship space.

The service lasts about 40 minutes and includes a sermon and instrumental mu-

sic. Childcare will NOT be available.

The usual worship live stream continues at 10:00 a.m.

While we miss all of our CPC family and long to gather in person, we ask that if

you are at higher risk for contracting COVID-19 that you continue to worship from

home via the live stream and Zoom coffee fellowship.



STEPPING STONES “FIRST BIBLE” CELEBRATION During today’s live stream worship, we celebrate these third grade students and

their families who attended Zoom classes where they learned about the Bible,

what’s in it and how to find it. We rejoice with them as they receive their own Bi-

bles. Ian Haight

Noah Meehan

Clarke Stokes

Per capita is a set amount per member that each congregation gives annually

to the Presbyterian Church (USA) to fund important services. Based on CPC’s

current membership, our contribution is $16,170 this year. As of March 9, we

have collected $3,296, or 21% of our annual per capita obligation. Our goal is

for each CPC member to contribute their per capita amount each year so our

payment to the Presbytery is fully funded.

If you have made your 2021 per capita payment of $30.13 per member, THANK

YOU! If you have not made your 2021 payment, please mail your check to the

church office in the blue envelope in your offering envelope box. If you don’t

have your blue envelope, that’s OK; just write your envelope number on your

check and mail it in. Or you can click HERE and click on “Donate Now” to use

PayPal. Please indicate that the contribution is for “Per Capita 2021” and your

envelope number. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Shultz, Fi-

nancial Administrator.


3 March 21, 2021— Fifth Sunday in Lent


Responding to God’s love

through Jesus Christ, we:

• Welcome all

• Nurture relationships

• Grow in faith together

• Connect with and serve

our community and the



Presbyterian Church

5645 Marconi Avenue

Carmichael, CA 95608



Special Friends

Please pray for these folks

who typically are unable to

attend worship, but now

are likely even more re-

stricted. Because the list is

long, we include a few

each week.

Helene Crowley

Donald Drudik

Ruth Duncan

Una Edwards

Your CPC staff wants to stay in touch with you. We check email and voicemail

frequently, and pick up mail from the post office a few times a week.

To reach us via voicemail, call the church office at 916-486-9081 and dial the

extension of the person you wish to reach.

Pastor Keith DeVries: keith@carmichaelpres.org ext. 203

Pastor Ivan Herman: ivan@carmichaelpres.org ext. 202

Paul Shultz, Financial Administrator: paul@carmichaelpres.org ext. 205

Karen Gray, Pastors’ Secretary: karen@carmichaelpres.org ext. 201

Julie Ueltzen, Church Secretary: carmichaelpres@gmail.com ext. 200

Lisa Torgerson, Children’s & Youth Ministry: lisa@carmichaelpres.org ext. 204

Randy Benfield, Music Director: randybenfield@sbcglobal.net ext. 208

Ron Morris, Maintenance Manager: ron@carmichaelpres.org ext. 206

Sunday, March 21 @ 10:00 a.m. Worship Live Stream

Sunday, March 21 @ 11:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship via Zoom

Sunday, March 21 @ 12:00 p.m. Outdoor Worship in Center Courtyard

Monday, March 22 @ 12:00 p.m. Prayer with Pastor Ivan on Facebook

Tuesday, March 23 @ 12:00 p.m. Prayer with Pastor Ivan on Facebook

Tuesday, March 23 @ 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting via Zoom

Wednesday, March 24 @ 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting via Zoom

Wednesday, March 24 @ 12:00 p.m. Prayer with Pastor Ivan on Facebook

Wednesday, March 24 @ 7:00 p.m. Companions Bible Study via Zoom

Thursday, March 25 @ 12:00 p.m. Prayer with Pastor Ivan on Facebook

Sunday, March 28 @ 10:00 a.m. Palm Sunday Worship Live Stream

Sunday, March 28 @ 11:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship via Zoom

Sunday, March 28 @ 12:00 p.m. Palm Sunday Worship in McMillen Hall



There are several ways to contribute to the ministry and mission of CPC:

• Go to https://carmichaelpres.org/giving/donate/ to give online via PayPal or credit/debit card

• Contact Paul Shultz, Financial Administrator. He can accept credit/debit card payments over the phone. (916-

851-5959 or paul@carmichaelpres.org)

• Use good old snail mail! Put a check in an envelope, put a stamp on it, and send it to CPC, 5645 Marconi Ave.,

Carmichael, CA 95608 (CPC staff are picking up mail regularly at the post office)


Holy Week 2021

Palm Sunday, March 28 Worship Livestream on YouTube at 10:00 a.m.

In-Person Worship in McMillen Hall at 12:00 p.m.

Maundy Thursday, April 1 Worship Service & Communion

on YouTube at 7:00 p.m.

Good Friday, April 2 Worship Livestream at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunday, April 4 In-Person Sunrise Service at 6841 Stanley Ave. at 6:40 a.m.

Worship Livestream & Communion on YouTube at 10:00 a.m.

In-Person Worship & Communion in McMillen Hall at 12:00 p.m.
