Environmentally Friendly House Gateway – Unit 7 – Green Architecture © 2012 Project Lead The...


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Environmentally Friendly HouseGateway – Unit 7 – Green Architecture

© 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.Green Architecture

1. Reduce Energy Needed to Heat and Cool Your House• Properly insulate

1. Reduce Energy Needed to Heat and Cool Your House• Replace drafty windows and doors• Replace worn or cracked caulking around

windows and doors

Typical homes lose about 11 percent of their air through doors and 10 percent through windows.

1. Reduce Energy Needed to Heat and Cool Your House

• Window coverings – curtains or shades• Keep southern exposure window

coverings open in the winter to let in heat from the sun; closed in summer to reduce heat from the sun

2. Appliances

• Replace with Energy Star appliances• Keep clean and maintained

3. Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

• Replace incandescent light bulbs with more energy efficient CFLs

• Turn lights off when leaving a room

4. Programmable Thermostats

• Nest Video 

5. Solar Hot Water Heaters

Switch conventional hot water heaters out for solar or on-demand tankless versions

6. Low-Flow Showerheads and Toilets

To save gallons of water a day, replace traditional toilets and showerheads

7. Capture Rain Water or Gray Water

Use to irrigate landscaping and gardens
