ent info CBEST policies may occur during the pr Please ... · For information about CBEST test...


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California • Oregon


2006–2007Registration Bulletin


Please note that changes to procedures and

policies may occur during the program year.

Current information will be available at


TEST DATESAugust 12, 2006

October 7, 2006

December 2, 2006

February 10, 2007

April 14, 2007

June 16, 2007

Contact InformationIf you have any questions, you may contact the following offi ces. In all correspondence, please include, or be prepared to provide, your full name, mailing address, telephone number, and social security number.

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability in employment or in the provision of services.

? If you have questions regarding: ? If you have questions regarding:

� Registration procedures� Admission tickets� Score reports

Contact: The CBEST Program


The CBEST ProgramNational Evaluation Systems, Inc.P.O. Box 340880Sacramento, CA 95834-0880

(916) 928-4001

9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time, Monday–Friday, excluding holidays; 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Pacifi c time, Saturday test dates only

Automated Information System: (800) 262-5080 (available 24 hours daily)

Fax number: (916) 928-6110 (Registration forms are not accepted by fax.)

Teletypewriter (TTY): (916) 928-4191

� CBEST policies� CBEST test requirements� California certifi cation� Oregon licensure

In California, contact: The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

www.ctc.ca.gov e-mail: credentials@ctc.ca.gov

(Please include postal address in e-mail messages.)

California Commission on Teacher CredentialingAttention: CBEST Project Offi cerP.O. Box 944270Sacramento, CA 94244-2700

(916) 445-7254 If outside the 916 area code, you may call toll free at

(888) 921-2682, 1:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m. Pacifi c time, Monday–Friday, excluding holidays.

Automated Information System available 24 hours daily.

� For California college or university program admission, contact the department or school of education of the college or university in which you are interested.

� For California employment, contact the county offi ce of education or school district.

In Oregon, contact: The Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC)


Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission465 Commercial Street NESalem, OR 97301

(503) 378-35867:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Pacifi c time, Monday–Friday, excluding holidays

� For information about CBEST test requirements in Oregon, contact certifi cation advisers in the personnel offi ce of an Oregon public school or Education Service District, the Dean or Director of Teacher Education at an Oregon college or university having Commission-approved programs, or the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission.

� If you have any questions about using the CBEST for California certifi cation, contact a credential analyst at your California college, university, county offi ce of education, or school district, or contact the CCTC.

� If you have any questions about using the CBEST for Oregon licensure, contact an adviser at your Oregon college or university, or contact the TSPC.

Large-print copies of the current registration bulletin are available by calling (916) 928-4001 or from the CBEST Program at the address listed above.


Where to Find ItContact Information ................................. inside front cover

About the CBEST ............................................................2Program Overview ............................................................................................................................................................2California Requirements for Taking the CBEST ..............................................................................................................3Oregon Requirements for Taking the CBEST ..................................................................................................................4CBEST Passing Requirements ........................................................................................................................................4Preparing for the Test ......................................................................................................................................................5

Before You Register ........................................................6Registration Checklist ......................................................................................................................................................6Test Selection ...................................................................................................................................................................7Test Dates .........................................................................................................................................................................7Test Sites ..........................................................................................................................................................................7Test Fees and Payment Policies ......................................................................................................................................9Institution Codes ............................................................................................................................................................11Background Questions ..................................................................................................................................................15Compliance with Testing Rules .....................................................................................................................................20

Registering to Test ........................................................24Registration Options ......................................................................................................................................................24Internet Registration ......................................................................................................................................................24U.S. Mail Registration ....................................................................................................................................................25Telephone Registration ..................................................................................................................................................26Registering for Alternative Testing Arrangements .......................................................................................................27Confi rming Your Registration .........................................................................................................................................31Changing Your Registration ...........................................................................................................................................31

The Day of the Test .......................................................33Reporting to the Test Site ..............................................................................................................................................33What to Bring to the Test Site .......................................................................................................................................34Test Site Rules ................................................................................................................................................................35During and After the Test ..............................................................................................................................................36

Obtaining Your Test Results ............................................37Release of Your Test Scores ..........................................................................................................................................37Requesting a Score Verifi cation ....................................................................................................................................38Requesting Additional Copies of Your Test Results .....................................................................................................38Canceling or Voiding of Test Scores ..............................................................................................................................39

CBEST Forms ...............................................................40Copyright © 2006 by National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®)

“California Basic Educational Skills Test™,” “CBEST®,” and the “CBEST®” logo are trademarks of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®).

“NES®” and its logo are registered trademarks of National Evaluation Systems, Inc.™



The California Basic Educational Skills Test™ (CBEST®) was developed to meet requirements of laws relating to credentialing and employment. This test requirement in no way replaces any of the other requirements of subject matter knowledge, professional preparation, and practice teaching or fi eld experience used in the issuance of credentials. The CBEST is designed to test basic reading, mathematics, and writing skills found to be important for the job of an educator; the test is not designed to measure the ability to teach those skills.

The California legislation that established the CBEST directed the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, in conjunction with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and an Advisory Board con-sisting of a majority of educators from California classrooms, to develop the CBEST. The development of the CBEST included defi nition of the primary skills to be tested; test-item writing and review for relevance to the specifi ed skill areas; fi eld testing; a validity study focusing on the accuracy, fairness, clarity, and job relevance of each test item; bias reviews; standard-setting studies; and determination of the passing scores. Since the initial development of the CBEST, new test items have been developed by contractors and all items have been reviewed by committees of California educators to verify that they meet test specifi cations adopted by the CCTC and are free of bias.

The CBEST was selected by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) in July 1984 to assess educators’ basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills in the English language.

In 1995, National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®), was contracted by the CCTC to assist in the development, administration, and scoring of the CBEST.

CBEST Test DesignThe CBEST consists of three sections: Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. CBEST test specifi cations, includ-ing information about the skills eligible for testing in each section, are available on the CBEST Web site, www.cbest.nesinc.com, by selecting “Test Specifi cations.”

Reading section (50 multiple-choice questions). The questions in this section assess your ability to compre-hend information presented in written passages, tables, and graphs. The materials used in the test will vary in level of diffi culty and complexity and are drawn from a variety of fi elds. No questions require outside knowl-edge; all the questions are related to a particular passage and can be answered on the basis of information provided in the passage.

The Reading section questions are from two major skill areas: critical analysis and evaluation, and compre-hension and research skills. Approximately 40 percent of the questions from this section are drawn from the critical analysis and evaluation area, and approximately 60 percent are drawn from the comprehension and research skills area.

Mathematics section (50 multiple-choice questions). The questions in this section require you to solve mathematical problems. Most of the questions are presented as word problems.

The Mathematics section questions are from three major skill areas: estimation, measurement, and statisti-cal principles; computation and problem solving; and numerical and graphic relationships. Approximately 30 percent of the questions from this section are drawn from the estimation, measurement, and statistical principles area; approximately 35 percent are drawn from the computation and problem solving area; and approximately 35 percent are drawn from the numerical and graphic relationships area.

Writing section (2 essay topics). This section includes two writing topics that assess your ability to write effectively. You must respond to both topics. One topic asks you to analyze a given situation or statement; the other asks you to write about a specifi ed personal experience. You are not expected to demonstrate any specialized knowledge in your responses.


CALIFORNIA REQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING THE CBESTCalifornia Education Code Section 44252 specifi es that candidates must demonstrate profi ciency in basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills, in English, by passing the CBEST.

In California, you must take the CBEST if any one of the following conditions applies to you:

� You are applying for a fi rst teaching credential or services credential. (Candidates obtaining an Exchange Credential, Sojourn Credential, or a services credential based upon completion of a preparation program outside of California may obtain an initial credential without meeting the CBEST requirement. During the fi rst year of validity of the credential, however, the individual must pass the CBEST. For candidates obtaining an initial teaching credential based upon completion of a preparation program outside of Cali-fornia, the CBEST must be passed within one year of the issuance date for public employment purposes and must also be passed for credentialing purposes.)

� You are applying to be a day-to-day substitute.

� You are applying for the issuance or renewal of an Emergency Permit, unless you already hold a valid California teaching credential for which a baccalaureate degree is required.

� If you have not taught in a school district during the 39 months prior to new employment, the CBEST may also be required under Education Code Section 44830 as a condition of employment. If you are uncer-tain about whether the CBEST is required for employment, you should contact the school district where you are considering employment.

� You are applying for admission to a CCTC-accredited teacher preparation program, unless you already hold a valid California teaching credential for which a baccalaureate degree is required.

� You are applying for admission to a CCTC-accredited services credential program.

You may take the CBEST only if you have earned, at minimum, a high school diploma, a GED, or the equiva-lent or if you are, or have been, a student taking courses for college credit pursuant to a career in education. If you are uncertain about your eligibility to test, please contact the CCTC for approval to test.

Who Is Exempt from Taking the Test?In California, you are exempt from taking the CBEST if you are applying for one of the following credentials, certifi cates, or permits:

� A credential to teach adults in an apprenticeship program

� A permit to teach in a children’s center or a development center

� A credential to teach a designated subject that does not require a baccalaureate degree

� A credential to provide health services, unless the document also authorizes teaching

� A Certifi cate of Clearance (required for practice teaching)

� Any added authorization to teach (This exemption does not apply to individuals who hold a credential to teach that did not require a baccalaureate degree and for whom the teaching authorization sought requires this degree.)

� For prelingually deaf individuals only, an Education Specialist Instruction Credential in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, a School Counseling Services Credential, or a School Psychologist Services Credential (Holders of these credentials will be required to complete a job-related assessment in lieu of the CBEST, and the authorization of the credentials is restricted to service in state special schools or in classes for students who are deaf or hearing impaired.)


OREGON REQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING THE CBESTIn Oregon, passing the CBEST is required for initial licensure as a teacher, personnel specialist, or adminis-trator.

The test requirement is in addition to other licensure requirements, such as approved academic and profes-sional preparation and appropriate educational experience as set forth in Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS, Chapter 342) and Oregon Rules for Licensure of Teachers, Personnel Specialists, and Administrators (OAR, Chapter 584). Under Oregon laws, an educator must hold the appropriate Oregon license prior to beginning employment in a public school or Education Service District. In Oregon, the minimum scores are set by the TSPC.

You may take the CBEST only if you have earned, at minimum, a high school diploma, a GED, or the equiva-lent or if you are, or have been, a student taking courses for college credit pursuant to a career in education. If you are uncertain about your eligibility to test, please contact the TSPC for approval to test.

Who Is Exempt from Taking the Test?In Oregon, applicants meeting one of the following criteria are exempt from taking the CBEST:

� The applicant holds an Oregon license of one type and is applying for an initial license of a different type. For example, an Oregon-licensed teacher who applies for an initial administrative license does not need CBEST scores.

� The applicant verifi es completion of a regionally accredited doctoral degree.

� The applicant submits a passing score on the NTE Core Battery Test of Communication Skills and Gen-eral Knowledge or on Praxis I.

Applicants requesting Oregon licensure based upon completion of an approved teacher education program in another state or on a license from another state endorsed for full-time teaching, school counselor, school psychologist, or administration may apply for a three-year Transitional License. The CBEST is not required for the Transitional License but is mandatory for the Initial License.

CBEST PASSING REQUIREMENTSIn California, the minimum passing score for the CBEST was established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction using information from a review of the test by practitioners, the statutory advisory committee, and the December 1982 CBEST administration. In Oregon, the minimum passing score for the CBEST was established by the TSPC using information from the advisory committee, the September 1984 standard-set-ting data, and comparable experience in California. Studies are periodically conducted to review the passing standards.

The scaled scores used for reporting CBEST results range from 20 to 80 for each of the three sections (Read-ing, Mathematics, and Writing) of the test. For both California and Oregon, the passing score on each CBEST section is a scaled score of 41. A total score (the sum of Reading, Mathematics, and Writing scaled scores) of 123 is required for passing status. It is possible to pass the CBEST with a scaled score on one or two sections as low as 37, provided that the total score is 123 or higher. It is not possible, however, to pass the CBEST if any section score is below 37, regardless of how high the total score may be.

You may take one, two, or three sections at a given test administration. You do not have to pass all three sec-tions at a single test administration.

Once the entire test has been passed, it need never be taken again to qualify for the issuance or renewal of any credential in the future.


Retaking the CBESTThe CBEST may be taken as often as necessary until a passing score is achieved.

Candidates who obtain a passing score (41 or higher) on any section of the test need not repeat that section. It may be to your advantage, however, to repeat a section already passed. An increase might help you reach the total score of 123 required to pass the CBEST. The highest score that you obtain on each section, no mat-ter when earned, will be used to compute your total CBEST score.

If you previously passed the Writing section of the CBEST and participate in a subsequent test administra-tion without reattempting the Writing section, you will automatically receive a refund of $4 approximately fi ve weeks after the subsequent administration. To be registered correctly for the subsequent administration, however, you must send in the full test fee.

PREPARING FOR THE TESTStudying the test specifi cations, which include information about the skills eligible for testing in each section, is the fi rst step in preparing for the CBEST. The test specifi cations are available on the CBEST Web site; go to www.cbest.nesinc.com and select “Test Specifi cations.”

A computer-administered practice test program for the CBEST is available for download at the CBEST Web site, www.cbest.nesinc.com, by selecting “CBEST Practice Test.” The CBEST Computer-Administered Practice Test is an interactive computer program that contains practice test forms for the CBEST Reading, Mathemat-ics, and Writing sections. If you do not wish to or are not able to download this program, you can print a paper version of the practice test from the CBEST Web site.



Use this checklist to review the information that you need to register for the CBEST.

1. Review your registration options.

Task Refer to:

Select a test date. “Test Dates”

Select a test area. “Test Sites”

Select the educational institution(s) to receive your scores (optional). “Institution Codes”

Select a registration method—Internet, U.S. mail, or telephone. Depending on the registration period (regular, late, or emergency), you have the following choices:

Regular Late Emergency“Registration Options”

Prepare your payment.

Credit card—VISA or MasterCard only

Check or moneyorder—do not send cash.

“Test Fees and Payment Policies”

2. Gather the personal information you need to register.

When you register for the CBEST, you will be asked to provide the following information:

� Name (use your legal name that appears on your government-issued identifi cation)

� Address� Daytime telephone number (required for Internet registration)� U.S. social security number (required for Internet registration)

� Date of birth (required to access your unoffi cial CBEST results via the Internet)

� E-mail address (required for Internet registration only)� Ethnicity (optional)� Gender (optional)

The accuracy of your social security number is an essential part of the registration and score-reporting process. It will ensure the accurate tracking of your registration records no matter how many sections of the CBEST you take or how many times you take one or more sections.

3. Review the background questions.

When you register for the CBEST, you will be asked to answer some background questions. Refer to “Background Questions” to prepare answers to the questions you will be asked during registration.

4. Review the Rules of Test Participation.

Before you register, you must read and agree to abide by the policies stated in “Compliance with Testing Rules,” including the Rules of Test Participation, and all procedures and policies contained in the 2006–2007 CBEST Registration Bulletin.


TEST SELECTIONWhen you register for the CBEST, you will be registered for all three sections (Reading, Mathematics, and Writing). However, you may take one, two, or all three sections at a given test administration. To meet the testing requirement, you do not have to pass all three sections at a single administration. Refer to “CBEST Passing Requirements” for more information about passing requirements.

TEST DATESRefer to the following table for information about registration options and deadlines for each test administration.


Regular Registration Deadline

Late Registration Deadline

(additional fee applies)

Emergency Registration Deadline(additional fee applies)

Offi cial Score Report Mailing


August 12, 2006 July 14, 2006 August 1, 2006 August 8, 2006 September 5, 2006

October 7, 2006 September 8, 2006 September 26, 2006 October 3, 2006 October 30, 2006

December 2, 2006 November 3, 2006 November 21, 2006 November 28, 2006 January 2, 2007

February 10, 2007 January 12, 2007 January 30, 2007 February 6, 2007 March 5, 2007

April 14, 2007 March 16, 2007 April 3, 2007 April 10, 2007 May 7, 2007

June 16, 2007 May 18, 2007 June 5, 2007 June 12, 2007 July 9, 2007

The deadline for submission of requests and all necessary documentation for alternative testing arrangements is the regular registration deadline. Because of space, staff, and time constraints, there can be no assurance that requests received after this deadline can be accommodated.

Internet Registration To register on the Internet, your registration must be completed by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the registration

deadline for the period.

U.S. Mail Registration To register by mail during the regular registration period, your registration materials must be postmarked

by the regular registration deadline. During the late registration period, your registration materials must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the late registration deadline.

Telephone Registration To register by telephone, call (916) 928-4001, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time, Monday–Friday, excluding

holidays. You must call by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the registration deadline for the period.

TEST SITESWhen registering for the CBEST, indicate your test area choice. Your specifi c test site will be determined based on availability and appropriateness of facilities for test administration and will be within the area indi-cated but not necessarily within the actual city limits.

Register as early as possible to increase your chances of being assigned to a test site within your fi rst-choice area. When registering by mail, be sure to select a second-choice test area in case space is not available at the test site within your fi rst-choice area.

Sites are subject to change in the event of scheduling confl icts. If it becomes necessary to change a test site, every attempt will be made to ensure that the new site is located in the same general area as the one you originally requested.


California Test AreasThe following table lists the available California test areas.

Test Area and Code Test Area and Code

Bakersfi eld area (502) Riverside/Moreno Valley area (511)

Burbank/Glendale area (522) Sacramento area (512)

Chico area (503) San Bernardino area (513)

Concord/Walnut Creek area (525) San Diego/Clairemont area (530)

El Centro/Calexico area (515) San Diego/La Mesa area (514)

Fresno area (504) San Diego/Miramar area (531)

Humboldt County/Arcata area (501) San Diego/North County area (523)

Long Beach area (505) San Francisco area (516)

Los Angeles (East) area (506) San Jose/Santa Clara area (517)

Los Angeles (West) area (536) San Luis Obispo area (518)

Monterey area (524) San Mateo County/Peninsula area (532)

Oakland area (526) Santa Barbara area (519)

Orange County/Anaheim area (510) Santa Cruz area (533)

Orange County/Costa Mesa area (527) Santa Rosa area (520)

Orange County/Fullerton area (528) Stockton/Modesto area (521)

Palmdale/Lancaster area (529) Visalia area (534)

Pasadena/San Gabriel area (507) Woodland Hills area (509)

Pomona/Ontario area (508)

Emergency Registration Test AreasEmergency registration is limited to the space available at the following test areas across California. Please note that the test areas available for emergency registration are subject to change based on available space. Some sites may become full and therefore may be unavailable during emergency registration.

Test Area and Code Test Area and Code

Chico area (503) Sacramento area (512)Fresno area (504) San Diego/Miramar area (531)Humboldt County/Arcata area (501) San Francisco area (516)Orange County/Anaheim area (510) San Luis Obispo area (518)Pasadena/San Gabriel area (507) Woodland Hills area (509)

Oregon Test AreasThe following table lists the available Oregon test areas. Portland is the only test area available during the emergency registration period.

Test Area and Code

Ashland area (October, December, and April test dates only) (code 601)

Bend area (October and February test dates only) (code 602)

Eugene area (all test dates) (code 603)

La Grande area (October, December, February, April, and June test dates only) (code 604)

Monmouth area (October, December, February, and April test dates only) (code 605)

Ontario area (February test date only) (code 606)

Portland area (all test dates) (code 607)


Out-of-State Test Areas (April Only)For the April test date only, the CBEST will be offered at the following 11 out-of-state test areas, subject to the requirement that there is a minimum number of candidates per area. Because of space limitations at some of the out-of-state test areas, candidates are encouraged to register early.

During the late registration period, you may be able to register for an out-of-state test area, subject to space availability. Emergency registration is not available for out-of-state test areas.

Test Area and Code Test Area and Code

Atlanta, Georgia, area (581) New York, New York, area (586)

Austin, Texas, area (582) Phoenix, Arizona, area (587)

Boston, Massachusetts, area (583) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, area (588)

Chicago, Illinois, area (584) Salt Lake City, Utah, area (589)

Denver, Colorado, area (585) Seattle, Washington, area (590)

Las Vegas, Nevada, area (591)


CBEST FeesTest Registration Fees*

Regular registration test fee ............................................................................................................................................ $41

Late registration (in addition to the regular test fee) ..................................................................................................... $20

Emergency registration (in addition to the regular test fee) ......................................................................................... $40

Additional Service Fees*

Change of registration ..................................................................................................................................................no fee

Score verifi cation (available for Reading and Mathematics sections only) ...........................................$20 per test date

Additional copy of test results (per copy) ....................................................................................................................... $15

Charge by National Evaluation Systems, Inc., for processing a disputed credit card charge or a personal check returned by a bank ......................................................................................................... $20

* The test fee is subject to change; current information is available at www.cbest.nesinc.com.

Payment MethodsThe fees for Internet and telephone registration must be paid using a credit card (MasterCard or VISA only) or a debit or check card that carries the MasterCard or VISA logo and that can be used without the entry of a personal identifi cation number (PIN). Bank cards without a MasterCard or VISA logo cannot be accepted. The merchant name that will appear on your credit card statement is “NES—Test Fee.”

The fees for registration by U.S. mail must be paid by check or money order. The fees for other services requested by mail (“Additional Service Fees” listed in the previous table) must be paid by cashier’s check or money order. Checks and money orders should be made payable to National Evaluation Systems, Inc., in U.S. dollars. Please write the last four digits of your social security number on your check or money order. Do not send cash.

If you are applying a voucher toward part of your test fee be sure to enclose the original voucher with your registration form and payment.


Payment PoliciesIf, for any reason, your payment for a test date does not clear

� you will be charged an additional fee by NES to cover the processing required to clear your account;

� you will not be allowed to register for future test dates until your account with NES, which includes the additional processing fee, is paid in full;

� payment to clear your account and/or to register for subsequent test dates must be made by cashier’s check or money order only.

If you owe any fees from a previous administration, whether or not you attended the administration, you will not be permitted to register for or take the test until you clear your account. Any payments received for a future test date will be applied to your outstanding balance. If you have any outstanding balance owed by you to NES, any credits or refunds for which you may be eligible will be applied fi rst to your outstanding debt, with any excess returned to you. Payments to clear your past-due account must be made by cashier’s check or money order only.

When you pay by credit card, your credit card will be billed for the amount of all services you requested during registration, as well as any outstanding balance owed by you to NES, if applicable. You agree to pay for all such services and outstanding balances in the event your credit card company does not.

If you register to take the CBEST on consecutive test dates before receiving your score report from the fi rst administration, you assume full responsibility for all applicable test and service fees for both registrations, even if you subsequently learn that you passed the CBEST on the previous attempt. No refunds will be made on the basis of a passing performance on the previous attempt.

Testing on Consecutive Test DatesIf the score report date for a CBEST administration is fi ve or fewer days before the regular registration dead-line for the next test date, late registration fee waivers will be granted to examinees who register to retake the CBEST on the next consecutive test date. The late fee waiver is valid only during the late registration period for the next test date. Fee waivers are not granted during the emergency registration period. If you took the CBEST on a test date listed in column A of the following table and plan to retake the CBEST on the next con-secutive test date listed in column B, you will be eligible for a late registration fee waiver. To receive the late registration fee waiver, register as follows:

� By telephone or via the Internet: Register by telephone or via the Internet on or before the late registra-tion deadline. Your status as a consecutive test date retaker will be confi rmed and your late registration fee will be waived.

� By mail: Send your completed registration form and pay only the regular CBEST test fee. On the registra-tion form, fi ll in the oval corresponding to “Regular Registration” and do not include the late registration fee in your payment. Your registration materials must be received by the late registration deadline. When your registration is processed, your status as a consecutive test date retaker will be confi rmed and your late registration fee will be waived.

If you register by mail during the late registration period, are not eligible for a late registration fee waiver, and do not include the late registration fee in addition to the test fee, your registration materials will be returned to you unprocessed. This may cause you to incur additional registration costs or a delay in your test date.

If you took but did not pass the CBEST, plan to register for the next consecutive test date, and require alterna-tive testing arrangements, please call NES at (916) 928-4001 as soon as possible to discuss your request for alternative testing arrangements. This is necessary to allow the maximum amount of time to process your request. Because of time and logistical issues, it may not be possible to grant some requests for alternative testing arrangements made by individuals who register for a consecutive test date.


Consecutive Test Date Late Fee Waivers

A: Test Date #1 B: Test Date #2

June 17, 2006 August 12, 2006

August 12, 2006 October 7, 2006

October 7, 2006 December 2, 2006

INSTITUTION CODESProfessional preparation institution. When you register for the CBEST, you will be asked to indicate the professional preparation institution with which you are associated. If you are currently enrolled in, were previ-ously enrolled in but have not completed, or have completed a professional preparation program, indicate during registration the institution at which you are or were enrolled or have completed your professional preparation. Do not indicate a two-year institution for your response. If you have never been enrolled at a college or university, enter code 398. If you have never been enrolled in a teacher preparation program, enter code 399.

Institutions to receive score reports. When you register for the CBEST, you may select up to three colleges or universities to receive your scores. Your scores will be reported to each institution indicated that chooses to receive score reports.

The institutions listed in the following tables that are eligible to receive score reports are indicated with aster-isks (*).

California State UniversityCalifornia State University (code) California State University (code)

CAL Poly State University—San Luis Obispo* (119) California Maritime Academy (172)

California State Polytechnic University–Pomona* (113) California State University–Bakersfi eld* (101)

California State University–Channel Islands* (123) California State University–Chico* (103)

California State University–Dominguez Hills* (104) California State University–East Bay* (107)

California State University–Fresno* (105) California State University–Fullerton* (106)

California State University–Long Beach* (109) California State University–Los Angeles* (110)

California State University–Monterey Bay* (111) California State University–Northridge* (112)

California State University–Sacramento* (114) California State University–San Bernardino* (115)

California State University–San Marcos* (120) California State University–Stanislaus* (122)

CalStateTEACH* (124) Humboldt State University* (108)

Los Angeles C.O.E.—Admin. Program only* (481) San Diego State University* (116)

San Francisco State University* (117) San Jose State University* (118)

Sonoma State University* (121)

University of CaliforniaUniversity of California (code) University of California (code)

Los Angeles C.O.E.—Admin. Program only* (481) University of California–Berkeley* (125)

University of California–Davis* (126) University of California–Irvine* (127)

University of California–Los Angeles* (128) University of California–Riverside* (129)

University of California–San Diego* (130) University of California–San Francisco (133)

University of California–Santa Barbara* (131) University of California–Santa Cruz* (132)


California Private InstitutionsPrivate Institution (code) Private Institution (code)

Alliant International University* (330) Antioch University Southern California* (361)

Argosy University—Santa Cruz* (391) Art Center College of Design (156)

Azusa Pacifi c University* (157) Bethany University—Santa Cruz* (160)

Biola University* (161) California Baptist University* (165)

California College of Arts and Crafts (168) California Institute of Integral Studies (390)

California Institute of Technology (169) California Institute of the Arts (170)

California Lutheran University* (171) Chapman University* (179)

Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science (371) Church Divinity School of the Pacifi c (372)

Claremont Graduate University* (183) Claremont McKenna College (184)

Cogswell Polytechnical College (186) Concordia University* (197)

Dominican School of Philosophy and Theory (374) Dominican University of California* (207)

Fresno Pacifi c University* (216) Golden Gate University (220)

Harvey Mudd College (224) Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion (375)

Holy Names University* (227) Hope International University* (274)

Humphreys College (376) InterAmerican College* (370)

John F. Kennedy University* (230) Laguna College of Art & Design (368)

La Sierra University* (238) Life Pacifi c College (476)

Loma Linda University* (237) Loyola Marymount University* (248)

The Master’s College and Seminary* (250) Menlo College (252)

Mills College* (255) Monterey Institute of International Studies (259)

Mount Saint Mary’s College* (262) National Hispanic University* (360)

National University* (266) Naval Postgraduate School (380)

New College of California* (267) Notre Dame de Namur University* (188)

Nova Southeastern University* (365) Occidental College* (269)

Otis College of Art and Design (272) Pacifi c Oaks College* (275)

Pacifi c Union College* (276) Patten University* (280)

Pepperdine University* (281) Phillips Graduate Institute* (381)

Pitzer College (283) Point Loma Nazarene University* (284)

Pomona College (285) Saint John’s Seminary College (302)

Saint Mary’s College of California* (304) Samuel Merritt College (382)

San Diego Christian College* (180) San Francisco Art Institute (310)

San Francisco Conservatory of Music (311) Santa Clara University* (337)

Scripps College (318) Simpson University* (321)

Soka University of America (478) Southern California College of Optometry (325)

Southern California Institute of Architecture (385) Southern California University of Health Sciences (378)

Stanford University* (327) Thomas Aquinas College (329)

Touro University—California* (395) Tuoro University—International (479)

University of Judaism (331) University of La Verne* (332)

University of Phoenix* (364) University of Redlands* (333)

University of San Diego* (335) University of San Francisco* (336)

University of Southern California* (338) University of the Pacifi c* (339)

University of the West (480) University of West Los Angeles (340)

Vanguard University of Southern California* (324) Western Governors University* (457)

Western University of Health Sciences (388) Westmont College* (350)


Private Institution (code) Private Institution (code)

Whittier College* (351) William Jessup University* (313)

Woodbury University (352) Other 4-Year California Institution (397)

California Community CollegesCommunity College (code) Community College (code)

Allan Hancock College (150) American River College (152)

Antelope Valley College* (153) Bakersfi eld College (158)

Barstow College (159) Berkeley City College (343)

Butte College (163) Cabrillo College (164)

Cañada College (173) Cerritos College* (175)

Cerro Coso Community College (176) Chabot College* (177)

Chaffey College (178) Citrus College* (181)

City College of San Francisco* (182) Coastline Community College* (185)

College of Alameda (187) College of Marin (373)

College of San Mateo (189) College of the Canyons (190)

College of the Desert* (191) College of the Redwoods (192)

College of the Sequoias* (193) College of the Siskiyous (194)

Columbia College (195) Compton Community College (196)

Contra Costa College* (198) Copper Mountain College (392)

Cosumnes River College (199) Crafton Hills College (200)

Cuesta College (201) Cuyamaca College (202)

Cypress College (203) De Anza College (204)

Diablo Valley College (206) East Los Angeles College* (208)

El Camino College* (210) Evergreen Valley College* (212)

Feather River College* (394) Folsom Lake College (475)

Foothill College (214) Fresno City College* (215)

Fullerton College* (217) Gavilan College* (218)

Glendale Community College* (219) Golden West College* (221)

Grossmont College (222) Hartnell College* (223)

Imperial Valley College (228) Irvine Valley College (229)

Lake Tahoe Community College (233) Laney College* (234)

Las Positas College (377) Lassen Community College (235)

Long Beach City College* (239) Los Angeles City College* (240)

Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health (477)

Los Angeles Harbor College (241)

Los Angeles Mission College* (242) Los Angeles Pierce College (243)

Los Angeles Southwest College* (244) Los Angeles Trade–Technical College (245)

Los Angeles Valley College* (246) Los Medanos College (247)

Mendocino College (251) Merced College* (253)

Merritt College (379) Mira Costa College* (256)

Mission College (257) Modesto Junior College (258)

Monterey Peninsula College* (260) Moorpark College* (261)

Mt. San Antonio College* (263) Mt. San Jacinto College (264)

Napa Valley College* (265) Ohlone College (270)

Orange Coast College* (271) Oxnard College* (273)

Palo Verde College (277) Palomar College (278)


Community College (code) Community College (code)

Pasadena City College (279) Porterville College (286)

Reedley College* (232) Rio Hondo College (288)

Riverside Community College* (289) Sacramento City College (300)

Saddleback College* (301) San Bernardino Valley College (306)

San Diego City College (307) San Diego Mesa College* (308)

San Diego Miramar College (309) San Joaquin Delta College* (312)

San Jose City College* (314) Santa Ana College* (287)

Santa Barbara City College (315) Santa Monica College* (316)

Santa Rosa Junior College (317) Santiago Canyon College (383)

Shasta College (384) Sierra College (320)

Skyline College (322) Solano Community College (323)

Southwestern College* (326) Taft College (328)

Ventura College* (341) Victor Valley College (342)

West Hills College Coalinga* (346) West Los Angeles College* (347)

West Valley College (348) Yuba College (355)

Other 2-Year California Institution (396)

Nevada Colleges and UniversitiesCollege/University (code) College/University (code)

Great Basin College* (453) Nova Southeastern University* (456)

Regis University* (454) Sierra Nevada College* (452)

University of Nevada–Las Vegas* (450) University of Nevada–Reno* (451)

University of Phoenix* (455) Other Nevada College/University (931)

Oregon Colleges and UniversitiesCollege/University (code) College/University (code)

Cascade College* (401) Concordia University* (402)

Corban College* (415) Eastern Oregon University* (403)

George Fox University* (404) Lewis and Clark College* (405)

Linfi eld College* (406) Northwest Christian College* (419)

Oregon State University* (407) Pacifi c University* (408)

Portland State University* (409) Southern Oregon University* (411)

University of Oregon* (412) University of Phoenix* (420)

University of Portland* (413) Warner Pacifi c College* (414)

Western Oregon University* (416) Willamette University* (417)

Other Oregon Institution (418)

Colleges Outside California, Nevada, and OregonState (code) State (code)

Alabama (901) Alaska (902)

American Samoa (903) Arizona (904)

Arkansas (905) Colorado (907)

Connecticut (908) Delaware (909)

District of Columbia (910) Federated States of Micronesia (956)

Florida (911) Georgia (912)

Guam (913) Hawaii (914)


State (code) State (code)

Idaho (915) Illinois (916)

Indiana (917) Iowa (918)

Kansas (919) Kentucky (920)

Louisiana (921) Maine (922)

Marshall Islands (957) Maryland (923)

Massachusetts (924) Michigan (925)

Minnesota (926) Mississippi (927)

Missouri (928) Montana (929)

Nebraska (930) New Hampshire (932)

New Jersey (933) New Mexico (934)

New York (935) North Carolina (936)

North Dakota (937) Northern Mariana Islands (958)

Ohio (938) Oklahoma (939)

Palau (959) Pennsylvania (940)

Puerto Rico (941) Rhode Island (942)

South Carolina (943) South Dakota (944)

Tennessee (945) Texas (946)

Utah (948) Vermont (949)

Virgin Islands (951) Virginia (950)

Washington (955) West Virginia (952)

Wisconsin (953) Wyoming (954)

Out-of-Country (960)

BACKGROUND QUESTIONSWhen you register for the CBEST, you will be asked to answer the following background questions. Providing accurate and complete background information about yourself is important; the information that you provide will be kept confi dential.

The CCTC uses the background information, including your ethnicity, gender, and date of birth, to satisfy legal requirements, to conduct research that benefi ts teacher preparation programs, and to help ensure the fair-ness and quality of the CBEST. This information will be analyzed as group (not individual) data only. It may be used for statistical and research purposes and will not be used, in whole or in part, to make a determination about any individual.

If you register via the Internet, you will answer the following questions interactively as you register. If you reg-ister by mail, enter your responses to the following questions on the registration form. Each section number corresponds to the section of the registration form where you will record your response.

Background Questions and Responses

Best Language (section 8 on registration form)What is your best language of communication?A. EnglishB. SpanishC. VietnameseD. CantoneseE. HmongF. Other


Background Questions and Responses

First Language(s) (section 9 on registration form) What language(s) did you fi rst learn as a child?

A. English onlyB. English and one or more other languagesC. One or more languages other than English

Father’s Education (section 10 on registration form) What is the highest level of education completed by your father or male guardian?

A. Some high school or lessB. High school diplomaC. Some post-secondary educationD. Associate degreeE. Bachelor’s degreeF. Some graduate or professional schoolG. Graduate or professional degreeH. Unknown

Mother’s Education (section 11 on registration form) What is the highest level of education completed by your mother or female guardian?

A. Some high school or lessB. High school diplomaC. Some post-secondary educationD. Associate degreeE. Bachelor’s degreeF. Some graduate or professional schoolG. Graduate or professional degreeH. Unknown

High School Attendance (section 12 on registration form) How much of your high school education did you complete in California?

A. AllB. Some, but not allC. Did not attend high school in California

High School Grade Point Average (section 13 on registration form) What was your high school cumulative grade point average (based on a system in which 4.0 = A)?

A. 3.5 to 4.0B. 3.0 to 3.49C. 2.5 to 2.99D. 2.0 to 2.49E. 1.5 to 1.99F. below 1.5

Educational Level (section 14 on registration form) What is the highest level of education you have completed? (For most individuals, possession of a

high school diploma or the equivalent is required to take the CBEST.)A. High schoolB. College freshman (fi rst year)C. College sophomore (second year)D. College junior (third year)E. College senior (fourth or fi nal year)F. Earned bachelor’s degreeG. Earned bachelor’s degree plus additional creditsH. Earned master’s degreeI. Earned master’s degree plus additional creditsJ. Earned doctoral degree


Background Questions and Responses

Undergraduate College or University Attended (section 15 on registration form) If you have earned a bachelor’s degree, indicate the four-year college or university where you earned

that degree by entering the number shown for your college/university in “Institution Codes.” If you have not earned a bachelor’s degree, but are or have been enrolled as an undergraduate student in a college or university, indicate the college or university where you are currently or were last enrolled. If you have never been enrolled in a college or university, enter code 398.

High School Mathematics (section 16 on registration form) Which of the following high school mathematics courses have you successfully completed? (Fill in all

that apply.)A. No high school mathematics coursesB. General mathematicsC. Algebra ID. Algebra IIE. GeometryF. TrigonometryG. Analytic Geometry/Pre-CalculusH. Probability/StatisticsI. CalculusJ. Other

College Mathematics (section 17 on registration form) Which of the following college mathematics courses have you successfully completed as an under-

graduate? (Fill in all that apply.)A. No college mathematics coursesB. General mathematicsC. AlgebraD. TrigonometryE. Probability/StatisticsF. CalculusG. Linear Algebra/Abstract AlgebraH. Other

Mathematics Institution (section 18 on registration form) If you have successfully completed any of the college mathematics courses listed in question 17,

did you complete most or all of those courses as an undergraduate at the college or university you indicated in response to question 15? (If you have not successfully completed any of the college mathematics courses listed in question 17, leave this question blank.)A. YesB. No

High School English (section 19 on registration form) Which of the following high school English courses have you successfully completed? (Fill in all that

apply.)A. No high school English coursesB. Reading ComprehensionC. American LiteratureD. English LiteratureE. World LiteratureF. JournalismG. Speech/Debate/ForensicsH. Written CompositionI. Creative WritingJ. English as a Second LanguageK. Other


Background Questions and Responses

College English (section 20 on registration form) Which of the following college English courses have you successfully completed as an undergradu-

ate? (Fill in all that apply.)A. No college English coursesB. American LiteratureC. English LiteratureD. World/Comparative LiteratureE. JournalismF. Speech/Debate/ForensicsG. Basic Composition SkillsH. Advanced Composition/Creative WritingI. Basic Reading ComprehensionJ. English as a Second LanguageK. Other

English Institution (section 21 on registration form) If you have successfully completed any of the college English courses listed in section 20, did you

complete most or all of those courses as an undergraduate at the college or university you indicated in response to section 15? (If you have not successfully completed any of the college English courses listed in section 20, leave this question blank.)A. YesB. No

College Grade Point Average (section 22 on registration form) What is your cumulative undergraduate grade point average to date or, if you have graduated from

college, your fi nal undergraduate grade point average (based on a system in which 4.0 = A)?A. 3.5 to 4.0B. 3.0 to 3.49C. 2.5 to 2.99D. 2.0 to 2.49E. 1.5 to 1.99F. below 1.5

Years Since Bachelor’s Degree (section 23 on registration form) How many years has it been since you earned your bachelor’s degree?

A. Not yet earnedB. Less than 1 yearC. 1 to 3 yearsD. 4 to 6 yearsE. 7 to 10 yearsF. More than 10 years

Professional Preparation (section 24 on registration form) What stage have you reached in your professional preparation as an educator?

A. Have not begun professional preparationB. Have not begun professional preparation, but submitted an application to a programC. Currently enrolled in a professional preparation programD. Previously enrolled in but have not completed a professional preparation program and am not

currently enrolled in a programE. Completed a professional preparation program


Background Questions and Responses

Employment Status (section 25 on registration form) Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

A. StudentB. Working as a teacher in a schoolC. Working as a school or district administratorD. Working in another school roleE. Employed, but not in a school positionF. Unemployed outside the home

Special Preparation (section 26 on registration form) Have you taken any special test preparation courses or tutorials within the past year that were

intended specifi cally to help you pass the CBEST?A. YesB. No

State Requirement (section 27 on registration form) For which state’s legal requirements are you taking the CBEST?

A. CaliforniaB. Oregon

Credential Type (CALIFORNIA CANDIDATES ONLY) (section 28 on registration form) What type of credential or permit are you now seeking?

A. Elementary teaching credentialB. Secondary teaching credentialC. Credential for teaching adultsD. Credential for teaching special education studentsE. Administrative services credentialF. School counseling credentialG. Emergency teaching permitH. Other credential or permitI. Not currently seeking a credential or permit

Purpose for Taking the CBEST (CALIFORNIA CANDIDATES ONLY) (section 29 on registration form) What is your main purpose for taking the CBEST? (See Rule 6 in the Rules of Test Participation.)

A. For a teaching credentialB. For a services credentialC. For full- or part-time employment (i.e., long-term emergency permit or to meet an employment

requirement)D. For employment as a day-to-day substituteE. For admission to a professional preparation program

Purpose for Taking the CBEST (OREGON CANDIDATES ONLY) (section 30 on registration form) What is your main purpose for taking the CBEST? (See Rule 6 in the Rules of Test Participation.)

A. For a Basic or Initial Teaching LicenseB. For a Basic or Initial School Counselor or School Psychologist LicenseC. For a Basic or Initial Administrative LicenseD. For a Substitute Teaching LicenseE. For admission to a professional preparation program


COMPLIANCE WITH TESTING RULESBy registering on the Internet, registering by telephone, or submitting a registration form (even if your regis-tration form is received without your signature) for the CBEST, you are agreeing to abide by the Rules of Test Participation and all rules and requirements specifi ed or referenced in the current registration bulletin and communicated to you, orally or in writing, at each test administration for which you have registered. You will also be asked to sign your answer document(s), which will contain an agreement to the Rules of Test Partici-pation, prior to testing at the site on the day of the test. Failure to sign your answer document(s) on the day of the test may result in the voiding of your test scores or in your not being allowed to test.

Rules of Test Participation 1. Compliance: I understand that I am required to comply with the rules and requirements specifi ed or

referenced in the current bulletin, including these Rules of Test Participation, and communicated to me, orally and/or in writing, at the test administration. I further understand that if I fail to comply with such rules and requirements: (a) my test results may be voided, (b) no refund will be issued, (c) no por-tion of the testing fee can be applied toward the cost of any future testing fees, (d) I may not be permit-ted to register for current or future test administrations, (e) my registration may be canceled, (f) I may be required to test under controlled conditions, and (g) legal proceedings and actions may be pursued as well as any other remedies that the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC), and/or National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®), may deem appropriate. In addition, I understand that test fraud is a ground for denial, revoca-tion, and/or suspension of a teaching or services credential, permit, or certifi cate.

2. Registration: I have read and agree to the “Test Fees and Payment Policies” section of the current bul-letin. I understand that if any or all fees that are applicable to me are not paid in full for all test dates for which I have registered for the CBEST, or if my registration form is not signed, or if the identity certifi -cation statement is not completed, I may not be permitted to register for current or future test sessions and/or my score report materials may not be produced and/or my score may be voided.

3. Late and Emergency Registration: If I register using the late or emergency registration procedures as described in the current bulletin, I understand that my score report and, if applicable, Permanent Verifi -cation Card and transcript copies may not be produced until I submit correct payment to NES.

4. Withdrawal or Absence from Test Administration: I understand that I may withdraw my registration and receive a full refund only if I withdraw before the regular registration deadline for the test date for which I have registered. If I withdraw later than the end of the regular registration deadline or if I am absent from the administration, I understand that I will receive no refund or credit of any kind.

5. Eligibility to Test: I understand that I may take the CBEST only if I have earned, at a minimum, a high school diploma, a GED, or the equivalent, or I am, or have been, a student taking courses for college credit pursuant to a career in education. I certify that I am eligible to take the CBEST on the day of the test for which I have registered according to this eligibility requirement. If I am unsure of my eligibility to take the CBEST as stated in this rule, I understand that I may request clarifi cation by contacting the CBEST Project Offi cer at the CCTC who will advise me.

6. Purpose of Testing: I understand that the CBEST is administered in California for the following pur-poses: (1) to satisfy an application requirement for a teaching or services credential, (2) to satisfy an application requirement for the issuance of an emergency permit, (3) to satisfy a requirement for employment, or (4) to satisfy a requirement for admission to a Commission-approved teacher education preparation program. I understand that the CBEST is administered in Oregon for the following purpose: to satisfy one of the requirements for initial licensure as a teacher, personnel specialist, administra-tor, or substitute teacher in Oregon. I understand that the CBEST is to be taken only by individuals who need to meet one or more of these requirements. If I am unsure of my eligibility to take the CBEST as stated in this rule, I understand that I may request clarifi cation by contacting the CBEST Project Offi cer at the CCTC, or the TSPC, who will advise me. I certify that I am taking the CBEST in an effort to meet one or more of the purposes stated above and for no other reason, or that I have received permission from the CBEST Project Offi cer to take the CBEST.


7. Identifi cation: I understand that to be admitted to a test session I must present my valid admission ticket for that session and show current, government-issued identifi cation, in the name in which I registered, bearing my photograph and signature. I understand that copies of my identifi cation may be made, my photograph or fi ngerprint may be taken, and/or a video recording or other security measure may be employed at the administration, which may be used for identity verifi cation. Additional screen-ings may be required at test site facilities. If I do not have such identifi cation on the testing day, I must present a current, accurate photograph of myself; complete a personal identifi cation information form; and certify, under penalty of perjury, that I am the person I purport to be. If I do not have proper identifi -cation on the day of the administration, I understand that my test score will not be released until I pre-sent proper identifi cation by the deadline specifi ed. If I am refused admission to the test, for any rea-son, I will be considered absent and will receive no credit or refund of any kind.

8. Late Arrival: I understand that if I arrive after a test administration has begun, I may be refused admis-sion, in which case I will be considered absent. If I am admitted after a test administration has begun, I will be required to sign an acknowledgment of late arrival, specifying that no additional time will be allotted.

9. Test Administration: I authorize the test administrators to serve as my agents in maintaining a secure test administration. I agree to follow all reasonable instructions given to me either orally or in writing at or during the test administration, including but not limited to instructions to relocate me during the test session. I agree not to communicate with other examinees or any unauthorized persons in any way during the test administration nor to engage in any other form of misconduct. I agree not to engage in behavior that would disrupt or unfairly affect the performance of myself or other examinees. I agree to sign the answer document, to write out the identity certifi cation statement, to provide proper iden-tifi cation, and to cooperate with testing personnel. If I fail to comply with these provisions, I may be dismissed from the test site, my score may be voided without refund or credit of any kind, and other actions, as described in Rule 1, may be taken as deemed appropriate by the CCTC, the TSPC, and NES.


a. Test Property: I understand that all test booklets, answer documents, and all other test materials and any portion thereof or information relating thereto (referred to below as the “Test Materials”) are the sole property of the CCTC or NES. I understand that my responses, without the identifi cation of my name, may be used for research, development and implementation of testing programs, scorer train-ing or study materials, or other purposes associated with the program. I understand and acknowledge that the Test Materials were developed at great cost and are required to be kept confi dential and secure from disclosure in order to fairly and effectively perform the test functions for which they were designed. I have not received or reviewed any Test Materials prior to taking the test and no Test Materi-als will be available for me to review after the test. I am not permitted to take (and I will not take) any Test Materials or handwritten or printed notes (referred to below as “Notes”) refl ecting or recording any-thing about Test Materials from the testing room or disassemble, copy, or reproduce the Test Materials in whole or in part, by hand or with the use of any electronic, or other type of, device of any nature.

b. Test Materials: I understand that I will not be permitted to bring or to use during the test: Notes, cel-lular phones, electronic information or communication devices, electronic pagers, calculators (unless approved, in writing, as an alternative testing arrangement because of a disability), calculator watches, calculator manuals, scratch paper, or any other unauthorized aid (collectively referred to below as “Unauthorized Aids”). Throughout the test session, I will have nothing on my desk but the test booklet, answer document, pencils, erasers, and photo identifi cation. I may use the margins of the test booklet for any intermediate work I need to do to answer specifi c questions. However, only answers and the writing samples that I record on my answer document will be scored.

I understand that if, despite my foregoing promises and agreements in 10a. and 10b. above, test administrators have a reasonable suspicion that I have or may have in my possession any Test Mate-rials, Notes, and/or Unauthorized Aids, I will immediately turn over any such Test Materials, Notes, and/or Unauthorized Aids in my possession to the test administrators at any time upon their request. If I should fail or refuse to do so, or if the test administrators believe in good faith that I have not turned over all such Test Materials, Notes, and/or Unauthorized Aids in my possession, the test administrators may search my person and my personal possessions for such Test Materials, Notes, and/or Unauthor-


ized Aids and may remove them. Any such Test Materials, Notes, and/or Unauthorized Aids that I may have may be retained for as long as may be required for the purposes referenced in Rule 1 above. Test administrators, NES, the CCTC, and the TSPC are not responsible for Unauthorized Aids or other prohib-ited material confi scated by them or otherwise turned over by me. In the event of a possible breach of test security, I agree to cooperate with testing personnel and I hereby consent to any such reasonable search and to any incidental contact with my person or my possessions that may result from such a search before my dismissal from the test site. Moreover, I hereby waive any claim that I might otherwise have based upon any such search or contact. If I fail to comply with these conditions, my name will be reported to the CCTC, the TSPC, if applicable, and NES; my score may be voided without refund or credit of any kind; and other actions, as described in Rule 1, may be taken as deemed appropriate by the CCTC, the TSPC, and NES.

11. Nondisclosure of Test Materials: Because of the great cost expended to develop the Test Materials, because of the obvious necessity that they be kept confi dential and secure from disclosure in order to fairly and effectively perform the test functions for which they were designed, and because any disclo-sure of part or all of the contents of the Test Materials to anyone might render them unusable for future test administrations, I promise and agree that I will not disclose the Test Materials or any part of them (including the form, subject matter, substance, and wording of any test question or any answer thereto) to anyone for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the test administration to which such Test Materials pertain. I understand and agree that if I should violate this agreement of nondisclosure, I may be liable in damages for costs (including redevelopment costs) incurred as a result of any breach of this agreement, and I may also be subject to other legal and equitable remedies (including injunctive relief) for any such breach.

12. Test Session: I understand that the test session is four hours long. This time may be used to work on any or all sections of the test. After admission to the test site, I may not leave the test site for any reason until I have been offi cially dismissed and all of my Test Materials have been collected by a test administrator. Once I have fi nished testing, or at the end of the test session, my test materials will be collected and I will be dismissed. Once dismissed, I must leave the test site and I will not be readmitted.

13. Test Score Reporting and Cancellation: I understand that my test score(s) will be reported to me; to the CCTC or the TSPC, as appropriate; to each of the institutions I indicate during registration; and to any other institution, entity, or person authorized or required by law to receive this information. My score report will be sent even if I leave the testing room before I fi nish the test. I understand that any information provided as a part of registration may be used to report scores or to contact me regarding test- or program-related issues. I further understand that if my scores are reported and I satisfy the pro-fi ciency passing requirement, I will also receive a Permanent Verifi cation Card and two transcript copies of my Permanent Verifi cation Card. If I do not want my score(s) reported, I understand that a request in writing must be received by NES within seven (7) days after the test date. A Score Cancellation Form will be available at the test site on the day of the test. If I cancel my test score(s), I will receive no refund or credit of any kind, and my score(s) will not be entered into any records or reported to me, the CCTC, the TSPC, or to any California/Oregon college or university.

14. Voided Score: I understand that if I fail to comply with the rules and requirements set forth in the cur-rent bulletin, including these Rules of Test Participation, and communicated to me, orally and/or in writ-ing, at the test administration, or if doubts are raised about the validity or legitimacy of my registration or my score, NES will notify the CCTC, the TSPC, if applicable, and other parties as deemed appropriate. The CCTC, the TSPC, and NES reserve the right to void my test score if, in their sole opinion, there is adequate reason to question its validity or legitimacy due to circumstances within or beyond my control. Other actions, as described in Rule 1, may be taken as deemed appropriate by the CCTC, the TSPC, and/or NES.


15. Rights and Obligations Regarding Test Administration: I understand and agree that liability for test administration activities, including but not limited to the adequacy or accuracy of test materials and equipment, the adequacy or accuracy of the registration and administration processes or conditions, the adequacy of test site facilities, the adequacy or accuracy of scoring, the adequacy or accuracy of score reports, the adequacy or accuracy of information provided to me in connection with the CBEST program, and the adequacy of protection of examinee information, will be limited to score correction or test retake at no additional fee. I waive any and all rights to all other claims, specifi cally including but not limited to claims for negligence arising out of any acts or omissions of the CCTC, the TSPC, and NES (including the employees, agents, contractors, or professional advisors of the CCTC, the TSPC, and NES).

16. Program Changes: I understand that the testing program is subject to change at the sole discretion of the CCTC.

17. Objection to Procedures: If, for any reason, I object to the procedures presented in these Rules of Test Participation, I must advise NES, in writing, of the basis of my objection at least eight (8) weeks before the test date for which I wish to register for my objection to be taken under consideration. If my objec-tion is not honored, I will not be registered for the test administration. Under no circumstances may I register using the late or emergency registration procedures if I have such an objection. If I neverthe-less object, my registration may be canceled, I may not be permitted to test, or my score(s) may be voided.

18. Rules: I understand that should any of these rules or any other requirement or provision contained in the current bulletin be declared or determined by any court to be illegal or invalid, the remaining rules, requirements, and provisions will not be affected and the illegal or invalid rule, requirement, or provision shall not be deemed a part of the current bulletin. The headings of each of the Rules of Test Participation are for convenient reference only. They are not a part of the rules themselves; they do not necessarily refl ect the entire subject matter of each rule; and they are not intended to be used for the purpose of modifying, interpreting, or construing any of these Rules of Test Participation. I agree that any legal action arising in connection with my registration for or participation in a test administration shall be brought in the state and federal courts governing Sacramento, California, and I consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts.



Registration Period

Registration Method Regular Late Emergency

Internet RegistrationAvailable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Internet registration must be completed by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the registration deadline to be eligible for that registration period.

U.S. Mail RegistrationRegistration forms must be postmarked by the regular registration deadline or received by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the late registration deadline.

Not available

Telephone RegistrationOpen 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time, Monday–Friday, excluding holidays.

Not available

Privacy PolicyBecause of laws protecting confi dentiality and privacy, only you can register yourself for the test or make inquiries regarding your registration or test scores.

NES takes reasonable precautions to protect the integrity of your personal information provided in connec-tion with the registration process, as well as any information generated internally that is specifi cally pertinent to you, and to keep this information secure.

Your private information will not be made available to anyone but you; NES, the CCTC, and the TSPC, as appropriate (including the employees, agents, contractors, or professional advisors of NES, the CCTC, and the TSPC); the institution(s) you indicate in your registration; and any institution, entity, or person required or authorized by law to receive this information.

INTERNET REGISTRATIONRegistration is available on the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, during all registration periods.

Internet registration periods end at 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the regular, late, and emergency registration deadlines for each test administration. Registrations submitted after the regular and late registration dead-lines will incur additional registration fees and registration options may be limited.

Before you register. Before you register, please review the “Registration Checklist” to ensure that you have all of the information you need to complete the registration process. Because of laws protecting confi dential-ity and privacy, only you may register yourself for a test.

To request alternative testing arrangements, please submit your request and any required documentation by mail or fax before the regular registration deadline. Because of space, staff, and time constraints, there can be no assurance that requests received after this deadline can be accommodated. See “Registering for Alternative Testing Arrangements” for information about how to complete and submit the Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form.

How to register. To register, go to www.cbest.nesinc.com, select “Register Now,” and follow the instructions provided. Be sure to have available your e-mail address, social security number, and credit card information (number, expiration date, and name of cardholder). Enter your name as it appears on your government-issued identifi cation.


Payment. Payment must be made at the time of registration using a credit card (VISA or MasterCard only) or a debit or check card that carries the VISA or MasterCard logo and that can be used without the entry of a personal identifi cation number (PIN). Bank cards without the VISA or MasterCard logo cannot be accepted. Additional fees apply for late and emergency registration. See “Test Fees and Payment Policies” for complete information about registration fees and payment policies.

Confi rmation. After you have completed the Internet registration process, you will be sent an e-mail acknowl-edging that you have submitted an Internet registration. You are not offi cially registered for the CBEST, how-ever, until you subsequently receive a registration confi rmation e-mail. The registration confi rmation e-mail will generally be sent within one business day of receipt of your registration information.

After your registration has been processed and you have been assigned to a specifi c test site, you will receive an admission ticket by e-mail. Print your admission ticket and bring it with you to the test site. You should also print a copy for your records.

U.S. MAIL REGISTRATIONYou may register by mail during the regular and late registration periods only.

Please note that the registration deadlines are strictly enforced. For the regular registration period, your registration materials must be postmarked by the regular registration deadline. Registration materials post-marked after the regular registration deadline must include the late registration fee or they will be returned unprocessed. This may delay your administration date or cause you to incur additional registration fees. If your registration envelope bears multiple postmarks, the most recent date will govern.

For the late registration period, your registration form and payment, including the late registration fee, must be received at NES no later than 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the late registration deadline.

Before you register. Before you register, please review the “Registration Checklist” to ensure that you have all of the information you need to complete the registration process. Because of laws protecting confi dential-ity and privacy, only you may register yourself for a test.

To request alternative testing arrangements, please submit your request and any required documentation by mail with your registration form, or fax it separately, before the regular registration deadline. Because of space, staff, and time constraints, there can be no assurance that requests received after this deadline can be accommodated. See “Registering for Alternative Testing Arrangements” for information about how to com-plete and submit the Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form.

How to register. To register, complete the registration form by following the instructions listed on the form. The registration form can be found in the envelope in the printed registration bulletin and can also be ordered on the CBEST Web site by selecting “Print Bulletin and Forms (PDF).”

Enter your name as it appears on your government-issued identifi cation. If your address is not in the United States or its territories or possessions, enter “OC” for a state code and carefully print your full address in section 36. If you do not have a U.S. social security number, leave section 6 blank. The registration form is processed by computer; therefore, a photocopied or faxed registration form will not be accepted.

After you have provided and checked all the information on the registration form and then signed the form, mail it along with the correct payment in the envelope provided (see “Procedures for U.S. Mail Registration” below). See “Test Dates” for the registration deadlines and score report date associated with each test date.

If you are concerned that you may be mailing your registration materials too close to the late registration deadline, you may choose to use one of the U.S. Postal Service expedited delivery services to ensure that your registration materials arrive at NES on time. The delivery service that you choose must deliver to a post offi ce box. See “Contact Information” to obtain the CBEST mailing address.

Payment. Payment must be made at the time of registration by personal check, cashier’s check, or money order. Personal checks are accepted only during the regular registration period. An additional fee applies for late registration. See “Test Fees and Payment Policies” for complete information about registration fees and payment policies.


Confi rmation. You will receive your admission ticket by U.S. mail after you have been assigned to a specifi c test site. If you have not received your admission ticket by one week before the late registration deadline, contact NES.

Notice of Error in RegistrationIf your registration form is incomplete or illegible or if the correct payment is not enclosed, your registra-tion materials will be returned unprocessed with a letter advising you of the error and the deadline by which your corrected materials must be received in order for you to be registered for the administration. This may result in additional registration fees or a delay in your test date, as no corrected registration materials will be accepted after the late registration deadline. If you receive your unprocessed registration materials after the late registration deadline, you may still be able to register during the emergency registration period. However, all emergency registration rules, including the registration options and fees, will apply.

Procedures for U.S. Mail RegistrationComplete the following steps to register by U.S. mail:

1. Obtain a registration form, which is available in a printed copy of the current registration bulletin. You may also order a registration form by selecting “Print Bulletin and Forms (PDF)” on the CBEST Web site. Faxed or photocopied registration forms will not be accepted.

2. Review the “Registration Checklist” to ensure that you have the information you need to register.

3. Complete the registration form using a No. 2 pencil and enclose the correct payment in U.S. dollars. If you are applying a voucher toward your fee, include the original voucher in the envelope with your form and payment.

4. Read “Compliance with Testing Rules” and sign your registration form. Your signature must appear on your registration form in order for it to be processed.

5. If you are requesting alternative testing arrangements, include the Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form and all required documentation.

6. Affi x correct postage to the preaddressed envelope found in the printed registration bulletin. All registra-tion materials must be sent to National Evaluation Systems, Inc.

TELEPHONE REGISTRATIONYou may register by telephone during the late and emergency registration periods.

See “Test Dates” for the registration schedule. Test area selections are limited during the emergency registra-tion period. See “Test Sites” for availability information. Telephone lines are generally busiest at the begin-ning and end of the day and at the beginning and end of the registration period. You may wish to call at times when the registration telephone lines are less busy or register on the Internet.

Before you register. Before you register, please review the “Registration Checklist” to ensure that you have all of the information you need to complete the registration process. Because of laws protecting confi dential-ity and privacy, only you may register yourself for a test.

How to register. To register, call NES at (916) 928-4001, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Use your name as it appears on your government-issued identifi cation. When you call, have a pen or pencil and paper available. You will be given details about your responsibilities and specifi c information about the test administration, such as your reporting time and the test site address. Once you have completed your telephone registration, do not send in a registration form. If you do send in a registration form after you have registered by phone, your form will not be processed or returned to you.


Payment. Payment must be made at the time of registration using a credit card (VISA or MasterCard only) or a debit or check card that carries the VISA or MasterCard logo and that can be used without the entry of a personal identifi cation number (PIN). Bank cards without the VISA or MasterCard logo cannot be accepted. Additional fees apply for late and emergency registration. See “Test Fees and Payment Policies” for complete information about registration fees and payment policies.

Confi rmation. After your registration has been processed, you will receive your admission ticket by U.S. mail.


Alternative testing arrangements that are reasonable in the context of this licensing test and supported by documentation may be provided for the following examinees who would not be able to take the test under standard conditions:

� Examinees with physical disabilities (e.g., visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor disabilities, illness, injury)

� Examinees with disabilities other than physical (e.g., learning disabilities)

� Examinees whose religious practices do not allow them to take tests on Saturdays

Documentation Requirements and Review of RequestsIn all cases, examinees requesting alternative testing arrangements must (a) complete a test registration and submit correct payment, (b) mail or fax a completed Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form, and (c) mail or fax any required documentation. The Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form can be found in the printed registration bulletin and is also available to download as a PDF document by selecting “Print Bulletin and Forms (PDF)” on the CBEST Web site. Write your name and telephone number on each piece of correspondence you provide.

The deadline for submission of requests and all necessary documentation for alternative testing arrange-ments is the regular registration deadline. Because of space, staff, and time constraints, there can be no assurance that requests received after this deadline can be accommodated.

All timely and complete alternative testing arrangements requests and accompanying documentation are reviewed on a case-by-case basis upon receipt. In some cases, the submitted documentation may not be suf-fi cient to make a determination regarding the requested accommodation(s) or may not support the requested accommodation(s). Additional information or test results may be needed.

You must submit an Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form each time you register. However, you only need to submit all the required documents the fi rst time that you request alternative testing arrange-ments. NES will keep your documentation on fi le for one year. If you register for subsequent test dates within that year, you only need to submit your completed registration, correct payment, and a completed Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form, as long as your condition and the recommended accommodations have not changed. The documentation will be kept confi dential to the extent required by law.

Some alternative testing arrangements may be accommodated at selected sites only. In some cases, you may be contacted directly to discuss suitable testing arrangements. Before the test date, you will receive information regarding your request. You should contact NES at the time you receive this information if you have any questions or concerns about it.


��Documentation ChecklistBefore submitting your Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form and any required documentation, use the checklist below and the information in the sections that follow to confi rm that your documentation is com-plete. This checklist does not apply to examinees registering for an alternative test date for religious reasons (see “Registering for an Alternative Test Date for Religious Reasons” below).

My documentation must

� include a signed statement by a qualifi ed professional, written on that person’s professional letterhead, whose license or credentials are appropriate to describe or diagnose the disability;

� include a diagnosis of the disability or disabilities;

� include the name, date, and actual results of diagnostic test(s) designed for purposes other than screening, where documentation of test(s) or evaluation(s) is required;

� include recommended test administration modifi cations that are specifi cally related to the disability and that are reasonable within the context of this licensing test;

� be current, i.e., completed within the past fi ve years (with the exception of permanent physical disabilities).

Documentation, in itself, does not automatically support the granting of alternative testing arrangements.

Requests for additional time. The four-hour test session is designed to allow suffi cient time to complete the CBEST. Examinees may fi nd the four hours of testing time to be more than enough to complete the test, even if they have needed extra time on other tests they have taken in the past. When you register for the CBEST, you will be registered for all three sections (Reading, Mathematics, and Writing). However, you may take one, two, or all three sections at a given test administration. To meet the testing requirement, you do not have to pass all three sections at a single administration. You may decide how much time you want to set aside for each section of the test.

If, however, you have a documented disability and you feel you need extra time for testing, you may submit a request for alternative testing arrangements when you register for the CBEST. Please note that testing must be completed within one test administration day and that all requests for additional time require appropriate documentation and are subject to approval by the CCTC.

Appeal of denial of request for alternative testing arrangements. NES will notify examinees of the deter-mination made with regard to their requests for alternative testing arrangements. You may appeal the denial of some or all of your requests for alternative testing arrangements. Before you submit your appeal, it is suggested that you review “Registering for Alternative Testing Arrangements.” This section describes the documentation requirements for different types of alternative testing arrangements requests. If after review-ing the information in this section you still wish to proceed with an appeal of the decision, you may do so by submitting your appeal, in writing, to:

Director of Alternative Testing ArrangementsNational Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES)P.O. Box 340880Sacramento, CA 95834-0880

Telephone: (916) 928-4001Fax: (916) 928-6110

The appeal should include the following information:

� Your name, address, and social security number

� The date of the appeal

� The date of test administration upon which the appeal is based


� Any documentation, in addition to the documentation that you submitted with your Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form, that supports your alternative testing arrangements requests

� A brief summary of the reasons why your alternative testing arrangements requests should be granted

� Your signature

Your appeal should be submitted as soon as possible. Please be advised that an appeal that is received less than 30 days before the test date for which an examinee is registered may not be processed by that date.

After your appeal is reviewed, you will be notifi ed as to whether your appeal has been granted or denied. All appeal determinations are subject to the approval of the CCTC. In addition, all appeal determinations are fi nal.

Registering for Alternative Testing Arrangements Because of a Disability

The following alternative testing arrangements may be requested because of a disability (e.g., visual impair-ment, hearing impairment, motor disability, illness, injury) and can be accommodated at all test sites:

� Wheelchair-accessible facilities

� Frequent breaks (e.g., for those with hypoglycemia or diabetes)

� Use of a magnifying glass, color overlays, or a straightedge (e.g., for those with a visual impairment)

� Use of a pen for a written assignment (e.g., for those with a motor impairment)

� Written copy of the oral directions (e.g., for those with a hearing impairment)

To request any of the alternative testing arrangements listed above, you must

1. complete your test registration and submit the correct payment; and

2. submit a completed Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form indicating the nature of and reason for the request.

Registering for alternative testing arrangements because of a physical disability. If you require arrange-ments other than those listed above and the alternative testing arrangements are being requested due to a physical disability (e.g., visual impairment), you must

1. complete your test registration and submit the correct payment; and

2. submit a completed Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form identifying the disability and the specifi c arrangements requested; and

3. submit a signed statement by a licensed professional, written on that person’s professional letterhead, whose license or credentials are appropriate to diagnose the disability (e.g., ophthalmologist for visual impairment). The statement must indicate the following:

a. The disability for which alternative testing arrangements are being requested

b. The recommended test administration modifi cations that are specifi cally related to the disability and are reasonable in the context of this licensing test

Registering for alternative testing arrangements because of a disability other than physical. If you are requesting alternative testing arrangements due to a disability other than physical (e.g., learning disability), you must

1. complete your test registration and submit the correct payment; and

2. submit a completed Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form identifying the disability and the specifi c arrangements requested; and


3. submit a signed statement by a qualifi ed professional, written on that person’s professional letterhead, whose license or credentials are appropriate to describe or diagnose the disability. The statement must indicate the following:

a. The disability for which alternative testing arrangements are being requested, with supporting docu-mentation in the form of one of the following, which must be included as part of the statement or as separate documentation:

� A full educational history with complete documentation of special education services, including other disability-related testing modifi cations, received within the past fi ve years, along with the name, date, and results of the diagnostic test(s) or evaluation(s), administered within the past fi ve years, used to document the disability


� Results of a psychological, neuropsychological, or psychoeducational diagnostic test battery administered within the past fi ve years, interpreted by a qualifi ed professional whose license or credentials are appropriate to diagnose the condition


� Results of an evaluation interpreted by a licensed professional verifying physical abnormalities as evidenced by a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalogram (EEG), or brain topography mapping test administered within the past fi ve years


b. The recommended test administration modifi cations that are specifi cally related to the disability and are reasonable in the context of this licensing test

Please note: If your test(s) or evaluation(s) were administered prior to the past fi ve years, a full battery of test-ing may not be required. Instead, you may wish to consult with a qualifi ed professional to determine which diagnostic test(s) related to your disability would indicate the current functional impact of your disability.

Registering for an Alternative Test Date for Religious ReasonsAlternative test dates may be arranged for people whose religious practices do not allow them to take tests on Saturdays. These alternative test dates may be arranged only for religious reasons and will be scheduled for the Sunday following the regular Saturday test date. Alternative test dates are available only in the follow-ing test areas:

Test Area and Code Test Area and Code

Chico area (503) San Diego/La Mesa area (514)

Fresno area (504) San Luis Obispo area (518)

Humboldt County/Arcata area (501) Santa Rosa area (520)

Orange County/Anaheim area (510) Woodland Hills area (509)

Sacramento area (512) Portland, Oregon, area (607)

To request an alternative test date, you must

1. complete your test registration and submit the correct payment; and

2. submit a completed Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form; and

3. submit a signed letter from a member of the clergy, written on that person’s professional letterhead, stat-ing that your religious convictions prohibit Saturday testing.

The deadline for submission of your Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form and supporting letter is the regular registration deadline.



Your Admission TicketAfter your registration for the CBEST has been processed and you have been assigned to a specifi c test site, you will be sent an admission ticket. Take your admission ticket with you to the test site on the day of the test. Your admission to the test site will be delayed if you do not have your admission ticket.

The admission ticket lists the personal information you provided when registering as well as testing infor-mation, including your CBEST identifi cation (ID) number, test site, test date, and reporting time. Check the information on your admission ticket when you receive it. Notify NES immediately if any testing information is inaccurate.

If you need to correct or update personal information (e.g., your mailing address), you may complete a Regis-tration Information Correction Form at the test site on the day of the test administration.

Retain a copy of your admission ticket for your records. It contains your CBEST ID number, which is required to access your unoffi cial scores, confi rm your registration status, or make changes to your registration on the Internet. Your ID number is unique. For security reasons it cannot be reissued or provided to you upon request by telephone or e-mail.

Confirming Your Registration Status on the InternetTo confi rm your registration status, go to www.cbest.nesinc.com, select “Confi rm or Modify Registration,” and follow the instructions provided. You will be required to provide your CBEST ID number and your date of birth to access your registration information.

The registration status system provides information about all current and future CBEST test dates for which you are registered, including test area information and, if available, information about the specifi c test site to which you have been assigned and your reporting time.

When to Contact NES About Your Registration StatusContact NES to verify your registration status if any of the following applies to you:

� You are unable to verify your registration status on the Internet.

� You have not received an e-mail registration confi rmation within three business days of registering on the Internet.

� You have not received your admission ticket by one week before the late registration deadline.

� You have lost your admission ticket.

Call NES at (916) 928-4001 before the regular, late, or emergency registration deadline, as applicable, to avoid additional registration fees. See “Test Dates” for the registration deadlines.

CHANGING YOUR REGISTRATIONIf after registering you wish to modify your registration, you may submit a request on the Internet or send your request to NES by U.S. mail or fax. If you need to correct or update personal information (e.g., your mailing address), you may complete a Registration Information Correction Form at the test site on the day of the test administration.


The following tables describe the types of registration changes available, the forms to submit (either on the Internet or by U.S. mail or fax), and the associated deadlines. Follow the instructions below to submit a regis-tration modifi cation request on the Internet or by U.S. mail or fax.

Type of Change Form to Submit Deadline

Changing your test dateChange of Registration Request Form

5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the change deadline for either the test date you wish to change from or the test date you wish to change to, whichever is earlier

Changing your test areaChange of Registration Request Form

5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the change deadline for the test date for which you are registered

Withdrawing your registration

Withdrawal/Refund Request Form

5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the regular registration deadline for the test date for which you are registered

Test Date Change Deadline Test Date Change Deadline

August 12, 2006 July 25, 2006 February 10, 2007 January 23, 2007

October 7, 2006 September 19, 2006 April 14, 2007 March 27, 2007

December 2, 2006 November 14, 2006 June 16, 2007 May 29, 2007

Changing your test date. If you are changing your test date, the request must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the change deadline listed above for either the test date you wish to change from or the test date you wish to change to, whichever is earlier.

Changing your test area. You may request to change the test area for which you are registered; however, such requests are granted based upon available space. Requests to change from one testing facility to another in the same test area cannot be honored. Your request must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the change deadline listed above for the test date you are registered for.

Withdrawing from the test. If your withdrawal request is submitted on the Internet by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the regular registration deadline or if your Withdrawal/Refund Request Form is postmarked by the regular registration deadline, you will receive a full refund of the test fee. Refunds will be issued approximately fi ve weeks after the test date.

Requesting Registration Modifications on the InternetTo request registration modifi cations on the Internet, complete the following steps:

1. Go to www.cbest.nesinc.com and select “Confi rm or Modify Registration.”

2. Enter your CBEST identifi cation (ID) number and your date of birth.

3. Request registration changes by following the instructions provided.

4. Submit your request to NES by the appropriate deadline.

5. Within three business days, confi rm that the change you have requested has been processed. See “Confi rming Your Registration.”

Requesting Registration Modifications by U.S. Mail or FaxTo request registration modifi cations by U.S. mail or fax, complete the following steps:

1. Obtain the appropriate form to complete. All forms can be found in the printed registration bulletin. Forms are also available to download and print by selecting “Print Bulletin and Forms (PDF)” at www.cbest.nesinc.com.

2. Complete the appropriate form and send it to NES at the address or fax number printed on the form.



The test session reporting time for all test sites in California and Oregon is 8:30 a.m.; the test session will end between 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Test session reporting times may vary for test sites outside California and Oregon.

Your admission ticket lists your test site, test date, and reporting time. Please report to the test site no later than the scheduled reporting time. If you have any questions or need information on the day of the test, you may call NES at (916) 928-4001 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pacifi c time.

On the day of the test, you may wish to dress comfortably in layers. This will allow you to adjust for the tem-perature at the test site, which may vary and may not be under the control of the test administrators. Please wear soft-soled shoes to help maintain a quiet testing environment. Water bottles may be allowed in the test-ing room, provided they are clear, do not have a label, have a secure lid, and are stored under your seat, not on your desk, during testing. See “What to Bring to the Test Site” and “Test Site Rules” for more information.

Late Arrival PolicyIt is essential that you report for the test session no later than the time indicated on your admission ticket. If you arrive late to the test session, you may not be admitted. If you are admitted late, you will not be given any additional time beyond the scheduled ending time for the test session, and you will be required to sign a statement acknowledging this.

If you arrive late and are not admitted, you will be considered absent and will not receive a refund or credit of any kind. You will need to register and pay again to test at a future administration.

Absentee PolicyIf you are absent, you will not receive a refund or credit of any kind. You will need to register and pay again to test at a future administration.

Test CancellationIn the event that it becomes necessary to cancel a test administration at a test site or sites due to severe weather conditions or a natural disaster (e.g., fl ood, fi re), the cancellation announcement will be posted on the CBEST Web site at www.cbest.nesinc.com. In addition, the cancellation announcement will be available as a recorded telephone message at (916) 928-4001. You will be advised by e-mail and U.S. mail as soon as the test administration has been rescheduled.

Unless a test administration at a given test site is offi cially canceled, the test administration will be con-ducted as scheduled. If you miss a test administration that has not been offi cially canceled, you will be considered absent and will not receive a refund or credit of any kind.


WHAT TO BRING TO THE TEST SITEYou MUST bring the following with you to the test site:

Your admission ticket

Several sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers (no pens); pencils will not be supplied at the test site

Proper identifi cation as described in “Identifi cation Policy” below

Identifi cation Policy

You must bring to the test administration a current, government-issued identifi cation, in the name in which you registered, bearing your photograph and signature. Copies will not be accepted.

Acceptable forms of government-issued identifi cation include photo-bearing driver’s licenses and passports. The Department of Motor Vehicles provides acceptable photo-bearing identifi cation cards for individuals who do not have a driver’s license.

Unacceptable forms of government-issued identifi cation include student and employee identifi cation cards, social security cards, draft classifi cation cards, and credit cards. If you have any questions regarding acceptable photographic identifi cation, call NES before the test date.

If the name on your identifi cation differs from the name in which you are registered, you must bring offi cial verifi cation of the change (e.g., marriage certifi cate, court order).

If you do not have proper identifi cation as described above, you must bring a current, accurate photograph of yourself; report directly to the Information Table at your test site; complete a personal identifi cation information form; and certify, under penalty of perjury, that you are the person you purport to be. You may also be asked to provide your fi ngerprints on the day of the test. Your photograph will be kept and your offi cial score report will not be released unless you present the proper identifi cation as described above no later than nine calendar days after the test date. In addition, you will not be able to access your unoffi cial scores online. Instructions for providing proper identifi cation after the test date will be provided at the test site.

If you do not have proper identifi cation, you will be denied admission to the test session unless you present a current, accurate photograph of yourself; complete a personal identifi cation information form; and certify, under penalty of perjury, that you are the person you purport to be.

Enhanced security measures, including additional security screenings, may be required by certain test site facilities. If an additional screening is conducted, only screened persons will be admitted to the test site. If you do not proceed through the security screening, you will not be allowed to test and you will not receive a refund or credit of any kind.

See “Test Site Rules” for information about what is not allowed at the test site.



TEST SITE RULESWhen you register for the CBEST, you agree to comply with all the rules set forth in the current registration bulletin, including the Rules of Test Participation (see “Compliance with Testing Rules”), and the rules com-municated to you at each test administration for which you are registered.

Violation of test site rules, including the possession or use of prohibited materials during a test administra-tion, may result in the voiding of your scores.

The following are prohibited at the test site:

Smoking and the use of all tobacco products

Visitors, including relatives, children, and friends

Weapons of any kind

Prohibited MaterialsDO NOT bring any unauthorized aids or prohibited materials, listed below, with you to the test site. If you do bring any of these materials, you will be required to leave them in a designated area.

Cell phones. Possession or use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in the testing facility and may result in the voiding of your scores.

Electronic devices and media, such as PDAs, pagers, computers, audiotapes, CDs, photographic or recording devices, removable storage devices, calculator watches, clocks or watches with alarms, spellcheckers, etc.

Calculators and calculator manuals

Handwritten or printed materials, such as dictionaries, notebooks, scratch paper, textbooks, etc.

Packages and totes of any kind, such as backpacks, briefcases, etc.

Food and drink, except water in approved containers as described in “Reporting to the Test Site”

Unauthorized aids, such as slide rules, rulers, translation aids, highlighters, etc.


DURING AND AFTER THE TESTThe test session reporting time for all test sites in California and Oregon is 8:30 a.m.; the test session will end between 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Test session reporting times may vary for test sites outside California and Oregon.

The test session is designed to allow suffi cient time for sign-in, distribution of materials, and communication of directions before testing begins, and for completion of the test by examinees. You will have four hours to complete the exam. You may use the time available to work on any or each of the test sections. The individual test sections are not timed within the test session. You may spend as much time as you want on each test section and may work on them in any order you choose until the testing session ends. Some examinees may fi nish testing well before the scheduled ending time of the test session. However, you should be prepared to use the entire test session. You will be allowed no more than the allotted time to complete the test.

During testing, you may take restroom breaks. Any time that you take for restroom breaks is considered part of the available testing time. You may not leave the testing facility or room in which you have been seated for any purpose (other than to use the restroom, as permitted) until your test materials have been collected and you have been offi cially dismissed by a test administrator. During the test administration, you may not communicate with other examinees or any unauthorized persons in any way, either in person or by using any communication device.

Should you become ill and unable to fi nish testing, you may be dismissed before the end of the test ses-sion. In this case, your score will be reported unless you request in writing that your score be canceled as described in “Canceling or Voiding of Test Scores.”

Dismissal from the TestWhen you have completed testing or when the test session ends, your test materials will be collected and you will be dismissed from the test session. Once you have been offi cially dismissed from the test session, you must leave the testing facility.

Submitting CommentsThe CCTC and NES employ stringent quality-control procedures in preparing test materials. However, if you wish to comment about a test question for any reason, notify the Chief Test Administrator at your test site.

If you have comments about the test site or the conditions under which you took a test, please submit your comments in a letter sent to NES at the address indicated in “Contact Information.” Your letter should be received by NES no later than seven days after your test date.


Obtaining Your Test ResultsRELEASE OF YOUR TEST SCORES

Your test scores will be reported to you, the CCTC, the TSPC (if applicable), and the institution(s) that you indicated when you registered. Your score report will be mailed on the score report date published in “Test Dates.” Keep the original for your permanent records. Your scores may be delayed due to problems with registration or other matters.

Internet Posting of Unofficial ScoresUnoffi cial test results will be available on the Internet by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the Internet posting dates listed in the following table. For each posting period, unoffi cial scores will be available for approximately two weeks. For security reasons, unoffi cial scores may be viewed only once during each posting period.

Test DateInternet Posting Date: Unoffi cial Scores

Reading and Mathematics Writing

August 12, 2006 August 28, 2006 September 5, 2006

October 7, 2006 October 23, 2006 October 30, 2006

December 2, 2006 December 18, 2006 January 2, 2007

February 10, 2007 February 26, 2007 March 5, 2007

April 14, 2007 April 30, 2007 May 7, 2007

June 16, 2007 July 2, 2007 July 9, 2007

Unoffi cial scores are available to you on the Internet regardless of your registration method. However, you must provide your date of birth when you register in order to be able to retrieve your unoffi cial score report information. If you register on the Internet, you may also request that your unoffi cial scores be sent to you by e-mail.

To access your unoffi cial scores on the Internet, go to www.cbest.nesinc.com, select “Score Reporting,” and follow the instructions provided. You will be required to provide your CBEST identifi cation number, which is found on your admission ticket and/or e-mail registration confi rmation, and your date of birth. Your CBEST identifi cation number is unique. For security reasons it cannot be reissued or provided to you by telephone or e-mail.

Scores are provided on the Internet and by e-mail solely to provide you with preliminary, unoffi cial notifi cation of your passing status as quickly as possible. Unoffi cial scores sent by e-mail or posted on the Internet are not acceptable substitutes for an offi cial score report.

Official Examinee Score ReportsYour offi cial score report will be sent to you by U.S. mail on the score report date published in “Test Dates.” Your score report will be sent to the address that you provided during the registration process. If you wish to have your score report sent to a different address, you may complete a Registration Information Correction Form at the test site on the day of the test.

Your score report provides information about your passing status, your highest score earned on each section to date, and other performance information. See “CBEST Passing Requirements” for detailed information about the passing requirements for the CBEST.

Your score report is accompanied by an explanation of how to read your score report. A score report explana-tion is also available by selecting “Score Reporting” on the CBEST Web site, www.cbest.nesinc.com.


If you pass the CBEST, you will receive the following with your score report:

� A Permanent Verifi cation Card, which confi rms that you have passed the CBEST (Retain this for your records.)

� Two transcript copies of your Permanent Verifi cation Card for you to use as may be required by the com-missions, school districts, or colleges and universities

Candidates who are applying for California credentials that require passage of the CBEST are allowed to submit a photocopy of their Permanent Verifi cation Card to the CCTC as part of their application packet. Can-didates who are applying for California credentials and who took the CBEST at any out-of-state site (including those in Oregon), however, must submit one of their original transcript copies of the Permanent Verifi cation Card to the CCTC along with the other materials indicated on the credential application form.

Applicants for Oregon licenses that require passage of the CBEST must submit one of the original transcript copies of the Permanent Verifi cation Card to the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, regardless of where they took the CBEST.

If you have not received your score report by two weeks after the score report date, call NES at (916) 928-4001. Under no circumstances will your offi cial score report information be released in person or by tele-phone, fax, or e-mail.

REQUESTING A SCORE VERIFICATIONAnswer documents for multiple-choice questions are scored by computer using a process that is virtually error free. However, if you believe that an error has been made, you may request a score verifi cation.

A request for score verifi cation must be made in writing and must include your name and the test date. See “Test Fees and Payment Policies” for information about the score verifi cation fee. Payment for score verifi ca-tion must be made by cashier’s check or money order only. Your written request and the correct payment must be mailed to NES and postmarked within three months of the score report date.

In the event that the score verifi cation process results in a score alteration, you will be issued a corrected score report, the score verifi cation fee will be refunded, and your records will be updated. If the original score is confi rmed, you will be sent a letter indicating that the score has been confi rmed. In this case, your score verifi cation fee will not be refunded.

All written responses are scored according to standardized procedures. Scorers with relevant professional backgrounds are oriented to these procedures and are carefully monitored during scoring sessions. As part of the scoring process, written responses are scored by multiple scorers and therefore have essentially already been rescored. Consequently, there is no score verifi cation service for written responses.


You may request additional copies of your test results beginning two weeks after the score report date. Addi-tional copies may be sent to you only. Your request will be processed within one week of its receipt.

To submit your request, please complete the Test Results Request Form and mail it to NES with the appropri-ate payment. This form is found in the printed registration bulletin and is also available to download as a PDF document by selecting “Print Bulletin and Forms (PDF)” on the CBEST Web site.

See “Test Fees and Payment Policies” for information about the fee for obtaining additional copies of your test results. Payment must be made by cashier’s check or money order only.



Canceling Your Test ScoreIf after taking the CBEST you do not want your test scores reported, you may cancel one or more section scores. NES will cancel your scores upon receipt of

� a completed Score Cancellation Form (available at the test site); or

� a written request (include your name, signature, social security number, CBEST identifi cation number, date of birth, test date, and each test section for which you wish to have your scores canceled).

Your cancellation request must be received at NES within seven days of the date on which you took the test. If you choose to cancel your scores, you will not receive a refund or credit of any kind.

If you request that your scores be canceled, your test performance will not be reported to you, to the CCTC or TSPC, as applicable, or to any institution. Your scores will not be entered into any CBEST records; therefore, after the cancellation of your scores, you will not be able to have your scores reported for any purpose.

Voiding of Test Scores by the CCTC, the TSPC, or NESIf you violate one of the Rules of Test Participation or if doubts are raised about the validity or legitimacy of your registration or your scores, NES will notify the CCTC or the TSPC and other parties as deemed appropri-ate by the CCTC or the TSPC.

NES takes reasonable security precautions in developing and administering the CBEST and in processing test scores. The CCTC, the TSPC, and NES reserve the right to void your scores if in their sole opinion there is adequate reason to question your scores’ validity or legitimacy, due to misconduct (including, but not limited to, a violation of the rules set forth in the current registration bulletin, including the Rules of Test Participa-tion, and the rules communicated to you, orally or in writing, at the test administration) or to circumstances within or beyond your control.

Further action may be taken, including denying, revoking, and/or suspending a teaching or services creden-tial, permit, or certifi cate. Other actions, as described in Rule 1 of the Rules of Test Participation, may be taken as deemed appropriate by the CCTC, the TSPC, and/or NES.



Mail to: CBEST Program National Evaluation Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 340880 Sacramento, CA 95834-0880Fax number: (916) 928-6110

Copyright © 2006 by National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®)

“California Basic Educational Skills Test™,” “CBEST®,” and the “CBEST®” logo are trademarks of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®).

“NES®” and its logo are registered trademarks of National Evaluation Systems, Inc.™

Completion of this form signifi es that you are withdrawing your California Basic Educational Skills Test™ (CBEST®) registration. In order for you to receive a refund of the test fee, this form must be postmarked by the regular regis-tration deadline for the test date from which you are withdrawing. Withdrawal/Refund Request Forms may also be faxed to the CBEST Program or completed and submitted via the Internet at the CBEST Web site at www.cbest.nesinc.com. No refunds will be issued for Withdrawal/Refund Request Forms that are postmarked after or sub-mitted after 5:00 p.m. on the regular registration deadline.

3. Name

Last First MiddleInitial

4. Address � Check here if this address is different from the one on your original registration.

P.O. Box or Street Address

State ZIP CodeCity or Town

5. Telephone NumbersDaytime

Area Code


Area Code

1. Social Security Number 2. Date of Birth

Month Day Year

6. Test date from which you are requesting to withdraw:

Test Date Withdrawal Deadline Test Date Withdrawal Deadline

� August 12, 2006 July 14, 2006 � February 10, 2007 January 12, 2007

� October 7, 2006 September 8, 2006 � April 14, 2007 March 16, 2007

� December 2, 2006 November 3, 2006 � June 16, 2007 May 18, 2007

7. I understand that in order for me to receive a refund, this CBEST Withdrawal/Refund Request Form must be postmarked no later than the regular registration deadline for the test date from which I am withdrawing. I certify that I am the person whose name and address appear on this form.

Signature Date



Test Date Change Deadline

August 12, 2006 July 25, 2006

October 7, 2006 September 19, 2006

December 2, 2006 November 14, 2006

February 10, 2007 January 23, 2007

April 14, 2007 March 27, 2007

June 16, 2007 May 29, 2007

IMPORTANT INFORMATION� Use this form if you have already registered for the California Basic Educational Skills Test™ (CBEST®) and

you wish to change the test date and/or the test area for which you originally registered.

� Processing your request to change your test area is dependent on available space.

� Change of Registration Request Forms may be mailed or faxed to the CBEST Program or may also be com-pleted and submitted on the Internet at the CBEST Web site at www.cbest.nesinc.com.

� To change or correct your name, address, or telephone number, submit a letter to National Evaluation Sys-tems, Inc. (NES®), requesting the change. Your letter must be received by the change deadline. You may also correct your name or address by completing a Registration Information Correction Form available at the test site.

� This form must be RECEIVED by 5:00 p.m. on the change deadline for the test date you wish either to change from or change to, whichever is earlier. There is no fee required when submitting this form.

[continued on reverse side]

3. Name

Last First MiddleInitial

4. Address � Check here if this address is different from the one on your original registration.

P.O. Box or Street Address

State ZIP CodeCity or Town

5. Telephone NumbersDaytime

Area Code


Area Code

1. Social Security Number 2. Date of Birth

Month Day Year


Mail to: CBEST Program National Evaluation Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 340880 Sacramento, CA 95834-0880Fax number: (916) 928-6110


6A. Test date for which you originally registered (check one):

� August 12, 2006

� October 7, 2006

� December 2, 2006

� February 10, 2007

� April 14, 2007

� June 16, 2007

6B. New test date: If you are changing your test date, check one new date on which you wish to take the test:

� August 12, 2006

� October 7, 2006

� December 2, 2006

� February 10, 2007

� April 14, 2007

� June 16, 2007

� Future test date (You will receive a voucher that you may use to register for a future test date.)

8. I have read the 2006–2007 CBEST Registration Bulletin and hereby agree to abide by the conditions set forth in the bulletin, including the Rules of Test Participation, and I certify that I am the person whose name and address appear on this form. I understand that incomplete, inaccurate, or missing information on this form may delay or jeopardize my registration. Also, I understand that this Change of Registration Request Form must be received by National Evaluation Systems, Inc., by the change deadline for the test date I wish either to change from or change to, whichever is earlier.

Signature Date


Copyright © 2006 by National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®)

“California Basic Educational Skills Test™,” “CBEST®,” and the “CBEST®” logo are trademarks of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®).

“NES®” and its logo are registered trademarks of National Evaluation Systems, Inc.™

7A. Test area for which you originally registered (see “Test Sites”):

Code Area

7B. New test area: If you are changing your test area, enter the new area at which you want to take the test (see “Test Sites”).

Code Area

Complete sections 6A and 7A regardless of the changes you wish to make.

For sections 6B and 7B, complete only the change(s) in registration you wish to make.



Mail to: CBEST Program National Evaluation Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 340880 Sacramento, CA 95834-0880

3. Name

Last First MiddleInitial

4. Address

P.O. Box or Street Address

State ZIP CodeCity or Town

5. Telephone NumbersDaytime

Area Code


Area Code

1. Social Security Number 2. Date of Birth

Month Day Year

The deadline for submission of requests and all necessary documentation for alternative testing arrangements is the regular registration deadline. Because of space, staff, and time constraints, there can be no assurance that requests received after this deadline can be accommodated.

6. Test date for which you are registering (check one):

� August 12, 2006

� October 7, 2006

� December 2, 2006

� February 10, 2007

� April 14, 2007

� June 16, 2007

8. � Check here if you are requesting a Sunday administration because you are unable to take the test on the regularly scheduled Saturday administration due to your religious convictions. You must enclose a letter from a member of the clergy, written on that person’s professional letterhead, stating that your religious convic-tions prohibit Saturday testing. (Proceed to #13 if your only request is for an alternative test date.)

7. Test area for which you are registering (see “Test Sites”):

First Choice

Second ChoiceCode


[continued on reverse side]



Fax number: (916) 928-6110If you are submitting this form and your docu-mentation by fax, please call NES at (916) 928-4001 or (800) 262-5080 to confi rm that all of your faxed materials have been received.


Copyright © 2006 by National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®)

“California Basic Educational Skills Test™,” “CBEST®,” and the “CBEST®” logo are trademarks of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®).

“NES®” and its logo are registered trademarks of National Evaluation Systems, Inc.™

12. Previous alternative testing arrangements (check one of the following):

� I have not previously been granted alternative testing arrangements for the California Basic Educational Skills Test™ (CBEST®).

� For a previous administration of the CBEST, I was granted the same alternative testing arrangements as I am currently requesting. (Indicate the most recent test date: __________)

� For a previous administration of the CBEST, I was granted different alternative testing arrangements from those that I am currently requesting. (Please explain, including the test date: _______________________



9. Identify your disability that requires alternative testing arrangements. Use the specifi c terminology for your diagnosed disability.

11. Documentation (check one of the following):

� I am requesting an alternative testing arrangement listed below because of a disability. (Medical documen-tation is not required for the following accommodations.)� Wheelchair-accessible facilities� Frequent breaks (e.g., for those with hypoglycemia or diabetes)� Use of a magnifying glass, color overlays, or a ruler (e.g., for those with a visual impairment)� Use of a pen for a written assignment (e.g., for those with a motor impairment)� Written copy of the oral directions (e.g., for those with a hearing impairment)

� I am requesting alternative testing arrangements other than those listed above because of a physical dis-ability (e.g., visual impairment). Therefore, I have enclosed documentation, if required, as indicated in “Reg-istering for Alternative Testing Arrangements.”

� I am requesting alternative testing arrangements because of a disability other than physical (e.g., learning disability). Therefore, I have enclosed documentation, if required, as indicated in “Registering for Alternative Testing Arrangements.”

10. List the specifi c alternative testing arrangement(s) that you are requesting.

13. I have read the 2006–2007 CBEST Registration Bulletin and hereby agree to abide by the conditions set forth in the bulletin, including the Rules of Test Participation, and I certify that I am the person whose name and address appear on this form. I have completed my test registration and submitted correct payment. I am submitting, together with this completed Alternative Testing Arrangements Request Form, any required documentation as noted in the bulletin. I understand that the deadline for submission of these materials is the regular registra-tion deadline and that, because of space, staff, and time constraints, there can be no assurance that requests received after this deadline can be accommodated. I understand and agree that the alternative testing arrange-ments I have requested herein will be given due consideration. If, and to the extent that, any such request is granted, I understand that I will be taking the test under alternative conditions.

Signature Date



Mail to: CBEST Program National Evaluation Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 340880 Sacramento, CA 95834-0880

� The fee for an additional copy of your test results is $15; the fee must be paid by money order or cashier’s check made payable to National Evaluation Systems, Inc.

� Your additional copy will be sent to the address on your original registration unless you check the box below indicating a change of address.

� This copy is in addition to the one you automatically received approximately four weeks after the test date. Allow two to four weeks from receipt of your request for delivery.

3. Name

Last First MiddleInitial

4. Address � Check here if this address is different from the one on your most recent registration.

P.O. Box or Street Address

State ZIP CodeCity or Town

5. Telephone NumbersDaytime

Area Code


Area Code

1. Social Security Number 2. Date of Birth

Month Day Year

� Check here if this name is different from the one on your California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST®) records.

6. Test date on which you last took the CBEST:

Month Year

7. I certify that I am the person whose name and address appear on this form.

Signature Date

Copyright © 2006 by National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®)

“California Basic Educational Skills Test™,” “CBEST®,” and the “CBEST®” logo are trademarks of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®).

“NES®” and its logo are registered trademarks of National Evaluation Systems, Inc.™

Payable by money order or cashier’s check only.

5/06 CVCBT-RB-200607 L01

2006–2007 TEST DATESTest Date Regular Registration

DeadlineLate Registration

Deadline(additional fee applies)

Emergency Registration Deadline

(additional fee applies)

Offi cial Score Report Mailing Date

August 12, 2006 July 14, 2006 August 1, 2006 August 8, 2006 September 5, 2006

October 7, 2006 September 8, 2006 September 26, 2006 October 3, 2006 October 30, 2006

December 2, 2006 November 3, 2006 November 21, 2006 November 28, 2006 January 2, 2007

February 10, 2007 January 12, 2007 January 30, 2007 February 6, 2007 March 5, 2007

April 14, 2007 March 16, 2007 April 3, 2007 April 10, 2007 May 7, 2007

June 16, 2007 May 18, 2007 June 5, 2007 June 12, 2007 July 9, 2007

The deadline for submission of requests and all necessary documentation for alternative testing arrangements is the regular registration deadline. Because of space, staff, and time constraints, there can be no assurance that requests received after this deadline can be accommodated.

Internet Registration To register via the Internet, your registration must be completed by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the registration deadline for the


U.S. Mail Registration To register by mail during the regular registration period, your registration materials must be postmarked by the regular

registration deadline. During the late registration period, your registration materials must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the late registration deadline.

Telephone Registration To register by telephone, call (916) 928-4001, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time, Monday–Friday, excluding holidays. You must

call by 5:00 p.m. Pacifi c time on the registration deadline for the period.
