English CIU 2011 Final


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Nombre del estudiante: ____________________________________ Sección: ___________________________

Abril – Julio 2011

English CIU Compiled, adapted and revised by Rubena St. Louis, Marta Trías and Silvia Pereira. Proof-reading by Yris Casart in 2008. Updated by Carlos Mayora in February 2009. Departamento de Idiomas Universidad Simón Bolívar Apartado 89.000 Caracas 1080A, Venezuela (212) 906-3780 phone http://www.id.usb.ve E-mail: dep-id@usb.ve Copyright © 2009 Rubena St. Louis Editing and proof reading by Silvia Pereira, Marta Trías and Carlos Mayora for the compilation, adaptation and 2011 edition. The materials in this guide have been written, adapted and/or selected for their value in helping university students of English CIU. Credit for selections is given to the respective copyright holders. Please get in touch with us if you think credit is due for any particular section. This guide is solely intended for compulsory academic use in the course English CIU. Commercialization outside the USB is strictly prohibited.

Table of Contents Introducción Contents Overview Unit 1: Fashion and food

………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………



Lesson 1: Fads or trends …………………………………………………… 7 Lesson 2: Fast vs. slow food …………………………………………………… 20 Lesson 3: Colour symbols …………………………………………………… 31 Lesson 4: Chocolate …………………………………………………… 41 Unit 2: People and nature

Lesson 5: Humans or robots? …………………………………………………… 53 Lesson 6: Can animals think? …………………………………………………… 65 Lesson 7: Antarctica …………………………………………………… 75 Lesson 8: A fantasy world …………………………………………………… 84 Apéndice I: Material para el aprendizaje autónomo – Estilos de aprendizaje y vocabulario.


92 Apéndice II: Material para el aprendizaje autónomo - Gramática




La Guía de Inglés para el Ciclo de Iniciación Universitaria es el resultado de un

esfuerzo por facilitar al estudiante un nivel lingüístico básico necesario para enfrentar

con éxito los estudios de idioma inglés incluidos en las diferentes carreras que ofrece la

Universidad Simón Bolívar. Está diseñada para el joven estudiante venezolano que

recién finaliza estudios de secundaria y quiere realizar con éxitos sus estudios de idioma

inglés en el medio académico.

De igual forma, la Guía Inglés CIU busca consolidar, ampliar y enriquecer los

conocimientos de inglés adquiridos en el Bachillerato pero incorporando un cambio de

actitud hacia el aprendizaje de inglés de manera más autónoma, amena y motivadora.

Los contenidos incluidos en esta Guía provienen en la aplicación de pruebas de

detección de necesidades y los temas fueron escogidos pensando en los jóvenes y en sus


La presente Guía está dividida en tres unidades de cuatro lecciones cada una, las

cuales incluyen lecturas, ejercicios y explicaciones; una sección de vocabulario que el

estudiante debe aprender o consolidar en este nivel; una sección de estilos y estrategias

de aprendizaje; y, por último, una sección de gramática básica con ejercicios para que el

estudiante adquiera un nivel mínimo indispensable que lo ayude a asegurar y aumentar

sus conocimientos de inglés para el estudio autónomo.

Las autoras

Las autoras


Lesson Discussion Vocabulary 1. Fads or trends?

Effect of technology on our society: Emergence of a new language. – texting Piercing: What we should know about it.

Reviewing words used for asking questions. Looking at words used in text messages. Looking at words related to cell phones and technology. Reviewing words related to parts of the body.

2. Fast vs slow food. Fast food in our society today: What foods are good for us?

Reviewing words related to food.

3. Colour symbols Project: 1. Colours and society. 2. Colours in music.

Colour and fashion in different countries in the past and in the future.

Reviewing colours. Reviewing professions. Reviewing adjectives commonly used in English.

4. Chocolate Copies of the text “The history of chocolate” must be made for the students. It is not in their SB.

Looking at the discovery of chocolate. Chocolate in Venezuela.

Reviewing words related to chocolate. Reviewing common verbs with regular past tense endings. Reviewing common verbs with irregular past tense endings.


Grammar Strategy Additional material Reviewing sentence structure. Reviewing different parts of speech in English. Reviewing the role of nouns in a sentence. Reviewing the different types of nouns in English.

Activating schemata for text comprehension. Using Word webs for vocabulary learning. Using the dictionary to find the meaning of unknown words. Using graphic organisers for summarising information.

Making compound nouns. Same word, different meaning.

Reviewing the role of verbs in a sentence. Recognising different tenses in English.

Activating schemata using images. Using the dictionary for finding new words. Guessing vocabulary meaning from context. Inferring information from a text.

Making nouns from verbs. Selecting the correct verb for a text construction.

Reviewing the use of adjectives in English. Reviewing the position of adjectives in an English sentence.

Using images to learn new vocabulary. Using images for word association. Using the dictionary to find different parts of speech for the same word.

People and professions. Turning nouns into adjectives. Using word webs to extend vocabulary.

Reviewing of the role of the past tense in English. Construction of the regular and irregular form of the past tense.

Word association. Using images to activate vocabulary. Using images for prediction Using a graphic organiser to summarise information.

Following a recipe. Writing a recipe. Writing the correct form of regular and irregular verbs in a text.


Lesson Discussion Vocabulary 5. Humans or robots? Writing project

The use of robots and robotics in society today.

Reviewing verbs that illustrate action. Reviewing verbs that show capabilities. Reviewing parts of the body.

6. Can animals think? Writing assignment

What is intelligence? Can animals be intelligent?

Reviewing animals. Reviewing words related to feelings. Reviewing words related to mental abilities

7. Antarctica; An unexplored continent.

Unexplored places. Countries and places in South America.

Reviewing words related to geography. Reviewing common adjectives in English.

8. A fantasy world Writing project

The interest in the fantasy worlds created by Tolkien, Rowling and Lewis: From books to films.

Reviewing words related to literature and fantasy. Looking at words with negative and/or positive connotations. Reviewing words related to games.


Grammar Strategy Additional material Reviewing the use of modal verb CAN. Reviewing the role of prepositions in English.

Using prior knowledge to activate schemata on topic. Using schemata for predictions Using images to activate vocabulary. Working as a group to make a list of words. Checking predictions. Using graphic organisers for summarising information.

Using images for descriptions. Writing the endings for sentences. Proofreading sentences.

Reviewing the role of pronouns in English. Looking at the types of pronouns.

Using a semantic map for vocabulary learning. Using images to activate vocabulary. Comparing animals and humans.

Turning verbs into abstract nouns. Selecting the correct noun for pronoun referent.

Reviewing the role of adjectives in a sentence. Reviewing the construction of the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective.

Using semantic maps for word association. Predicting information. Sharing information with classmates.

Selecting the correct verb and verb tense for text completion.

Reviewing the role of the passive and active voice in English sentences. Reviewing the construction of the passive in English. Reviewing past participle in English.

Using the dictionary to find the meaning of unknown words. Using words and images to create a story. Using a quiz for prediction of information in a text.

Using the passive voice for text construction of a film review.



UNIT 1: Fashion & Food


Unit 1: Lesson 1

Fad or trend? A fad is something, a hair style for example, that is popular with a small group of people for a short period of time. A trend, on the other hand, is something that gains popularity with society over a long period of time. Do the images above represent fads or trends?

What do you think? Look at the image below. With a classmate discuss what it says about our society.

Here are some WH questions you can use.

Where is he? What is he doing? Why is he doing it? What about you? Here are some questions for you to answer. Use your dictionary to find the words you want to use. Then, share your information with the class.

What special options does your cell phone have?

How much money do you spend on

your phone?

How much time do you spend on the phone every day?

Who do you send text messages to?

What do you do if

you forget your cell at home?







Options available:

Money I spend on cell:

People I text:

Time I spend on cell:


Let’s look at a fad? Or a trend?.........Cell phones

Almost everyone has one; no one leaves home without it. The cell phone. It’s hard to believe that only 20 years ago, very few people had even heard of the cell phone and only business executives owned one. Today, the cell phone is a low-cost personal item. In many parts of the world, there are more cell phones than land line phones. In Europe, there are even more cell phones than people! Its growth is amazing. In Luxembourg, there are 158

subscriptions per 100 people while in India about 6 million mobile phones are added every month. In its most basic form, a cell phone is a wireless telephone or two-way radio. When you speak into the phone, your voice is converted into radio waves. These waves travel through the air until they reach a receiver at a cell phone tower. The station then sends the waves through the telephone network to the person you are calling. Today, customers can not only make and receive phone calls but send and receive text messages, listen to music and take photographs. Major communication companies like Nokia, Siemens and Sony Ericcson have been perfecting the technology to produce newer and better models. The latest technology is 3G. This offers customers a number of high speed mobile services which include e-mail, games, photomessaging, video calling and messaging, news and information services and a Personal Information Management system with notes, calendars and to-do lists. Cell phones have also influenced our social life and our behaviour. A recent study carried out by Context, a Baltimore consumer company, reported that cells phones are the principal medium through which teenagers socialize and that those who do not have a phone might feel excluded from their peer group. People are now asked to turn their phones off in places of public performances, like during concerts and at the theatre and in certain public places, like the library or the bank. In countries like Israel, Italy and the United Kingdom, drivers are not allowed to use cell phones while they drive. A new “language” is also being created by those who send text messages. In only 20 years the cell phone has changed the way in which we live, work, play and communicate.

Looking at vocabulary: 1. Word representation

What do these images represent? ________________________ ________________________ ________________________


Go back to the text and find the words which are related to the images. Write them in the space provided.

2. Technology and language Users of cell phones are creating a new language. Can you find the word or phrase from the box which matches the text message abbreviation? Is there a Spanish equivalent? If so, write it in the corresponding column. Text message abbreviation

Corresponding meaning Spanish equivalent

MUSM _________________________ __________________________ ASAP _________________________ __________________________ 7K _________________________ __________________________ GTSY _________________________ __________________________ WUF _________________________ __________________________ CM _________________________ __________________________ F? _________________________ __________________________ EZY _________________________ __________________________

Call me Friends? Glad to see you Don’t know As soon as possible Easy Hugs and kisses Be right back Where are you from? Miss you so much Sick I love you too

Can you write the text message abbreviations for the four not used in the first exercise.

Text abbreviation Meaning 1. ________________________ ___________________________________________ 2. ________________________ ___________________________________________ 3. ________________________ ___________________________________________ 4. ________________________ ___________________________________________




















Modern cell phones have quickly become essential items in our society. A B C D C A B E F B

Grammar review: Parts of speech Words play an important part in communication. They all have special roles that help them transmit information. In English, there are eight (8) different kinds of words. We have nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, articles and conjunctions. Look at the example below:

A adjective C verb E preposition B noun D adverb F pronoun

A word can also play more than one role. Use your dictionary to find the Spanish equivalent of the following words. Look closely at the part of speech. Dictionary example:

Walk: /sustantivo/ caminata /verbo/ caminar English word

Part of speech

Spanish equivalent

Example in an English sentence.


________ ________ ________ ________

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________




________ ________

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________



__________________________________________ __________________________________________

The words “fast” and “light” can play different roles and have different meanings according to the context in which they are used. So it is important that we identify the role each word plays in the sentence to be able to understand the message or to be able to look for the correct word meaning in our dictionary. In Unit 1, we will be reviewing nouns, verbs and adjectives. Let’s begin.


Looking at nouns: A noun is the word we use to name a person, place, animal, thing or idea. There are 5 classes of nouns: proper, common, concrete, abstract and collective. Examples are taken from the text.

A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, idea or thing.

Example: Nokia, Europe

A common noun is the name given to a person, place or idea in general. Example: customer, phone

A concrete noun names a thing that can be touched, seen, heard, smelt or tasted. It

names tangible things. Example: telephone, person

An abstract noun names an idea, a feeling or a state or being. It names things that

cannot be touched, seen, heard, smelt or tasted. Example: life, service

A collective noun is the name given to a group or a unit.

Example: people, group

Working with the text. Finding examples of nouns.

Go back to the text on cell phones. Find examples of the different kinds of nouns. Use your dictionary to find the Spanish equivalent of each word. What information does the dictionary give you about the word?

Class of noun Example Spanish equivalent Dictionary entry

Proper __________________ __________________ __________

__________________ __________________ __________

Common __________________ __________________ __________ __________________ __________________ __________

Concrete __________________ __________________ __________

__________________ __________________ __________

Abstract __________________ __________________ __________

__________________ __________________ __________

Collective __________________ __________________ __________ __________________ __________________ __________


Looking at proper and common nouns Find five (5) other examples of proper nouns in the text. Copy them below. _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Find five (5) other examples of any type of common nouns. Copy them below. _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Now look closely at the way in which these nouns are written. What do you see? Nouns are singular when they refer to only one person, place, idea or thing, or plural referring to more than one. Look at these phrases taken from the text. What do you notice about:

1) the endings of the nouns. What do you see? ** 2) the verb endings. What do you see?

Singular nouns Plural nouns

A cell phone is a wireless telephone…. There are 158 subscriptions…. The station then sends the waves….. ..cell phones are the principal medium.. A new language is also being created… These waves travel through the air…. ** Look at the irregular noun endings in the student file.

Work it out and write the rule

Look at the examples above. Decide with a classmate on the general rules for the use and formation of nouns.

In English, a proper noun is written with a __________________ letter. The plural of many nouns is formed by adding _____________ to the singular form of the noun. Nouns agree in ____________________ with the verb.


Game time

Play the “Challenge” game: Noun type and meaning

1. Form groups of four. 2. In each group, think of at least twenty (20) nouns that you know in English. You may

need more than 20 as both teams might have the same words. 3. Be sure to know the correct Spanish equivalent of these nouns. 4. Decide with your group what class your group of nouns belongs to. 5. When answering, group members can decide together on the class of the noun given by

the opposing team. 6. Each member of the group must take a turn answering. 7. Challenge your opposing group.

a. Say the name of your noun. b. Let the other group give the type of noun. c. If the answer is correct, the opposing group gets 1 point. d. If the answer is incorrect, your group gets 1 point. e. You can also challenge the opposing team by asking for the meaning of the

noun in Spanish. Challenges are worth one point each! 8. The first group to get 20 points wins!

Another fad or trend? This fad or trend involves the use of needles and jewelry in the human body. Can you identify the parts of the face that can be worked on? Write the Spanish equivalent in the space provided.

Now, write the letter on the corresponding part of the face. On what other parts of the body can this technique be used? Write at least four other parts of the body which can be pierced in the space below. Other parts of the body which can be pierced are: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Spanish equivalent

a. Cheek ________________________________

b. Ear _________________________________

c. Eye _________________________________

d. Eyebrow _________________________________

e. Neck _________________________________

f. Nose _________________________________

g. Lip _________________________________


What do you think?

Why do people get a piercing? Do you have one? Do you know of someone who

had had one done? Share your ideas with the class.

With a partner, make a list of the things you should do before and after you get a piercing.

Before I get a piercing done: After I get a piercing done:

Now let’s read the text.

Body piercing Body piercing has existed in many cultures for centuries. The Greeks, Egyptians and Romans pierced and tattooed their bodies. They did this to show a person’s importance in a social group or to protect them from evil.

Today, many young people worldwide are having their bodies pierced. It seems to be the current trend. If you’re thinking of getting a piercing, here are a few things you should know.

Make sure that the body piercing studio uses clean, sterilized piercing equipment. You can get a serious infection, including HIV, if the needles have not been sterilized properly.

Buy the right kind of jewelry for the area that you want pierced. If the jewelry is too small, it can restrict the flow of blood to the area and that will lead to swelling and pain. If the jewelry is too heavy, too thin or if you are allergic to the metal it is made from, your body will reject it.

Find out about the risks associated with the different parts of your body that you pierce. For example, if you have a tongue piercing, the metal jewelry might damage your gums and chip the enamel of your teeth. If you want a navel pierce, remember that the area needs air to help the healing process. Tight clothing might irritate the area and cause infection.

You should then check the type of jewelry you can use. Implant grade stainless steel jewelry is the best as your body is less likely to reject it. 18K gold should be used for a new piercing and 14K for an old one. Use sterling silver only on healed areas and never in moist areas of the body as the mouth or genitals. People who are highly sensitive to metal should use Teflon or nylon.


After you have had the piercing, here are some things to remember:

Wash your hands with soap and water before touching the pierced areas Keep things clean which will come into contact with the area. For example, clean

your cell phone if you have an ear piercing. Wear loose fitting clothes if you have a navel pierce. Check your jewelry to see if any parts have become loose. This is especially

important if you have a tongue pierce. Rinse your tongue or lip piercing after every meal. Use an antibacterial, alcohol-

free mouthwash. Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals to help your body heal.

If you decide to pierce a part of your body, try to keep this information in mind to reduce any harm to your body. Rating what I learnt Go back to what you wrote on your “Before and after piercing” list. Compare it to the information in the text. On a scale of 1 (I learnt nothing new) to five (Everything was new), rate the amount of new information you got from this text. Circle the number.

1 2 3 4 5

Looking at vocabulary Look at the pictures below. Identify the part of the body which has a piercing. Write the word under the corresponding picture.

______________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____________

Word web Go back to the text and find words which you can associate with the words found in the circles below. Write them around the word.

infection tongue-piercing


A piece of advice: Piercings and jewelry What should we know about the jewelry we choose? Go through the text and find this information. Put it in the corresponding place on the graphic organizer.

On your own

Would you like to have a piercing? What parts of your body would you like to pierce? Go back to the face and mark the spot with a P.

My recommendations Look at these images of piercings. Choose two (2) and write recommendations

for people who would like to pierce this part of their body. Add any general advice.

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Working on your vocabulary. Remember to work on your vocabulary by adding the words from today’s unit to your personal Leitner Manual Computer box.

Checking up on Grammar Look at page 105 for additional explanations and exercises on parts of speech.


Additional Vocabulary and grammar exercises for Lesson 1. Word builder: Making compound nouns In English we can create new words by joining two other words together. Let’s see how it is done using NOUNS. 1. Combine nouns from columns 1 and 2 to make a new word. Write this word in column 3.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

police driver ___________________________ kitchen paste ___________________________ water officer ___________________________

table scraper ___________________________

wall phone ___________________________ bird towel ___________________________

office cloth ___________________________

cell paper ___________________________ taxi office ___________________________

tooth building ___________________________ head melon ___________________________

sky song ___________________________

1b. Now fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the most appropriate word from column 3.

1. When the weather is hot, many people like to eat _________________________.

2. There is a new brand of __________________________ for people with sensitive gums.

3. I will begin to work at the ________________________ of the bank which is downtown.

4. When my father lost his job, he began to work as a _____________________________.

5. Use the ____________________________ to dry the dishes.

cup teacup tea

cell phone cellphone


2. See how many words you can make with these three nouns. Write the new words in the space below the corresponding noun. Then look up the words in the dictionary. Now select two (2) other nouns from columns 1 & 2. Write each word in a circle below. Then create as many new words as you can. Write them below the corresponding noun. Look up your words in the dictionary. Do they exist in English? __________________ What do your words mean? Do they mean the same? Some words in English have more than one meaning. The same noun is missing from the pair of sentences. Can you select the correct noun from the box to fill in the blanks? Then look up the word in your dictionary. Write the Spanish equivalent in the space provided.

1a. John won the 500 meter ____________________at the University track meeting. 1b. Many people suffer discrimination because of their ____________________. 1a.________________ ________________________________________________________ 1b.________________ ________________________________________________________

2a. The car ________________ was filled with suitcases for our family trip. 2b. The elephant uses its ____________________ as a weapon when angry. 1a.________________ _________________________________________________________ 1b.________________ _________________________________________________________

3a. Be sure to go to the ____________________ to ask for that loan. We need it. 3b. I always go for long walks along the river ________________ when on holiday. 3a.________________ __________________________________________________________ 3b.________________ __________________________________________________________


room brush bag


Unit 1: Lesson 2 Fast vs. slow food We spend a lot of time eating. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner. These are our main meals. Of course, we also have snacks, like popcorn or a piece of cake, but many of us also like to eat “Fast food”. Look at the images below. Which ones do you think are “fast food”? Write “FF” next to the image.

a. _ _____ b. ____ c. _____

d. ____ e. ____ f. _____ Can you name the foods above? Work with a classmate and try to identify each one of the images. They check your answers with another pair. a ________________________________ b ________________________________ c ________________________________ d ________________________________ e ________________________________ f ________________________________ What are examples of fast food where you live?

__________________________________ __________________________________ Fast Food in ___________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Here are some questions for you. Share your answers with the class.

Do you eat fast foods? ________________________________

What kind of fast foods do you eat? ________________________________

When do you usually eat this type of food? __________________________


What am I called in English? Can you remember what these foods are called in English? If not, look at the box below. The letters have been scrambled. Unscramble each one and then write the English word below its corresponding image. The first letter of each word is given.

L___________ A__________ T_________ B __________ B_________

C__________ F_________ S__________ R______ E_________ tmoaot egsg appesl hisf ucleett cenckhi sagaeus barde reic banse Now let’s take a look at Fast Food.

Some interesting facts about Fast Food…. We eat them all the time, burgers, hotdogs and pizzas. They are all examples of

fast food, items that can be prepared and served quickly. If we are in a hurry, we drop in at a McDonald’s ® or Kentucky Fried Chicken® outlet for a quick meal, or we can buy frozen pizza at the supermarket and heat it up at home. But are fast foods an invention of the 20th century? Apparently not. In Ancient Rome, citizens could buy food from bread and olive stands and in 100 BC, Hillel the Elder became the first person to make a sandwich. He put a mixture of chopped nuts, apples, spices and wine between two slices of matzohs, a flat bread made of flour and water. However, the sandwich got its name from John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich who lived in England. In 1762, he asked for dried meat to be placed between two pieces of bread so he could continue playing cards while he ate. In the Middle Ages, people in England ate pies filled with chicken and wildfowl and those who lived near the sea ate seafood cooked on the quay. In the Middle East, there was falafel and Flatbread and in Asia people visited noodle shops. In India, fast foods included Papri Chaat, Bhelpuri and Dahi Vada and in some parts of West Africa, char-grilled meat sticks were sold on the roadside, as they still are sold today. The hot dog dates back to the 9th century although it was Charles Feltman, a German immigrant to the United States, who first put the sausage into a roll, making the hotdog we know today. That was in 1867. So fast food wasn’t invented by a modern society constantly on the go. It has been around for as long as Man has, fulfilling our need for food whenever and wherever we might be.


Let’s see if you can match the image of the fast food to its name and the country with which it is associated. Write the word and country below each image.

______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Looking at vocabulary: Good vs. Bad food?

Why do we eat fast foods? Are they good for us? In groups of three, make a list of the foods you think are good for you. Use your dictionary to find the English equivalent of the words you want to say.

Share your list with the class. Write any new word in the Class list page.

Fast Food Countries/World zone sandwich noodles USA Middle East hot dog pies England Asia falafel olives West Africa India

Our list Class list


Looking at vocabulary: Guessing meaning from context Here are some words that can be used to describe food. See if you can guess the meaning of the words in this exercise. Select the correct option for the underlined word in each one.

Which is a traditional Venezuelan breakfast? a. pancakes b. arepa with cheese c. croissants Which is a healthy snack for a child? a. chocolate chip cookies b. ice cream with syrup c. apples An example of fresh fruit is: a. fruits in a can b. fruits on a tree c. dried fruits Which parts of your body do you use to taste food? a. mouth and tongue b. legs and feet c. shoulder and hands Go back to word list. Write the meaning of each in your own words. Which of the words would you use to describe Fast Foods? Grammar review: Verbs Let’s look at another class of word that plays a very important role in a sentence….a verb.

Look at the following sentences taken from the text. What role does the underlined word play in each sentence? What does it do?

1. Many people eat hotdogs, burgers and pizzas all the time. 2. Some foods travel very long distances to reach their destinations. 3. Hilder the Elder became the first man to make a sandwich. 4. I believed that fast food began in the 20th century.

Words which describe fast foods are:

Tasty: ______________________________________________ Healthy: ______________________________________________ Traditional: ______________________________________________ Fresh: ______________________________________________


Verbs can be called “doing or action” words because many of them describe actions as, for example, in the first two sentences, eat and travel. However, some verbs also describe existence or states, like become and believe. We also have auxiliary or helping verbs. These are used with the main verb to form phrases of two or more words. Can you determine which verbs are auxiliaries in these sentences? Underline them. What are the main verbs? Circle them.

1. Fast food is reaching more and more parts of the world today. 2. Some parents have decided to replace snacks for healthier foods.

Some verbs also need to be followed by additional information. This information often answers the questions: What? Who? Why? When? How? Where? Look at the sentences we have used. Can you find the additional information?

Work it out and write the rule! Where are verbs usually found in a sentence? Look at the examples below. With a classmate, work out where verbs are generally placed in an English sentence. First, find and underline the verbs.

1. Big companies produce much of our food today. 2. Italians know and love good food. 3. Many people think that fast food is a bad idea.

In an English sentence, verbs usually come _______________ the ________________ and

before the __________________________________.

Go back to the text. Choose a paragraph and Underline the verbs. Copy them into the box.

Paragraph: ________________ Verbs found:

Now that we’ve looked at fast foods, let’s turn to slow food. Have you ever heard of the Slow Food Movement? If not, read ahead.


Slow food

While some people love to eat fast food, others are fighting against it. An Italian named Carlo Petrini started a movement called Slow Food. What does this mean? The members of this group believe that we should eat food that tastes good and is produced in a clean way which does not harm the environment or our health. Have you ever heard older people complain about the insipid taste of fruits and vegetables? Well, this occurs because produce must be picked when they are

still not yet ripe so that they can be shipped thousands of kilometres away to other countries. With slow food, fruits and vegetables are allowed to ripen before they are harvested. The result is quality ingredients and good, tasty and nutritious food at the end.

Think about it Here are some questions for you to think about concerning the differences

between fast and slow food producers. Read each question and then circle the most appropriate answer.

1. What kind of farmer would members of the Slow Food movement buy from?

a. large scale producer b. small farmer 2. Would the food grown on these small farms be:

a. cheap b. expensive? 3. Would people prefer to buy food grown on a:

a. large farm b. small farm? Would you join the Slow Food movement? Why? Why not?

Looking at tenses In English, we use three basic tenses: present, past and future. Each of these tenses

also has a progressive form, indicating that the action is still taking place and a perfect form, indicating that the action was completed. We also have two voices: the active voice and the passive voice. You will meet some of these forms later on. For now, it is important that you recognise them when you see these structures in texts.


Simple Forms Progressive Forms Perfect Forms Present speak/s am/is/are speaking have/has spoken is/are spoken Past spoke was/were speaking had spoken was/were spoken

Future will/shall speak will be speaking will have spoken will be spoken


Recognising the different tenses Read the following excerpt which was adapted from http://blog.oup.com/2007/05/food_trend/, a blog on food. Underline the different tenses you find in the text.

When the first McDonald’s restaurant opened in Rome in 1986, Carlo Petrini was deeply concerned. He believed that the industrialization of food was standardizing taste and leading to the loss of thousands of local and regional foods. He launched the Slow Food movement in Barolo, Italy. Slow Food International was started in Paris three years later. Its major publication is Slow: The International Herald of Tastes; The Magazine of the Slow Food Movement. Today, Slow Food is active in fifty countries and has a worldwide membership of more than 80,000. Since its inception, the movement has expanded to tackle issues such as the industrialization of agriculture and the health and environmental impact of the fast food industry. It is dedicated to preserving endangered food ways, celebrating local food traditions, such as animal breeds and heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables, and promoting artisanal products. It advocates economic sustainability and bio diversity through educational events and public outreach programs. Now place the verbs in the corresponding column. Then check with a classmate.

Missing Ad verbs

This ad for the Slow Food Organisation was taken from http//www.slowfood.com. But all of the verbs in the ad are missing. Read the text. Then select the most appropriate verb from the box to be placed in the empty slot. You do not have to change verb tenses.

Slow Food _______________a non-profit, eco-gastronomic member-supported organization that

_______________in 1989 to _______________fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local

food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in the food they _______________, where it

_______________, how it _______________and how our food choices _______________the rest

of the world. Today, we _______________ over 85,000 members in 132 countries.

_______________more about us and what we_______________ .

do eat comes from find out was born is drink leaves affect was produced allow have tastes counteract was founded


Simple Forms Progressive Forms Perfect Forms





On your own. Some of the information from the article on fast food in other countries has been partially deleted. Can you help recreate it by choosing the correct information to go

into the spaces in the document? Use the images as well as the words in the box to help you.

There are many different kinds of fast food in countries around the world. For example, in Japan people eat ____________. This is sticky ___________ served with raw ___________. In Western countries, rolls filled with _____________, ___________ or cucumber are also very popular.

In the Netherlands, a popular fast food ____________French fries, meat and sauce. Mayonnaise _________ the most common sauce although spiced ketchup or peanut sauce ___________. The frikandel ________a long, dark-skinned sausage which _____________ in deep fat and served with fries and salad.

is is fried is used served consists of is In the Far East, fast food is made up of some kinds of ___________, __________ or _______________. Most of the food is fried.

Finally, in the Middle East there are kebab houses. The meat, lamb, beef or mutton, ___________ from a rotisserie, a vertical spit. It _____________ on a warm

tortilla with salad.

fried eat is cut is served


Game time: Here are two games you can choose to play. You can either review your knowledge of food and drink by playing Hangman, or you might want to try the Mime game. See if the opposing team can guess the verb you are miming.

Let’s play Hangman! Before playing 1. Teams think of a number to select the order of the game. The turns will be according to this number. If the first team cannot answer, the second team will be given a chance to answer.

1. Form groups of four. 2. In each group, think of twenty (20) words which represent food and drink. You may

need more than twenty as other teams might have the same words as you. 3. Be sure to know the correct Spanish equivalent of your words. 4. Select one member of the group to go to the board. 5. Draw lines to represent the letter of your word. 6. Give the members of the other groups opportunity to call out a letter. 7. The group that can spell the word wins 1 point. 8. If no group can spell the word, your group gets 1 point

You can also challenge the opposing team by asking for the meaning of the noun in Spanish. Challenges are worth one point each!

The first group to get 20 points wins! The Mime game

The objective of the game is to try to guess the verb being mimed by the opposing team. No spoken words are allowed in this game. Teams will be given a number and should play in turn.

1. Form groups of four. 2. Make a list of at least 10 verbs. 3. Think of actions that can represent the verbs chosen. 4. Let the opposing groups guess the verb you are miming. 5. The group that guesses the verb gets 1 point. 6. The opposing group can challenge you by asking for meaning of the verb in Spanish.

Challenges are worth one point each!

Working on your vocabulary. Remember to work on your vocabulary by adding the words from today’s unit to your personal Leitner Manual Computer box.


Checking up on Grammar Remember to review the grammar points in today’s lesson from page 129 on. Additional vocabulary and grammar exercises for Lesson 2 Vocabulary builder: Making nouns from verbs In English, you can make nouns from verbs by adding the ending er or or. These endings indicate the person or thing that does the action. mine fight





Make nouns from the verbs given in the table below. Then check the spelling in your dictionary.

Verb Noun Verb Noun

teach ____________________ walk __________________ run ____________________ drink __________________ speak ____________________ farm __________________ conduct ____________________ fly __________________ swim ____________________ lead __________________ dance ____________________ drive ___________________ read ____________________ edit ___________________

Now, fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the correct verb or noun from the words above.

1. Jose Luis Mendez wants to be the first Latin American ___________________ to cross the English Channel.

2. My dream is to study music and ______________________ the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

3. My family has a large _______________________ in the country that produces vegetables for the local market.

4. Many people will _________________ in the marathon next Sunday. 5. After spending many years in prison, Nelson Mandela was released to take his

place as his country’s _______________________. 6. You must not __________________ after drinking alcohol. 7. Everyone knows that Luisa is an avid ___________________ of romantic novels.


8. The ____________________ of the local newspaper has agreed to be interviewed by two of our students.

Traveling around South America.

Have you ever been to Paraguay? Do you know what language is spoken here? What kind of food they eat? Read part of this online article on the country and its food. Some of the verbs have not been written out completely. Can you select the correct verb and write the appropriate tense? The verbs are found at the end of each short paragraph. Some verbs are repeated.

Paraguay ______________ a country located in the heart of South America. It _________ no coasts and the population_____________ largely native Guaranies. As a result, around 95% of the population _______________this language, although Spanish ___________ the official language of the country.

(BE (3); RUN; SPEAK; HAVE; DRINK) The food in Paraguay ________similar to that of other River Plate countries like Argentina and

Uruguay but you __________ the Guarani influence in the use of tropical ingredients. They

_________many grains, especially corn in their recipes. They ____________stews with rice or

mandioc and they also _________ lots of green and red peppers and onions. They ______different

meats like pork and chicken or both. Paraguayans also _____________beef at the barbecue on

weekends or on special occasions. They ___________ their meat dishes with cassava.

(COOK; FIND; SERVE; USE (2); LOVE (2); ADD; BE) Paraguayans also ____________________ peanuts, sweet potatoes and beans like lima beans, green beans and peas in their meals. While they ____________ a lot of rice, corn and cassava ________________ still the most important ingredients in their food.


Paraguayans _____________a special plant called yerba mate from which they ___________ the

drink, mate. They _________________ it with a stick called “bombilla”.



Unit 1: Lesson 3

We see colour all around us. In nature, in our homes and in the clothes we wear. In this lesson, we’ll look at colour. How much do you know? First, can you match these colours to their Spanish equivalent? Write the letter next to the correct word equivalent.

Colour Table English Spanish English Spanish a red anaranjado ___ _________________ _________________ b brown rojo ___ _________________ _________________ c black morado ___ _________________ _________________ d purple negro ___ _________________ _________________ e orange marrón ___ _________________ _________________ What other colours do you know? Include them in the table. Then check your list with a classmate.

Looking at vocabulary: Colour association 1 What colours do you usually associate with the following? Look for the colour in the Colour Table and write it under the corresponding image.

_________ _________ ________ _________ __________ __________ Colour association 2 What things do you usually associate with the colours in the box? Look for the word you want to use in your dictionary. Then share your ideas with the class. Things I associate with:

Green: ________________________________________________________ Red: ________________________________________________________ Yellow: ________________________________________________________ White: ________________________________________________________ Pink: ________________________________________________________


But, do these colours mean the same in other countries? Let’s see. Fill in the circle with the colour being discussed in that paragraph.

What colour are you wearing? Do you like wearing bright colours like yellow and orange? Or, do you like

wearing dark colours like black or brown? One of the first things you notice about a person’s clothing is the colour. Throughout history people have used colours as symbols. In the past, colours had special meanings. Today, colour of clothes can also have different meanings. Here are some of the ways fashion and colour are connected. Since yellow and orange are easy to notice, let’s see what they mean first.

Noticing yellow and orange It is easy to notice the colours yellow and orange. Yellow and orange look happy and sunny. In ancient Rome, for example, people wore yellow clothes to go to weddings. Today, however, some people wear yellow for safety reasons. For instance, many raincoats are bright yellow. People wear yellow raincoats so other people can see them easily in the rain. Similar to yellow, orange can be used for safety reasons. At night, joggers and hunters in the woods may wear orange clothes.

Relax with green Green is a gentle colour. People who work in hospitals often wear green uniforms because this colour relaxes patients. Green is also the colour of nature. It symbolises growth. Many years ago, in Europe, brides wore green dresses as a symbol of fertility.

Blue is everywhere Blue is the colour of the sky and the ocean, and it is one of the most popular colours for clothes- especially because blue jeans are everywhere! The colour blue is a symbol of trust and loyalty. That is why clothing experts tell people to wear blue when having a job interview to express they will be trustworthy workers. For this same reason, police officers often wear blue uniforms.

The powerful colour Red is often considered a powerful colour. Red ties are sometimes called power ties. Red is also a cheerful colour. That is why some people say, “When you feel blue, wear red.” In China, red is the colour of good luck, and people wear red to weddings. Deep red is strong, dark and attractive, but light red –for example, pink- looks soft and gentle. Pink is a romantic colour; it is sometimes seen as the colour of love. In some countries, pink is associated with girls; however, before the 1920s, pink was considered a boy’s colour. Royal Purple Purple is the colour of royalty because for so long it was very hard to get therefore it was very expensive. Purple dye was made from snails. It took more than 60,000 snails to make one pound of dye. Only very rich people could afford purple dye. Typically only kings and queens wore purple clothing.

Black and white aren’t always “Black and White” Black is a serious colour. It is usually associated with death and people wear black clothes to go to funerals. Black clothes are also considered elegant. Many people wear black clothes


when going to formal parties. Women’s evening dresses are often black. Men usually wear black suits or tuxedos to go to formal parties. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, western brides have worn white as a symbol o goodness, purity and happiness. In China, however, white is the colour of death and Chinese people wear white clothes to funerals. White also shows dirt easily; doctors and nurses wear white to show they understand how important it is to be clean in their profession.

Conclusion As you can see, our colourful world is a world of meaning because people have always used colour as symbols. Look around and you will notice the many ways fashion and colour are connected. Text adapted from Colour, fashion and you

What colour would you wear if…….? Now that you know something about the meaning of different colours, which would you choose for the following situations? Circle the most appropriate one. Then explain your choice.

1. What colour would you wear if you wanted to go running late at night?

a. black b. purple c. yellow d. blue

I’d wear ___________ because ______________________________________________.

2. What colour would you wear if you went to a funeral in your country? a. black b. red c. brown d. purple

I’d wear _______________ because ___________________________________________.

3. What colour would you wear if you wanted people to trust you?

a. purple b. orange c. blue d. red

I’d wear ____________ because _______________________________________________.

4. What colour would you be expected to wear if you were invited to a wedding China? a. pink b. red c. green d. black

I’d wear _____________ because ______________________________________________.

5. What colour would you wear if you wanted to go to a very formal party?

a. black b. orange c. yellow d. white

I’d wear _____________ because ______________________________________________.


Grammar review: Adjectives, words that describe. Many of the words in this text help us to build an image of people and the clothes they wear. Take a look at these sentences.

1. Many years ago, in Europe, brides wore green dresses as a symbol of fertility. 2. In ancient Rome, for example, people wore yellow clothes to go to weddings.

The words green and yellow give us more information about the nouns dresses and clothes. They tell us what colour they are. Green and yellow are adjectives. So, adjectives are words that tell us about the qualities of a noun. Look at these two sets of sentences. The adjectives are highlighted in bold. What do you notice about their position in the sentence?

Set 1 Set 2 Only very rich people could afford purple.

Black clothes are also considered elegant.

Green is a gentle colour. Women’s evening dresses are often black. Go back to the text. Find four (4) sentences which contain adjectives. Write them in the space below. Underline the adjectives and circle the noun they describe. 1. __________________________________________________________________________. 2. _________________________________________________________________________. 3. _________________________________________________________________________. 4. _________________________________________________________________________.

Work it out and write the rule! Look at the examples of adjectives in the sentences above. Decide with a class mate where adjectives are found in a sentence written in English. Fill in the blanks in the Rule Box below.

In English, adjectives come _______________ the noun. Sometimes they come at the ___________ of the sentence when they follow the verb _____________.


Working with vocabulary: Dictionary use Many words in English are derived from other words. For example, the word taste,

can be used as a noun or a verb and from this we can then get an adjective, tasteful or tasteless. When we use our dictionary, it is important for us to know what role the word is playing in the sentence. For example, is it a noun, verb, adverb or adjective? In this way, we will be able to choose the most appropriate meaning. The words underlined in the following sentences are all taken from today’s text. First, determine what role the word plays in the sentence. Then, place it in the correct column in the table. Use your dictionary to find other parts of speech related to the word. One example is done for you. 1. Black clothes are also considered elegant. 2. Similar to yellow, orange can be used for safety reasons. 3. The colour blue is a symbol of trust and loyalty. 4. Red is often considered a powerful colour. 5. People in hospitals often wear green uniforms because this colour relaxes patients. 6. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, western brides have worn white as a symbol

of goodness, purity and happiness.

Noun Spanish equivalent

Verb Spanish equivalent

Adjective Spanish equivalent

1 elegance elegancia __________ __________ elegant elegante

2 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

3 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

4 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Go back to the text and find two (2) other sentences. Write the sentences below. 7. _____________________________________________________________________________. 8. _____________________________________________________________________________. Underline the selected words and fill in the required information in the table.


On your own Now that we know what different colours symbolise and we also know the different roles words can play in a sentence, try one (1) of these activities. .

1. Time traveler

You got permission to use the time travel machine to go back into the past and to jump ahead to the future. Your first assignment as a fashion reporter is to find out how people dressed in the past at weddings. You must:

Name the country Get the approximate time period Find the colour used at weddings Find the reason for this colour being used

For your second assignment, use the time machine to travel into the future. What colours are being used? Why?

Country Time period Colour Reason for use

2. Sentence maker This machine can make as many words as you’d like it to. It has already churned out several nouns, verbs and adjectives. Use these to make your own sentences. Add some words of your own to the pot. Write your sentences in the space below and then share with the class.

1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________

Country Time period Colour Reason for use


4. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________

3. What colours symbolise. Choose four (4) of the colours from the list below and write at least two (2) things that you learnt about them from the text. Colour the sphere. Share your information with the class.

Colour What I learnt about…….

1 Red

1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________

2 Yellow

1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________

3 Green 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________




















4 Blue 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________

5 Orange 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________

6 Purple 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________

7 Black 1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

8 White 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________

What colour is the world? Or Colour in Music Either:

1. Do some research and find out what colours mean to other societies around the world. Use pictures to illustrate your work.

2. Find out what songs in English have colours in their lyrics. Why are these colours used? Give the lyrics to at least two songs.

Working on your vocabulary.

Remember to work on your vocabulary by adding the words from today’s unit to your personal Leitner Manual Computer box.

Checking up on Grammar Remember to review the grammar points in today’s lesson on page 115


Additional Vocabulary and Grammar exercises for Lesson 3 People and professions. 1. Do you know the English words for these professions? Find them in the box. Then write

the correct word below its corresponding image.

_______________ ______________ ____________ _______________ _____________ mechanic sailor photographer pastor painter construction worker scuba diver teacher sculptor secretary 2. Choose one (1) of the professions above. Write the word in the circle. Then, extend your vocabulary by writing as many words as possible related to the profession around it.

3. Can you guess who I am? Read the description of what I do. Then write my profession.

What I do Who I am I create landscapes, portraits, abstract art. I use brushes to help me in my work.


I instruct people who want to learn about different things.


I play all kinds of music as I accompany singers. My instrument is made up of many black and white keys.


I work in shops helping customers to find what they need. I sometimes work at the cash register.


I work in the restaurant of hotels preparing food for the clients.



Turning nouns into adjectives We’ve already seen how verbs can be turned into nouns. Let’s look at the way in which nouns can be turned into adjectives by using the endings below: . 1. Today the nation celebrates its 25th anniversary. As a result, today is a national

holiday. 2. The papers called Lopez a hero after he made a heroic attempt to rescue three children

trapped in a burning house. 3. After so much violence living in the city, our family wanted the peace to be found in

the country. A peaceful environment was essential when looking for a new home. 4. He seems to be a very friendly person. No wonder he has so many friends. 5. She thinks scuba diving is a dangerous sport. But there is no danger at all. 6. I come from a very wealthy family. My grandparents wealth was in diamonds. 7. She doesn’t need your help. She can manage on her own. She isn’t as helpless as you

think. 8. After taking the pill, the effect on her body was noted immediately. Obviously the

medication was quite effective. Now underline the correct form of the word in the sentences below. 1. The power, powerful, powerless surge of electricity burnt out the appliances. 2. The attractive, attract, attraction woman made heads turn when she entered the room. 3. I feel quite strong, strength, strongly about the proposal to reduce government spending. 4. The switch was turned on flooding the room with light, lightly, lighted. 5. I trust, trustful, trustfulness my doctor completely. 6. The rescue workers only rested when all of the children were safety, safe, safeness. 7. The police are search for a danger, dangerous, dangerously criminal who escaped from

prison. 8. She happily, happiness, happy agreed to the new terms of the lease for the house.

al ic ful ly ous y les iv


Unit 1 Lesson 4

Many people around the world love to eat chocolate. Do you? Do your classmates? Let’s find out. Answer the questions in the short survey below and then ask a classmate.

Looking at vocabulary: Word association What are the words you associate with chocolate? Work with a partner and write the words in the web below. Use your dictionary.

Share your words with the class. Add any new words to the web.


1. What kind of chocolate do you like? a. dark b. white c. milk 2. What is your favourite brand of chocolate? a. Savoy b. Nestlé c. Pirugina 3. How often do you eat chocolate? a. all the time b. sometimes c. never 4. Why do you eat chocolate? _______________________________________

Chocolate lover


Where did chocolate come from? Who discovered it? Can you tell the History of Chocolate? These images represent important people, places and things that are found in the History of chocolate. Can you match the image to the corresponding word in the box? Write the word under its image.

____________ ____________ ______________ ___________

____________ ____________ ______________ ___________

_________________ ____________ _______________ ___________

_________________ ____________ _______________ ___________

Mayan king box of chocolate coins Spain

Spanish explorer Aztec rabbit cocoa beans cocoa pod on tree turkey Switzerland chocolate soda cup of chocolate West Africa slave Central America

In small groups, use these images to tell your story of the History of Chocolate. Use as many images as you like. Now, share your story with the class.


Your teacher will now give you a handout with the reading “Chocolate: A Taste of History.” In what ways are the two stories similar? Chocolate: A Taste of History. An overview Get a general idea of the story by filling in the information on the graphic organizer. This way you will be able to remember the most important details.

. Now tell the story of the History of chocolate.

Used by

What for?


The history of chocolate………….our version


Grammar review: Past tense In this story, the writer talks about the history of chocolate. To do this, which tense does he use, the Present or the Past? Underline the correct one.

The writer uses the Present tense/Past tense.

Look at these sentences taken from the text. The root form of the verb is underlined. Look at the endings. What do you notice about them?

1. More than 1,500 years ago, the Mayan people of Central America discovered how to make chocolate. 2. Visitors to the exhibit learned about the history of chocolate. 3. They used the seeds to make a spicy, hot drink. 4. Then, in the 1500s, Spanish explorers arrived in the New World Go back to the text. How many other examples of each can you find? Write the verb and the past tense form in the space below.

Verb Past form Verb Past form Verb Past form ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Work it out and write the rule! Look at the examples of the past tense endings of the verbs in the sentences and exercise above. Decide with a class mate the rule for forming the past tense of these verbs and fill in the blanks in the Rule Box below.

In English, the past tense is sometimes formed by adding _______ to the infinitive form of the verb. When the verb ends in ______, the past tense is formed by adding______.

However, there are other verbs that do not have the same ending as the verbs in exercise above. These verbs have irregular endings. Go back to the section of the text entitled, A Long History. There are six verbs with irregular past tense endings. Find them and then write the root verb and the past tense form in the space below.

Verb Past form Verb Past form Verb Past form ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ We will meet other irregular past tense verb forms in other units. Make a note of these and learn them.


Chocolates in Venezuela

Did you know that once Venezuela was renowned for its cacao? Take a look at these Fact Files and learn something about cocoa and chocolate made in our country.

Types of chocolate CARENERO SUPERIOR Made from a blend of Trinitario cocoa beans, this chocolate has a mixture of flavours such as spice, citrus, vanilla, berries and honey. Its name is derived from the port of Carenero. CUYAGUA Made from a blend of Criollo and Trinitario beans, this chocolate has a mixture of flavours such as dairy, peach and a slight woodiness. Its name is derived from a village in the state of Aragua. CHUAO Made from a blend of Criollo and Trinitario beans, this chocolate is one of the rarest and most complex. It has a flavour of blueberries, plums, molasses and a slight touch of vanilla. Its name is derived from the village in the State of Aragua.

Types of cocoa FORASTERO This is the most common type of bean and the tree is found in Brazil, West Africa and parts of Asia. It grows in abundance and is less prone to disease. However, it has a plain chocolate flavour and is high in tannins which have a bitter taste. CRIOLLO The original bean is Mexican in origin and today is grown mostly in Venezuela. It is a fragile tree which gives low yields and is prone to disease. It has, however, a more superior flavour and aroma and, as a result, is very expensive. TRINITARIO Named after the island where it was created, this hybrid of Forastero and Criollo, gives a higher yield and is more resistant to disease than the latter, and has a higher quality than the former.

Other brand names Irapa, made from 40.5% cocoa, is named after the Rio Caribe region in Sucre. Cariaco, made from 60.5% cocoa, is named after the Caribbean gulf region. Macuro, made from 70% cocoa, is named after the region where Columbus is said to have landed.

Important information Cocoa needs to be grown at an altitude of 2,000 feet. 90% of the world’s crop is Forastero while only 2 % is Criollo. The texture of the chocolate is due to the kneading process (conching). The longer the conching, the finer the texture. The famous Belgian chocolates in Caracas are made by La Praline in Los Palos Grandes.




3 4


6 7




EclipseCrossword.com Across 2. Technical name for kneading process. 5. Major type of cacao grown in Brazil. 6. Name of Belgian chocolates made in Caracas. 8. Chocolate made from 70% cacao. 9. Venezuelan chocolate mainly made from Trinitario cacao. 10. This causes bitterness in cacao.

Down 1. Chocolate named after village in Aragua State. 2. Major type of cacao grown in Venezuela. 3. Number of feet of altitude best suited for cacao to grow. 4. Country where Criollo beans are originally from. 7. Venezuelan chocolate named after village in Sucre State.


On your own Now that we know something about the history of Chocolate and we have reviewed

verbs in the past tense, why don’t you try one (1) of these activities? Some of the verbs from the paragraphs below have been omitted. Choose the

correct verb from the Word Box. Use your dictionary to look up the meaning of the verbs you do not know. Write the verb in its appropriate place in the paragraph. Remember to use the correct past tense form of the verb. One of the verbs has already been written in.

WORD BOX Chocolate in Mayan and Aztec Society Chocolate _______________ an important role in Mayan society. The citizens ___________ chocolate very much so they ___________ the cocoa trees. After harvesting the cocoa pods, they ___________ the beans. They ___________ the paste with water, chilli powder, cornmeal and other ingredients. They ____________ a spicy, chocolate drink. They _____________ it Xocafl which means “bitter water”. Later the Aztecs also ___________ chocolate. They ____________ with the Mayas for cocoa and __________ the beans as a form of money. In fact, when they _____________ other tribes, they _____________ payment in cocoa seeds. The Aztecs also ___________ a bitter, chocolate drink flavoured with spices. They ______________ that power and wisdom came from cocoa. Only famous people were allowed to drink it.

Chocolate played an important part in both cultures. Priests _____________ cocoa beans to their Gods. They also _____________ chocolate drinks on religious occasions.

The past meets the present This ancient time traveller has just landed in the 21st century and has met a chef. They are talking about chocolate, of course! Work with a partner and write what each says about chocolate then and now. Use vocabulary found in the text. First, write the words you will use in the Word Box below. Then, write the conversation. Remember to use the correct tense of the verbs.

use roast mix serve play call make value

cultivate use present demand believe make conquer trade



In our Mayan society…..

Well, in our society today…….

Not basket but Verb ball!

1. Divide into two teams. 2. Each team makes a list of regular and irregular verbs. 3. Team one calls out the infinitive of a verb. 4. Team two has to give the past tense form of the verb. 5. A correct answer scores one point. The incorrect answer is one point for the opposing

team. 6. Each team can challenge the other by asking for the correct answer or by asking for

the Spanish equivalent of the word. 7. The team that scores the most points after 10 minutes of game time, wins!

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


Additional Vocabulary and Grammar exercises for Lesson 4 A recipe with cocoa and chocolate. Here’s a recipe using chocolate. Why don’t you try it out and see.

Chocolate-banana-coconut loaf

Let’s first get the ingredients with which we are going to work. Identify the picture of each ingredient by writing its name beneath each image. The names of the ingredients are also found in the box. But some letters are missing. Fill in the letters first! Ingredients

CRE__ M C__E__ SE E__ __S C__C__NU__ __LO__R CO__OA PO__DE__ __ILK CHOCO__ATE M__L__ __UT__E__



……..and the cooking implements. But you have to unscramble them first.

__________________ ___________________ __________________ ________________


The recipe

1 large ripe banana, peeled and mashed 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup milk 1 cup caster sugar 2 1/2 cups plain flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup dessicated coconut 250g milk chocolate, broken into pieces 100g spreadable cream cheese, to serve

Unfortunately, some of the verbs are missing. Can you select the verb and place it in its corresponding position? The verbs are at the end of the Method. Method Preheat oven to 200°C.

Grease and flour a 19cm x 9cm x 6cm loaf pan.

___________________ together the mashed banana, vanilla, eggs and milk.

_____________in the sugar. _______________the flour and baking powder over the wet


Add the coconut and gently fold through the mixture, using a large metal spoon.

__________________ in the chocolate, being careful not to over-mix.

Spoon into the prepared loaf pan.

_________________for 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre

comes out clean.

___________________ to cool in the pan for 10 minutes.

Turn onto a wire rack to cool. Serve sliced with cream cheese.



Now write your own recipe for your favourite dish. You can also ask friends and family for traditional recipes, too. Find pictures of the ingredients and the implements needed. Write the ingredients. Write out the method to follow.

Backpacking around Venezuela: Ben’s Backpacking Travel Blog The following is an extract from the blog written by Ben Adam from Brighton, England about his travels in Venezuela. This is day five and six of his trip from Puerto Colombia to Merida. Ben did not have time to put the verbs in the correct tenses. Read the text and select the correct tense for the verbs found at the end of each sentence.

Puerto Colombia to Merida From Puerto Colombia we ________________ the bus via Maracay to Merida, a Venezuelan city sitting at the foot of the Andes. (TAKE) After the beach in morning, we ________________the bus to Maracay (6,000 Bs each 2 hours), _________________forces with a fellow backpacker and _________________a bus to Merida at the station that _______________leave later that night(40,000 Bs). (CATCH; JOIN; BOOK; BE DUE TO). Not a lot to do in Maracay so ______________a taxi to the shopping centre and _______________ Saw II (9,000 Bs) as it _____________the only film in English. (CATCH; WATCH, BE) It ___________awful! (BE) Back to the bus station we _________________around for the bus, eventually we ______________ our bags on shoving and pushing with the Venezuelans, before being told the bus ______________full! (WAIT; GET; BE). After getting our bags back from the disgruntled luggage man we ________________to get on a bus an hour or two later. (MANAGE). We __________________in Merida frozen to the bone from the air

conditioning on the bus, we __________________a nice posada Jama CHia and the four of

us___________ a room for 15,000 Bs each. (ARRIVE; FIND; GET).

We then ______________a traditional Venezuelan breakfast in the only cafe open for 6,000 Bs. (HAVE) We then _____________ mountain bikes and _________________cycle up the Andes, bad idea! (RENT; ATTEMPT). After cycling back down we __________________an ice cream palour that ____________the Guinness world record for number of flavours. (VISIT; HOLD)

We _______________the evening around the square drinking beer and strange local wine. We

________________BBQ’d meat on a stick and ham and cheese pancakes for dinner. (SPEND;




UNIT 2: People and nature


Unit 2: Lesson 5

Do you like doing chores, housework, and homework? Wouldn’t you love to have someone or something to help you with the tasks you do not like or want to do? .

What do you think?

How many things do we have in our schools, offices and homes that have been designed to help us? In small groups, make a list of the most

important devices and what they do. Share your list with the class. Try to use the vocabulary you already know. Use your dictionary to find the English equivalent of words you would like to use. Remember to write the part of speech. If you could create a new device, what would it be? What would it be able to do? Draw a picture of the device.

Devices ___________






What they do.







My new device is a ______________________________ (See drawing below). It can ____________________________________________.


Robots to the rescue! Many people dream of having a helper like Rosie, the robot in the Jetsons. But, can robots really do the same things we do? First, let’s find the words used in English to express the following actions. The first letter of each verb is given. Ask your group for help if you get stuck.

O_______________ F_______________ C______________ F_____________ S__________________ J________________ C________________ P___________ R__________________ T_______________ R______________ W___________ Choose two (2) of the actions above. Can you think of any other verbs that you can associate with the image? Look at the example below.

Make a class list of associated words. Add any new words to your Leitner Manual Computer list.



Image: _________ Associated words: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Image: _________ Associated words: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


Now, here are some questions for your group. What do robots look like? Can they do the same things we do? What can they do? What can’t they do?

Now, share your ideas with the class. Make a class list of what robots look like and the things they can or can’t do. Add any new words to your list. list. Read about some robots that are being used today. See if they look like your image of a robot. Can they do the same things?

Many New Robots All around the world, scientists are working on creating new kinds of robots, devices that will one day make our world a safer and better place. These robots teach people how to dance, have conversations, help people in emergencies, and much more. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Among the artistic and athletic robots on display at the World Exposition in Japan, is Cooper, a robot that paints pictures and the Partner Ballroom Dance robot which actually dances with people. There is also the Batting robot which can hit balls with a baseball bat and Caddy -05 that can teach you to play golf. There are, however, robots that do more important jobs. For example, Robot ACM-R5 looks like a snake with a camera on its head. It can walk up stairs and swim underwater going into places that are unsafe for people. The golden Kinshachi Robot also swims like a fish. It goes into the ocean to check the safety of bridges and gather information for fishing. Another robot gives medical advice just like a doctor and there is even a robotic brain surgeon that can remove cancer in the brain that human doctors can’t reach. Some robots even look like humans. Meet EveR-1, a silicone-skinned Korean robot with a face that expresses basic emotions like anger, happiness and pleasure. Eve also has a vocabulary of 400 words and can carry on a basic conversation. Over in Japan, Repliee Q1, also made of silicon, has sensors and motors that allow her to

They look like…… ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

They can…. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ They can’t



turn and react like a human. She can flutter her eyelids, move her hands and even appears to breathe. Robots are also learning to learn. There’s Toddler, a robot that has learnt to walk just like a baby without having prior information built into its program. It really learns like a human baby. The world of robotics is only just opening up and in the future robots will be able to do many more things so we can live in a safer world. Would you like to make any changes to your list? What things will you add?

Vocabulary Review: Modal verbs - CAN We’ve looked a number of things that robots can do. Here are a few from the text. Write one of the examples your group gave in the previous exercise. What do you notice about the verb that follows CAN?

1. Batting robot which can hit balls with a baseball bat and Caddy -05 that can

teach you to play golf. 2. Repliee Q1 can flutter her eyelids, move her hands and even appears to

breathe. Your example:

3. ________________________________________________________________________. CAN belongs to a group of verbs that we refer to as MODALS. Do you know any other modal verbs? One other MODAL verb that I know is : ______________________________.

Work it out and write the rule! Go back to the examples of sentences with CAN. What do you notice about the verb that follows CAN? Then, fill in the blanks in the Rule Box.

I now know robots can ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In English, the verbs that follow CAN are written in the ___________________________.


Vocabulary: Our bodies Our bodies are really sophisticated machines made up of many different parts. Each part plays an important role so that the machine functions

properly. Can you match each part to its role? Write the number next to the dictionary definition of the word. Then, locate each part on the drawing of the human body by writing the number in the correct location. Check your answers with a classmate. Part of the body What it does. 1 eye one of the parts of the body of a

human or animal that is used for standing or walking,


2 leg the middle joint of the leg, which allows it to bend


3 shoulder either of the two organs in the chest with which people and some animals breathe


4 skin one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck which join the arms to the rest of the body


5 arm the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body


6 lungs the natural outer layer which covers a person, animal or fruit


7 knee one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see with


8 heart either of the two long parts of the upper body which are fixed to the shoulders and have the hands at the end


Can you think of at least two other organs in our body? What do these organs do? Write the part of the body and what it does in the space provided.

Part of the body What it does 9


______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

10 _______________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


Like all machines, our bodies suffer from wear and tear, break down after some time and need to be replaced.

Think about it.

What parts of our body can be replaced? Use the list above or look up new words in your dictionary.

Many years ago, body part replacement was thought to be science-fiction. One television series which dealt with this topic was The Six Million Dollar Man. The show premiered on the U.S. television channel ABC on January 18th 1974. The last episode was aired on March 6th, 1978. Each

episode began with a voice that said:

“…Steve Austin, astronaut, a man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him, we have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first Bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster."

Each week, Steve used the superior strength and speed provided by his bionic arm and legs, and the enhanced vision provided by his artificial eye, to fight enemy agents, aliens, mad scientists, and a wide variety of other villains. From January, 1976 to May, 1978 another bionic character was on the screen in The Bionic Woman. Here Jamie Sommers, a former tennis player, received two bionic legs which allowed her to run at speeds exceeding 60 mph, a right arm capable of bending steel or throwing objects great distances and a bionic ear which allowed her to hear a whisper a mile away. Now, more than thirty years later, science fiction has become reality and here’s one example. Stuart Hughes, a BBC producer, lost his leg when he stood on a landmine while covering the news in Iraq. Steve now wears a Propio Foot which, unlike traditional artificial limbs, uses sensors and a built-in microprocessor to mimic the actions of a human foot. The sensor detects whether the walker is on level ground or going up or downhill. The software then adjusts the foot movement. Stuart might not run as fast as Steve Austin, but he can do many things that traditional prosthesis will not allow him to do. At the University College of London, researchers have also invented a new technology that allows skin to bind to artificial limbs made of titanium. These, in turn, are attached to bones and controlled by our nervous system. Researchers also believe that

Parts of the body which can be replaced are ___________________________________________________




in five years, patients will be able to control their bionic limbs through electrodes attached to nerves. And finally, an American company has created a chip which can be inserted under the skin to hold information about the user. It is the size of a rice grain and contains an identification number, a capacitor and an electronic magnetic coil for data transmission. These components are placed inside a container compatible with human tissue. The information is read with a special scanner. Soon, we will be able to go shopping without having to use credit cards or cash. Science fiction? What do you think?

Think about it. Would you like to have a bionic limb? What will you be able to do?

Would you like to have a chip with your data under your skin? Why? Why not? Share your views with the class.

Bionics: The Past, the Present and the Future Go back to the text and find out what people with bionics parts could do in the past, can do at present and will be able to do in the future. Write the information in the organizer below. PERSON BIONIC PART CAPABILITIES


Now use this information to write a report about bionic parts. Write about each person, what body part was replaced and

what that person can do. Remember to include what you think we will be able to do in

the future.

Grammar Review: Prepositions

Look at the following sentences taken from the texts in today’s lesson.

1. Robot ACM-R5 looks like a snake with a camera on its head.

2. From January 1976 to May, 1978 another bionic character was on the screen

in The Bionic Woman.

3. The robot goes into the ocean to check the safety of bridges and gather information for fishing.

The underlined words are prepositions. Prepositions are used to join nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. Look at our sentences again.

What words do the prepositions join? What information does each give you?

In sentence 1, on joins _____________________ and __________________________.

In sentence 2, from joins ____________________ and _________________________.

In sentence 3, into joins _____________________ and _________________________.

Now, re-read each of the sentences and underline the correct option. On in sentence 1 indicates: location/time/movement. From in sentence indicates: location/time/movement. Into in sentence indicates: location/time/movement. Here is a list of some more prepositions. Do you know what they represent? Write the preposition under its corresponding image for the activity Where is the ball? 1.

in next to into above in front of under between behind on out of


Where is the ball?: 1

_________ _________ _________________ _________ ________ __________ Where is the ball?: 2 What about the remaining prepositions from the list? It’s your turn to illustrate these prepositions in the boxes below. Write the corresponding word under its image.






What’s going on? Here are some more prepositions, but of Time. Do you know the Spanish


At On By Before From Since For During Until After

Use the texts in your guide to find examples of sentences with prepositions of time. Write the sentence in the space provided and underline the preposition. What would be the most appropriate word in Spanish for the prepositions you underlined? 1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________


7. _________________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________________________ Dictionary work Use your bilingual and then monolingual dictionaries to find the meaning of the following sets of prepositions. Do they have the same meaning in

English as well as in Spanish? If they do, what’s the difference?

English preposition

Spanish equivalent

What’s the difference?

Above _______________ _________________________________________ Over _______________ _________________________________________ Below _______________ _________________________________________ Under _______________ _________________________________________ Among _______________ _________________________________________ Between _______________ _________________________________________

On your own! Do one of the following activities.

If you could only see what I see

You have a friend who has just had an eye operation and cannot see. Describe your favourite picture or painting. Remember to use vocabulary

you have learnt. Use as many prepositions as possible. Add any new words to your Manual computer. My robot.

Design your own robot! Give it a name. Tell us what it looks like and what it can do. Include a drawing.

Working on your vocabulary. Remember to work on your vocabulary by adding the words from this unit to your personal Leitner Manual Computer box.

Checking up on Grammar. Remember to review the grammar points in today’s lesson on page 138.


Additional Vocabulary and Grammar exercises for Lesson 5 Describing the scene. Look at the two (2) pictures below. Use as many prepositions as you can to describe what you see. First make a list of what you see. Then describe the scene.

1. In the computer lab

I can see_______________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

In the computer lab ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

In the bedroom I can see ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In the bedroom __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


We started to write the following sentences but didn’t finish. Please write an ending for each one. Use as many different prepositions as you can.

1. The picture is hanging _________________________________________________. 2. The children are playing ________________________________________________. 3. The car is parked _______________________________________________________. 4. There are a number of people ____________________________________________. 5. A man was seen going ___________________________________________________. 6. Carl told Mary to wait for him ___________________________________________. 7. The found the lost suitcase_______________________________________________. 8. My flight is leaving _____________________________________________________. 9. It was difficult to get ____________________________________________________. 10. My birthday is __________________________________________________________.

Such awful English!

Sorry, but some of the sentences I wrote below are incorrect. Can you help me find the mistakes? Circle each mistake and write the correction above it.

1. When I was younger, the Bionic Woman was my favourite TV show. I watch it

every Saturday afternoon.

2. I’m sorry that you didn’t learned what your instructor taught you.

3. They say the robot swimmmed under the bridge to repair it.

4. The reporter make his first step yesterday with his new bionic leg.

5. Her skin feels just like the real think. Touch it!

6. That robot just blink at me. I saw her do it!

7. The report says that the researchers have just invent a new chip. That’s great


8. Did you see the sports robot? It hitted four balls in one minute!


Unit 2: Lesson 6 Can animals think? Have you thought about “thinking”? What do we do when we think? With a classmate, discuss what you believe reflects “THINKING” And, what about animals? Can they “think”? But first of all, let’s see if you can recognise these animals below.

Looking at vocabulary. Can you match the image to the word in English? The English word has been scrambled. But, the first letter of each word is written below its image.

Z__________ S___________ E___________ C__________


D__________ P___________ C___________ O__________

Thinking is…


What other animals do you know? Write their names in this semantic map. Then share yours with the class. Add any additional names to the web. Now, do you think that some animals are “smarter” or more “intelligent” than others? In small groups, make a list of animals you think are “intelligent”. What can these animals do? Share your list with the class.


They can…..

And how do we humans compare? What can animals do? What can humans do? Are there any things in common?

So, can animals think? Let’s find out in this reading on….

Animals I know


Can animals think? Dandy is a young chimpanzee at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Center. Recently, he did something that surprised scientists there. One day, Dandy watched a scientist hide a piece of fruit in the sand. Dandy knew where the fruit was, but when some other chimps came around, Dandy pretended he did not know the location. Later, after the other chimps fell asleep, Dandy went right to the spot where the fruit was. He dug it up and ate it. It was incredible. Dandy planned ahead and tricked his friends. A heron in Japan also did something surprising. One day she saw some small fish in a pond. She invented a new, creative way to catch them. First, she found a twig and broke it into small pieces. Then, she took one of the pieces to the pond and put it in the water. She even moved it to a place in the pond where the fish would see it. When the fish swam over to the twig, she caught one for her lunch. The heron was able to make and use a tool. Alex is a parrot that lives in a laboratory at the University of Arizona. His trainer, Irene Pepperberg, has been working with Alex for twenty years. She taught Alex to talk, name and count objects, and answer simple questions about them. Alex is very good at these tasks. He even says, “I’m sorry” when he makes a mistake. But one day Alex did something that really surprised Dr. Pepperberg. She took Alex to a veterinarian’s office for surgery. Alex became upset. When Pepperberg started to leave, Alex said, “Come here. I love you. I’m sorry. I want to go back.” In Italy, scientists, showed how an octopus could learn how to perform a task by watching another octopus do it. One octopus watched another open a jar. The jar had a crab inside for the octopus to eat. After observing how to open the jar, the octopus was able to open the jar himself. Until recently, many scientists thought only mammals could learn by watching others. A gorilla named Timmy had lived alone for most of his life. The zoo workers brought Timmy to the Bronx Zoo in New York City to live with Pattycake, a female gorilla. Timmy and Pattycake had a baby. After their baby was born, it became sick and the mother and baby were taken away. The zoo workers reported that Timmy became very upset. He wouldn’t eat or sleep. He even cried. He looked everywhere to see if Pattycake had returned. It certainly seemed like he had fallen in love. Stories like these raise many questions about animals and the way they think and behave. Today, more scientists believe that animals can really think. Text adapted from

Think about it.

Do you know any stories similar to the ones told here? If so, share them with the class.

Do these examples show that animals can really think? What would humans have done in the same situation? Discuss with a classmate and then fill out the table.



What he/she did.

What a human would have done.

The verdict is : ______________________________________________________________ because ____________________________________________________________________.

Grammar Review: Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun in a sentence. We use pronouns so that we do not have to repeat the same noun over and over again.

Take a look at these sentences from the text.

Dandy is a young chimpanzee at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Center. Recently, he did something that surprised scientists there. But one day Alex did something that really surprised Dr. Pepperberg. She took Alex to a veterinarian’s office for surgery. Timmy and Pattycake had a baby. After their baby was born, it became sick and the mother and baby were taken away. One day she saw some small fish in a pond. She invented a new, creative way to catch them.

What nouns do the pronouns in bold in each set of sentences replace? He replaces ____________________________________________. She replaces ___________________________________________. It replaces _____________________________________________. Them replaces __________________________________________.


Work it out and right the rule!

Look at the sentences again. What is the relationship between the pronouns and the nouns they replace? Where are these pronouns found in the sentence? When you have the answer, fill in the blanks in the

Rule Box below.

Let’s look at some more examples from the text. What kind of pronouns are these? Dandy planned ahead and tricked his friends. When the fish swam over to the twig, she caught one for her lunch. Timmy and Pattycake had a baby. After their baby was born, it became sick and the mother and baby were taken away. His, her and their are possessive adjectives. They tell us to whom something belongs. They are always followed by the thing that is possessed (their baby, his friends). Go back to the sentences. Can you tell to whom the possessive pronouns refer?

His refers to __________________________________________. Her refers to _________________________________________. Their refers to ________________________________________.

What other possessive adjectives do you know? Write them in the space and try to make a sentence with them.

Go back to the text. Find three (3) sets of sentences with pronouns. Underline the pronoun and circle the noun it replaces. Check your sentences with the person next to you. There are many other types of pronouns in English. See if you can find them in the text. Give yourself some bonus points if you do!

In English, pronouns agree in ____________ and _____________ with the nouns they replace. Pronouns usually come ______________ the nouns they replace.

An example of a sentence with other pronouns.




Do you know what the following animals have in common?

Grey wolf Whooping crane Black vulture _______________ They are monogamous. They mate for life. Do you know of another? Paste the picture in the frame provided or do a drawing. Write the name on the line below. Image of love: Words and actions that express love. How do we show love? What actions express this feeling? In groups, see how many you know. Find the ones you want to express. Share your list with the class.

Can animals express love? How would they do it? In your groups, discuss how animals show love to: Each other humans

LOVE is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________


Take a look at this news article retrieved from the Guardian online site. The story was posted on Thursday, August 30, 2007. After reading, give the article a title. Write it in the box below.

It's a very traditional love story - just on a bigger scale than usual.

A tame female elephant has fled an Indian circus after eloping with a wild bull elephant that broke open a gate and led her off into the jungle, her distraught handler said today.

"I brought up Savitri since she joined the circus two decades ago," Kalimudddin Sheikh, who unsuccessfully tried to lure his charge away from her new beau, added.

The wild male, who wildlife officials believe was probably in musth - the periodic condition in which bull elephants seek to mate - turned up at the travelling circus when it stopped in the village of Kumar Bazar, in West Bengal state, yesterday.

It broke into an enclosure and led Savitri into the jungle, with the pair being followed by three other female elephants in the same pen. Their trumpeting alerted circus workers, who led them back.

Savitri's mind, however, seemed made up. According to one forestry official, she was last seen bathing with the bull in a jungle pond. When handlers called for Savitri to come to them, she looped her trunk around the bull's leg and "he protectively shielded her like in a Bollywood1 blockbuster," the official said.

The forestry department said it would continue to monitor the pair to ensure they did not cause any damage.


Think about it

Did the elephants behave like humans in love? If so, how? Do you know of similar behaviour among humans?

Savitri , the elephant, has returned to the circus. What do you think she will tell the other elephants? In pairs, write her account of what happened during her week away. 1The name used for the Mumbai (formerly Bombay) based Hindi-language film industry in India.


Use the question forms in the bubbles to help you get information. One is done as an example for you.

On your own. : Let the animals talk!

What do you think these animals are saying? Fill in the speech bubbles and help them send us a message


When did it happen? Who?

Where? Why?

How? What?

Remember to: Think about the vocabulary to use. Write the correct form/tense of the verb. Make sure your pronouns agree


Additional Vocabulary and Grammar exercises for Lesson 6

Turning verbs into abstract nouns

We’re seen how verbs can be turned into nouns for people. Now let’s see how by adding the endings below, we can turn verbs into abstract nouns.

1. We have to pay for our new car. The first payment is due tomorrow. 2. The scientists accepted the grant from the University. Their acceptance of the

money meant that they could continue with their research. 3. After her husband died, Mary no longer wanted to live. Her children tried to

make her understand that the living were more important than the dead. 4. The repetition of our latest play will be next month. We decided to repeat the

work due to many requests from the public. 5. This topic is no longer open for discussion. You had the opportunity to discuss

it for more than a month and you didn’t! 6. On my brother’s insistence, I decided to apply for a scholarship to this

university. Had he not insisted, I would have looked for a job. 7. Venezuela no longer produces a large amount of coffee and cocoa as in the last

century. The production in these areas has fallen drastically. 8. Did you invite Peter and Stuart to your party? I haven’t heard them talk

about receiving any invitation yet.

* Verbs that end in de – decide or t – permit change to Now write the correct form of the word in the sentences that follow.

1. The _______________________ of his corrupt dealings led to the minister

resigning. (REVEAL)

2. Many people believe in the ______________________ of God. (EXIST)

3. Why don’t you give them ______________________ to go to the beach (PERMIT)

4. Is there any way I can ___________________ you with your problem. (ASSIST)

5. We were shocked when she ____________________ her children. (ABANDON)

6. The ________________ of the new contract will benefit all workers. (SIGN)

ion ion* ation ition ance ence ing




7. Do you believe that the __________________ always fits the crime? (PUNISH)

8. Society’s ________________ to change will be its downfall. (RESIST)

Who or what does it refer to? Read the sentences below. Some of the pronouns are underlined. Can you tell who or what they refer to? Circle the noun or nouns. 1. John and his brother have just returned from their holiday in Cancun. 2. When it rains heavily, water leaks through the hole in the roof. I must get it fixed. 3. Savatri, the elephant, ran away from her home in the circus when it had stopped

for a performance. 4. “I’m against the implementation of that law.”, the Minister said to his secretary. 5. Although the majority of the people were in favour of returning to their homes

after the floods, a few of them decided to stay at their new location. 6. Please put the newspaper and the magazine on the table. I’ll take them both

home with me. Finding the right pronoun. Read this short news item on Orangutans in Borneo. Some of the pronouns have been removed. Can you select the correct pronoun to go into the space in the sentences? The alternatives are given at the end of each sentence.

Orangutans on the edge of extinction The orangutan is an animal that is facing extinction. ______is one

of the most endangered species on the planet and _________could become extinct in the wild within a short period of time. (THEY, SHE, HE, IT) The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) is the largest project to rescue primates in the world. In Nyaru Menteng, more than 1000 orangutans have a home. Many of ______________are ill or have suffered cruelty. (HE, IT, THEY, THEM) Here __________ are loved, cured and looked after by Lone Droscher Nielsen.(IT, THEY, THEM, HE) . ______________and her team run this rescue centre. (HE, SHE, IT, THEY) __________________work is important because the orangutans are vital for the propagation of the rainforests in Borneo. (SHE, HER, THEIR, HIS)


Unit 2: Lesson 7 Antarctica: An unexplored continent There are many interesting places on our planet, Earth. Here is one of them, the Antarctic. It’s one of the seven continents. Can you locate it on the map? Where in the world are they? Look at the map of the world below. Can you locate the continents and oceans? Work In pairs, write in the places that appear in the box. Then check your answers.

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nationsonline.org/bilder/world_outline_map_720.jpg Can you find the North and South Pole? What other places can you identify? Working with vocabulary This lesson is about the Antarctica. Here are some words we associate with it. Can you match the image to the word it represents? Write the word under each image.

_________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _________

snow seal penguin island ice

Continents Oceans Africa Antarctica Asia Atlantic Ocean Australia Europe North America Pacific Ocean South America Indian Ocean


What other words do we associate with Antarctica? Discuss with the class and write them in on the web map below.

Before reading the text, let’s see how much you know about Antarctica. Write True (T), False (F) or I don’t know.

1. Antarctica is a huge island. _______________ 2. Penguins live in Antarctica. _______________ 3. Antarctica is in the North pole. _______________ 4. Antarctica is smaller than Europe. _______________ 5. Eskimos live in Antarctica. _______________

Now let’s read the text.

Antarctica, an unexplored continent Antarctica, situated in the Southern hemisphere, is one of the seven

continents. A lot has been written about Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America and South America. These continents are home to many important people, places and things. But what about Antarctica?

Antarctica, with an area of 14.4 million square kilometres, is not the smallest continent. It’s bigger than Australia and Europe and is almost as large as South America. It’s also the coldest, driest and windiest continent. The waters of three oceans touch the coasts of Antarctica. These are the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian oceans.

Some people think Antarctica is just an empty place. They say “There is nothing there – just ice and snow.” But Antarctica is an important part of the world. 98% of the continent is covered by ice that is sometimes 1.6 km in thickness and so about 70% of the world’s fresh water is found there.

Of course, there is one fact you know about Antarctica: It’s cold! In fact, Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It has about 90% of the ice in the world! In winter, the sun doesn’t shine for several months and the temperature of the air can go below - 80° C. In summer, the sun shines almost all the time, but it’s never really warm. Temperatures vary between 5° and 15° C near the costs. But Antarctica is



home to a very special natural event: the Aurora Australis, or Southern lights, a glow in the night sky near the South Pole.

What about life in Antarctica? Although people do not live there permanently, many countries have research stations on the continent where scientists work. Biologists, for example, study the oceans and the animals that live there, while geologists study plate tectonics and meteorites. Doctors look at the spread of viruses and astrophysicists study the sky. What about the plants and animals? Only those adapted to the cold live there. These include penguins, blue whales, fur seals, mosses and lichen.

A few people travel to Antarctica just for fun. They say it’s a lovely place. What do you think of that idea? Would you like to visit Antarctica? Go back to question 1. Can you answer the questions now? Write three (3) things you’ve learnt about Antarctica. Tell your teacher and classmates.

1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

Grammar review: Describing things. What adjectives can you use to describe these things? Work with a classmate and think of as many words as you can. You can use your dictionary to find the English equivalent of the words.




________________________________________________ RIVER



________________________________________________ FOOD



________________________________________________ BOX





In the text, Antarctica: The unexplored continent, the writer describes the continent by using adjectives. Remember that adjectives tell us something about the noun. Look at the following sentences. Can you identify the adjectives? Underline the

adjective and circle the noun.

1. Some people think Antarctica is just an empty place.

2. 70% of the world’s fresh water is found in Antarctica.

3. Antarctica is never really warm.

4. Antarctica is an important part of the world. Go back to the text and find four (4) more examples of adjectives and the nouns they describe. Write them below. Underline the adjective and circle the noun. Then check your answer with a classmate.

1. _______________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________

Comparing things

In the text, the writer compares Antarctica with other places in the world. Look at the sentences below.

1. Antarctica is bigger than Australia.

2. Antarctica is almost as large as South America.

3. Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. Look at the table below. We have been asked to compare the four largest countries in South America. What can we say about them? Country Size

(Km) Population Rivers Mountains

Name Length Name Height Argentina 2,766,890 40,391,927 Parana 4,700 Aconcagua 6,962 Brazil 8,514,877 183,888,841 Amazon 6,400 Pico da

Neblina 3,014

Colombia 1,141,748 44,065,000 Magdalena 1,540 Pico Simon Bolivar


Peru 1,285,220 28,674,757 Ucayali 1,600,1 Huascaran 6,768


1. Argentina is smaller than Brazil. 2. Parana river is longer than the Ucayali. 3. Colombia has more inhabitants than Argentina. 4. Aconcagua is the highest mountain of the four.

Now you write four more examples. 1. _________________________________________________________. 2. _________________________________________________________. 3. _________________________________________________________. 4. _________________________________________________________.

Work it out and write the rule!

Look at the sentences you have just written. Decide with a class mate when the comparative and superlative form of the adjective is used.

1. Adjective + er is used to ___________________________________.

2. As + adjective + as is used to _______________________________.

3. Adjective + est is used to ___________________________________.

Now, look at the text called The Penguin. Which of these forms of the adjective can you find? Tick √ the appropriate one (s). □ ….er □ as…….as □ …est

The Penguin The penguin is one of the funniest birds and one of the easiest birds to recognize. Penguins have black backs and white bellies. They look fat. They stand upright and they waddle. Unlike most other birds, penguins can’t fly, but they can swim very fast.

The name penguin came from Spanish explorers. These explorers saw penguins when they sailed around South America in 1519. They thought this type of bird was one of the strangest birds in the world. To them, the penguins looked like another strange bird, the great auk of Greenland and Iceland. The great auk was a large black and white bird that did not fly. The Spanish word for great auk is pinguis which means “fat”. There are 17 kinds of penguins. They all live below the equator. Little blue penguins sometimes called fairy penguins are the smallest of all. They are 16 inches (about 41


centimeters) tall and weigh only 2 pounds (about 1 kilogram). They got their name because of their indigo-blue feathers. These penguins live in the warm waters off southern Australia and New Zealand. The largest penguin is the emperor penguin. It stands almost 4 feet (about 1.2 meters) tall and weighs from 70 to 90 pounds (about 32 to 41 kilograms). The emperor penguin lives on the ice around the Antarctic continent. This is the coldest climate on earth. People say penguins are the cutest, the funniest and the most loved birds. They also say they’re the most formal. Do you know why? It’s because they look as if they’re wearing tuxedos. Go back to the text. Find and underline more examples of this form of the adjective. Then choose four (4) and write them in the space below.

1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________

Now, check your answers with a classmate. Do you both have the same adjective forms? If there is a different form of the adjective, write it here:

1. _________________________________________________________________

Work it out! Write the rule! Look at the way these adjectives are written in sentences.

Adjective Example in text Strange They thought this bird was one of the strangest in the world Small Little blue penguins sometimes called fairy penguins are the

smallest of all. Easy The penguin is one of the easiest birds to recognize. Funny The penguin is one of the funniest birds. Now, with a classmate decide on the rule for forming the superlative form of the adjective.

To form the superlative, add ______ to the end of the adjective. When an adjective ends in ______, change to ______


Putting your knowledge to work.

Choose one of the two activities. 1. Your parents are going to buy you a new portable media player for your birthday. Here are three models on the market. Read the characteristics of each one and compare them. Now, tell your parents

which player you want and why.

Or Your parents are going to buy you a new mobile phone for your birthday. Here are three models on the market. Read the characteristics of each one and compare them. Now, tell your parents which player you want and why.

The Proline MP518D player is 1.9 cm in height, 8.3 cm thick and 2.7 cm wide. It weights 30 g and has 8 hours of battery life. It can store 500 MP3 tracks. It has 2GB built in memory and requires 120 MB hard disk space.

The Apple Ipod Touch (4th generation), 32 GB player is 11 cm in height, 5.8 cm wide and 0.8 cm thick. It weighs 99 g and has 40 hours of battery life. It can store about 8,000 songs, 40,000 photos, or 40 hours of video. It does not require an external hard drive.

Touch Screen TFT MP5 Movie Music Personal Media Player is 9.7 cm high,1.5 cm thick and 5.6 cm wide. It weights 0.32 kg and has 4 hours of battery life. It has a storing capacity of 4GB for about 2000 MP3 tracks. .

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Smartphone is 15.2 cm high and 5 cm thick. It weighs 0.14 kg. It has a 4.0 inches 854 x 480 pixels touchscreen and a 8 MP camera 1GB of internal memory, microSD card slot and an 8GB card included with the device.

Blackberry Tour 9630 CDMA Verizon is 7.1 cm high and 3 cm thick. It has a 3.2 megapixels camera, QWERTY Keyboard, Bluetooth. It weighs 0.21 Kg.

Nokia 5230 Quad-band GSM Cell Phone is 19 cm high, 14 cm wide and 5.6 cm thick. It has an 8.1 cm touch screen. It weighs 0.45 kg and has 3 GB of memory. It uses GSM900 and GSM 1800 networks. 2-megapixel camera/camcorder; Bluetooth stereo music; microSD memory expansion to 16 GB; access to personal/work e-mail and instant messaging services


Additional Vocabulary and Grammar exercises for Lesson 7 My trip to Rio Susana has just returned from visiting her family in Brazil and is preparing a presentation on Rio. She is not sure about the verbs with irregular tenses. She can’t remember how to form the comparative and superlative forms in English, either. Can you help her by finishing her presentation? The verbs and adjectives are at the ends of her talk.

Hello everyone,

Today I am going to talk about my trip to Rio de Janeiro. Rio is the second _____________ city in Brazil and the third in South America. It has some of the ______________________ beaches in the world but is also one of the ____________________________cities in the world.

I __________ to Ipanema Beach and _____________ in the esmerald blue water of the Atlantic. The beach was packed. I think there were ___________ people on this beach than Playa el Agua in August. I also visited Corcovado and Sugarloaf Mountain.

I also ___________ the bus to many part of the city. I visited the statue of Christ, the Redeemer. The statue _________ a

height of 30 metres but is not ______________________ the

monument to Virgen de la Paz in Trujillo which is 46.7 metres

tall. Christ, the Redeemer is ____________________________

Monument to the Virgin.

___________ people live in Rio than in Caracas, as the population is 13 million. Like

Caracas, there are many beautiful areas but also many poor areas. The ____________

areas are the slums and shanty towns called Favelas which are sometimes located next to

some of the ________________ parts of the city.

I __________to a football game at the Maracanã stadium. It is the ____________

capacity stadium in the world and can hold around 200,000 people. On my last day in

Rio, I _____________ the film City of God (Cidade de Deus) which is about one of the

_______________________ places in Rio in the 1980s. That film is also considered to be

one of the ________________________ movies produced in Latin America. I quite

enjoyed my trip to Rio.



Backpacking around Brazil: Ben’s Backpacking Travel Blog

Remember our friend Ben. This time he is in Rio and he still has his problem with time. He did not have time to put the verbs in the correct tenses. Hep him by reading the text and selecting the correct tense for the verbs found at the end of each sentence.

When we __________________Rio we ______________about tours that ___________into the Favelas. My first impression ___________ that Favela tours __________________ dangerous. But I ___________________ to a few people who and I _________________ this was not the case.


We _______________ Rocinha, the largest Favela in Rio de Janeiro and Latin America with Favela Tourism Workshop. Rejane Rei, ___________________these tours to dispel the myth that Rocinha ______________ simply a place of drug dealers and extreme poverty. The tour _______________very safe and there _____________nothing to worry about. Although drug dealers _________________in the Favela but don’t ____________ to invite police in so they don’t __________________ trouble with a tour group.(VISIT; START; BE; FEEL; BE; OPERATE; LIKE; CAUSE)

As we ___________________up one road our tour guide _________________ our attention to two expensive looking houses neighboring Rochina. One __________high barbed wire fencing and CCTV cameras whilst another had no security at all. The family whose house _________________no security avoided problems. They___________________ themselves into the community and _______________ fund the school near by. (WALK; BRING; HAVE; INTEGRATE; HELP)

The walking tour _________________its way through the narrow haphazard alleys. We ______________with warm welcomes from the locals and we _______________the tour with a visit to a school where we ___________________crafts from the local children. (WIND; MEET; END; BUY)


Unit 2: Lesson 8 Can you identify these famous novelists whose books have sold millions of copies and have been made into movies?

___________ __________ ____________ Can you match the movies to the authors on whose books they are based?

________________ ________________ ___________

Vocabulary: Once upon a time…. What is the English word for each of the images below? In what kind of literature do we usually find them? What words do you associate with

them? In small groups make word webs for each of the images. Share your list with the class. Add any additional words to your list.


Think about it! In your groups, write at least three (3) sentences linking the four

images. Then share your story with the class. Use the vocabulary from your list

and check the verb tenses you use.

What do you think? Here are the words said by Lord Sauron while he was creating his rings.

How many rings were created?

Read the text aloud, or ask your teacher to read it to you. Does it sound like a happy text, full of light? Or a dark text full of shadows?

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

2 Dictionary work: Use your dictionary to find the meaning of the unknown words in the text. Which of these words have a negative connotation? Write them in the space provided. Give their Spanish equivalent.

English Spanish English Spanish

_________________ __________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ __________________ _________________ _______________ _________________ __________________ _________________ ________________

2 Verse of the Ring, quoted by Gandalf, two lines of which are inscribed on Bilbo Baggins' ring, identifying it as the One Ring, Chapter 'The Shadow of the Past'.








Movie goers today are familiar with the fantasy land of Narnia and the adventurers of the four children who travel there. Another fantasy world, Middle-Earth, and the struggle to regain the Ring of power also held their attention in Lord of the Rings and millions of movie goers eagerly await the continuing story of the young wizards who study in Hogwarts. But did you know that all of these films are based on children’s stories, some written as far back as 1937.

The first of the stories of the Lord of the Ring trilogy was written by J.R. Tolkien, a university professor from Oxford, England. This story began as a sequel to Tolkien-s first novel, The Hobbit, but then developed into a much larger tale. Tolkien created a mythical world which is populated by humans, elves, hobbits, dwarfs and orcs, as well as other creatures like trolls and balrogs. The story is centred on the Rings of Power created by the Dark Lord Sauron and the quest of the hobbit, Froddo Baggins to destroy the One Ring and with it its creator. He is helped by Sam and other creatures from


A friend of Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, wrote the Narnia Chronicles. Lewis was born in Ireland in 1898 and some of his characters are based on events from his childhood. When he was seven, his family moved to a large house and many of his childhood days were spent exploring the long hallways and empty rooms and making up stories with his brother. Like Caspian and Rilian, Lewis’ mother died when he was very young and he was sent, like Edmund, Jill and Eustace, to boarding school. When children from London were evacuated during

WWII, a girl, Lucy, stayed at Lewis’ home in Oxford. In his novels, the children are transported by magic to Narnia where they help the lion Aslan fight against evil. Narnia is made up of different worlds, including our own, and populated by many different types of strange creatures created by Aslan, as well as humans. It is a world of talking animals and magic and the children’s adventures are told in six books.

The first person to become a billionaire based on book sales is J.R. Rowling. Rowling has a “rags to riches” story. Divorced and unemployed, she got the idea for a story of a boy who goes to wizardry school while on a train from Manchester to London. Her first novel was written in cafes and the manuscript was rejected by twelve publishing firms before it was accepted by Bloomsbury in 1996. The characters in

Rowling’s books are based on people she knew and her own personal experiences with school life, death and depression. Rowling’s stories follow the adventures of her main characters Harry, Ron and Hermione and Harry’s struggles against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort. Unlike the mythical world of Tolkien and the fantasy realm of Narnia, Harry and his friends live relatively normal lives in a world which, except for magic, is very similar to our own, with familiar places and institutions. Perhaps it is this familiarity which has made these books so popular. Now, can you identify each of the author’s and the books they wrote? Go back to the start of today’s lesson and complete the exercise.


Grammar review: The passive voice Look at these sentences taken from the text. Underline the verb in each.

What do you notice about the form of the verb? Two are written in the active voice and the other two in the passive voice.

1. A friend of Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, wrote the Narnia Chronicles.

2. The Lord of the Ring trilogy was written by J.R. Tolkien.

3. This story began as a sequel to Tolkien’s first novel, The Hobbit, but then

developed into a much larger tale.

4. The characters in Rowling’s books are based on people she knew and her own personal experiences with school life, death and depression.

What is the difference between the two? The active and passive voice has to do with the relationship between the subject of the sentence and the verb. For example, in the first sentence, C.S. Lewis, the subject of the sentence, does the action. In the second sentence, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, does nothing. The action is done to it.

Work it out and write the rule! Fill in the blanks with the missing information. The verbs in sentences _______ and ________ are written in the active voice while the verbs in sentences ________ and ________ are written in

the passive voice. Here are some other sentences. Look carefully at the form of the verb.

1. In his novels, the children are transported by magic to Narnia where they help the lion Aslan fight against evil.

2. He is helped by Sam and other creatures from Middle-Earth.

3. When children from London were evacuated during WWII, a girl, Lucy, stayed

at Lewis’ home in Oxford.

In English, the passive voice is formed with the verb ____________ and the ___________________. The _________ must agree with the ________________ of the sentence.


Vocabulary: A game anyone? One of the most interesting games played by the students at Hogwarts is Quidditch. Can you recognize the different pieces of equipment needed for this game? Select the word from the box and write it under the


broom snitch pitch whistle bludger quaffle

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ and…how much do you know about the game? Take the Quidditch test and find out!

1. How many balls are used in a Quidditch game? 2. What are the players on the team called? 3. Which is the most important of the balls? 4. Which is considered the most dangerous of the balls? 5. How many hoops are on the pitch? 6. How many points are needed to win? 7. What is “blagging”? 8. What is “bumphing”?

Now, read this text to see if you were right. But wait! There’s something wrong. Some of the words have been blotted out!. These words can be found in the box below. Can you decide which word goes where in the text? You have to write the verbs in the correct tense.

play (v) break (v) dangerous win (v) fall off (v) invent (v) broomsticks throw (v) whistle collide (v) players throw (v) ball make (v) hoops


Quidditch (1)is played up on (2)broomsticks up in the air. There are three goal posts at either ends of a field. That field is called a Quidditch pitch. Quidditch has three balls. The ball that scores the points is the Quaffle. The Quaffle is 12 inches in diameter and (3)is made of leather bindings. The Quaffle has made some different changes over the years. The Bludger is probably the most (4)dangerous ball of all of them. It flies through the air being hit by (5)players called beaters. Serious injuries have been caused by Bludgers hitting people and causing them to (6)fall off their brooms. The third and most important (7)ball is the Golden Snitch. The Golden Snitch is a tiny ball that has wings and is enchanted. The first Snitch was a tiny bird that was very small and very tiny, but changes to the rules made it illegal to use the actual bird. The current enchanted, winged ball version of the Snitch (8)was invented by Bowman Wright of Godric's Hollow. If the Seeker catches the Golden Snitch, his or her team earns 150 points and usually (9)wins the match.

At either end of the Quidditch pitch are three (10)hoops through which the Quaffle can be scored. In the center of the Pitch is a circle where the balls (11)are all thrown into the air and the match begins. As the balls (12)are thrown, the players all gather on the ground and then kick off as the referee blows his/her (13)whistle. During the game a player can get a foul or (14)break a rule. Here are some fouls that a player can receive: blagging (applies to all players, it is when a player seizes opponent's broom tail to slow or hinder), blatching (applies to all players, it is when a person is flying with the intent to (15)collide), bumphing (applies to beaters only, it is when a Beater is hitting a Bludger towards the crowd, necessitating a halt of the game as the officials rush to protect bystanders. Sometimes used by unscrupulous players to prevent an opposing Chaser from scoring).

When you are finished, check your work with a classmate. Then check your answers to the Quidditch test! Text adapted from http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/quidditch.html Fill in the table below with the word that should go into the black space above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15.


On your own Go back to the information on C.S. Lewis, J.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rolling and make your own Literary Quiz. Use the “Question words” to help you.

Find a film that you like. Do some research and find out:

The writer’s name The director´s name Where it was filmed Who were the main actors The story line (what the story was about)

Write it up as a short summary of the story.

Working on your vocabulary. Remember to work on your vocabulary by adding the words from today’s unit to your personal Leitner Manual Computer box.

Game time

Not basket but Verb ball! Past tense and past participle

1. Divide into two teams. 2. Each team makes a list of regular, irregular verbs and past participles 3. Team one calls out the infinitive of a verb. 4. Team two has to give the past tense form of the verb and past participle. 5. A correct answer scores one point. The incorrect answer is one point for the

opposing team. 6. Each team can challenge the other by asking for the correct answer or by

asking for the Spanish equivalent of the word. 7. The team that scores the most points after 10 minutes of game time, wins!

Checking up on Grammar. Remember to review the grammar points in today’s lesson on page 144.


Additional Vocabulary and Grammar exercises for Lesson 8 Here is a short summary of the Lord of the Rings trilogy written by our friend Susana. This time she can’t remember how to form the passive voice. Can you help her by putting the verbs into the correct tense and voice?

I loved to read Lord of the Rings and so I naturally loved the films as well. The books _____________________________ by J.R.R Tokien before and during the Second World War. In the olden days the Rings of power ___________________by the Elven smiths. Then the Dark Lord Sauron created a Ring to rule the lesser rings. The rings _________________by the Dark Lord Sauron and they ________________________by

his power so he could use them as a weapon in his campaign to conquer Middle earth. But the Ring of Power ______________________and ______________________________by Bilbo Baggins who lived in the Shire. On his eleventy-first birthday, Bilbo Baggins had a party and then disappeared. The Ring of Power ________________________________to his nephew Frodo who decided to destroy the ring. Now, he must travel to the Cracks of Doom to throw the ring into the volcano. He __________________________on his quest by Gandalf, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Aragorn, Boromir and his three Hobbit friends Merry, Pippin and Samwise. On the trip the group _____________________to travel through the Mines of

Moria, where they ______________________by Orcs. Among their adventurers, Boromir

______________and Merry and Pippin ______________by Saruman's Orcs. They escape

and __________________by tree-like Ants. The ants ________________to destroy

Sarum’s forces and the armies _______________________.

How does it end? Read it and see for yourself how order _______________________.



Apéndice I:

Material para el aprendizaje autónomo

Estilos de Aprendizaje y Vocabulario




Este cuestionario ha sido diseñado para identificar tu Estilo preferido de Aprendizaje. No es una prueba de inteligencia, ni de personalidad. No hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas. La información que obtengas te será útil en la medida que seas sincero/a en tus respuestas. Si estás más de acuerdo que en desacuerdo con el ítem selecciona 'Mas (+)'. Si, por el contrario, estás más en desacuerdo que de acuerdo, selecciona 'Menos (-)'. Por favor contesta a todos los itémes. Contestar al cuestionario no te tomará más de 15 minutos.

Muchas gracias.

1.- Tengo fama de decir lo que pienso claramente y sin rodeos. (+) (-)

2.- Estoy seguro de lo que es bueno y lo que es malo, lo que está bien y lo que está mal. (+) (-)

3.- Muchas veces actúo sin medir las consecuencias. (+) (-)

4.- Normalmente trato de resolver los problemas metódicamente y paso a paso. (+) (-)

5.- Creo que los formalismos coartan y limitan la actuación libre de las personas. (+) (-)

6.- Me interesa saber cuales son los sistemas de valores de los demás y con que criterios actúan. (+) (-)

7.- Pienso que el actuar intuitivamente puede ser siempre tan válido como actuar reflexivamente. (+) (-)

8.- Creo que lo más importante es que las cosas funcionen. (+) (-)

9.- Procuro estar al tanto de lo que ocurre aquí y ahora. (+) (-)

10.- Disfruto cuando tengo tiempo para preparar mi trabajo y realizarlo a conciencia.

(+) (-)

11.- Estoy a gusto siguiendo un orden, en las comidas, en el estudio, haciendo ejercicio regularmente. (+) (-)

12.- Cuando escucho una nueva idea enseguida comienzo a pensar como ponerla en práctica. (+) (-) 13.- Prefiero las ideas originales y novedosas aunque no sean prácticas. (+) (-) 14.- Admito y me ajusto a las normas sólo si me sirven para lograr mis objetivos. (+) (-) 15.- Normalmente encajo bien con personas reflexivas, y me cuesta sintonizar con personas demasiado espontáneas, imprevisibles. (+) (-) 16.- Escucho más de lo que hablo. (+) (-) 17.- Prefiero las cosas estructuradas a las desordenadas. (+) (-)

9418.- Cuando tengo cualquier información, trato de interpretarla bien antes de hacer alguna conclusión. (+) (-) 19.- Antes de hacer algo estudio con cuidado sus ventajas y desventajas. (+) (-) 20.- Siempre es un reto de hacer algo nuevo y diferente. (+) (-) 21.- Casi siempre procuro ser coherente con mis criterios y sistemas de valores. Tengo principios y los sigo. (+) (-) 22.- Cuando hay una discusión no me gusta ir con rodeos. (+) (-) 23.- Me disgusta implicarme afectivamente en mi ambiente de trabajo. Prefiero mantener relaciones distantes. (+) (-) 24.- Me gustan más las personas realistas y concretas que las teóricas. (+) (-) 25.- Me gusta ser creativo, romper estructuras. (+) (-) 26.- Me siento a gusto con personas espontáneas y divertidas. (+) (-) 27.-La mayoría de las veces expreso abiertamente cómo me siento. (+) (-) 28.- Me gusta analizar y dar vueltas a las cosas. (+) (-) 29.- Me molesta que la gente no se tome en serio las cosas. (+) (-) 30.-Me atrae experimentar y practicar las últimas técnicas y novedades. (+) (-) 31.-Soy cauteloso a la hora de sacar conclusiones. (+) (-) 32.-Prefiero contar con el mayor número de fuentes de información. Cuantos más datos reúna para reflexionar, mejor. (+) (-) 33.-Tiendo a ser perfeccionista. (+) (-) 34.-Prefiero oír las opiniones de los demás antes de exponer la mía. (+) (-) 35.-Me gusta afrontar la vida espontáneamente y no tener que planificar todo previamente. (+) (-) 36.-En las discusiones me gusta observar cómo actúan los demás participantes.

(+) (-)

37.-Me siento incómodo con las personas calladas y demasiado analíticas. (+) (-) 38.-Juzgo con frecuencia las ideas de los demás por su valor práctico. (+) (-) 39.-Me agobio si me obligan a acelerar mucho el trabajo para cumplir un plazo. (+) (-) 40.-En las reuniones apoyo las ideas prácticas y realistas. (+) (-) 41.-Es mejor gozar del momento presente que deleitarse pensando en el pasado o en el futuro. (+) (-) 42.-Me molestan las personas que siempre desean apresurar las cosas. (+) (-) 43.-Aporto ideas nuevas y espontáneas en los grupos de discusión. (+) (-) 44.-Pienso que son más conscientes las decisiones fundamentadas en un minucioso análisis que las basadas en la intuición. (+) (-)

95 45.-Detecto frecuentemente la inconsistencia y puntos débiles en las argumentaciones de los demás. (+) (-) 46.-Creo que es preciso saltarse las normas muchas más veces que cumplirlas. (+) (-) 47.-A menudo caigo en cuenta de otras formas mejores y más prácticas de hacer las cosas.

(+) (-) 48.-En conjunto hablo más que escucho. (+) (-) 49.-Prefiero distanciarme de los hechos y observarlos desde otras perspectivas. (+) (-) 50.-Estoy convencido que debe imponerse la lógica y el razonamiento. (+) (-) 51.-Me gusta buscar nuevas experiencias. (+) (-) 52.-Me gusta experimentar y aplicar las cosas. (+) (-) 53.-Pienso que debemos llegar pronto al grano, al meollo de los temas. (+) (-) 54.-Siempre trato de conseguir conclusiones e ideas claras. (+) (-) 55.-Prefiero discutir cuestiones concretas y no perder el tiempo con charlas vacías.

(+) (-) 56.-Me impaciento cuando me dan explicaciones irrelevantes e incoherentes. (+) (-) 57.-Compruebo antes si las cosas funcionan realmente. (+) (-) 58.-Hago varios borradores antes de la redacción definitiva de un trabajo. (+) (-) 59.-Soy consciente de que en las discusiones ayudo a mantener a los demás centrados en el tema, evitando divagaciones. (+) (-) 60.-Observo que, con frecuencia, soy uno de los más objetivos y desapasionados en las discusiones. (+) (-) 61.- Cuando algo va mal le quito importancia y trato de hacerlo mejor. (+) (-) 62.- Rechazo ideas originales y espontáneas si no las veo prácticas. (+) (-) 63.- Me gusta sopesar diversas alternativas antes de tomar una decisión. (+) (-) 64.- Con frecuencia miro hacia delante para prever el futuro. (+) (-) 65.- En los debates y discusiones prefiero desempeñar un papel secundario antes que ser el/la líder o el/la que más participa. (+) (-) 66.- Me molestan las personas que no actúan con lógica. (+) (-) 67.- Me resulta incomodo tener que planificar y prever las cosas. (+) (-) 68.- Creo que el fin justifica los medios en muchos casos. (+) (-) 69.- Suelo reflexionar sobre los asuntos y problemas. (+) (-) 70.- El trabajar a conciencia me llena de satisfacción y orgullo. (+) (-) 71.- Ante los acontecimientos trato de descubrir los principios y teorías en que se basan.

(+) (-)

96 72.- Con tal de conseguir el objetivo que pretendo soy capaz de herir sentimientos ajenos.

(+) (-) 73.- No me importa hacer todo lo necesario para que sea efectivo mi trabajo. (+) (-) 74.- Con frecuencia soy una de las personas que más anima las fiestas. (+) (-) 75.- Me aburro enseguida con el trabajo metódico y minucioso. (+) (-) 76.- La gente con frecuencia cree que soy poco sensible a sus sentimientos. (+) (-) 77.- Suelo dejarme llevar por mis intuiciones. (+) (-) 78.- Si trabajo en grupo procuro que se siga un método y un orden. (+) (-) 79.- Con frecuencia me interesa averiguar lo que piensa la gente. (+) (-) 80.- Esquivo los temas subjetivos, ambiguos y poco claros. (+) (-)


1.- Encierra en un círculo cada uno de los números que has señalado con el signo más (+) 2.- Suma los círculos que hay en cada columna. 3.- Coloca estos totales en la gráfica. Así comprobarás cual estilo o estilos de aprendizaje prefieres.


3 10 2 1 5 16 4 8 7 18 6 12 9 19 11 14 13 28 15 22 20 31 17 24 26 32 21 30 27 34 23 38 35 36 25 40 37 39 29 47 41 42 33 52 43 44 45 53 46 49 50 56 48 55 54 57 51 58 60 59 61 63 64 62 67 65 66 68 74 69 71 72 75 70 78 73 77 79 80 76

Totales: Grupo Activo Reflexivo Teórico Pragmáticos

Descripción de los Estilos de Aprendizaje:

97 ACTIVOS: Son de mente abierta, nada escépticos y acometen con entusiasmo

nuevas tareas. Se crecen con los desafíos y se aburren con los largos plazos. Son personas muy de grupo que se involucran en los asuntos de los demás y centran a su alrededor todas las actividades.

REFLEXIVOS: Son prudentes y consideran todas las alternativas antes de dar un movimiento. Recogen datos y los analizan antes de llegar a una conclusión. Disfrutan observando la actuación de los demás, escuchan y no intervienen hasta que están seguros. Crean a su alrededor un aire distante y condescendiente.

TEÓRICOS: Adaptan e integran las observaciones (hechos) dentro de teorías coherentes. Enfocan los problemas de forma vertical escalonada, por etapas lógicas. Son perfeccionistas. Les gusta analizar y sintetizar. Son profundos en su sistema de pensamiento. Buscan la racionalidad y la objetividad.

PRAGMÁTICOS: Su punto fuerte es la aplicación práctica de las ideas. Descubren el aspecto positivo de las nuevas ideas y aprovechan la primera oportunidad para experimentarlas. Les gusta actuar rápidamente y con seguridad con aquellas ideas y proyectos que les atraen. Son impacientes con las personas que teorizan. Pisan tierra cuando hay que tomar decisiones y su filosofía es: si funciona es bueno.

Se puede encontrar una serie de características personales en cada estilo en la Tabla 1:

TABLA 1. Estilos de Aprendizaje





















Adaptado de: http://www.aprender.org.ar/aulas/avadim/recursos/CHAEA1.rtf http://html.rincondelvago.com/aprendizaje-y-uso-de-tecnicas-de-estudio-en-estudiantes-de-bachillerato.html


El computador manual de Leitner

El computador manual de Leitner es un dispositivo de baja tecnología diseñado para la memorización autónoma y acelerada de grandes cantidades de vocabulario en una segunda lengua. En su forma más simple, consiste en una caja de zapatos con una serie de compartimientos internos colocados a intervalos pre-establecidos (1, 2, 5, 8 y 14 cms). El estudiante “carga” el computador con una serie de fichas de vocabulario. Para obtener resultados óptimos, se recomienda el uso del computador a diario durante quince minutos, o de tres a cuatro veces por semana durante no más de media hora.

Procedimientos para usar el computador manual de Leitner

1. Cada palabra que se desea aprender se coloca en una ficha. Por un lado que será el frente se escribe la palabra en letras de molde, grandes y con marcador de color, en inglés. Por el otro lado, que será el reverso, se escribe el equivalente en español, en letras de molde, del mismo tamaño, pero con marcador de otro color (el mismo color para todas las palabras en el mismo idioma).

2. Las fichas se colocan en el compartimiento 1. (Máximo entre 30 y 40 fichas cada vez)

Trayectoria de la palabra conocida Trayectoria de la palabra desconocida u olvidada 3. El estudiante lee la palabra en inglés y trata de recordar su equivalente en

español. Si cree recordarlo, la voltea para verificar. Si recordó correctamente, coloca la ficha en el compartimiento 2.



Centímetros 1 2 5 8 14


4. Si el estudiante no recuerda el equivalente en español, debe repetir la palabra tanto en inglés como en español dos o tres veces. Luego, debe colocar la ficha en la parte de atrás del compartimiento 1.

5. Cuando quedan sólo de tres a cinco fichas en el compartimiento 1, el compartimiento debe rellenarse con de 30 a 40 nuevas fichas. De esa forma, se pueden aprender nuevas palabras.

6. Después de haber repetido los pasos anteriores varias veces, el compartimiento 2 también se llena. Entonces, es hora de revisar las palabras que allí se encuentran. Al revisarlas, aquellas palabras que el estudiante recuerda pasan al compartimiento 3, aquellas que no recuerda se colocan en la parte posterior del compartimiento 1. La revisión continúa hasta que se desocupe por completo el contenido del compartimiento 2.

7. El principio del uso del computador manual queda así establecido: …un compartimiento se revisa sólo cuando está completamente lleno, todas las palabras que el estudiante “se sabe” pasan al compartimiento siguiente, las palabras que el estudiante “no se sabe” o que “ya no recuerda” deben regresar a la parte posterior del compartimiento 1.

8. Después de cierto tiempo, los compartimientos 3 y 4 también llegan a llenarse. En ese caso, se procede de la misma manera que cuando se llenó el compartimiento 2. Es importante que el estudiante recuerde que sólo se revisa el contenido de un compartimiento cuando éste esté completamente lleno.

9. Eventualmente, cuando el compartimiento 5 también esté lleno, el estudiante revisará esas fichas por última vez. Si se sabe las palabras que allí se encuentran (lo cual es lo más probable) debe guardarlas en otro lugar, fuera del computador. De esa manera, se hace espacio para seguir cargando el computador con nuevas palabras desconocidas. Para el momento en que el compartimiento 5 se ha llenado, el estudiante ha revisado esas palabras con una frecuencia tal (distribuida en el tiempo) que podemos hablar de verdadero aprendizaje.

10. De vez en cuando, es recomendable tomar una muestra de diez palabras de ese grupo de fichas que se sacó del computador, con el objeto de verificar si todavía se recuerdan.

Lo ideal es dedicarle unos 15 minutos diarios al uso de esta técnica. La segunda mejor opción es dedicarle una media hora de tres a cuatro veces a la semana.

Texto sobre el computador manual de Leitner adaptado por Noela Cartaya y Silvia Pereira del original de Mondria y Mondria-De Vries (1994) y de su

traducción al español realizada por Genoveva Llinares

CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


an about abroad absence absent accept accident accidental accidentally across act action active activity actor actress add address adventures advice after afternoon again against age ago air airplane alive all allow almost alone along aloud already also although altogether always among amount and angry animal another answer any anybody Anything arm

una, un sobre, a cerca de en el extranjero ausencia ausente aceptar accidente accidental accidentalmente al otro lado de actuar acción activo actividad actor actriz agregar dirección aventuras consejo después la tarde de nuevo contra/ En contra de edad hace(en el tiempo) aire aeroplano vivo/a todo permitir casi solo/a a lo largo de en voz alta. ya (Ya le he dicho) además aunque completamente siempre entre cantidad y bravo animal otro respuesta/ responder cualquier/a cualquiera(persona) nada/Ningún brazo

around arrival arrive arrow article as ask at attend attention attract attraction attractive aunt avenue avoid baby back bad bag baggage ball band bank barber basket be bear beautiful because become bed before beg begin behaviour behind believe bell belong below beside best better between beyond bicycle big bill birth bit

alrededor llegada llegar flecha artículo como/ a medida que preguntar/ pedir en/ a las asistir atención atraer atracción atractivo/a tía avenida evitar bebé de regreso/ hacia atrás malo/a, mal bolsa equipaje pelota banda banco barbero cesta ser/estar soportar/ oso bello/a porque convertirse cama antes rogar comenzar comportamiento detrás creer campana pertenecer debajo al lado lo mejor mejor entre más allá bicicleta grande factura nacimiento pedacito

CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


black block blow blue body boil book borrow both bottle box boy bread break breakfast bridge bright bring brother brown brush build building bus business busy but butter buy by cake call camera can-could capital car card care carry cat cause certain chain chair chalk chance change cheap check cheese chicken child

negro bloque/ bloquear soplar azul cuerpo hervir libro tomar prestado ambos botella caja niño pan romper desayuno puente brillante traer hermano marrón brocha/pincel/cepillo construir edificio autobús negocio ocupado pero/ excepto mantequilla comprar cerca de/ por torta llamar /llamada cámara poder, podría capital carro postal/ tarjeta preocuparse cargar/ llevar gato causa cierto, seguro cadena silla tiza chance, posibilidad cambio barato chequear queso pollo niño

Christmas choose city class clay clean clear clock close cloth cloud coat coffee cold collect colour comb come complain complete congratulate cook cool copy corner correct cost cotton country course cousin cover cow cream cross cry cup cure cut dance danger dangerous dare dark date daughter day dead dear death debt decide

Navidad elegir, escoger ciudad clase arcilla limpiar/ limpio claro, transparente reloj de pared cerrar tela/ trapo nube abrigo/ capa café frío recolectar color peine venir quejarse completar felicitar cocinar/ cocinero fresco copiar /copia rincón, esquina corregir/ correcto costo algodón país curso primo/a cubrir vaca crema cruzar/ cruz llorar taza cura cortar bailar peligro peligroso atreverse oscuro cita/fecha hija día muerto querido muerte deuda decidir

CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


delight department depend desk destroy destruction destructive dictionary die difference discuss difficult difficulty dinner dirt dirty different disease dish distinguish do dog dollar donkey door doubt down drawer dream dress drink drive dry during each ear early earth easy eat egg elder else empty end engine enjoy enough enter envelope even

deleitar / deleite departamento depender escritorio destruir destrucción destructivo diccionario morir diferencia discutir difícil dificultad cena suciedad/tierra sucio diferente enfermedad plato distinguir hacer perro dólar burro puerta duda abajo gaveta sueño/ soñar vestir/ vestido trago manejar seco durante cada oreja temprano tierra fácil comer huevo mayor algo más vacío final/finalizar motor disfrutar suficiente entrar sobre incluso / uniforme

evening ever every everything exact exactly examination examine excellent except exception exercise excitement excuse expect expensive experiment explain explanation eye face fail fair fall family famous far farmer fat father fault favor favorite feel feeling fellow few field fight fill film find fine finger finish fire first fish fit frequently flag

tarde/noche alguna vez todo/ cada cada/todo exacto exactamente examen examinar excelente excepto excepción ejercitarse/ ejercicio entusiasmo excusa esperar costoso experimento explicar explicación ojo cara falla justo caer/ otoño familia famoso lejos agricultor/granjero gordo/ gordura papa culpa / defecto favor favorito sentir sentimiento compañero pocos campo pelea/pelear llenar película encontrar bien dedo finalizar fuego primero pescado quedar/ caber frecuentemente


CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


floor flower fly follow food fool foot for forbid foreign forest forget forgive fork free frequent fruit fresh friend friendly from front full funny game garage garden gas gather general generally get gift girl give glad glass go good government gray great green greet group grow guest hair half hall hand happen

piso flor volar seguir comida tonto pie para / por prohibir extranjero/ forastero bosque olvidar perdonar tenedor gratis frecuente fruta fresco amigo amigable de frente lleno gracioso juego garaje jardín gas/gasolina recolectar general generalmente obtener regalo niña dar alegre vidrio ir bueno gobierno gris genial / gran verde saludar grupo crecer invitado cabello mitad pasillo mano pasar/ocurrir

happy hard have he head health hear heavy helpful help her here home highly his history hit hole holiday high honest hope horse hospital host hot hotel hour house how human hungry hurry hurt husband ice idea if ill illness immediately importance important in inch indeed inside instead interest interrupt interruption into

feliz duro /difícil tener/haber él cabeza salud escuchar pesado servicial ayuda de ella aquí hogar altamente su historia pegar hoyo feriado/ vacaciones alto honesto esperanza caballo hospital anfitrión caliente hotel hora casa cómo humano hambriento apurar herir/herido esposo hielo idea si enfermo enfermedad inmediatamente importancia importante en / dentro de pulgada de hecho dentro de en vez de interés interrumpir interrupción en / el interior

CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


introduce introduction invent invention inventor invitation invite irregular it its juice jump just keep key kill kind kiss kitchen knife knock know knowledge lady lamp land language large last late lately law lawyer lead leader learn least leather leave left leg lend less lesson let letter library lie life lift light like

introducir introducción inventar invención inventor invitación invitar irregular eso su jugo saltar exactamente mantener llave / tecla matar clase / amable beso cocina cuchillo golpear (la puerta) saber/ conocer conocimiento dama lámpara tierra idioma / lenguaje grande último tarde últimamente ley abogado liderar / plomo líder aprender menos cuero irse / salir izquierda pierna prestar menos lección permitir carta / letra biblioteca mentir / mentira vida levantar luz gustar / como

liquid list listen little live long look lot (a lot) loud low lower lucky lunch mail main mainly make man many map mark match material matter may/might me meal mean measure meat mechanical medicine member memory mention message mile milk mind minute miss mistake moment money month monthly moon more morning most mostly mother

líquido lista escuchar pequeño / poco vivir largo mirar mucho fuerte (ruido) bajo inferior afortunado almuerzo correo principal principalmente hacer hombre muchos mapa marca / marcar fósforo / combinar material materia / asunto puede /podría me / mí comida significar / malo medir carne mecánico medicina miembro memoria mencionar mensaje milla leche mente minuto perder / fallar equivocación momento dinero mes mensualmente luna más mañana la mayoría en su mayoría madre

CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


mountain move movement much music must my/mine myself name narrow natural nature near nearly necessary necessity need never new next nice night no noise north nose not note nothing noun now number nurse Ocean of off offer office often oil old on once one only open opinion or orange order organize organized

montaña mover movimiento mucho música debe mi/mío yo mismo nombre angosto natural naturaleza cerca casi necesario necesidad necesitar nunca nuevo siguiente bonito noche no ruido norte nariz no nota nada sustantivo ahora número enfermera océano de apagado oferta/ofrecer oficina a menudo petróleo/aceite viejo sobre / en una vez una/o solo abrir / abierto opinión o naranja /anaranjado orden organizar organizado

other ought to ounce our/ours out/out of over own package page pain painful paint painter pair paper pardon parent park part party pass past pay payment peace pen pencil people perhaps person personal photograph pick picture piece pink pity place plan plant play player please plural polite politely poor popular popularity pound practice

otro debería onza nuestro/s afuera/ fuera de encima / por encima poseer paquete página dolor doloroso pintura / pintar pintor par papel perdonar padre / madre parque/ estacionar parte fiesta pasar pasado pagar pago paz bolígrafo lápiz gente tal vez persona personal fotografía escoger cuadro / dibujo pieza rosado lástima lugar/colocar plan/planificar planta jugar jugador por favor/complacer plural cortés cortésmente pobre popular popularidad palpitar/libra practicar

CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


prepare present pretty price prize probability probable probably problem profession professional program promise pull punish punishment purple push put quarrel quarter question quick quickly quiet quietly rain rate rather read reader ready real reality really receive record red regular regularly relation remember remind repair repeat replace reserve rest restaurant return rice

preparar presente / regalo bonito precio premio probabilidad probable probablemente problema profesión profesional programa prometer halar castigar castigo morado empujar poner discutir un cuarto ¼ pregunta rápido rápidamente silencioso silenciosamente lluvia índice de un tanto / preferir leer lector listo real realidad realmente recibir record rojo regular regularmente relación acordarse recordar reparar repetir reemplazar reservar descansar restaurante regresar arroz

rich right ring rise river room round rule run runner sad safe safety sale salt same satisfaction satisfy save say school science scientific scientist sea season seat secretary see seem sell seller send sentence serious seriously set several she ship shipment shirt shoe shop short show shower sick sickness side since


rico correcto anillo levantar río habitación redondo regla correr corredor triste seguro seguridad venta / rebajas sal el mismo/ igual satisfacción satisfacer salvar /guardar decir escuela ciencia científico científico mar estación asiento secretaria ver parecer vender vendedor enviar oración / sentenciar serio/a seriamente establecer varios ella barco un envío camisa zapato tienda corto mostrar ducha enfermo enfermedad lado desde sincero

CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


sincerely sing singer single sister sit size skirt sky sleep slow slowly small smell smile smoke snow so soap solve some something sometimes somewhere son soon/sooner sorry soup south speak speaker special specially spell spend spoon sport spring square stamp stand star start station stay still stomach stop store story straight strange

atentamente cantar cantante uno solo hermana sentar tamaño falda cielo dormir lento lentamente pequeño olor/ oler sonreír/ sonrisa humo nieve tan / así que jabón resolver algunos / algunas algo algunas veces en algún lugar hijo pronto / más pronto perdón sopa sur hablar orador / altavoz especial especialmente deletrear gastar cuchara deporte primavera cuadrado sello estar de pie /soportar estrella empezar estación quedarse todavía / quieto estómago detenerse tienda cuento derecho extraño

strong study subject successful successfully such suddenly sugar suggest suggestion summer sun suppose sure surprise sweet swim table take talk tall taste taxi tea teach teacher telegraph telephone tell terrible than thank/s that the their them then there these they thing think thirst this those throw till/until time tired to today together

fuerte estudiar sujeto exitoso exitosamente tal de repente azúcar sugerir sugerencia verano sol suponer asegurar sorpresa dulce nadar mesa tomar/llevar hablar alto sabor taxi té enseñar maestro/a telégrafo teléfono decir terrible que/de gracias eso el/la su ellos entonces allá estos / estas ellos cosa pensar sed esto esos lanzar hasta tiempo cansado a hoy juntos

CIU Lista de Vocabulario Nº ___________


tomorrow tonight too tooth towel town toy train translate translation translator travel tree trip try turn ugly umbrella uncle under understand university up use useful useless user usual usually verb very violence violent violently visit visitor voice vote wait wake walk wall want war wash waste watch water way we weak wear

mañana esta noche también diente toalla pueblo juguete tren traducir traducción traductor viajar árbol viaje intentar voltear / voltearse feo/a paraguas tío debajo entender universidad arriba utilizar / usar útil inútil usuario usual usualmente verbo muy violencia violento violentamente visitar visita voz voto esperar despertar caminar pared querer guerra lavar desperdiciar observar / reloj agua camino / manera nosotros débil llevar (ropa)

week weigh weight welcome well west wet what when where whether which while white who whole whose why wide widely wife Will Win Wind window windy winter wise wish with woman wonder wonderful wonderfully won´t wood would word work worker World worry worse worst write wrong year yellow yes yet you young

semana pesar peso recibir/bienvenido/a bien oeste mojado qué cuándo dónde si qué, cuál mientras blanco quién completo de quién por qué amplio ampliamente esposa voluntad ganar viento ventana ventoso invierno sabio desear / deseo con mujer maravilla/ pensar maravilloso maravillosamente (will not) madera (verbo auxiliar) palabra trabajo trabajador mundo preocuparse peor el peor escribir equivocado año amarillo si aun tú / ustedes joven


Apéndice II:

Material para el Aprendizaje Autónomo





En esta parte presentamos algunos conocimientos básicos del idioma inglés de manera muy breve. Es importante revisar cada parte y completar los ejercicios para que puedas determinar los elementos del idioma que te causan más problemas o en los que necesites más práctica.


Las palabras son unidades en una lengua y pueden clasificarse según su forma, su significado, comportamiento y funciones. Observa el siguiente ejemplo y trata de determinar la clase a la que pertenece cada palabra. I never liked long walks, especially in chilli afternoons.

Ejercicio 1: Completa la columna correspondiente al español. Escribe el equivalente en español de los ejemplos dados en inglés.

CLASE DE PALABRA Ejemplo en inglés Ejemplo en español

Nombres car, Peter, phone call, system

Pronombres 1) personales 2) posesivos 3) objeto 4) relativos 5) demostrativos 6) interrogativos 7) indefinidos

1. you 2. my 3. me 4. that, which, whose 5. this, these 6. who, what, where 7. someone

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Verbos léxicos be, run, think

auxiliares can, will, may, should,


determinados the

indeterminados a / an

Cuantificadores some, many

Adjetivos interesting, red, good

Adverbios well, strongly

Preposiciones in, on, at

Conjunciones but, and, or


Ejercicio 2: ¿A qué clase pertenecen las siguientes palabras? Escríbela en el espacio correspondiente.

1. in ______________________

2. be ______________________

3. student __________________

4. always ___________________

5. the _____________________

6. play _____________________

7. pretty ____________________

Ejercicio 3: ¿Crees que ya puedes identificar algunas clases de palabras? Lee el siguiente párrafo y encuentra uno o dos ejemplos de cada clase de palabra. Escribe los ejemplos que encuentres en los espacios

correspondientes en la siguiente tabla. Luego, escribe el equivalente en español. Utiliza tu diccionario si es necesario.

Jean and Pierre are exchange students at the Universidad Simón Bolívar. They come from France. This is their first time in Venezuela. They really like the university but they don't like the traffic. It is a problem for them to come to the university because they don't have a car. They share an apartment in Chacaíto where it is easy to take the University Bus.

CLASE DE PALABRA Ejemplo en inglés Ejemplo en español


Pronombres 1) personales 2) posesivos 3) objeto 4) relativos 5) demostrativos 6) interrogativos 7) indefinidos

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Verbos léxicos












El nombre es una clase de palabra que se refiere y da a conocer personas,

animales, cosas, ideas o sentimientos. Es decir, los nombres pueden expresar realidades concretas o abstractas. Nombres concretos: computer, tomato, man, rain. Nombres abstractos: harmony, future, dream, surprise.

Ejercicio 4: Observa los ejemplos y subraya con una línea los nombres concretos y los abstractos con dos. "Prejudices are difficult to eradicate from the Herat whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education: they grow there firm as weeds among stones"

Charlotte Bronte

"Authentic love always assumes the mystery of modesty, even in

its expression, because actions speak louder than words."

Honore de Balzac

"…in giving me the prize they have taken into account the

literature of the sub-continent and have awarded me as a way of awarding all of this literature"

Gabriel García Marquez

Los nombres contables y no contables Tanto en inglés como en español existen nombres que representan

elementos contables (un libro, dos sillas, etc.) y no contables (agua, tristeza, etc.). Con los nombres contables podemos usar a / an, por ejemplo: a person (una persona), a ball (una pelota), an apple (una manzana). También podemos usar números antes de los nombres contables: three windows (tres ventanas), five apples (cinco manzanas). Por el contrario, con los nombres no contables no podemos utilizar ni a/an ni tampoco números. Para éstos debemos agregar palabras que los delimiten en unidades contables tales como SOME (ALGO DE) o A LOT OF (MUCHA/O) A LOT OF He has a lot of knowledge in the field of engineering.

If you eat a lot of sugar, you will gain weight. SOME She has some knowledge of history.

I always put some sugar in my coffee.


También se pueden utilizar otros elementos tales como medidas más específicas. May I have a cup of coffee Would you like a glass of milk? I'd like a bottle of water I need two kilograms of rice, please. Los nombres contables pueden tener una forma plural, no así los no contables. I saw four cars parked in front of the building. I drank two waters this morning. X I drank two bottles/glasses of water this morning. En español, a veces se usan como contables nombres que en inglés siempre se usan como no contables. Esto puede llevar a confusiones. Estos son algunos ejemplos:

Español Inglés Un Pan o [varios] panes Un Café o [varios] cafés

Bread, a slice of bread, a loaf of bread. Coffee, some coffee, a cup of coffee

El verbo que acompaña al nombre no contable generalmente se usa en

singular, por ejemplo: Water is essential for life. Asimismo, el pronombre que sustituya a un nombre contable, también debe estar en forma singular, por ejemplo: Love is hard to define. It is considered the most powerful feeling. Más adelante, estudiaremos en mayor detalle la función de los pronombres. Por su parte, los nombres contables si se utilizan en forma plural, en cuyo caso tanto el verbo como los pronombres que se relaciones a éstos deben utilizarse en forma plural. A man works hard to get what he needs (singular) Men work hard to get what they need. (plural)

Sin embargo, existen algunas reglas para formar los plurales de los nombres

regulares e irregulares. En la mayoría de los casos se agrega s o es al nombre, pero fíjate que en el ejemplo anterior, man es singular y men es plural. Pasemos ahora a las regla del plural. Plural de los nombres en inglés Regulares

Casos Singular Plural Se agrega –s si termina en consonante. book books Se agrega –es si la palabra termina en s, z, x, sh,ch, o. brush

box church tornado

brushes boxes churches tornadoes

Si la palabra termina en –y precedida de vocal, entonces solo se agrega –s

boy boys

Si la palabra termina en –y precedida por consonante, entonces se cambia la -y por –i y se agrega –es.



Si la palabra termina en f o fe, se cambia por –ves wife elf

wives elves


Irregulares Casos Singular Plural El plural y singular son iguales fish

sheep fish sheep

El cambio de plural a singular no sigue reglas. man person mouse child

Men People Mice children

Las palabras de origen Latín o Griego, conservan el plural original de esos idiomas.

antenna nucleus datum hipótesis phenomenon

antennae nuclei data hypotheses phenomena

Ejercicio 5: ¿Contables o no contables? En la tabla a continuación encontrarás una lista de nombres. Marca la columna correcta de acuerda a si son contables (countable) o no contables (uncountable). En la última

columna, escribe la forma plural de los contables. En el caso de los no contables, agrega una unidad que se pueda contar como se muestra en el ejemplo.

countable uncountable Plural Car Cars Day Chocolate Oxygen Thief Gasoline Sugar two kilograms of sugar Year Bacterium Fish Forum Mouse Watch Pasta Salt



Los sufijos son "partículas" que van al final de la palabra y nos dan información acerca de su clase y significado. En español, por ejemplo, el sufijo –dad indica que la palabra es un nombre, a menudo de naturaleza abstracta, como en libertad, bondad, igualdad. Lo mismo sucede en inglés. Estas son algunas de las terminaciones más comunes para los nombres en inglés.

–dom: wisdom, kingdom –ist: pianist –er, -or :worker, warrior, actor –ance, -ence: perfortmance, audience

–ness: happiness –ism: criticism

–ity : ability, flexibility –ment: government –sion, -tion: decision, celebration – ship: friendship – hood: neighborhood

Ejercicio 6: A continuación te presentamos una serie de palabras incompletas. Escoge la terminación que mejor completa cada palabra. Luego busca la palabra en tu diccionario a ver si es correcta la conexión que hiciste.

–ism –ity –ment –sion, -tion –ness –ance, -ence –er

-or –ist – ship – hood

teach____ educa____ modern____ intellig____ father____ scient____ sing____ cannibal____ owner____ dign____ free____ stupid____ effective____ attend____ move____ capac____ compet____ dimen____ partner____ colonial____ bore____ manage____ readi____ violin____


EL ARTÍCULO Diferencia en el uso de a/an , the y sin artículo. El artículo indeterminado en inglés es a/an. Lo usamos cuando nos referimos a algo indeterminado, no específico y singular. A car stopped here half an hour ago>>> Un carro se paró aquí hace media hora.

Pero si nos referimos a algo indeterminado plural entonces no se usa artículo. Me gustan los perros (en general, cualquier perro) en ingles debo decir I like dogs sin artículo alguno. Esto es lo que se conoce como el artículo cero y a menudo se representa en libros de gramática con el símbolo Ø He is a popular actor. They are popular actors

Se usa an cuando la palabra siguiente comienza con sonidos de vocal. Por ejemplo: a car, a taxi, an antenna, an engineer.

Ejercicio 7: Coloca a / an delante de cada uno de los siguientes nombres. Recuerda que debes guiarte por el sonido.

1. _______ eye 2. _______ car 3. _______ animal 4. _______ student 5. _______ book 6. _______ hour

El artículo determinado en inglés es the. Se usa para referirse a algo o

alguien ya nombrado con anterioridad, a algo / alguien único o muy específico para los interlocutores; ejemplo The Queen of England. Se usa también para aquéllos elementos inconfundibles, en este aspecto funcionan igual al español. Algunos ejemplos son: the Earth the moon the sky the sun the air the universe the wind the present / future / past the weather the Koran the Bible.

Mientras que en español usamos el artículo determinado para referirnos a algunas partes del cuerpo, o prendas de vestir, en inglés se usan los posesivos.

Me duele la rodilla>>>>> My knee hurts

Ponte los zapatos >>>>> Put on your shoes


Algunas de las expresiones que llevan artículo determinado en español, pero NO en inglés:

Ir a la cama Go to bed Ir a la casa/ Estar en la casa Go home/ be home Ir a la iglesia/ Estar en la iglesia Go to church / be in chuch Ir a la cárcel / Estar en la cárcel Go to jail / be in jail Ir al trabajo / Estar en el trabajo Go to work / be at work Tampoco se usa el artículo determinado cuando hablamos en general de _______ inglés español

Deportes I like soccer Me gusta el fútbol Música I like electronic music Me gusta la música electrónica Idiomas French is difficult El francés es difícil Materias de estudio

Physics is easy La física es fácil

Algunas expresiones de tiempo

I´ll be there next week Yo estaré allá la semana próxima

Comidas What are we going to have for dinner?

¿Qué vamos a comer en la cena?

Ejercicio 8: Agrega el artículo a/an o Ø a cada una de las siguientes oraciones.

1. ________Women are more intelligent than ______ men. 2. There is ______ problem with _____ drugs in the area. 3. ______ economics is a difficult class. 4. ______ people like parties. 5. I love to listen to ______ music when I’m home. 6. I have ______ presentation for my French class. 7. ______ information is important for us. 8. ______ ice cream is Bs.F 15 9. There is ______fly in my soup. 10. Apples grow in _______ cold climates.


Ejercicio 9: Ahora debes determinar cuál es el artículo apropiado (a/an/the/ Ø ) para completar los siguiente párrafos. Selecciona entre las opciones que se te dan en corchetes.

On 22 January, [Ø / an / a] international scientists produced [Ø / the / a] long report on [Ø / the / an] global warming. [Ø / the / a] 1990s were the warmest ten years for 1,000 years, they say. Temperatures will go up even more quickly in 100 years. [Ø / An / The] sea will be 88 centimeters higher than it is now. Millions of people in [Ø / a / the] China, Bangladesh, Egypt and other places will lose their homes in [Ø / the / a] terrible floods. Why is this happening? And what can we do to stop it? Most people agree that [Ø / an / the] carbon dioxide in [Ø / an / a] air is the biggest problem. It is produced when we burn gas and oil. In November 2000, 160 countries held [Ø / an / the] international meeting to discuss [Ø / a / the] problem, but nothing was decided. Europe and China want to produce less carbon dioxide. [ the/ Ø / a] USA, Australia, Canada, Russia and Japan disagree. They think that we should just plant more trees. 'More trees will cool [the/ Ø / a] world,' they say.

Tomado de http://www.penguindossiers.com/archive-frameset.asp

Los artículos a / an, the con los nombres contables y no contables. ¿Cuál es la regla? Fíjate en la tabla y saca tus conclusiones. Contable No contable

singular plural Sin artículo cars, books air a / an a car, a book the the car, the book the cars, the books the air Escríbelas aquí: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


Artículos demostrativos

Los artículos demostrativos en ingles son this – that – these – those. Observa estas imágenes. ¿Cuáles serían los equivalentes en español de cada uno de los artículos?

1. You need to read all those books before Friday!


Could you pass me that book, please?


I have to take these books back to the library.


This math problem is difficult.

Ejercicio 10: ¿Entiendes la diferencia? Entonces completa la siguiente tabla con this – that – these – those.

Cercano Lejano Singular Plural



Clase de palabra que describe y modifica al nombre. Generalmente se colocan antes del nombre o después de be, look, appear, seem, feel, taste, smell, sound, y algunos otros verbos.

En los siguientes ejemplos la palabra red (rojo) describe al nombre car o cars. a carro y especifica el color José drives a red car. (not a blue one). >>>>>>>> José maneja un carro rojo The new cars are red. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Los carros nuevos son rojos. The car is red. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El carro es rojo En inglés, los adjetivos no cambian cuando acompañan a un nombre en plural. Singular: The red car Plural: The red cars Plural: The reds cars X

Ejercicio 11: En las oraciones que se presentan a continuación hay un error relacionado con los adjetivos. Encuentra el error, subráyalo y corrígelo.

1. Studying a career and having a job at the same time can be difficults. _____________ 2. Many students need help economic to complete their studies. _____________ 3. Surviving through university studies easy. _____________ 4. Some students might feel stresseds because of this situation. _____________ 5. But there are options different for these students, such as study grants or in-campus jobs. _____________ Sufijos

¿Recuerdas que los sufijos en los nombres nos ayudaban a identificarlos? Lo mismo sucede con los adjetivos. Estas son algunas de las terminaciones más comunes para adjetivos en inglés. -ive: selective –en: wooden –ic: poetic –al: financial –able: portable -y: rainy –ous: mysterious –ful: beautiful –less: powerless


Ejercicio 12: A continuación te presentamos una serie de palabras incompletas. Escoge la terminación que mejor completa cada palabra para formar adjetivos. Luego busca la palabra en tu diccionario a ver si es correcta la conexión que hiciste.

–ive –en –ic –al -able –y

–ous -ful –less protect____ gold____ sleep____ mechanic____ chemic____ scientif____ power____ emotion____ enorm____ danger____ patriot____ sunn____ effect____ untouch____ eas____ funn____ wonder____ investigat____ marvel____ coloni____

Hay también adjetivos terminados en –ed , en –ing y en –ly. Ejemplos:

The software is friendly >>>>>>>>>>

>>>>> El programa es amigable

The movie was interesting but I was tired

>>>>>> La película era interesante pero yo estaba muy cansado.

Es necesario distinguir entre las terminaciones –ing y –ed. Ejemplo

The message was confusing El mensaje era confuso I was confused Yo estaba confundido.

Existen otras parejas de adjetivos tales como_____________

interested interesting boring bored frustrating frustrated terrifying terrified disappointing disappointed shocking shocked frightening frightened annoying annoyed relaxing relaxed amazing amazed


Ejercicio 13: Selecciona el adjetivo que mejor completa cada una de las siguientes oraciones. Tienes que decidir entre un adjetivo terminado en –ed o uno terminado en –ing.

1. I think Matrix is an amazing / amazed movie. 2. Everybody was shocking / shocked by the end of the film. Nobody expected the police officer to be the killer. 3. During the philosophy lecture, many people in the room was boring / bored. Some were almost asleep. 4. I think yoga is relaxing / relaxed. 5. My little brother is annoying / annoyed. He can't be quiet and calm for 10 minutes. 6. Paul is interesting / interested in ancient civilizations. He has read a lot of books on the topic. 7. We all were disappointing /disappointed when our team lost the final match. 8. When I read the book Dracula, I was terrifying/ terrified. 9. My father felt frustrating/ frustrated when he learned that I wasn't accepted at the university. 10. Some people love horror movies. I don't. I think they are frightening / frightened.

A los adjetivos también se le agregan prefijos, es decir, partículas al comienzo que modifican su significado. Ejemplo

happy unhappy

A los adjetivos se les puede agregar los adverbio so y very para intensificar. Funcionan de la misma manera que TAN y MUY en español. Ejemplo:

The movie is very interesting The film was so boring that I fell asleep!

Los comparativos Fíjate bien en estas oraciones. Mike is taller than Robert, but Robert is more intelligent than Mike.

Mike es más alto que Roberto, pero Roberto es más inteligente que Mike.

Iris is beautiful, but her sister is more beautiful than her.

Iris es Hermosa, pero su hermana es más hermosa que ella.

Alaska is colder than California. Alaska es más frío que California. A Ford Mustang is faster than a Fiat Palio, and more expensive too.

Un Ford Mustang es más rápido que un Fiat Palio, y es más costoso además.

En estas oraciones se están comparando las cualidades o propiedades entre personas y objetos. Estos son comparativos de superioridad. Un carro es más rápido (faster). Fíjate que en los ejemplos unas palabras son precedidas por more y a otras se les agregó –er. Así que…


¿Cuál es la regla? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sin importar si se trata de –er o de more los adjetivos en forma comparativa van seguidos por ___________ Aquí tenemos más ejemplos de comparativos. En algunos se duplica la úlima consonante y en otros no. ¿Crees poder descubrir otras reglas y además saber el por qué? big bigger strong stronger fast faster weak weaker nice nicer cold colder pretty prettier heavy heavier _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ejercicio 14: Coloca el comparativo de los siguientes adjetivos:

tall _________________ slow _________________ big _________________ fat _________________ rainy _________________ spicy _________________ hot _________________ green _________________ cold _________________ happy _________________ thin _________________

sad _________________

Se puede agregar much para intensificar el sentido del adjetivo en grado

comparativo de superioridad. Ejemplo:

A trip is much more interesting than a new car. Así como se puede comparar para expresar superioridad, también se puede comparar para expresar igualdad o inferioridad. Igualdad You are as intelligent as the other students. Tú eres tan inteligente como los demás estudiantes. The rent of this apartment is just as expensive as the rent in that apartment. El alquiler en este apartamento es tan caro como el alquiler en aquel. Claro está, si se usa el verbo en forma negativa, ya no se expresa igualdad. Pual isn't as responsable as Mark. Paul no es tan responsible como Mark.


Inferioridad Soccer is less interesting than baseball El Football es menos interesante que el baseball.

Ejercicio 15: Trata de re-escribir estas oraciones utilizando otro comparativo, sin alterar el significado. Por ejemplo:

Pual isn't as responsable as Mark. ____Mark is more responsible than Paul.__________________________________ Si Paul no es tan responsible como Mark, es lo mismo decir que Mark es más responsable que Paul. También pudiesemos decir que Paul is less responsable than Mark. 1. Caracas is more crowded than Valencia. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. El Hatillo isn't as cold as La Colonia Tiovar. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. This lesson is more interesting than the previous one. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Math is less difficult than physics. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. A pack of sand is heavier than a pack of cotton. ______________________________________________________________________ Los superlativos Un superlativo es un tipo de comparación entre un elemento o persona contra todos los demás de un grupo. Brazil is the largest country in South America. (Brazil vs. todos los países de Sur América). Miguel is the tallest in his family. (Miguel vs. todos los miembros de la familia) The Metamorphosis the most interesting book that I have read. (El libro La metamorfosis vs. todos los otros libros que he leído). ¿Cuál es la regla? En los comparativos se usa more para los adjetivos _______________ y se agrega –er al final para los adjetivos _______________. Ambos van seguidos por _______________. En el caso de los superlativos se usa most para los adjetivos _______________ y se agrega –est al final para los adjetivos _______________. Ambos van precedidos por _______________.


Ejercicio 16: Usa la información del anuncio (tomado de http://www.laptopcloseout.ca/canada/store.html?target=../../) para completar los enunciados que comparan los equipos que ofrece esta tienda en línea en cuanto a su precio. Usa comparativos (superioridad, inferioridad o igualdad) o superlativos.

1. The Thinkpad SL 400 is ______________________________ all the laptops in

the add. 2. The IBM Thinkpad T40 is ______________________________ the Dell

Latitude D6 10. 3. The IBM Thinkpad T42 is ______________________________ the HP6510b. 4. The IBM Thinkpad T41 is ______________________________ the Dell

Latitude D6 10. 5. The HP65 10b is ______________________________ the The Thinkpad SL 400 6. The IBM Thinkpad T40 ______________________________ the IBM models.

Algunos adjetivos se consideran irregulares de acuerdo a la manera en la que forman el comparativo o superlativo. Estos son los casos más comunes.

Forma básica Comparativo superioridad.


Good Better than The best Bad Worse than The worst


Ejercicio 17: Responde las siguientes preguntas.

1. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. In your opinion, what is…? the greatest sports team: the best music the most delicious food the most interesting class the best movie the best thing you can do the worst sports team the worst music the worst food the most boring class the worst movie the worst thing you can do

Ejercicio 18: Completa la siguiente tabla con las formas correctas.

Adjetivo Comparativo superiorioridad Superlativo interesting better The longest boring more dangerous worse high Adjetivos posesivos Los adjetivos posesivos indican relaciones de propiedad. Como son adjetivos, siempre acompañan al nombre. My cellphone is cool. Her dress is nice. That book is my X Her is nice. X


inglés español my mi, mis

your tu, tus her su, sus (de ella) his su, sus (de él) our nuestro, nuestros/as

your su, sus (de ustedes) their su, sus (de ellas o de ellos)

No confundir its (su) con it’s que es la contracción de it is Ejemplo : This is my dog. Its name is Bobby. Este es my perro. Su nombre es Bobby My computer is excellent. It’s new. Mi conputadora es excelente. Es nueva. El posesivo no cambia con los nombres en plural. Ejemplo:

My friend (singular) My friends (plural) Diferencia entre pronombres y adjetivos posesivos

Pueden ser adjetivos posesivos si va delante del nombre. Ej. My job . Pero si van sustituyendo al nombre se llaman pronombres posesivos. Ejemplo. The job is mine.

Adjetivo posesivo Pronombre posesivo

My car is red The red car is mine

Your car is white Yours is red

her car is in the garage The car in the garage is hers

My car is nice But hers is nicer

Their house is in La Trinidad Theirs is in Baruta

Otra forma que indica posesión es la construcción -‘s. Se usa generalmente después de personas. Ejemplo:

This is my friend’s house. And this is Laura’s room. La ‘s indica que lo que sigue está en relación de partencia con lo que antecede. Laura’s room

Anne is Pablo’s mother.


Aunque es posible también encontrar la construcción 's junto a otras formas. Ejemplo: Oil is our country’s most important element. El petróleo es el elemento más importante del país. He is Venezuela’s most famous politician. El es el político venezolano más famoso.

LOS PRONOMBRES Los pronombres son palabras que sustituyen al nombre en diferentes contextos y que pueden cumplir las mismas funciones del nombre que sustituyen. Por ejemplo los pronombres personales sustituyen a aquellos nombres que sirven de Sujeto en la oración. Los pronombres personales y pronombre objeto Los pronombres objeto equivalen en español a me, se, te, nos, os, -los, -las

Prohombre personal

Pronombre objeto

I me you you she her he him it it

we us you you they them

Pronombre personal Pronombre objeto

He has a party Call Jenny and invite her

I can bring food Then, you’ll pay me

They are going to wash the dishes They are going to wash them Ejemplo Your grade is better than mine Tu nota es major que la mía. I forgot my dictionary, Can you lend me yours?. Se me olvido el diccionario, ¿me puedes prestar el tuyo?


Ejercicio 19: Lee las siguientes oraciones o conversaciones. Escribe en el espacio el pronombre objeto que mejor sustituya el nombre o los nombres en itálicas.

1. A: Did you see Paul and Jennifer this morning? B: No, I haven't seen Paul and Jennifer today? ___________ 2. When you see Michael, give Michael these papers. ___________ 3. A: Hey, that iPhone is cool! B: Thank you! I bought this iPhone last week. __________ 4. A: Have you ever tried Thai food? B: No, but I'd love to try Thai food. __________ 5. Miss Thomas, the new chemistry teacher, is a terrible person.

Nobody in the class likes Miss Thomas.


6. I don't know why Jessica isn't here yet. I told Jessica not to be late.


7. He teacher told you and me to be ready for the exam. _________ Los pronombres posesivos Existen también los siguientes pronombres posesivos, los cuales equivalen en español a…

mine mío yours tuyo

his suyo (de él) hers suyo (de ella) its suyo (de inanimado)

ours nuestro theirs suyo (de ellos / ellas)

Ejercicio 20: Lee las siguientes oraciones y determina si los pronombres posesivos son utilizados correctamente. Marca con una tilde las correctas y con una X las incorrectas.

1. Alex quit his job last week. ______ 2. Carlos' car is better than my. ______ 3. Hers children are very educated. ______ 4. Mine new English teacher is very nice. ______ 5. My cell phone is out of battery. Could I make a phone from your? ______ 6. Your aunt is an engineer, ours is a doctor. ______


Los pronombres relativos Los pronombres relativos se utilizan para conectar dos ideas referidas a la misma persona o cosa.

I want to meet the student. The student participated in the competition.

I want to meet the student who participated in the competition. De esta forma se da más información acerca del estudiante y se evita la repetición. Aquí están otros pronombres relativos.

Pronombres RELATIVOS Se usa para____

who persona

which cosa

where lugar Recuerda: Los pronombres relativos son iguales tanto para el singular como para el plural

Ejercicio 21: Completa las siguientes oraciones con el pronombre relativo que mejor corresponda.

1. Simón Bolívar was the man ______ fought for the Independence of Venezuela. 2. Caracas is the city ______ Bolívar was born. 3. Simón Rodríguez was the man ______ influenced Bolívar. 5. He led the Admirable Campaign ______ resulted in the proclamation of the Second Venezuelan Republic. 6. Bolívar participated in the foundation of Gran Colombia ______ united Venezuela, Nueva Granada, Quito and Bolivia into one great nation. 7. Bolívar, ______ is often referred to as The Liberator, wrote many important documents in ______ he exposed his ideals of Freedom, equality and justice for all the Americas.


Ejercicio 22: Completa esta tabla resumen con los pronombres que falten.

Pronombres personales

Pronombres objetos

Pronombres posesivos

Adjetivos posesivos

I mine you

he him hers

it its ours

they their


Los cuantificados indican una cantidad de forma indeterminada, es decir, sin llegar a expresarla de manera exacta como con un número o cifra. Generalmente se colocan delate del nombre. Algunos de los más comunes incluyen a some, any, much, many. A continuación, encontrarpás más ejemplos. Many - muchos/as Much - mucho/a Few - pocos/as Little - poco/a A Few - algunos/as

A Little – algo Some - algunos/as, algo de

Too many - demasiados/as

Too much - demasiado/a

So many - tantos/as

So much - tanto/a A lot of - un montón de.

None - ninguno/a All – Todo/ todos/as

Fewer...than - menos ...que

Less...than - menos ...que

More...than - más ...que

Any - alguno/a, cualquier/a, ningún/a, algo, nada de

Most - la mayoría Enough – suficiente/suficientes, bastantes/bastante

No - ningún/a, nada de

Several - varios/as Both – ambos, ambas

Every – cada

Each – cada Either - uno u otro, cualquiera de los dos

Neither - ni uno ni otro, ninguno de los dos.

Other - otro/a otros/as

Another - otro/a


Te preguntarás por qué existen varios cuantificadores en inglés que significan lo mismo en español (so much y so many por ejemplo). La razón es que algunos cuantificadores se pueden utilizar sólo en algunos tipos de oraciones (en preguntas) y en otros casos la diferenta depende de si el nombre es contable o no contable. La siguiente tabal explica esta diferencia. Preguntas Oraciones

Affirmativas Oraciones Negativas

Peticiones y/o ofrecimientos

Nombres no contables

Nombres contables

Many/ Too many

Much/ Too much

Little/ A Little

Few/ A Few Some Any A lot of Fewer Less More Enough

Ejercicio 23: Utiliza los cuantificadores de la tabla para completar las siguientes oraciones. En algunos casos, más de una respuesta es posible.

1. How ___________ money do you have? 2. I can't go to the party tonight. I have ___________ homework for tomorrow. 3. Would you like ___________ orange juice? 4. The Monday after the elections, there weren't ___________ people in class. 5. Are there ___________ tomatoes in the fridge? 6. 20 minutes is ___________ time for this exercise. You could do it in ___________ time. 7. Sorry I'm late, but there was ___________ traffic this morning. 8. There' not ___________ sugar in this coffee. 9. How many ___________ cups of coffee do you drink a day? 10. The university needs to hire ___________ teachers for the new courses. 11. We can't make that cake. We don't have ___________ eggs.


EL ADVERBIO Así como el adjetivo es una clase de palabra que describe o modifica al nombre, el adverbio es un tipo de palabra que describe o modifica al verbo. Los adverbios nos dan información acerca de cómo, cuándo o con qué frecuencia se realiza o realizó una acción. María eats slowly. María come lentamente. The students finished the activity fast. Los estudiantes terminaron la actividad rápido I woke up early. Yo me despierto temprano. I usually get to work at 8 o'clock. Yo usualmente llegó a la oficina a las 8. Killing me softly with his song Matándome suavemente con su canción ¿Cuál es la regla? 1. ¿Cuál es la terminación de la mayoría de los adverbios en los ejemplos? _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ¿Cuál es la posición de la mayoría de los adverbios en los ejemplos? _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ¿A qué se refiere usually y que posición ocupa? _____________________________________________________________________________ Como buen observador, probablemente ya notaste que varios adverbios se forman de un adjetivo seguido de –ly tales como quicly, softly, slowly. En otros casos el adjetivo y el adverbio son iguales (fase, early, late) . Finalmente, el adverbio para el adjetivo good es well.

Ejercicio 24: Completa la tabla con el adverbio correspondiente. Si tienes dudas, busca la palabra en el diccionario.

Adjetivo Adverbio.

easy nice careful angry terrible fast hard recent beatiful skillful rapid loud


El VERBO Es una clase de palabra que expresa las acciones (cantar, correr, etc.), estados (ser, estar, parecer,) procesos ( comenzar, etc.) Según su función los verbos pueden ser… 1. LEXICOS: run, eat find 2. AUXILIARES: be, have, do 3. MODALES: Can, could, must, should, may, might, would, will Léxicos Los verbos léxicos pueden ser reconocidos por los siguientes prefijos o terminaciones: 1. - en _______________________ brighten, soften. 2. -ize _______________________ criticize 3. -ate _______________________ activate 4. -ify or -fy ___________________ simplify, justify Auxiliares Se combinan con verbos léxicos para formar tiempos verbales compuestos (ya veremos más adelante). Sirven para hacer preguntas, negar y dar respuestas cortas con verbos que no sean modales o el BE. Where do you live? I don't know the answer. Does she like chocolate? Yes, she does. El Verbo Be (Ser o Estar) Formas: be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been. Para afirmar: You are a USB student. Para preguntar: Are you a USB student? Para negar: You are not / aren’t a USB student

Ejercicio 26: Completa los espacios con la forma correcta del verbo be.

1. Arango ______ a football player. He ______ a member of the Vinotinto team. 2. He ______ very popular. I ______ a soccer player. I _____ a soccer fan 3. Ronaldo, Mesi, and Raul ________ soccer players. 4. We ______ also baseball fans because baseball ______ very popular in

Venezuela. 5. ______ people from France interested in Baseball too? 6. No, they ______. 7. Raikkonen _______ a soccer player. He ______ a Formula 1 world champion.


8. I _______ Paul and this _______my friend Mark. 9. We _________ very good friends. 10. She _________ usually at home. 11. Flowers __________ pretty. 12. The Earth_______ round. 13. Jenny and Pete __________ twins. 14. J. Rawlings _______ a writer and a teacher. 15. My sister ________11 years old. 16. What ________ your name? 17. Robert ____ not my name. My name ______ Richard. 18. My shoes _________ dirty. 19. Who ____ she? 20. Who ____ they?

Ejercicio 27: Usa el verbo be para hablar de tí y de un amigo o amiga. Usa oraciones completas.

You Your Partner. Name: Nationality Age. Favorite Sport: Best friend:

Modales: Can, could, must, should, may, might, would, will

Se utilizan para (i) expresar obligatoriedad, posibilidad, deseo, habilidad; y (ii) dar y pedir permiso.

Los modales son iguales para todas las personas (I, she, he, we, you, they). Después de los verbos modales va un verbo en su forma básica; es decir, sin to.

Expresa inglés español CAN habilidad o

capacidad. pedir permiso

I can play the piano. Can I come in?

Yo puedo*tocar el piano. ¿Puedo pasar?

COULD habilidad o capacidad en pasado.


I could fly a kite when I was little. Could I use your cell phone?

Yo podia volar un papagayo cuando era pequeño. ¿podría usar tu celular?


MUST obligación y necesidad

You must register to start classes here

Debes inscribirte antes de comenzar las clases aquí.

MAY posibilidad permiso

After classes I may just go home. May I have a word with you?

Después de clases puede que vaya a casa. ¿Puedo hablar contigo en privado?

MIGHT posibilidad I don’t know what I’m going to do. I might go to a movie

No se qué hare. Puede que vaya al cine.

SHOULD que algo es aconsejable.

You don't look very well. You should see a doctor.

No t eves muy bien deberías ir a ver a un doctor.

WOULD posibilidad o resultado hipotético

Ofrecimientos corteses

habitos en pasado.

I would travel if I could. Would you like something to drink? Every summer we would go to visit my Grandpa in his farm.

Yo viajaría si pudiera. Te gustaría algo de tomar? Cada verano solíamos ir a visitar a mi abuelo en su granja.

PRESENTE Escribe el equivalente en español de estas oraciones. INGLES ESPAÑOL PRESENTE SIMPLE I work here PRESENTE CONTINUO I am working here El presente simple describe acciones habituales (I walk 3 kilometers every morning); citaciones o hechos que no cambian (the sun rises in the East) estados mentales o emocionales (I love my mother).

En el español, los verbos en presente se conjugan de diferentes maneras de acuerdo a la persona. En el inglés, los verbos en presente presentan la misma forma para todas las personas excepto para he, she, it para los cuales se agrega –s o –es. Ejemplo: I work you work He works She works It works We work They work


Las reglas para determinar cuando se agrega –s o –es son muy similares a las reglas que rigen los plurales de los nombres. ¿Recuerdas esas reglas?

Ejercicio 28: Agrega –s o –es a los verbos en las siguientes oraciones.

1. She work___ in a bank. 2. Miguel live___ near his parents. 3. My cat eat___ only fish. 4. My father watch____ sports on TV every Sunday. 5. My cousin box___ very well. My might even try to do it professionally. 6. Her uncle go____ to the supermarket every Friday. 7. Her husband always wash___ the dishes after dinner. 8. My dog Skippy wax___ his tail each time he see____ me. Para preguntar o negar en presente con verbos distintos a be se usan los auxiliares do y does.

I, you do don't He, she it does doesn't We they do don't

PASADO Escribe el equivalente en español de estas oraciones. INGLES ESPAÑOL PASADO SIMPLE I worked here PASADO CONTINUO I was working here BE en pasado

I, He, she it was You we they

were Ejemplos: I was I wasn’t He was He wasn’t Was he? They were They weren’t Were they? Los verbos en pasado en inglés se clasifican en regulares e irregulares. Los regulares son aquellos que al estar en pasado se les agrega -d o -ed.



Casos Presente Pasado Se agrega –d si el verbo termina en -e. arrive


Si el verbo termina en –y precedida por consonante, entonces se cambia la -y por –i y se agrega –ed.



En verbos de una sílaba que terminan en consonante + vocal + consonante, se duplica la última consonante y se agrega -ed

stop jog

stopped jogged

Sin embargo, esta regla no aplica a verbos terminados en z, w o x.

box vow

boxed vowed

Para verbos de más de una sílaba, que terminan en consonante + vocal + consonante, se duplica la última consonante y se agrega –ed si la última sílaba es la que lleva acento.

refer prefer listen

referred Preferred listened

Todos los verbos que tienen dos vocales o que terminan en dos consonantes solo se agrega –ed.

wait join land work walk

waited joined landed worked walked

Irregulares Casos Presente Pasado El presente y pasado son iguales quit

set quit set

Solo se cambia la vocal principal del verbo. run drink drive come sing get

ran drank drove came sang got

El pasado cambia por las terminaciones –ought o -aught

catch think teach fight

caught thought taught fought

Se cambia el último sonido consonante del verbo.

spend bend have* make*

spent bent had made

El pasado es una palabra distinta al presente. go take be

went took was/were

* aunque estos verbos terminan en "e" en su forma escrita, ésta no se pronuncia y el último sonido en cada uno es el de la consonante anterior.


Ejercicio 29: Completa las siguientes oraciones con el pasado de los verbos en paréntesis.

1. My father _________ (work) there for 20 years. 2. When I was a kid, I never _________ (listen) to my mother. 3. My cousin _________(have) a lot of toys. 4. I never _________ (walk) to school as I child. I _________ (take) the bus. 5. I _________ (think) Carla was coming. 6. Yesterday, I didn't study. I just _________ (sit) on the sofa and _________ (watch) TV all day. 7. Thank God, I _________ (quit) smoking many years ago. 8. Jonathan is tired because he _________ (carry) many boxes yesterday.

Para preguntar o negar en pasado con verbos distintos a be se usa el auxiliar did

I, you He, she it did didn't We they

FUTURO Con going to + verbo -------para planes específicos Con will + verbo --------para predicción o intención

Ejercicio 30: Une con una línea los enunciados de la columna A y B. Luego escribe toda la oración y utiliza going to + v para la segunda mitad como se muestra en el ejemplo.

A Maggie is hungry

B See the doctor

We want to see the soccer game Ask for help My car needs gasoline Turn the sports channel on I don’t understand the math exercises Eat a snack Thomas is sick leave The party is boring Go to the gas station


Ejemplo: Maggie is hungry. She is going to eat a snack. 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________________

Ejercicio 31: Completa el texto a continuación con going o will.

Dear, Bertha,

These are my plans for my upcoming trip to Paris next summer: I ____________ arrive in Paris, France, on July 6th, on Tuesday. I ____________ check in at the

Hilton Hotel. There are some things I have already decided, but there are others about which I’m not sure yet. I

____________ go shopping in Paris because I’ve heard everything is quite expensive and I’m kind of short of money. Maybe I ____________ buy some small souvenirs for mom and my sisters, but nothing else. Although I love museums, I don’t think I ____________ go to Louvre Museum. The tickets are very expensive and I’ve heard you’re not even allowed to take pictures inside. But there are other museums in Paris and maybe I ____________ visit some of them. In the afternoons, I ____________ walk around the city center and take a lot of pictures. At nights, I guess I ____________ visit some cafés or discos. There is a thing I ____________ do for certain and I have no doubt about it: Visiting the Eiffel Tower. There are other things too, but that’s basically it. I ____________ fly back home on July 10th. Those are my plans. What about you?

Anything special for this summer? Write soon.

Love, Diana.

Participios pasados Además de pasado, los verbos tienen formas en participio. Estas se utilizan en construcciones gramaticales como el presente o pasado perfecto o la voz pasiva y ocurren acompañadas de algún verbo auxiliar (have o be). Seguramente recuerdas algunos participios. Presta atención a estos ejemplos:

Presente Pasado Pasado participio

run ran run drink drank drunk eat ate eaten do did done

Todos los ejemplos de la tabla son verbos irregulares. En los verbos regulares, el pasado participio es igual al pasado simple, solo se agrega -d o -ed según el caso.


Ejercicio 32: Une con una línea el participio con el infinitivo.

brought put become worn go become bring sent throw thrown put sold begin gone give given sell begun send putted wear threw brang became went Verbos especiales Make, do, say, tell y have son verbos que a menudo se prestan a confusión. Say: Debe estar seguido de lo que se dice. Ejemplo: He said that he wanted a new car. >>>> El dijo que quería un carro Nuevo. Tell: Debe estar seguido de la persona a quien se le dice algo. Ejemplo: He told me he was going to come>>>>El me dijo que iba a venir. Make: Crear o construir. Hacer a alguien hacer algo. Producir o causar una emoción en alguien. Sara makes delicious cakes.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sara hace tortas deliciosas. The best toys in the world are made in Taiwan.>>>Los mejores jugetes del mundo son hechos en Taiwan My mother made me wash the car.>>>>>>>>>Mi madre me hizo lavar el carro. The smiles of children always make me happy.>>>>Las sonrisas de los niños siempre me hacen feliz. Her indifference made me sad. >>>>>>>>Su indiferencia me entristeció. Do: Hacer una actividad o acción. También para referirse a la ocupación de una persona. What are you doing?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Qué estás haciendo? I’m doing my homework.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Estoy haciendo la tarea. What does your father do?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Qué hace tu papa? (a qué se dedica?) He’s a teacher.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El es profesor.


En el siguiente gráfico encontrarás varias expresiones que se utilizan con do y con make. Con la ayuda de un diccionario, busca otras expresiones o palabras que puedas agregar


friends a sound

Someone do something

a suggestion


the dishes

something about a problem

your/his/her, etc. homework




Estas son algunas de las preposiciones más comunes en inglés. Busca su significado en el diccionario y escríbelo en una hoja aparte.

Ejercicio 33: Agrupa las preposiciones del cuadro en la tabla que se presenta a continuación. Algunas pueden estar en dos columnas a la vez.


for : se usa para referirse a un período de tiempo: a year, an tour, six weeks. I have worked here for two years. Since: se usa para referirse a un punto en el tiempo: July, yesterday, last year. I work here since 2006.

In - On - At (Lugar) x In on at In In a city, in a state, in a room, in a country, in a house, in an apartment,

in a college, in the mountains, in a desert, in a book, in a magazine, in a car, in a taxi.

On On an avenue, on a street, on a river, on a lake, on a beach, on a slip, on a plane, on a bus, on the right, on the left, on a corner, on vacation, on a trip, on holidays, on the 2nd/3rd floor, on channel 2

At At 24 Main St, at home, at work, at school, at church, at the airport, at a university, at 16 (de edad)

In - On - At (tiempo)

In Un período de tiempo

In winter, in may, in 1991, in the morning, in the evening, in the future, in five minutes.

On Un día o una fecha

On Monday, on March 5, on weekends, on weekdays, on time, on the phone

at Un punto en el tiempo

At midnight, at noon, at night, at 12.30, at a time, at any time, at the end of the year.

(Cuadros adaptados de Mackey, D. & A. Sökmen More Grammar Plus Longman 1996)

about before down into through above behind during like toward across below except of under after beneath for on up among beside from over with around between in since without at by instead of to



Ejercicio 34: Completa las siguientes oraciones con las preposiciones del cuadro.

In on at after before by 1. _____________ Albert Einstein finished school, many of his teachers thought he had learning disabilities. 2. _____________ December 17, 1903, the "Flyer" flew a distance of 37m for 12 seconds at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, USA. 3. _____________ November 23, 1927, Rotheim patented a can with a valve and propellant systems that could hold and dispense liquids, later called the aerosol can. 4. _____________ the end of the 19th century, not many people believed it was possible to travel to the moon. 5. A gas-powered motorcycle was invented by the German inventor Gottlieb Daimler _____________ 1885. 6. Nesmith invented liquid paper _____________ the time of word processors. 7. The sandwich was invented by John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792) 30 years _____________ his death. 8. Thomas A. Edison had invented a device that transmitted voice over long distances _____________ Graham Bell invented the telephone. 9. X-rays were discovered _____________ 1895 by Wilhelm Konrad von Roentgen.

CONJUNCIONES Entre las más comunes están las siguientes.

inglés uso español and Agregar información, unir

elementos comunes.

but Presentar un contraste entre elementos.

so Introducir un resultado or Presentar opciones.

because Dar razones.

Ejercicio 35: Agrega una de las conjunciones del cuadro para unir las siguientes oraciones.

1. I want to prepare a cake ______ I don't have sugar.

2. You can give her a present ______ you can give her the money to buy it.

3. Frank wanted to go to the doctor ______ it was too late.

4. I wanted to graduate as soon as possible ____ I studied harder.

5. People want to have better jobs ______ they want to make money.

6. Pedro is a lawyer _____ also a teacher.




Las oraciones tienen sujeto y verbo Ej. Real Madrid will win S V En ocasiones tienen sujeto, verbo y complementos Ej. Real Madrid will win next year S V C Ej Ronaldinho will score a goal S V O El objeto es un nombre que (i) es afectado por la acción o (ii) es el producto de la acción.

The dog bite John El perro mordió a John

He wrote a poem. Él escribió un poema.

Mientras que en español podemos tener Él es mi amigo / Es mi amigo (sin sujeto) En inglés no tenemos la segunda opción: Is my friend X He is my friend

Ejercicio 36: Indica si las siguientes oraciones son correctas o incorrectas X

1. Él tiene dos hermanos > Has two brothers _______ 2. Estoy cansada> I’m tired _______ 3. Tenemos una nueva computadora > We have a new computer _______ 4. Está fastidiada > Is bored _______ 5. Estaremos allá en media hora > Will be there in half an hour _______ 6. Estoy seguro de que tengo otro > I’m sure have another one _______ 7. Es importante llegar a tiempo > It is important to be on time _______

El orden del objeto directo e indirecto puede ser diferente al español. Ejemplo I bought a flower for her OD OI


Pero es muy común encontrar: I bought her a flower OI OD Lo mismo sucede con la preposicion to.

Give me the money or Give the money to me Ejercicio 37: Coloca en orden las siguientes palabras.

1. my girlfried I always give flowers ______________________________________________________________ 2. always my mother delicious for me cooks meals ______________________________________________________________ 3. me an send please e mail ______________________________________________________________ 4. me phone your number give ______________________________________________________________ Negativas Si hay verbo be My name is not Kate. My name is Jane. My name isn’t Kate. George Washington wasn't president of Canada. Con otros verbos en presente. I don’t like chocolate. She doesn’t live in Caracas. They don’t work in the library. Verbos en pasado I didn't do it. Jane didn't have time to finish Con verbos modales. You shouldn't smoke. I can't solve that math problem. I couldn't come because I had a cold. Cuando usamos un auxiliary o un modal, el verbo que le sigue va en forma base, es decir sin to, sin –s o –es si es presente y sin estar en pasado.


I didn't went to the party X I didn't go to the party. She doesn't likes chocolate X She doesn't like chocolate He can't to platy the piano X He can't play the piano.

Ejercicio 38: Estas oraciones son falsas. Corrígelas para hacerlas verdaderas.

Ejemplo: Birds fly under water. ___________No, they don’t fly under water. They fly in the air.__________________

1. Pandas live in Africa. _______________________________________________________________ 2. Fish swim in the air.


3. Penguins live in the North Pole. ________________________________________________________________ 4. Dolphins are fish. ________________________________________________________________

Nature Quiz. (Adapted from Seidl. Grammar One. OUP)

Ejercicio 39: Completa las oraciones acerca de Juan Carlos de acuerdo a la información en la tabla. Utiliza las formas negativas o afirmativas en los tiempos adecuados.

Juan Carlos lives Valencia graduated UCV profession Engineer plans Move to New York - Start his own business abilities Speak Italia- Drive likes Rock, action movies.

1. Juan Carlos ______________________ in Caracas 2. He ______________________ from USB. 3. He _________ an engineer. 4. He ______________________ move to Toronto. 5. He ______________________ start his own business. 6. He _______________________ English. 7. He _______________________ drive.


8. He _______________________ classical music. 9. He _______________________ action movies.

There is / are, there was / were

Se usa there is y there was para los nombres contables en singular. Se usa there are y there were para los nombres contables en plural. There is / are = Hay There was / were = Había / hubo There is a message for you = Hay un mensaje para tí Es posible usar there are / were con cuantificadores como en los siguientes ejemplos.

There are a few eggs in the refrigerator There are several restaurants and cafeterias on campus. There are some students outside There are many engineering students here. There are a lot of young students here.

Para negar, se utilizan las formas negativas de be.

There aren't enough seats. There isn't much time left. There wasn't a way out. There weren't any police officers at the scene.

Para preguntar se invierte el orden entre there y be. Is there a message for me? ¿Hay un mensaje para mí? Are there any messages for me? > ¿Hay mensajes para mí?

Ejercicio 40: Escoge una de las opciones.

1. __________ a bookstore nearby? a. There is b. Is there 2. ____________ three bookstores in the area. a. There is b. There are 3. I don’t know if _____________ a cafeteria around here. a. there is b. there are 4. _____________ banks near here? a. Is there b. Are there

Ejercicio 41: Completa los enunciados utilizando la forma correcta de there + be, bien sea afirmativa, negativa o como pregunta.

1. __________ two banks in Básico II 2. __________ a swimming pool in the sports complex


3. A: ________ there a supermarket in the area? B:Yes, _______ is one in El Placer.

4. A: ________ there an auditorium here? B:Yes, there ________a beautiful one. 5. There ________ demonstrations here last year. 6. How many people _______ there at the party last Saturday?

Oraciones pasivas y activas

Existen dos maneras de expresar ideas usando oraciones pasivas y activas.Ejemplo: Garfield ate my pizza. (activa) My pizza was eaten by Garfield (pasiva) En la oración pasiva, el Objeto de la oración se convierte en el foco de atención y por eso cambia al principio de ésta. ¿Cuál es la activa y cuál es la pasiva en el siguiente par de ejemplos? Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet _____________ Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare____________ En algunas oraciones pasivas no aparece el agente porque es muy obvio o porque no se conoce. Fíjate en los siguientes ejemplos: English is spoken in Australia (es obvio que por la gente que vive en Australia) The man was arrested. (es obvio que lo arrestó la policía) The famous picture was stolen. (no se sabe quien la robó) Paper and plastic are recycled in some cities. (no sabemos exactamente cuales ciudades y quiénes)

Para formar la voz pasiva es necesario usar el verbo BE y el participio pasado del verbo. Escribe en los espacios el verbo be y las formas de participio pasado de los ejemplos 1-4. BE Participio pasado 1. 2. 3. 4. Existen pasivas en presente y en pasado. Podrías distinguir cuáles son presente y cuáles pasadas en los ejemplos anteriores. Presente _______________________________________________________________ Pasado _______________________________________________________________


¿Cuál es la regla? Además de invertir el orden del sujeto y el objeto, hay otras reglas para formar una oración pasiva. ¿Podrías formular la regla para la construcción de pasivas? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Ejercicio 42: Lee las siguientes oraciones e identifícalas como pasivas o activas marcando con una tilde la columna correspondiente. A P Richard G. Drew (1886-1956) invented masking tape and clear adhesive tape

The first working aeroplane was invented, designed, made, and flown by the Wright brothers

The aqualung … was invented in 1943 by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan.

Liquid Paper was invented in 1951 by Bessie Nesmith (1922-1980). Sundbach sold these fasteners to the US Army… He called his invention the Hookless 2 Hunt invented the safety pin in order to pay a debt of $15… In 1873, Strauss patented the idea of using copper rivets at the stress points of sturdy work trousers.

The first bags were made from silk.

Ejercicio 43: Cambia las siguientes oraciones según sea el caso de activas a pasivas o de pasivas a activas.

1. He sings all the new songs. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. A video was taken by a student. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Dynamite was discovered by Alfred B.Nobel in 1866. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Copper is not used in fiber optics ________________________________________________________________________ 5. The relationship between force and motion was expressed by Newton _________________________________________________________________________


Preguntas En presente Con be Are you an only child? Is she a good dancer? Con otros verbos Do you cook well? Does he play a musical instrument? Con WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO, WHY, HOW + palabra (how old, how many, how often, how long, how much) HOW OLD are you? How many brothers and sisters do you have? What do you need? How does Marge feel? Where do they live?

Ejercicio 44: Ordena los las palabras para formar preguntas.

1. you Do like sports ? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. do play you What ? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. play do you How often ? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. practice you do Where? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. When game next is the? ___________________________________________________________________


Con CAN, COULD y otros modales no es necesario usar auxiliar Can you speak more than one language? Can he drive a motorcycle?

En pasado Las reglas son las mismas que para formular preguntas en presente pero utilizando las formas en pasado de be y do. Escribe los ejemplos de la sección de preguntas en presente en los espacios correspondientes cambiándolas a pasado. Con Be _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Con otros verbos __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Con WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO, WHY, HOW + palabra (how old, how many, how often, how long, how much) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ejercicio 45: Escribe preguntas que se correspondan con las respuestas dadas.

1. A: ________________________________________________________________? B: My grandfather died when I was 10. It was really sad. 2. A: ________________________________________________________________? B: I liked children songs, you know, like Old McDonald and staff. 3. A: ________________________________________________________________? B: My favorite food was potato chips. 4. A: ________________________________________________________________? B: My brothers and I played baseball and soccer. 5. A: ________________________________________________________________? B: No, I didn't. We had a cat instead.


Ejercicio 46: Lee el siguiente texto y completa la información que se te solicita al final.

Elephant, huge mammal characterized by a long muscular snout and two long, curved tusks. Highly intelligent and strong, elephants are the largest land animals and are among the longest lived, with life spans of 60 years or more. Healthy, full-grown elephants have no natural enemies other than humans.

Throughout history, people have prized elephants for their great size and strength. On the battlefield, soldiers astride elephants have

trampled and terrified enemies. Elephants also have been trained to carry heavy supplies through jungles and to haul huge logs from the forests where they once lived.

Elephants have long been revered and honored, and in Thailand, India, and other Southeast Asian countries, beautifully decorated elephants still play a significant role in traditional religious ceremonies. According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha chose the form of a white elephant as one of his many earthly incarnations, and the rare appearance of a white elephant is still heralded as a manifestation of the gods.

Over the past 40 million years, more than 600 species of elephants have roamed the earth. Today only three species remain—the savanna elephant and the forest elephant of Africa, and the Asian elephant. Climate fluctuations over the millennia and resulting vegetation changes caused the extinction of many elephant species, but human impact has also taken its toll. At the turn of the 20th century, elephants numbered from 5 million to 10 million, but widespread hunting and habitat destruction reduced their numbers to 400,000 to 500,000 by the end of the century. Present-day efforts to save elephants may be inadequate, and biologists are unsure if elephants as a species will survive. English Spanish 7 adjectives used in paragraph 1:

8 nouns in paragraph 2:

5 prepositions used in the whole texts:

Verb form more commonly used (present, past, past participle)