Emperical Research Methods Poster


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Authors: Gregor Polančič

Email: info@itposter.net

University of MariborFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Institute of Informatics

Poster version: 0.6 (DRAFT)http://researchmethods.itposter.net

Design research

Define research question

Create theoretical


Perform research

Collect data

Disseminate results

Draw conclusions

Start empirical research

End empirical research

Analyze data

Use qualitative data analysis

Use quantitative data analysis

Chose data analysis

Qualitative data

Quantitative data

Design experiment

Design case study

Design survey

Consider threats

Other research methods

Practitioner oriented methodsDelphi methodAction research

Laboratory oriented methodsMathematical modelingComputer simulationLaboratory experiment

Technology oriented methodsProof of technical concept

Literature based methodsLiterature reviewConceptual study

Select research method

Level of access

Level of control


How manyHow much



WhatCan be pretty sure you are

getting at the correct issues …

But can you draw valid conclusions?

Can be pretty sure your conclusions are valid ...But are you getting at the correct issues?

Explanatory research

Descriptive research

Exploratory research

Research is a systematic process for answering questions to solve problems and create new knowledge.

Empirical research is a research approach in which

empirical observations (data) are collected to answer

research question.Research Question (RQ) is what you are trying to find out by undertaking the research process.

A clear and precise RQ guides theory development, research design, data collection and data analysis.

Types of research questions are: What?, Where?, Who?, When?, How Much?, How many?, Why?, How?

Theoretical model is used to conceptualize the problem stated in research question. It is commonly represented with causal model.

We got an answer to stated research question.

Review Literature

It is used to find out what is already known about a question

before trying to answer it.

A good literature review is an important part of any research.

The goal of literature review is to demonstrate a familiarity

with a body of knowledge and establish credibility. Additional,

to show the path to prior research and how a current

research is related to it.

Data is collected with a research instrument, for example questionnaire.

Conclusions can be drawn statistically or analytically.

Consider reliability, validity and sensitivity!

Consider sources of invalidity (internal, external)

Perform research on defined sample

General sable population –population to which you want to

ultimately generalize results.

Accessible population –population that you can actually

gain access.

Actual sample – the sample actually used in research.

Research question examples:What are the key success factors of object-oriented frameworks?Does the proposed software improvement increases the efficiency of its users?How does software development methodology and team size influence developers productivity?

Depends on data and the goal of the study.

Reliability threats – refers to the question whether the research can be repeated

with the same results.

Stability reliability – Does the measurement vary over time?Representative reliability – Does the measurement give the same answer when applied to all groups?Equivalence reliability – When there are many measures of the same construct, do they all give the same answer?

Validity threatsFace validity – Research community »good feel«.Content validity – Are all aspect of the conceptual variable included in the measurement?Criterion validity – validity is measured against some other standard or measure for the conceptual variable.Predictive validity – The measure is known to predict future behavior that is related to the conceptual variable.Construct validity – A measure is found to give correct predictions in multiple unrelated research processes. This confirm both the theories and the construct validity of the measure.Conclusion validity – is concerned with the relationship between the treatment and the outcome of the research 8choice of sample size, choice of statistical tests).Experimental validity – (see reliability)

Sources of invalidityInternal – Is concerned with the validity within the given environment and the reliability of results. It relates to validity of research process design, controls and measures.External – Is the question of how general the findings are. Can you carry over the research results into actual environment?

Sensitivity How much does the measurement change with the change of the conceptual variable?

Threats to the research are related to operationalization and measurement issues:

Operationalization issues – The validity of the operationalizationMeasurement issues – Reliability, validity, sensitivity (see below)

The goal of the theory has to be defined here. Based on the research question an empirical

strategy has to be chosen.

The objective of this activity is to run the study according to the study plan.

The objective of this activity is to analyze the collected data in order to answer the

operationalized study goal (research


The objective of this activity is to report the study and its results so that external parties are able to understand the results in their contexts as well as replicate the study in a different context.


Context selection:

Online vs. OfflineStudent vs. ProfessionalSpecific vs. general

Hypothesis formulation:

Hypoth. statementH0: positiveHa: One or two tailed

Variables selection:

Independent and dependent variablesObserved variablesMeasurement scales (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio)

Selection of subjects:

Profile descriptionQuantitySeparation criteria

Experiment design:

Define the set of testsHow many tests (to make effects visible)Link the design to the hypothesis, measurement scales and statisticsRandomize, block(a construct that probably has an effect on response) and balance(equal number of subjects)

Logic of sampling

Experiment designRandom

assignmentPretest Posttest

Control group

Experimental group


One shot case study

One group pretest posttest

Static group comparison

Two group posttest only

Time series design


No No




























Design notation

R oo

x oo

x o

x oox o


R x oo

x oo x o

Experiment design notation:

X = Treatment

O = Observation

R = Random assignment


Sample frame

SampleSampling process

Results are generalized to population

A smaller set of cases a researcher selects from a larger pool and generalizes to the population

A list of cases in a population or the best approximation of it.

Random sample: a sample in which a researcher uses a random sampling process so that each sampling element in the population will have an equal probability of being selected.

Analyze <Object(s) of study> (what is studied/observed?)

for the purpose of <Purpose> (what is the intention?)

with respect to their <Quality focus> (which effect is studied?)

from the point of view of the <Perspective> (whose view?)

in the context of <Context> (where is the study conducted?).

Case method facts:

Does not explicitly control or manipulate variables.Studies a phenomenon in its natural context.Makes use of qualitative tools and techniques for data collection and analysis.Case study research can be used in a number of different ways.Can be used for description, discovery and theory testing.

Varieties of case study research:

Case studies can be carried out by taking a positivist or interpretivist approach.Can be deductive and inductive.Can use qualitative or quantitative methods.Can investigate one or multiple cases.

Case research design:





Investigate a phenomenon in depth, get close to the phenomenon, provide a rich description and reveal its deep structure.

Enable the analysis of data across cases, which enable the researcher to verify that findings are not the result of idiosyncrasies of the research setting.Cross case comparison allows the researcher to use literal or theoretical replication.

Case research objectives:

Discovery and induction:

Discovery is the description and conceptualization of the phenomena.Conceptualization is achieved by generating hypotheses and developing explanations for observed relationshipsStatements about relationships provide the basis for the building of theory.

Testing and deduction:

Testing is concerned with validating or disconfirming existing theory.Deduction is a means of testing theory according to the natural science model

Case study research design components:

A study's question.Its propositions, if any.The unit of analysis.The logic linking the data to propositions.The criteria for interpreting the findings.

In exploratory case studies, fieldwork, and data collection may be undertaken prior to definition of the research questions and hypotheses.Explanatory cases are suitable for doing causal studies. In very complex and multivariate cases, the analysis can make use of pattern-matching techniques.Descriptive cases require that the investigator begin with a descriptive theory, or face the possibility that problems will occur during the project.

Qualitative (»Judgments«)

Tends to be the poor relation.Problems of opinion and perception when making the judgment.The data collected is more likely to create differences of opinion over interpretation.Not easily measurable.As the benefits are longer term, they can be outweighed by shorter term costs.Can lead to inconsistent assessments of performance between places over time and between project elements.Subjective opinions tend to be given less status than quantitative ones.

Quantitative (»Hard numbers«)

Easier to implement and collect data. Tick boxes.Easier to make comparisons over time and between places.Can be a quick fix when organizations need performance data to justify project investment.Easier to process through a computer.Easier for other stakeholders to examine and comprehend.Trends and patterns easier to identify.Can distort the evaluation process as we measure what is easy to measure.Can lead to simplistic judgments and the wider more complex picture is ignored.

Real world

World of theory World of propositions

»Toy world« -Laboratory

Abstract Test



Support / Falsify



Positivism is a philosophy that states that the only authentic knowledge is scientific knowledge, and that such knowledge can only come from positive affirmation of theories through strict scientific method.

Bernd Freimut, Teade Punter, Stefan Biffl, & Marcus Ciolkowski 2002, State-of-the-Art in

Empirical Studies, Virtuelles Software Engineering Kompetenz-zentrum.

Johnston, R. & Shanks, G. Research Methods in Information Systems. 2003.

Neuman, W. L. 2005, Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches, 5th ed. edn.Winston Tellis 1997, "Introduction to Case Study", The Qualitative Report, vol. 3, no. 2.


Types of survey

Descriptive surveys are frequently conducted to enable descriptive assertions about

some population, i.e., discovering the distribution of certain features or attributes. The concern is not about why the observed distribution exists, but instead what that distribution is.

Explanatory surveys aim at making explanatory claims about the population. For

example, when studying how developers use a certain inspection technique, we might want to explain why some developers prefer one technique while others prefer another. By examining the relationships between different candidate techniques and several explanatory variables, we may try to explain why developers choose one of the techniques.

Explorative surveys are used as a pre-study to a more thorough investigation to assure

that important issues are not foreseen. This could be done by creating a loosely structured questionnaire and letting a sample from the population answer to it. The information is gathered and analyzed, and the results are used to improve the full investigation. In other words, the explorative survey does not answer the basic research question, but it may provide new possibilities that could be analyzed and should therefore be followed up in the more focused or thorough survey.

A survey is a study by asking (a group of) people from a population about their opinion on specific issue with the intention to define relationships outcomes on this issue.

Reporting response rate

Total sample selectedNumber locatedNumber contactedNumber returnedNumber complete

Data analysis

Coding scheme (for open question)Data entryCheckingResolve incomplete dataStatistical testing of results

Question types


Survey Process:

Study definition – determining the goal of a survey.

Design – operationalizing of the study goals into a set of questions (see theoretical model)

Implementation – operationalisation of the design so that the survey will be executable.

Execution – the actual data collection and data processing.

Analysis – interpretation of the data.

Packaging – reporting about the survey results.

Valid but not reliable

Valid and reliable

Reliable but not valid

Inferential statistics or statistical induction comprises the use of statistics to make inferences concerning some unknown aspect of a population.

Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of the data in a study. They provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with simple graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data.

Statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data.

Statistical methods can be used to summarize or describe a collection of data; this is called descriptive statistics. In addition, patterns in the data may be modeled in a way that accounts for randomness and uncertainty in the observations, and then used to draw inferences about the process or population being studied; this is called inferential statistics. Both descriptive and inferential statistics comprise applied statistics.

Measures of central tendencyA measure of central tendency is a single number that is used to represent the average score in the distribution.

Mode – the most common score in a frequency distributionMedian – the middlemost score in a distributionMean – the common average

Measures of variabilityA single number which describes how much the data vary in the distribution.

Range – The difference between the highest and lower score in a distribution.Variance – The average of the squared deviations from the mean.Standard deviation – the square root of the variance, a measure of variability in the same units as the scores being described.

Correlation and regressionDetermine associations between two variables.

Correlation – The strength of the relationship between two variables.Regression – Predicting the value of one variable from another based on the correlation.

Sampling distribution – the distribution of means of samples from a population.Sampling distribution has three important properties:

It has the same mean as the population distribution.It has smaller standard deviation as the population distribution.As the sample size becomes larger, the shape of the distribution approaches a normal distribution, regardless of the shape of the population from which the samples are drawn.

Hypothesis testing - is the use of statistics to determine the probability that a given hypothesis is true. The usual process of hypothesis testing consists of four steps.

Formulate the null hypothesis H0 (the hypothesis that is of no scientific interest) and the alternative hypothesis Ha (statistical term for the research hypothesis).Identify a test statistic that can be used to assess the truth of the null hypothesis.Compute the P-value, which is the probability that a test statistic at least as significant as the one observed would be obtained assuming that the null hypothesis were true. The smaller the P-value, the stronger the evidence against the null hypothesis.Compare the p-value to an acceptable significance value alpha (sometimes called an alpha value). If p<=alpha, that the observed effect is statistically significant, the null hypothesis is ruled out, and the alternative hypothesis is valid.

Statistical significance – the probability that an experimental result happened by chance.

Statistical errors

The null hypothesis


Accept H0

Reject H0

H0 is TRUE H0 is FALSE

Correct decision Wrong decision –Type II error

Wrong decision –Type I error Correct decision

10 2 3-1-2-3

10 2 3-1-2-3 4

Values of Zx

Values of Zx

Here is the distribution of values of Z when the hypothesis tested is true.(mean Z = 0)

Here is the distribution of values of Z when a particular alternative hypothesis is true (mean Z = 1)

Alpha is the probability of rejecting the

hypothesis tested when that hypothesis is true.

Power is the probability of rejecting the

hypothesis tested when the alternative

hypothesis is true.

Here we have set alpha = 0.05

Power = 0.26

The critical value of Z = 1.65

Beta = 0.74Beta is the probability of accepting the hypothesis tested when the alternative hypothesis is true.

The Z score for an item, indicates how far and in what direction, that item deviates from its distribution's mean, expressed in units of its distribution's standard


Software development methodology

Development team sizeNumber of



RUPDeveloper productivity



Lines of code (LOC) per developer per day

Levels(observed variables)

Independent variables

(latent variables)

Dependent variables

(latent variables)

Measures(observed variables)

Latent Observed



Requirements change

Development team size

Developer efficiency

Software reliability


Mean time between failure


Number of developers

Describe abstract theoretical concepts.

They cannot be directly measured.

Represent the »effect«

Represent the »cause«

Define ways of measuring latent variables.

Each latent variable may have multiple empirical


Measurement relationship – associate latent variables with their measures

Causal relationships (H1,H2) – define cause-effect relationship between latent variables (theoretical propositions). Can be tested only by evaluating relationships between observed variables (hypotheses)!


Research question: »How does software development methodology and team size influences developers productivity?«

Theoretical model is based on research question and represents set of concepts and relationships between them!

Hypothesis testingHypotheses are tested by comparing predictions with observed dataObservations that confirm a prediction do not establish the truth of a hypothesisDeductive testing of hypotheses look for disconfirming evidence to falsify hypotheses

All other variables which are not the focus of

research are irrelevant variables.

Measurement issuesReliability - does the measurement give the same results under the same conditions (consistency)?Validity - does the measurement method actually provide information about the conceptual variable?Sensitivity - how much does the measurement change with the changes on the conceptual variable?





Relationships between

constructs are identified

Relationships between

constructs are identified

Theory is formed that explains laws

Predictions from theory

can be drawn, which

form hypotheses

Research is performed

Confidence in theory is increased

Confidence in theory is reduced

Theory is rejected

Theory is modified

Laws are formed

Laws are formed

Theory is NOT modified

Prediction is NOT confirmed

Prediction is confirmed

Establishes causal relationships, confirm theories.

Investigate a typical »case« in realistic representative conditions.


ose Investigate information collected

from a group of people, projects, organizations or literature.

Requires high control Requires medium control Requires low controlControl

Control on who is using which technology, when, where, and under which conditions is possible.

To investigate self standing tasks from which results can be obtained immediately.

Change to be assessed (e.g., new technology) is wide-ranging throughout the development process.

Assessment in a typical situation required.

Technology change is implemented across a large number of projects.

Description of results, influence factors, differences and commonalities is needed.




Can establish causal relationships.

Can confirm theories.

Can be incorporated in normal development activities.

Already scaled up to life size if performed on real projects.

Can determine whether expected effects apply in studied context.

Easy to plan.

Help answer why and how questions.

Can provide qualitative Insights.

Can use existing experience.

Can confirm an effect generalizes to many projects/organizations.

Allow to use standard statistical techniques.

Enable research in the large.

Applicable to real world projects in practice.

Generalization usually easier.

Good for early exploratory analysis.



Application in industrial context requires Compromises.

With little or no replication they may give inaccurate results.

Difficult to interpret and generalize (e.g., due to confounding factors).

Statistical analysis usually not possible.

Few agreed standards on procedures for undertaking case studies.

May rely on different projects/organizations keeping comparable data.

No control over variables methods.

Can at most confirm association but not causality.

Can be biased due to differences between respondents and nonrespondents.

Questionnaire design may be tricky (validity, reliability).


Process and product measurement.


Process and product measurement.Questionnaires.


Questionnaires.Interviews.Project measurement.

Literature survey.





Parametric and nonparametricstatistics, compare central tendencies of treatments, groups.

Compare case study results to a representative comparison baseline: sister project, company baseline, project subset with no change.

Comparing different populations among respondents, association and trend analysis, consistency of scores.




Conclusion validity

Internal validity

Construct validity

External validity

Internal validity

Construct validity

External validity

Experimental validity or reliability

Internal validity

Experimental validity or reliability

Construct validity

External validity

The IV is the variable that

defines conditions


inant of

Logistic R





Goodness o

f Fit







One sam








Linear regression






ss tabulation


an correlation

Linear re




on correlation

Linear re



Mann Whitney U

Independent t-test

Kruskal Wallis

One way ANOVA

Repeated ANOVA


Paired (related) t-


Wilcoxon Matched Pairs







Other Related















IV = Independent VariableDV = Dependent Variable

Don't be afraid to talk over ideas with others!