Emotional Mastery by T.T.Rangarajan, Alma Mater (Gist of Lecture)



Gist of Lecture delivered by Sri.T.T.Rangarajan on 8-02-2004 at Naradagana Saba on the eve of the 9th Anniversary of Alma Mater

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Gist of Lecture delivered by Sri.T.T.Rangarajan on 8-02-2004 at Naradagana Saba on the eve of the

9th Anniversary of Alma Mater***


The greatest joy in the world is the Joy of Wondering. When the Flower blooms, when the kid starts walking, starts speaking, sun rises, … Many of us have forgotten to wonder. Wondering gives us the opportunity to acquaint us with the Nature.

When someone asks “ How are You?” I would always say “I am on Top of the World”. But many think as if the world is on Top of their Head.

When “Emotions” flow “Intelligence” is gone. When “Emotions” take Charge “Intelligence” takes “Holiday”.

Don’t take decisions when you are Emotional.

You can never resolve a Fight during a Fight.

Human Life is not followed not on the merits of RIGHT or WRONG; but on the Merits of PAIN or PLEASURE. The inherent law of life is that we follow PLEASURABLE activities and avoid PAINFUL activities which is not always correct.

Change is more an Emotional phenomena and not Intellectual Phenomena.

The secret to doing any activity successfully is to make the activity pleasurable. Suppose a kid studies if the activity is Playful it will be pleasurable.


In our human factory we have TWO production Lines:

Positive Emotions like Love, Forgiveness, Will, Hope, Courage, Ambition, etc.

Negative Emotions like Hatredness, Unforgiving, Despair, Hoplessness, Fear, Dejection etc.

Unfortunately we are the Puppets of the emotions pulling us by their strings.

To overcome the negative Emotions we must have Tremendous amount of Responsibility;. Even though we are not the creators of our life we should understand that we are the Creators of our Feelings. Even God can not implant or take away your feelings. The creator has done it in such a way. We may call it Spiritual Arrogance. No force can Irritate you unless you want it. In ALMAMATER NO BLAME IS ALLOWED. If painting does not come good it is the responsibility of the painter. The Quality of your Life is your Responsibility.

Whenever you suffer please understand that it is nothing but a feedback from nature to remind you to align with the Laws of Nature.

Why do we get Anger? - Because things are not the way you want it.

Why do we get Fear? – There is a sense of Insecurity.

Why do we get Jealousy? - Because you can not Inspire.

How to overcome these Negative Emotions?

Whenever to any Negative Emotion ACCEPTANCE is added it becomes a Positive Emotion.

For any Positive Emotion RESISTANCE is added it becomes a Negative Emotion.

ACCEPTANCE is one Supervisor of your Emotion Factory

RESISTANCE is another Supervisor of your Emotion Factory.

People Need Love when they are WRONG not when they are RIGHT.

Zero Resistance = Zero MiseryTotal Acceptance = Total Bliss.

ACCPTANCE is the Door to Emotional Mastery.

Negative Emotions secreates Acid in you Body Vessel. Body trembles and sweats when your Negative Emotions take charge. Take the body sign and understand that you are in grip of Negative Emotions. During such times follow the STOP-LOOK-PROCEED approach.

STOP – LOOK your Emotions- Accept

or Reject and PROCEED.

ACCEPTANCE does not mean PASSIVE ACCEPTANCE.- To be Lethargic and be crest fallen- That is Escapism.


All ACCEPTANCE of Negative emotions have to be BACKED UP by ACTIONS and not LETHARGY or LAZINESS.

THE PURPOSE of LIFE is to be an EMOTIONAL MASTER. This is the First requirement. Then the LIFE itself will find you and hand you over the PURPOSE OF LIFE.

Emotions are like Storms. But the Epicentre should be calm in you irrespective of the Storms. You must be unruffled.

A seed has to sprout by breaking open the Mother Earth. The Mother earth which offered initially resistance for the Breaking open of the Seed itself then gives the Protection to the Tree during storms. All those seeds which succumbed to the resistance of the Earth to sprout will always remain so and can never flourish.

When a Cyclone hits those trees which have Firm and Deep rootings can only withstand and dance happily after. Similarly

those who have Emotional Mastery can only lead Happy Life.

Life has Tested all eminent people like Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus, Buddha, Ambani. Only after these Tests they have been granted those status.

Till you understands these and become a Master of Emotions, the life you lead can be called only as SURVIVAL and not LIFE.
