Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Class work September 30 th 2012 Done by: Sura shalabi


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Elements, Compounds

and Mixtures

Class work September 30th 2012

Done by: Sura shalabi


Complete the following slides using your notes from class and the internet.

You MUST use your own words

You should try to add images to go with each slide

You should use colour to highlight important words

Please change the design of the slides to make them your own!

What is an Element? Include a picture of any element you like!

Any type of solid, liquid or gas that is made out of one atom, it is called element. Examples:

This picture shows an element because it is only one type of atom.


What is a compound? Include a picture of any compound you like!

A compound is different types of atoms joined or bonded together. Examples:

These pictures shows compounds because there is different types of atoms that are bodes and joined together.

What is a mixture? Include a picture of any mixture you like!

A mixture is 2 or more elements or compound that are mixed with each other but they are not joined together and they can be separated from each other.

This picture shows mixture because there is more than one element or compound and they are mixed but they are not joined together.

What is the periodic table and what does it show? Include a picture!

A periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the elements according to their atomic numbers so that elements with similar properties are in the same column. A periodic table shows the atomic numbers.

Periodic table

Try to find some examples of everyday compounds, and

say which elements were bonded together to make them

I couldn’t find any?

Try to find some examples of everyday mixtures,

and say which elements are mixed together

together to make them

• Milk is a mixture of water and oil, the oil is in very small droplets in the water.

• Orange Juice mainly contents of water and e.g. citric acid, put a drop of orange juice stand on a spoon, let the water evaporate and a yellowish/reddish powder will form.

Thank You for watching !!!