Electrochemical removal of nitrate ions in waste solutions after regeneration of ion exchange...



Electrochemical removal of nitrateDenitrification

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  • Electrochemical removal of nitrate ions in waste solutions afterregeneration of ion exchange columns

    M. PAIDAR, I. ROUSAR and K. BOUZEK*Department of Inorganic Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic(*author for correspondence, e-mail: bouzek@dechema.de)

    Received 1 December 1997; accepted in revised form 13 October 1998

    Key words: drinking water, electrochemical nitrate ion reduction, ion exchange column


    Electrochemical reduction of nitrate ions in synthetic regenerating solutions after ion exchange column regenerationwas studied. The influence of current density on the current eciency was determined in the range 2.87.6 mA cm2

    in a diaphragmless flow-through electrolyser in a batch recirculation mode. A Cu cathode and a Ti/Pt anode wasused, the temperature being maintained at 25 C. Highest integral current eciency occurred at 2.8 mA cm2. Thepresence of about 6 mg dm3 Cu ions in treated solution was found to prevent a decrease in cathode activity and,consequently, in electrolysis eciency. The catalytic influence of Cu ions was verified by potentiodynamicpolarisation experiments on a copper rotating disc electrode and by chronopotentiometry performed during thecourse of electrolysis.

    1. Introduction

    Nitrates are serious environmental pollutants. Excessiveapplication of agricultural fertilisers has been known tocause penetration of large quantities of nitrates intounderground and surface waters [13]. High concentra-tions of nitrates have a detrimental eect on the envi-ronment and also constitute a problem in industrial wateruse. According to the Drinking Water ConcentrationLimits proposed in the 1987 EEC Recommendations,the maximum allowable concentration of NO3 in drink-ing water is 50mg dm3 (15mg dm3 for infants).At present ion exchange represents the most wide-

    spread method for the removal of nitrates [4]. Toregenerate ion-exchangers a high excess of a regenera-tion agent (commonly NaCl) has to be used. Conse-quently, the salinity of waste water originating from thisprocess is increased substantially. In addition, the usedregenerating solution is contaminated by the nitratesreleased from the ion-exchangers. At present, a means ofremoving the nitrate in a closed cycle stream is beingstudied [5].

    Several methods have been proposed for the reductionof nitrates to nitrogen or ammonium. The application ofmicroorganisms [4, 6] and heterogeneous catalysis [4, 7]are the two groups of methods most often referred to.However, the application of these methods is limitedmainly by their sensitivity to the operating conditionsand/or by the use of expensive catalysts based onplatinum group metals. Such methods are often unac-ceptable in drinking water treatment; for example, theapplication of a reducing agent like methanol and/ormicrobiological contamination of the ion-exchange bed.Furthermore, it may prevent repeated use of thesolution for the regeneration of the ion exchangecolumns.An alternative method of removing nitrate ions from

    industrial and waste waters is selective electrochemicalreduction to nitrogen or ammonia [810]. This repre-sents a relatively simple technology consisting of aminimum number of steps.The following reactions may be considered to proceed

    on the cathode during electrolysis [11]:

    NO3 H2O 2 e NO2 2OHE 0:01V 1yDeceased

    Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 29: 611617, 1999. 611 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

  • NO3 3H2O 5 e 1=2N2 6OHE 0:26V 2NO3 6H2O 8 e NH3 9OHE 0:12V 3NO2 2H2O 3 e 1=2N2 4OHE 0:406V 4NO2 5H2O 6 e NH3 7OHE 0:165V 5NO2 4H2O 4 e NH2OH 5OHE 0:45V 6

    Hydrogen evolution, (Equation 7) represents the mainparasitic cathodic reaction:

    2H2O 2 e H2 2OH E 0:83V 7

    Oxygen evolution (Equation 8) is the main anodicreaction

    4OH O2 2H2O 4 e E 0:401V 8

    We consider Equations 2 and 8 to be the main reactionsand the desired overall electrochemical reaction is givenby Equation 9:

    4NaNO3 2H2O 2N2 5O2 4NaOH 9

    During electrolysis, the electrolyte gradually becomesalkaline (Equation 9). Hence, NaHCO3 present in theused solution (for the composition of the solution seebelow) is converted to carbonate (Equation 10):

    NaHCO3 NaOH Na2CO3 H2O 10

    Adding Equations 9 and 10, we obtain the overall cellreaction (Equation 11):

    4NaNO3 4NaHCO3 2N2 5O2 4Na2CO3 2H2O 11

    The desired cathodic process is the reduction of nitrateto nitrogen according to Equation 2, but, according toChebotareva and Nyokong [12], the nitrate reductionmainly follows Equation 3 and the process requires eightelectrons. Since it is not possible to estimate withsucient accuracy that part of the electrical chargepassed used for the five (Equation 2) and eight (Equa-tion 3) electron reduction steps, the current yield wascalculated according to Equation 2. It thus representsthe lowest value.

    Three dierent ways of electrocatalytic reduction ofnitrates are known:(i) Addition of electrocatalyticaly active ions (VO3 ,

    MoO24 , WO24 or organic Co compounds) directly

    to the treated solution [13, 14].(ii) Immobilization of the catalyst on the cathode sur-

    face, for example, carbon electrode modified withphthalocyanide complexes [12].

    (iii) Selection of electrode materials with appropriatecatalytic properties [8, 9, 1517].

    The last mentioned method seems to be the mostappropriate in the present case. Copper was chosen asthe cathode material since it has high electrocatalyticactivity for nitrate reduction [17]. At the same time it isalso acceptable for drinking water treatment.Originally the electrochemical reduction of nitrates

    was studied mainly in acidic solutions [1821]. Atpresent research in this field is focused on alkalinesolutions [8, 9, 12, 1417, 22]. The main advantage ofthis approach is that ammonia, being a weak base, willvolatilize to the atmosphere from basic solutions.Moreover, HCO3 ions are more suitable for drinkingwater treatment when compared to Cl or SO24 .Therefore, a solution of NaHCO3, suitable for theregeneration of a strongly basic anion exchanger usedfor the removal of nitrates from drinking water [23], waschosen for this study.

    2. Experimental details

    2.1. Apparatus

    A diaphragmless flow-through electrolyser with plateelectrodes in a recirculation mode arrangement was usedduring experiments dealing with the current eciencywith respect to the nitrate ion (reduction). The electrodedimensions were 11.1 cm 22:5 cm (active cathode areaof 500 cm2). A schematic diagram of the apparatus isshown in Figure 1. A Straton RTF 3217 (Germany) wasused as a stabilized current source.Polarization curves were measured using a rotating

    disc electrode (RDE) made of 99.5% purity copper,4mm in diameter, embedded in a Teflon disc 12mm indiameter. A Pt counter electrode was used and asaturated calomel electrode (SCE) served as reference.The potential was controlled by means of a Wenking LB75 H potentiostat (Elektronik Gottingen, Germany). AnIBM Compatible PC equipped with an 8 bit D/Aconverter (Advantec, UK) was used as the referencesignal generator. The current-voltage dependence wasrecorded using an XY recorder.


  • 2.2. Experimental procedure

    2.2.1. ElectrolysisThe electrolyte simulated a waste solution after theregeneration of a strongly basic anion exchanger withNaHCO3. Its composition was as follows: 8.0 g dm


    NaHCO3, 0.4 g dm3 NaCl, 0.4 g dm3 Na2SO4 and

    0.6 g dm3 NO3 (as NaNO3). The composition of theelectrolyte containing Cu ions was identical. Addition-ally about 0.5 g dm3 of CuCO3.Cu(OH)2.3H2O wereadded to the electrolyte shortly before the electrolysisbegan. Since the electrolyte is alkaline, copper is notpresent as Cu2. We may expect the presence mainly ofcopper hydroxide Cu(OH)2, which dissolves in weaklyalkaline solutions in colloidal form. The experimentswere carried out at a constant temperature of 25 C. Afresh electrolyte was used for each electrolysis. Theelectrolyte volume was 3 dm3. The distance between theelectrodes was set in the range 5 to 25 mm.Prior to the first experiment, the copper cathode was

    treated with dilute H2SO4 (1:1) and rinsed thoroughlywith distilled water. Between the subsequent experi-ments the cathode was not treated. In the electrolysisprocedure with addition of Cu ions the cathode pre-treatment was identical to the previous case. Afterwardsthe cathode was treated for 6 h in a solution with Cuions added by cathodic polarization at a current densityof 2.8 mA cm2. The experimental results were repro-ducible only after sucient pretreatment.Samples were taken at regular time intervals and were

    analysed for dissolved Cu, NO3 , NO2 , NH3 and pH.

    Determination of nitrate content was based on lightabsorption at 210 nm [24]; nitrite was allowed to react

    with sulfanilic acid and a-naphthol in a weakly acidicsolution yielding an orange-coloured azo dyestu withan absorption maximum at 480 nm [24]. Ammonia wasdetermined by the Nessler method [24] and Cu ions weredetermined by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

    2.2.2. Potentiodynamic measurementPrior to the polarization measurements, the surface ofthe Cu RDE was polished with a metallographic paper(600 Sianor B, Switzerland) and rinsed with diluteH3PO4 (40%). The polarization curves were measuredat 1200 rpm, a scan rate of 5mV s1 and a temperatureof 25 C.

    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Electrolytic reduction in recirculation modeelectrolyser

    The first series of experiments was performed using anartificial regenerating solution without the addition ofCu ions. It was found that nitrate reduction proceedswith very low eciency. The lowest nitrate concentra-tion of 449mgdm3 was reached after 7 h of electrol-ysis at 3.8mAcm2, which represents an integralcurrent yield of 6.9% with respect to a five electronreduction. This concentration is far above the limitenabling ecient anion exchanger regeneration (50mg dm3 [23]). Moreover, a substantial increase in thenitrite ions concentration in the treated solution wasobserved during the course of electrolysis, as discussedlater.The existence of such a high limiting value of nitrate

    concentration in the treated solution was explained by agradual deactivation of the cathode surface. Only a fewcompounds causing a deterioration in electrocatalyticactivity can be formed on the electrode surface duringcathodic polarisation of the Cu electrode in the solutionunder study. CuH or CuH2 are considered to be themost probable. X-ray diraction, together with infraredspectrometry, did not directly confirm this assumption.Only a surface layer of amorphous copper was detected.This is in agreement with the results reported byVaskelis et al. [25] and is probably caused by theinstability of CuH, which decomposes in water formingamorphous copper powder and hydrogen [26]. Anotherreason for the presence of amorphous copper is thedestruction of the metal surface layer crystalline struc-ture by the evolved hydrogen.An alternative explanation was oered by Petrii and

    Safonova [27] who studied nitrate reduction in acidic

    Fig. 1. (a) Scheme of the apparatus: (1) cell, (2) electrolyte reservoir

    with pump, (3) rotameter, (4) inlet and (5) outlet. (b) Sideview of the

    cell: (a) anode and (c) cathode.


  • solutions. They considered that active sites on thecathode surface are preferentially occupied by adsorbedhydrogen molecules, which hinder further nitrate reduc-tion. This does not correspond to our observation of theformation of a thick layer consisting of fine particlescovering the cathode surface.Dierent methods were tested to avoid gradual

    deactivation of the Cu cathode, for example, intro-duction of repeated cathode activation by periodicapplication of an anodic square wave current pulse[28]. The addition of Cu ions in the form ofCuCO3:Cu(OH)2:3H2O to the treated solution wasfound to be the most suitable. The average Cu ionconcentration in the treated solution during electrolysiswas 6.0 1.2 mg dm3. This Cu ion concentration doesnot complicate application of this technique in drinkingwater treatment because the solution is used in a closedcycle. Also the ion exchange resins employed for theremoval of nitrate ions are not seriously aected by Cuions at this concentration.The change in nitrate concentration with time of

    electrolysis using electrolyte with added Cu ions wasreproducible during repeated experiments. The averagedependence is shown in Figure 2. It follows from thisfigure that the addition of Cu ions eectively prevents adecrease in the cathode activity and provides a repro-ducible decrease in nitrate concentration in the treatedsolution during repeated electrolysis. At the studiedconditions the nitrate concentration decreases below thelimit for successful ion exchanger regeneration (50 mgdm3) after 8 h electrolysis.The eect of Cu ions can be explained by slow

    continuous Cu deposition on the cathode surface. Thedeposited copper forms new active sites on the cathodesurface thus maintaining electrocatalytic activity inde-pendent of electrolysis duration.To verify that the increase in current eciency of the

    cathodic nitrate reduction by Cu ion addition is causednot only by the formation of a porous surface layer andby the corresponding increase in surface area, a series ofexperiments with artificial regenerating solution withoutCu addition was performed employing a cathode whichhad been previously activated by electrolysis in anelectrolyte with added Cu ions. The results for threesubsequent electrolyses are shown in Figure 2. A de-crease in the catalytic activity of the cathode surface isclearly evident. The integral current eciency decreasedfrom a value of 26.5%, reached during 6 h of electrolysiswith Cu ions added, to a value of 8.0% reached at thesixth subsequent electrolysis without adding Cu. Thisrepresents an increase in the final nitrate concentrationfrom 97 to 450mgdm3 after 7 h under otherwiseidentical conditions. This behaviour is similar to the

    steady state experiments without added Cu ions, andthus similar cathode surface properties may be expected.As mentioned in the theoretical part, one of the

    possible electrode reactions is the reduction of nitrate tonitrite, that is, Equation 1 [11]. Since nitrite is an evenmore dangerous pollutant than nitrate, it is desirable tokeep its concentration in the treated solution as low aspossible. The maximum allowable concentration ofnitrite for drinking water is 0.1mg dm3 [2]. It wasfound that the addition of Cu ions also has a positiveinfluence on the concentration of nitrite in the treatedsolution. The nitrite concentration reaches a maximumwithin the first hour, as seen in Figure 2(b). With Cuions added, see Figure 2(b), a rapid decrease in nitriteconcentration occurs after the first hour. A concentra-tion of about 3.5 mg dm3 was reached after 7 h. This isstill above the allowed limit for drinking water [2].However, we intend to reuse the treated solution in aclosed cycle for regeneration of the ion exchange resins,so this does not represent a serious problem. Moreover,

    Fig. 2. Concentration against time of electrolysis for nitrate (a), nitrite

    (b) and ammonia (c). Electrolysis with and without addition of Cu ions

    into the electrolyte; interelectrode gap 20mm; current density

    3.8mAcm2; (j) average values from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd consecutiveelectrolysis tests with addition of Cu ions; (n), (,) and (e) represent

    1st, 2nd and 3rd consecutive electrolysis tests without addition of Cu

    ions, cathode activated by cathodic polarization in an electrolyte

    containing Cu ions prior to the 1st electrolysis, (s) steady state

    electrolysis without addition of Cu ions.


  • the nitrite concentration still shows a decreasing trendand the final concentration of nitrate may be expected todecrease below the allowable limit for prolonged elec-trolysis. However, without the addition of Cu ions, seeFigure 2(b), the nitrite concentration in the solutiondecreased only slowly after the first hour. This decreasewas even slower during repeated electrolysis. The finalnitrite concentration was as high as 2030mgdm3 atthe end of the third subsequent test without added Cuions. This behaviour is attributable to a selectivedecrease in cathode activity for the consecutive stepsof nitrate reduction.The theory about positive influence of the added Cu

    ions on the nitrate reduction process is also supported bythe dependence of the cathode potential on the electrol-ysis duration shown in Figure 3. During approximatelythe first 10 min of electrolysis with added Cu ions, thecathode potential exhibited a continuous decrease withone apparent delay. This probably corresponds to thereduction of copper oxides and/or hydroxides to metallicform, thus forming electrocatalyticaly active sites. Afterreaching a maximum, the potential decreased continu-ously during electrolysis due to continuous build-up ofan active surface layer during cathodic polarisation. Theslow initial potential decrease is in agreement with theinitial (nitrate reduction) inductive period observedduring the first 30 min of electrolysis.The dependence of the nitrate concentration on the

    time of electrolysis in the current density range 2.87.6mA cm2 was studied for a 20mm interelectrodegap. The observed dependence of nitrate and nitriteconcentration on the total charge for several studiedcurrent densities is shown in Figure 4. A current densityof 2.8mAcm2 gave the highest current eciency withrespect to nitrate reduction. It follows from Figure 4

    that the current yield decreases with increasing currentdensity. At 7.6mA cm2, the current yield exhibited amuch stronger decrease when compared to the lowercurrent density range. A current density of 3.8mA cm2

    was used in further study of the nitrate reductioneciency. This was because it still exhibited a relativelyhigh current eciency, together with a fairly rapidreduction in the nitrate concentration with time. At allcurrent densities the time dependence of the cathodepotential showed a shape identical with that in Figure 3for the case of added Cu ions. The following averagecathode potentials were found for the respective currentdensities of 2.8, 3.8, 5.7 and 7.6mA cm2 1:076;1:175: 1:208 and 1:247V vs SCE.As already mentioned, the pH of the treated solution

    became gradually more alkaline during electrolysis, thatis its value changed from 8.3 to 9.1, within the first200 min of electrolysis and then remained at this value.One of the possible products of nitrate reduction is

    ammonia. The ammonia concentration against time ofelectrolysis in the treated solution exhibited an apparentincrease during the first 6h of electrolysis. A maximumconcentration of 132 mg dm3 was reached, followed bya continuous decrease. In 4h after the end of electrolysis,the ammonia concentration in the treated solution cir-

    Fig. 3. Cathodic potential (vs SCE) against time of electrolysis;

    interelectrode gap 20mm; current density 3.8mAcm2; (h) 3rdelectrolysis test with addition of Cu ions; (s) steady state electrolysis

    test without addition of Cu ions.

    Fig. 4. Concentration against electric charge for nitrate (a) and nitrite

    (b). Electrolysis test with addition of Cu ions in the electrolyte;

    interelectrode gap 20mm; current densities: (h) 2.8, (s) 3.8, (n) 5.7

    and (,) 7.6mAcm2.


  • culating in the electrolyser decreased to 25mgdm3. Theinitial increase in ammonia concentration can be ex-plained by the relatively high production rate, Reactions3 and 5. The decrease in concentration taking place after7 h of electrolysis is attributable to the decrease in con-centration of nitrate in the treated solution and theconsequent gradual decrease in the ammonia productionrate.The dependence of the nitrate, nitrite and ammonium

    concentrations on electrolysis time was studied forinterelectrode gaps varying in the range 525mm. Theobserved dierences between the individual interelec-trode gaps were within experimental error. Terminalvoltages of 5.38, 5.05, 4.4 and 4.1V were found forinterelectrode gaps of 25, 20, 10 and 5mm, respectively,which demonstrates the possibility of reducing theenergy consumption by lowering the interelectrodegap. In our case a reduction by 24% was attainedbetween the smallest and largest interelectrode gaps.

    3.2. Potentiodynamic polarization study ofnitrate reduction

    The conclusions concerning the increase in cathodecatalytic activity due to the addition of Cu ions wereverified by potentiodynamic polarization experimentsusing a copper RDE. The polarization curves for thesolution under study with and without nitrate are shownin Figure 5. The curve for the solution without nitrateexhibits one cathodic current wave of half-wave poten-tial E1=2 vs SCE 0:58V. This corresponds to the re-duction of the surface copper oxide layer [22] andcoincides with the cathode potential delay during thefirst 10min of electrolysis in the case of added Cu ions.The solution containing nitrate ions exhibits an addi-tional second, well developed, cathodic current peak atpotential Evs SCE = 1:30V corresponding to nitratereduction. This cathodic peak consists of two individualwaves, in agreement with [12, 22]. Figure 5 shows thatthe catalytic activity of the cathode and, consequently,the height of the nitrate reduction current plateau (orpeak) decreases strongly with the duration of cathodicpolarisation. Electrode inactivation was already appar-ent after 10 min. With increasing cathode deactivationtwo individual peaks corresponding to nitrate reductionbecame more distinguishable. The peak at the lesscathodic potential gradually became predominant. Thisis probably connected with enhanced nitrite formationduring electrolysis without Cu addition.The addition of Cu ions to the electrolyte causes a

    reproducible increase in the nitrate reduction currentpeak not only compared to the inactivated electrode, butalso to the freshly activated cathode, see (Figs 5 and 6).

    Fig. 5. Polarization curves of copper RDE. Temperature 25 C,1200rpm, potential scan rate 5mV s1. Composition of electrolytes:(a) 440 mg dm3 Na2SO4, 400 mg dm3 NaCl; 8 g dm3 NaHCO3.CuRDE with freshly activated surface; (b) is identical to (a) with addition

    of 821.6mgdm3 NaNO3 (600mgdm3 NO3 ). Cu RDE with a freshlyactivated surface; (c) is identical to (b). Cu RDE after 10 min of

    polarization at 1:6V vs SCE in electrolyte (a); (d) as for (b). Cu RDEafter 20 min of polarization at 1:6V vs SCE in electrolyte (a).

    Fig. 6. Polarization curves of Cu RDE. Temperature 25 C, 1200 rpm,potential scan rate 5mV s1. Composition of electrolytes: (a) 440 mgdm3 Na2SO4, 400 mg dm3 NaCl, 8 gd m3 NaHCO3. Copper RDEwith a fresh surface; (b) is identical to (a) with addition of

    821.6mgdm3 NaNO3 (600 mgdm3 NO3 ). Copper RDE after 30min polarization at 1:6V vs SCE in electrolyte (a). (c) as for (b).Copper RDE after 40min polarization at 1:6V vs SCE, electrolytecomposition is identical to (b) with addition of 0.5 g dm3 ofCUCO3.Cu(OH)2.


  • This may be explained by the rapid deactivation of thecopper cathode surface already apparent after the firstcathodic potential scan when using the electrolytewithout Cu addition.

    4. Conclusions

    It was found that by using a copper cathode it is possibleto remove nitrate ions from a solution simulating thewaste solution from the regeneration of strongly basicion-exchange columns for drinking water treatment.The current yield decreased with increasing cathodic

    current density in the range 2.87.6mA cm2. A currentdensity of 3.8mA cm2 was chosen as optimal withrespect to current yield and electrolysis duration. Usingthis current density, an integral current yield of 22%,during reduction of nitrate concentration from600mg dm3 to about 50mgdm3 was reached.The presence of Cu ions in the concentration range

    6.0 1.2mg dm3 was found to prevent decrease incathode activity with electrolysis duration which other-wise lowers the current eciency of the process. In thepresence of Cu ions, the average current yield remainedconstant during repeated reduction of nitrate in thebatch reactor. It also had a positive influence on thereduction of nitrite concentration in the treated solution.


    Thanks are due to the Grant Agency of the CzechRepublic for the financial support of this work undergrant project number 203/96/0950.


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