ELECTION VOCABULARY!!. Political Party Organized group that seeks to control government through the...


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  • Slide 1

ELECTION VOCABULARY!! Slide 2 Political Party Organized group that seeks to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office Slide 3 Major Political Party A dominant party in a governmental system (i.e. Republicans & Democrats in American Politics) Slide 4 Two-Party System Political system in which the candidates from only two (major) parties have a reasonable chance of winning elections. Slide 5 Third/Minor Party One of the less widely supported political parties in a governmental system Slide 6 GOP Grand Ol Party The Republican party Slide 7 Independent A voter who does not identify with or regularly support a particular party INDEPENDENT Slide 8 Platform Written declaration of the principles and policy positions of a political party, usually adopted at the partys convention Gee, I really hope I win! Slide 9 Legislation A law which has been enacted by a legislature or other governing body; may refer to a single law, or a collective body of laws Slide 10 Endorse In politics, this is the action of publicly declaring one's personal or group's support of a candidate for elected office Obama Slide 11 Mid-term Election Elections in the United States in which members of Congress, state legislature, and some state governors are elected, but not the president. Slide 12 Partisan Literally means organized into political parties; the expression usually refers to fervent, sometimes militant support of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea. Slide 13 Non-Partisan Denotes an election, event or organization in which the participants declare or do not formally have a political party affiliation. Slide 14 Bi-Partisan In a two-party system this refers to any bill, act, or resolution, in which both of the major political parties are in agreement. Slide 15 Incumbent The current holder of a political office Slide 16 Initiative Petition process by which a certain percentage of voters can put a proposed constitutional amendment or statute (law) on the ballot for popular approval or rejection Slide 17 Lobby/Lobbyist Activities of an agent for a pressure group, usually to influence public policy An individual who attempts to influence legislators and officials to create public policy and laws that benefit their interest group Slide 18 Lobbyists: Slide 19 Swing Voter Swing State/Battleground State A voter that may vote for either candidate in an election; such votes are usually sought after since they can play a big role in determining the outcome. A state where no candidate has overwhelming support, therefore, either candidate has a reasonable chance of winning the state's electoral college votes. Such states are targets of both major political parties in presidential elections, since winning these states is the best opportunity for a party to gain electoral votes. Slide 20 Proposition A method of amending either a state Constitution or proposing a state law, under the initiative and referendum process where the public directly votes on whether they pass or not. Slide 21 Excuse Arguments What do you think this is?? Write your own definition then you will discuss with your partner think in terms of McCain and Obama!
