El Subjuntivo Las reglas, la formación y WEIRDO. Hablar These conjugate like all commands, except...


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El Subjuntivo

Las reglas, la formación y WEIRDO

HablarThese conjugate like all commands, except tú affirmative

que hable que hablemos

que hables

que hable que hablen


• He wants me to talk (He wants that I talk).

• I want you to talk.• They want her to talk.• She wants us to talk.• I want you guys to talk.

¿Qué es el Indicativo?

• We have studied the indicative which expresses factual information, certainty, and objectivity. The indicative is objective (no personal opinion)!

• Tenses include: present,preterite,imperfect,future,etc. • Ella es de España.• Yo estudio mucho para la clase de español.• Tú sacaste una buena nota en el examen.

¿Qué es el Subjuntivo?

• The subjunctive is a verb mood – it reflects how the speaker feels about the situation.

• The subjunctive is subjective (personal opinion)! Ex. Art

• The subjunctive expresses will, wishes, emotions, impersonal expressions, requests, recommendations, doubt, denial and uncertainty.

Las Reglas para el Subjuntivo

• The subjunctive has two verbs, each in its own clause.

• There must be a change of person or subject in the main verb and dependent verb.• Yo quiero que tú vayas. (2 people)• Yo quiero ir. (1 person)

• The two clauses, verbs, are joined by “que.”• Yo no quiero que ella llegue tarde.• Es posible que llueva mañana.• El maestro les exige que los estudiantes


WEIRDO• The verb in the first clause (the main

verb) is in the indicative and implies:



• Impersonal Expressions




WEIRDO• Use the subjunctive in the dependent

clause when the main clause expresses:



• Impersonal Expressions




Las Reglas…

• The present subjunctive can be used for present tense and for the future, not the past.

• The pronouns (reflexive, direct, and indirect) always come before the conjugated verb, not after like affirmative commands.

Las Reglas…• The second clause (dependent verb) is the

subjunctive.• To form the subjunctive, conjugate the verb in

the ‘yo’ form of the present tense (conocer = conozco)

• Drop the ‘o’ (conozc-)• Add the opposite ending for the verb

• ER/IR takes AR endings- ella conozca• AR verbs take ER/IR endings – tú hables

• Add appropriate ending for person-• add ‘s’ for tú, ‘mos’ for nostotros,‘n’ for Uds.

Spelling ChangesThese are spelling changes in the ‘yo’ form of the present tense • -go =tener(mantener, contener,obtener), decir, traer, caerse, hacer,

oír, venir, salir, poner• -cer/-cir►zc(not all, ex. hacer,decir)


• -ger,-gir►j=escoger, recoger, proteger, emerger, converger, elegir, exigir, fingir, corregir,

• -guir-e►i stem-change, then drop u(ex. siga)=seguir (conseguir,perseguir)

• -uir►keep the u, add y(ex.influya).The ‘y’ carries through all forms except nosotros=influir, contribuir, destruir,construir, concluir

• These are the spelling changes from the ‘yo’ form in the preterite tense: -car,-gar,-zar

=-car►qu, -gar►gu, -zar►c

*Also, don’t forget stem-changing verbs!!(ex.despertarse,vestirse)

Nosotros• Does not stem change in nosotros

form (just like present tense)

Except• -Ir stem-changing verbs: pedir, servir,

vestirse, divertirse, preferir, mentir, sentir, dormir

• Use preterite sandal verb(él,ellos) conjugation.

• Sirvamos (e►i)• Durmamos (o►u)

Los Irregulares

• The following verbs are irregular in the subjunctive: (DISHES). These are the verbs that end in ‘oy’ in the ‘yo’ form and also saber which ends in ‘é’.•Dar – dé, des, dé, demos, den•Ir – vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan•Ser – sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean•Haber – haya, hayas, haya, hayamos,

hayan•Estar – esté, estés, esté, estemos, estén

•Saber – sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan

W – Will/Wish• Verb of “will/wish” express someone’s will

or wish over another person, what they want or hope that someone will do.

• Common verbs are: querer, desear,esperar, preferir, necesitar, and insistir,{exigir, mandar, decir, etc., use IOPs(indirect)}• Mi madre quiere que yo haga los

quehaceres.• Necesito que (Uds.) me digan la verdad.• Te Exijo que pongas la mesa.• La profesora les dice que estudien.

E - Emotion

• When the main verb implies emotion, the subjunctive is used with the dependent verb

• Common verbs are: sentir(e-ie), lamentar, alegrarse de, temer, tener miedo de, (gustar, sorprender, molestar, preocupar, entristecer, enojar, etc. use IOPs)• Me alegro de que estés conmigo.• Temen que el gato esté perdido.• Nos sorprende que ella no sepa nada.

I – Impersonal Expressions

• Use subjunctive after impersonal expressions that imply will, emotion, and doubt.

• Common expressions are: es necesario, es importante, es probable/improbable, es posible/imposible, es bueno/malo, es mejor, es dudoso, es ridículo, es triste, etc.• Es bueno que estudies español.• Es triste que Blake no tenga novia.• Es importante que mi novio me traiga flores.

• Can also be general such as, ‘Es importante estudiar para sacar buenas notas.’ This does not use the subjunctive, but rather the infinitive.

R – Requests/Recommendations

• When requests or recommendations are in the main clause, the subjunctive will follow in the dependent clause.

• Use IOPs• Common verbs: pedir,recomendar(e-ie),

sugerir(e-ie), aconsejar,proponer, etc.• Te recomiendo que estudies.• Me pide que diga la verdad.• La profesora le aconseja que haga la tarea.

D – Doubt/Denial

• Whenever doubt/denial is implied, the subjunctive must be used in the dependent clause.

• Common verbs: Dudar, negar (e-ie), no creer, no pensar(e-ie), no estar seguro(a) de, es imposible, etc. • Dudo que conozcas a Paris Hilton.• No creo que Paco pueda sacar una A en esta

clase.• Maria niega que Paco le escriba cartas de amor.

O - Ojalá

• Ojalá = Hopefully• This is an impersonal expression too

and does not conjugate for person• Ojalá will automatically require the

subjunctive in the dependent clause.• Ojalá que el examen sea fácil.• Ojalá que mis padres no me griten.• Ojalá que no haya tarea.

Manos a la obraSaquen papel y traduzcan las siguientes oraciones.1. I want you (Ud.) to work tomorrow.2. He asks me to pay him the money.3. I hope that they buy the house.4. We doubt that they will arrive early.5. She doesn’t believe that he has the keys.6. I fear that you (Uds.) are not able to do it.7. I don’t think they know my address.8. We want you (tú) to eat dinner with us.9. My parents forbid me to go out late.10. It is necessary that you begin immediately.
