El otero express 13.02.2014


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C.R.I.E.Special report by ANGELASpecial report by ANGELASpecial report by ANGELASpecial report by ANGELA

OnMonday, 12th January 2014, firstall the teachers and the children met.Together, we went to make the beds.Then we went to lunch. We ate green



Together, we went to make the beds.Then we went to lunch. We ate greenbeans and steak. Next, we went to thegames zone. Then we went to doactivities. Later, we went to dinner andthen went to the gym to do moreactivities. Finally we went to bed.On Tuesday, 13th January 2014,first of all we went to breakfast andthen to the games zone. Then we wentto do activities and next to eat; thento do activities again. Next we did thesame.The next day we went to Altamiracaves. First we did activities and thenlooked at Altamira caves and finallywent toC.R.I.E.The last two days we did the samethat the first and second days.

This year we’ve done some experiments.

A very interesting one was the experiment

of Lucia. The ingredients that she used

were: milk, yogurt, food colouring and

washing liquid. Lucia put the milk in one

plate, and the yogurt in other plate.


The result was that the

mixtures expanded

and the colours

formed beautiful


In the middle of the plate

with milk she put the food

colouring and then the

washing liquid. In the same

way Lucia proceeded with

the yogurt.


interview: New

teacher in town!By� Pab� B�ac

Alina is the new teacher in ElOtero. She's going to be inSpain for 3 months.

What's your name?My name is Alina.What subject do you teach?I teachEnglish.What did you study?I studiedHistory.Where do you want to travel?I want to travel around the


interview: New

teacher in town!By� Pab� B�ac

Alina is the new teacher in ElOtero. She's going to be inSpain for 3 months.

What's your name?My name is Alina.What subject do you teach?I teachEnglish.What did you study?I studiedHistory.Where do you want to travel?I want to travel around the

JOEL’S JOKESJOEL’S JOKESBy �e� By �e� Her�de� Her�de�

Joel gets a bike for Christmas and inthe afternoon he rides the bike. Hetells his mother:"Look, without one hand"... "Look,without two hands".... "Look, withoutmy teeth!!!!"

Joel explains that the Earth goesaround. In the afternoon, his motherasks him to go shopping. He sits on thepavement. His mother looks throughthe window and sees him. She says:"What are you doing?"Joel answers:"I'm waiting for the supermarket to go

JOEL’S JOKESJOEL’S JOKESBy �e� By �e� Her�de� Her�de�

Joel gets a bike for Christmas and inthe afternoon he rides the bike. Hetells his mother:"Look, without one hand"... "Look,without two hands".... "Look, withoutmy teeth!!!!"

Joel explains that the Earth goesaround. In the afternoon, his motherasks him to go shopping. He sits on thepavement. His mother looks throughthe window and sees him. She says:"What are you doing?"Joel answers:"I'm waiting for the supermarket to go

I want to travel around theworld.What’s your favourite subject?My favourite subject isArchaeology.What’s your favourite sport?My favourite sport is football.What’s your favourite animal?My favourite animal is the cat.What’s your favourite food?My favourite food is pizza.Who is your favourite singer?My favourite singer is ManuChao.Do you likeSpain?Yes, I love Spain.Do you like this school?Yes, I like this school a lot.

I want to travel around theworld.What’s your favourite subject?My favourite subject isArchaeology.What’s your favourite sport?My favourite sport is football.What’s your favourite animal?My favourite animal is the cat.What’s your favourite food?My favourite food is pizza.Who is your favourite singer?My favourite singer is ManuChao.Do you likeSpain?Yes, I love Spain.Do you like this school?Yes, I like this school a lot.

Joel answers:"I'm waiting for the supermarket to goaround and pass by".

Joel answers:"I'm waiting for the supermarket to goaround and pass by".



sport is


I love it

because it

is very

funny!In the sport centre there was a boy

that threw the ball to the basket and

he was the winner and I liked it! My

favourite team is Real Madrid. I like all

the players!

The film we saw on Saturday is Chihuahua 2. It is about one family of dogs who see in

the newspaper a catwalk. Then a dog goes to a catwalk to participate and to win

money, because the family needs to pay for their house. When they finished, they

arranged to meet two dogs: Chihuahua and other dog. Next, Chihuahua wins

because the other dog wasn't of any concrete race and does win the money for the

house. When they finished they gave back the money to prepare the house.


Potatoes with sausages

Cod with tomatoes



Omelette with salad



Rice with tomatoes

Fish with salad



Chicken with pea


Carrot soup

Hamburger with tomatoes



By Pablo Gonzalez By Pablo Gonzalez By Pablo Gonzalez By Pablo Gonzalez

TheTheTheThe footbal lfootbal lfootbal lfootbal l matchmatchmatchmatch ononononSaturday,Saturday,Saturday,Saturday, 8888 thththth FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruary2014201420142014

ElElElEl OteroOteroOteroOtero playedplayedplayedplayed inininin

Created by: El Otero Journalist Group LTD; Edited by: R.T. & A.D. All rights reserved☺


ElElElEl OteroOteroOteroOtero playedplayedplayedplayed ininininCerveraCerveraCerveraCervera vsvsvsvs CerveraCerveraCerveraCervera “B”“B”“B”“B” atatatateleveneleveneleveneleven o’c locko’c locko’c locko’c lock .... TheTheTheThe goalsgoalsgoalsgoalstheytheytheythey scoredscoredscoredscored werewerewerewere :::: GorkaGorkaGorkaGorka((((1111 ),) ,) ,) , HugoHugoHugoHugo ((((1111 ),) ,) ,) , andandandand PabloPabloPabloPablo((((1111 )))) .... TheyTheyTheyThey scoredscoredscoredscored threethreethreethreegoalsgoalsgoalsgoals .... TheTheTheThe CerveraCerveraCerveraCervera teamteamteamteamscoredscoredscoredscored 1111 goalgoalgoalgoal andandandand ElElElElOteroOteroOteroOtero wonwonwonwon ....