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Description: This is a traditional Spanish jump rope game which is generally placed in group. In the past, as every jump rope game, was considered a girl game and boys avoided it. However, today, thanks to our not sexist education, boys and girlis play it together. Participants: A minimum of three participants taking turns, two of whom turn the rope in while one or more jumps.

Tools: A long rope.

Places to play it: This game can be played in outdoor and indoor places. We need a spacious place.

How to play it: The rules are simple and few. Two participants hang the ends of the rope turning it in and singing “el cocherito lere” song.The other participants try to jump over the rope, so that it passes under their feet and over their heads. They have to stay under the rope, keep jumping to the beat and then jump out when the song is over. If one of them step or trip up on the rope he will be out taking the place of one of the two participants who hangs the ends of the rope.

Jumping rope technique: keep together your feet and jump at the same time over the rope. Try to keep jump to the beat and you will be successful.Beginners who can not jump in while the rope is swinging under their feet and over their head can try to jump in while it is swinging only over their feet ( describing and imaginary U).

The main purposes of this activity are:

- Recover traditional games from our ancestors.- Learn to work in group.- Develop self-confident attitudes in our children.- Develop attitudes against sexist stereotypes

.The game is our main educational resort. The learning treatment is global and implys every subject of our currículum. We adapt the activity to our pupils diferences and we pretend to develop meaning learnings playing without any kind of discrimination for being a boy and a girl.

Assessment: It will be in relation to these principles our children must :

- Know about different traditional games.- Know how to play the game in the right way.- Include in the playground time the game in which we have worked.
