El cid campeador summary report


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El Cid (Epic of Spain)

I- Introduction of the epic El Cid:

The Cantar de mio Cid (El Cid) recounts the heroic deeds of the Cid, an exiled member of the lower nobility who wins back his king’s favor by battling the Islamic inhabitants of Spain. Based on the exploits of a historical personage, Rodrigo (Ruy) Diaz de Vivar, who lived from 1040-1099, this epic offers an important example of the interaction of history and literature in the Middle Ages.

The Cid is best known for its interweaving of irony, heroic drama, and a rare strain of realism that incorporates multifaceted portraits of Moors, Jews, and Christians. One of the oldest Spanish documents in existence; it is also the only Spanish epic to have survived almost intact. It is contained in a fourteenth-century manuscript, which bears the date 1207, most likely referring to an earlier version of the poem that was copied in the later book. Several accounts of the Cid’s life, however, exist before this epic poem was written in manuscript form. Two Latin poems, one written before the Cid’s death, and the other just after chronicle his life. He is mentioned in Arabic sources, and his fame endured throughout the Middle Ages, in works of varying quality.

Fast Facts of the epic El Cid:

II- Authorship

This epic, El Cid is the life story of a Castilian soldier, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. His life is told in different media and this style of being an epic is one of the means that made the dissemination of his story possible. Many wrote his own version of his tale and some wrote it even in different forms. Most of them wrote it in poems. After some time, people made it in films and made computer games with a background story of El Cid. In short, the author of his story can’t be counted because they are so many but we may say that the real author of the story is of course, the one who experience the incidents, El Cid. Every man is the author of his own life, of his own adventure.

III- Setting

The epic took place in Spain somewhere in Castile. This is where El Cid serves as a knight to King Alfonso. Some parts of the story, especially El Cid’s exile, happened in the land near the small Moorish state of Aragon. This is

where he recovers his power by having a Christian-Moorish army that made him able to conquer the city of Valencia. Most incidents happened in Spain where the real life of the real man, El Cid, occurred.

IV- Charactersa) Principal Characters:

Rodrigo Dias de Bivar, El Cid Campeador – the protagonist of the work. A Castilian soldier who fights for his wealth and honor that was taken once from him.

Count Garcia Ordonez – El Cid’s only enemy. In the veins of him and his relatives and descendants flows the blood of a wrongdoer that made El Cid suffer and lose his wealth and honor.

b) Secondary Characters:

King Alfonso – king of Castile. The conqueror on that time. He is who El Cid served for. El Cid gave three demands to him.

Infantes de Carreon – relatives of Count Garcia Ordonez;they are the ones who tortured El Cid’s daughters.

The nephew of El Cid – the tortured ones. But, because of El Cid their honor is regained from the Infantes.

Jews of Burgos – the two men tricked by El Cid.

V- Summary

The hero of El Cid is a Castilian soldier, Rodrigo Dias de Bivar, who is known by the Arabic title of Sidi or El Cid. The poem begins with the exile of the Cid as a result of intrigues and slander by means of which an enemy, Count Garcia Ordoňez, turns the king against him. He leaves his wife and two daughters in a monastery. To raise money he tricks two Jews of Burgos by selling them a chest which he claims to be full of gold and jewels but which in reality is filled with sand.

He sets out with three hundred faithful followers to gain his living in the small Moorish state of Aragon. Here he prospers well. He wins battle after battle and accumulates booty and ransom from the Moors. His fame attracts more followers, and with his invincible army he even defeats in battle the powerful count of Barcelona and acquires the great city of Valencia. He sends for his wife and daughters. His wealth and fame return him into King Alfonso’s favor.

The king offers to marry his two daughters to two noblemen (ricos hombres), the Infantes de Carreon, relatives of his old enemy, Count Garcia Ordonez, to which the Cid agrees. His sons-in-law are proud and insolent and marry his daughters (whom they consider beneath their rank) only because of the wealthy dowry the Cid gives them.

After the marriage, the Infantes obtain permission from the Cid to take their wives home; but away from the Cid, the bridegrooms strip their bodies naked, beat them, and run away with their dowries. They leave their young wives in the depth of the forest.

The Cid appeals to King Alfonso for justice. The king summons a court at Toledo and the cid appears before it. He demands the return of his two famous swords which the Infantes have taken. The request is granted. He demands the restoration of his daughters’ dowries. This is also granted. The third demand is the right to defend his honor by fighting the two Infantes in a single combat. While the court debates this request, two messengers arrive from the King of Aragon and the king of Navarre requesting the hands of his daughters in marriage. The Cid’s two nephews, who are present, challenge the Infantes de Carreon in single combat. The story ends with the defeat of the Infantes and the complete restoration of the Cid’s wealth and honor.

VI- Evaluation

Most readers tend to focus only to the structure of the poem, story or essay itself rather than the things pertaining to the author. And furthermore, they often regret and forget who the author of the work is. For them, the name of the writer is enough.

In biographical perspective study, the author is associated in examining the piece of writing. Readers will understand more and have more answers to their questions if they have knowledge about who the author is, what kind of a person he/she is and what life does he face.

The point is, because the epic poem is wrote based on the real and actual events from history, we may understand the epic more if we know something about Rodrigo Dias de Bivar, the El Cid, his life and all the things with relevance to him. And of course, some things that are not stated in the poem may make you wonder about some occurrences in it such as what is the reason why El Cid is exiled. We all know that the intrigues and slander the jealous nobles say against El Cid is the cause of his banishment. But there’s one more that increases the possibility of his exile. And it is his unauthorized expedition in the battle of Cabra.

Some critic says that more parts of the whole epic poem show some incompleteness so they advise that the readers must have even a little background before reading the poem in order for them not only to understand but also reflect the poem to their lives.

The poem shows the life of the El Cid, and his unstoppable attitude towards defending his honor. And we may use his story as a guideline to our lives so our own rights will be protected and our own privileges are secluded.

VII- Moral Lesson

The story is about how someone must fight for his honor. We must fight for our own rights. And why is that? Because the life you are having is yours and you are responsible of it. That’s the only one that the epic wants to emphasize. And of course, never give up for yourself not only in protecting it but also enhancing, raising and developing it.
