EKATERINA MITROFANOVA - Higher School of … - C… · EKATERINA MITROFANOVA ... Matrimonial...


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Citizenship: Russia, Moscow E-mail: mitrofanovy@yandex.ru

Web: HSE staff ORCID: 0000-0002-3322-5922

ResearcherID: G-8310-2015 SSRN: 2317207 Google Scholar Academia.edu Research Gate



professional development

competitions, grants and awards

participation in scientific conferences

participation in scientific seminars

scientific publications


scientific advising

job experience

Scientific interests: demography, sociology, life course, transition to adulthood, sequence analysis, event history analysis and generations

2016 – Member of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS)


2011 – 2015: Postgraduate education (PhD) National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE), Moscow, Russia Faculty of Sociology, specialisation in Demography PhD thesis: Starting demographic events in the life courses of modern Russians

2009 – 2011: Demography Master’s Programme National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE), Moscow, Russia Faculty of Sociology, specialisation in Demography (Diploma with honours) Master’s thesis: Matrimonial biographies and reproductive behaviour of modern Russian generations

2004 – 2009: Specialist programme Moscow Technological University (former Moscow State University of Instrumentation and Informatics), Moscow, Russia Faculty of management, specialisation in Human Resources (Diploma with honours)


2014 1. 25-29.08.2014 – The Summer School on Longitudinal and Life Course Research (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Programme. Certificate. Funding: RANEPA

2. 29.06-12.07.2014 – 4th LCSR Summer School “Categorical Data Analysis: Loglinear Models, Latent Variables, SEMs, Analysing Change, Survey Complexities” (St. Petersburg, Russia). Programme. Certificate. Funding: LCSR

2013 3. 25.07-10.08.2013 – Course “Event History and Survival Analysis” of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Summer School in Methods and Techniques 2013 (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Programme. Certificate. Funding: HSE travel grant

4. 03-04.2013 – Course “Logical Grammar” (English) of HSE (Moscow). Funding: HSE Academic Development Center

5. 04-15.02.2013 – Course “Foundations of Statistical Analysis in Demography” of the International Max Planck Research School for Demography and the New Economic School (Moscow). Programme. Certificate. Funding: New Economic School

2012 6. 10-11.2012 – Course “Academic Vocabulary for Social Sciences” (English) of HSE (Moscow). Funding: HSE Academic Development Center

7. 09-12.2012 – Course “Academic Writing and Accompanying Competences” (English) of HSE (Moscow). Certificate in Russian. Funding: HSE Academic Development Center

8. 07-20.07.2012 – Course “Survival Analysis” of the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis (Essex, UK). Programme. Certificate. Funding: HSE travel grant

9. 13-16.06.2012 – Course “Panel Data Analysis” by Tim Liao (Illinois University) in HSE (Moscow). Programme. Funding: HSE

10. 16-27.01.2012 – Course “Population and Health” of the International Max Planck Research School for Demography and the New Economic School (Moscow). Programme. Certificate. Funding: New Economic School


2016 1. HSE award for academic achievements, 2016-2017 2. Scientific advising of the finalist of the 7th Competition of Student Research of the Russian Public

Opinion Research Center, 2015-2016: A. Artamonova “Life Courses of Men in the Context of Changing Military Service”. Acknowledgement in Russian

2015 3. Best teacher of HSE (Department of Social Science), 2015 (see personal HSE webpage) 4. HSE award for academic achievements, 2015-2016 5. Scientific advising of the student who took 3rd place at the 3rd Competition of Diplomas of Russian

Public Opinion Research Center, 2015: A. Artamonova “Factors of Starting Unregistered Unions: Application of the Methods of Life Course Events Analysis”

2014 6. Scientific advising of the winner of the Students Research Papers Competition of HSE: A. Artamonova “Is cohabitation an alternative to marriage in Russia?”

2013 7. 2013-2014 – Young Faculty Support Program (Group of Young Academic Professionals): Category “New Researchers” (see personal HSE webpage)

2012 8. 10.2012 – The second degree diploma of the Young Economists-Analysts Competition of the Association of Russian Economic Think-Tanks (ARETT): publication in the Economic Journal of HSE, “Demographic behaviour of Russians: family and fertility patterns across generations”. Diploma in Russian

9. 05.2012 – The departmental insignia of the Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service “Honoris causa in carrying out the All-Russian population census of 2010“

10. 2012-2013 – Special scholarship for postgraduate students of HSE

2011 11. 11.2011 – Laureate of the Students Research Papers Competition of HSE: master’s thesis “Matrimonial biographies and reproductive behaviour of modern Russia generations”. Diploma in Russian

2010 12. 06.2010 – Laureate of the Training Competition of the Association of Russian Economic Think-Tanks (ARETT): research project “Influence of History of Formation and Disintegration of the Marriage and Partner Unions on Reproductive Behaviour of Men and Women” in Independent Institute of Social Policy

13. 2009-2010 – Scholarship of the Oxford Fund


2016 1. 26-28.10.2016 – 16th Aleksanteri Conference: Life and Death in Russia (Helsinki, Finland): report “Sexual, Matrimonial and Reproductive Behaviour in Young Russians”. Programme. Abstract. Funding: international project with support from the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund

2. 19-22.10.2016 – 5th All-Russia Sociological Congress “Sociology and Society: Social Inequality and Social Equality” (Yekaterinburg, Russia): report (in Russian) “The Perspectives of Applying the Methods of Life Course Events Analysis. The Example of the Transition to Adulthood”

3. 19-22.10.2016 – 5th All-Russia Sociological Congress “Sociology and Society: Social Inequality and Social Equality” (Yekaterinburg, Russia): report (in Russian) in association with A. A. Muratova, D. K. Gizdatullin and D. I. Ignatov “Data Mining in Demographic Sequences”

4. 19-22.10.2016 – 5th All-Russia Sociological Congress “Sociology and Society: Social Inequality and Social Equality” (Yekaterinburg, Russia): report (in Russian) in association with A. V. Artamonova “Marriage or Cohabitation: With What the Biographies of the Russians Are Starting”

5. 10-14.10.2016 – 11th International Conference on Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications (Barcelona, Spain): report in association with D. I. Ignatov, A. A. Muratova and D. K. Gizdatullin “Pattern-based classification of demographic sequences”. Abstract

6. 23.09-24.09.2016 – 7th Annual Conference on Methods in Social Sciences “Sociological research methods (in memory of A.Kryshtanovsky)” (HSE, Moscow): report (in Russian) in association with A.V. Artamonova “Is Russian Army a way of social mobility?”

7. 31.08-03.09.2016 – International conference “European Population Conference 2016” (Mainz, Germany): poster in association with A. V. Artamonova “Evolution of Cohabitation in Russia”. Programme. Abstract

8. 31.08-03.09.2016 – International conference “European Population Conference 2016” (Mainz, Germany): poster “The Sequence of Occurrences of the Starting Socio-Demographic Events in the Life Course of Russians”. Programme. Abstract. Poster. Certificate. Funding: HSE travel grant

9. 18.07.2016 – Third International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Machine Learning (the 13th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications) (HSE, Moscow): report in association with A. V. Artamonova “Studying Family Formation Trajectories’ Deinstitutionalization in Russia Using Sequence Analysis”. Programme. Abstract

10. 08.06-10.06.2016 – International conference “LaCOSA II (The International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods)” (Lausanne, Switzerland): report “Russian Generations: Sequencing the Transition to Adulthood”. Programme. Abstract. Certificate. Funding: LaCOSA

11. 17.05-20.05.2016 – 7th International scientific and practical conference of students and graduate students “Statistical methods of the analysis of Economy and Society” (HSE, Moscow): report (in Russian) in association with A. V. Artamonova “Applying sequence analysis for studying the life courses of men who served and did not serve in the army”

12. 26.04.2016 – 10th All-Russia Scientific Conference in memory of Ju. Levada “Modern Russian Society and Sociology” (HSE, Moscow): report (in Russian) “Sequences of Starting Demographic Events in the Lives of Russians”

13. 19.04-22.04.2016 – XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (HSE, Moscow): report (in Russian) in association with A.A. Dolgova, A.V. Artamonova “Creating own family in the context of leaving the parental home”. Programme

14. 16.03-17.03.2016 – VI Socilogy Grushin Conference “The Life of the Research after the Research: How to Make the Results Comprehensible and Useful” (RANEPA, Moscow): report (in Russian) in association with A. V. Artamonova “The recipe of preparation of the ideal database for the analysis of life course events: GGS and HFS experience”

15. 25.01-29.01.2016 – XXIII “Lomonosov” International Conference for Students and Young Scientists within the International scientific youth forum “Lomonosov-2016” (MSU, Moscow): report (in Russian) in association with A. V. Artamonova “Life courses of Russian men who served and did not serve in the army”

16. 28.01-29.01.2016 – International Scientific-Practical Conference “Statistical methods in the humanitarian and economic sciences” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia): report (in Russian) in association with A. V. Artamonova “Analysis of the sociological data about life course events using advanced statistical methods”

2015 17. 12-13.03.2015 – V Socilogy Grushin Conference “Big Sociology: expansion of the space of data” (RANEPA, Moscow): report (in Russian) in association with A. V. Artamonova “Features of preparation of data of life course events for the analysis by advanced statistical methods”

18. 30.11-01.12.2015 – The 3rd Generations and Gender User Conference (Vienna, Austria): poster in association with A. Artamonova “The nature of cohabitation in contemporary Russia”. Programme. Abstract. Poster

19. 30.09-02.10.2015 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (MISA, Moscow): report in association with D. I. Ignatov, A. Muratova, D. Gizdatullin “Pattern Mining and Machine Learning for Demographic Sequences”. Programme. Abstract

20. 12-15.05.2015 – The 6th International scientific and practical conference of students and graduate students “Statistical methods of the analysis of Economy and Society” (HSE, Moscow): report (in Russian) in association with A. Artamonova “Preparation of the data about life course events for advanced statistical analysis”

21. 13-17.04.2015 – The XXII International conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov” (MSU, Moscow): report (in Russian) in association with A. Artamonova “Unregistered union as an ‘adjunct’ of a marriage in Russia”

2014 22. 05-07.11.2014 – International conference Quetelet Seminar “Fertility, childlessness and the family: A pluri-disciplinary approach” (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium): report in association with A. Artamonova “Is a cohabitation an alternative to a marriage in Russia?”. Programme. Abstract.

23. 08-10.09.2014 – International conference The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) Annual Conference 2014 (Winchester, UK): poster in association with A. Dolgova “The main features of leaving the parental home in Russia”. Programme. Abstract

24. 25-28.06.2014 – International conference European Population Conference (Hungary, Budapest): poster “Exploring the difference in sequences of the first life course events among Russian generations”. Programme. Abstract. Poster. Certificate. Funding: HSE travel grant

2013 25. 27.11.2013 – International conference ”The Dutch Demography Day 2013“ (Utrecht, the Netherlands): report “The Russian Generation Y in reproductive and matrimonial spheres”. Programme. Abstract. Funding: Grant of Faculty of Sociology

26. 24-26.10.2013 – The Second Generations & Gender Programme User Conference (Milano, Italy): poster “Cohabitations in Russia: generational and gender aspects”. Programme. Abstract. Poster. Certificate. Funding: HSE travel grant

2012 27. 27-28.12.2012 – International conference “Business and Social Science Research Conference: Paris 2012” (Paris, France): report “Demographic behaviour of Russians: family and fertility patterns across generations”. Abstract. Certificate. Funding: Grant of Faculty of Sociology

28. 05.10.2012 – The Conference of the Association of Russian Economic Think-Tanks (ARETT, Moscow) “The Russian economy in 2010: problems and reforms”: report (in Russian) “Demographic behaviour of Russian generations in family and fertility spheres”

29. 15-16.05.2012 – The 3rd International scientific and practical conference of students and graduate students “Statistical methods of the analysis of Economy and Society” (HSE, Moscow): report (in Russian) “Analysis of demographic events of the life course”

30. 9-13.04.2012 – The XIX International conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov” (MSU, Moscow): report (in Russian) “Starting reproductive and matrimonial events in life course of generations of modern Russia”

2010 31. 16-18.12.2010 – The 1st International conference “Agenda for Comparative Social Research” of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (HSE, St. Petersburg): project “Changes in Fertility and Matrimony across Generations in the Post-Communist World”. Programme. Presentation. Funding: LCSR

32. 25.06.2010 – All-Russia School-Seminar of Young Scientists “Demographic Development of Russia and Its Regions”, devoted to the 15-year anniversary of Cairo Demographic Programme (Ufa, Russia): report (in Russian) “Differences in reproductive behaviour of modern Russian generations”


2016 1. 02.06.2016 – Scientific seminar of the Research and Study Group “Models and Methods of Demographic Sequence Analysis”: practical seminar on TraMineR. Part 2

2. 28.04.2016 – Scientific seminar of the Research and Study Group “Models and Methods of Demographic Sequence Analysis”: practical seminar on TraMineR. Part 1

3. 15.02.2016 – Scientific seminar of the Research and Study Group “Models and Methods of Demographic Sequence Analysis”: report “Prospects of the Analysis of Demographic Events with Sequence Analysis”

2015 4. 10.12.2015 – Round table “Demographic situation and demographic policy in modern Russia” in press-centre “Russia today”: report “The place of family in the model of modern Russians”

5. 07.12.2015 – Scientific seminar of the Research and Study Group “Fertility, Family Formation and Dissolution”: report “Life courses of Russian men who served and did not serve in army”

6. 30.04.2015 – Scientific seminar of the Research and Study Group “Fertility, Family Formation and Dissolution”: report “Analysis of sequence of matrimonial evens”

7. 03.02.2015 – Winter School of the Faculty of Social Sciences of HSE: master class “How I entered HSE and studied in the Master’s Programme in Demography” (in Russian)

2014 8. 28.05.2014 – Scientific seminar of the Research and Study Group “Fertility, Family Formation and Dissolution”: report in association with Alena Artamonova “Is cohabitation an alternative to marriage in Russia?”

9. 21.05.2014 – Scientific seminar of the Research and Study Group “Fertility, Family Formation and Dissolution”: report “Technical aspects of data management of GGS”

10. 21.02.2014 – Joint meeting of the scientific student society “Demographer” and the Research and Study Group for Fertility, Family Formation and Dissolution of HSE: report “The concept of life course and analysis of life course events”

11. 25.12.2014 – Scientific seminar of Institute for Social analysis and Prediction of RANEPA: report “Life course concept and spheres of its application”

2013 12. 23.11.2013, 9.12.2013, 20.01.2014 – The cycle of seminars about bibliographic manager Zotero: training in work with the programme

13. 13.06.2013 – Scientific seminar of the Scientific-educational laboratory for socio-demographic policy (Institute of Demography, HSE): report (in Russian) “Matrimonial, reproductive and labour behaviour of Russians in the context of maturation”

2012 14. 24-26.01.2012 – Winter School on Economy and International Relations (HSE): presentation of the Scientific-educational laboratory of Social and demographic policy of Institute of Demography

2011 15. 15.12.2011 – Scientific seminar of the “Open demographic seminar of young researchers” (Moscow State University): report “Reproductive and matrimonial behaviour of generations of modern Russia”

16. 24.10.2011 – Scientific seminar of the student society “Demographer” of the Scientific-educational laboratory for socio-demographic policy (Institute of Demography, HSE): report “Matrimonial biographies and reproductive behaviour of generations of modern Russia”

17. 23-25.09.2011 – 1st Summer School of the Institute of Demography (HSE) “Second Demographic Transition”: a participant

2010 18. 30.10.2010 – Seminar of the Faculty of Sociology of HSE “The 2010 All-Russia Population Census”: report “The 3D census: a vision of a head of a census division”


In English: 1. Mitrofanova, E. S., Artamonova, A. V. The perspectives of family policy in Russia amid increasing

cohabitation. European Journal of Government. Vol. 5, № 6. 2016, pp. 47-63. [Scopus] 2. Mitrofanova, E. S., Artamonova, A. V. Studying Family Formation Trajectories’ Deinstitutionalization in

Russia Using Sequence Analysis. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Experimental Economics and Machine Learning. 2016, pp. 34-47. [Scopus]

3. Mitrofanova, E. S. Russian Generations: Sequencing the Transition to Adulthood. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods (LaCOSA II) Lausanne, Switzerland, June 8-10, 2016. Editors: Gilbert Ritschard and Matthias Studer. June 7, 2016, pp. 263-274.

4. Ignatov D. I., Mitrofanova E. S., Muratova A., Gizdatullin D. Pattern Mining and Machine Learning for Demographic Sequences. In: Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web. Vol. 518: 6th International Conference, KESW 2015, Moscow, Russia, September 30 - October 2, 2015, Proceedings. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 225-239. [Scopus, Q4]

5. Artamonova A. V., Mitrofanova E. S. Is cohabitation an alternative to marriage in Russia? SSRN preprint. Working papers by SSRN. Series Social Science Research Network “Social Science Research Network”. 2014.

6. Mitrofanova, E. S. Demographic behaviour of Russians: family and fertility patterns across generations. The Macrotheme Review. No 2(3). Spring 2013, No. 71-80.

In Chinese (professional translation of my paper):

S. V. 扎哈罗夫 (S. V. Zakharov), E. S. 米特罗法诺夫 (E. S. Mitrofanova). 俄罗斯青年人口特征

(Demographics of Youth in Russia). In: 青年与社会变迁:中国与俄罗斯的比较研究 (Youth and social

change: a comparative study between China and Russia) China: 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences

Academic Press), 2014, pp. 50–67.

Translation from English to Russian: Volkov, A. G. New features of family formation and composition: the case of Russia. In: Selected Works on Demography: a collection of scientific articles. Compiled by A. G. Vishnevsky; National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow: HSE Publishing House. 2014, pp. 432 – 447.

In Russian (only important publications): 1. Artamonova, A. V., Mitrofanova, E. S. Cohabitation in Russia: “trial” union or an independent social

institution. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal. No. 1 (131). 2016, pp. 126-146.

2. Mitrofanova, E. S., Artamonova, A. V. The sequence of life events of Russian men serving and not serving in the military. Demographic review. No. 4. 2015, pp. 77-110.

3. Dolgova, A. A., Mitrofanova, E. S. Leaving the parental home in Russia: intergenerational aspects. Journal of Economic Sociology. Vol.16. No. 4. 2015, pp. 46-77.

4. Mitrofanova, E. S., Artamonova, A. V. Features of preparing life course data for analysis with advanced statistical methods. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal. No. 3 (127). 2015, pp. 147-150.

5. Mitrofanova, E. S. Age specifics of the occurrence of starting demographic events among Russian generations. Population (Russian Scientific journal). No. 2. 2015, pp. 87-100.

6. Zakharov, S. V., Mitrofanova, E. S. The matrimonial sphere of Russian youth. Demoscope Weekly. No. 619 – 620. 2014.

7. Zakharov, S. V., Mitrofanova, E. S. Demographic patterns of the youth in Russia. Russia and China: the youth of the 21st century. Moscow, 2014, pp. 55-79.

8. Tyndik, A. O., Mitrofanova, E. S. Social and economic behaviour of people in the perspective of the life course concept. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal. No. 3 [121] March-April 2014, pp. 146-159.

9. Mitrofanova, E. S. Demographic behaviour of Russians: family and fertility patterns across generations. HSE Economic Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4. 2011, pp. 519-542.

10. Mitrofanova, E. S. Marriages, partnerships and fertility of Russian generations. Demoscope Weekly. No. 477 – 478. 2011.

11. Mitrofanova, E. S. Family and marriage, the matrimonial, reproductive and sexual behaviour in peasant, soviet and modern Russia. Demoscope Weekly. No. 423 – 424. 2010.

12. Mitrofanova, E. S. System of generations from the point of view of the functional theory of Parsons. Demoscope Weekly. No. 413 – 414. 2010.

13. Mitrofanova, E. S. Use of applied aspects of the Theory of Generations in social, corporate and a state policy-making. Demoscope Weekly. No. 381 – 382. 2009.


2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017


Bachelor's program: Course "Economic Demography" 32.3 0 115.2

Bachelor's program: Course"Demography" 101.9 172.5 0

Master’s program: Research seminar "Population and Development" (in English)

0 12 27.2

Master’s program: Research seminar "Theory and Methodology of Demographic Research"

8 20 16

Subtotal: 142.2 204.5 158.4

Scientific advising and consulting

Bachelor's program 10 100 50

Master’s program 35 70 166.9

Subtotal: 45 170 216.9

Total: 187.2 204.5 381.8


2015-2016 Master’s Programs

Alyona Artamonova The factors defining the choice of cohabitation or marriage as the first matrimonial union

term paper

Kim Alisa Human trafficking in the CIS in 2008-2015: Main features, related issues, and strategy to combat

term paper

2015-2016 Bachelor’s Programs

Valeriya Bulygina Youth of Russia and China: the comparative analysis on the basis of economic and demographic indicators


Darya Grishchenko Modern challenges of migration policy of China term paper

Andrey Petrov The demographic reasons of modern political processes in the Arab countries

term paper

Ivan Gusev The main tendencies of modern migration processes in the Middle East term paper

Artyom Shikunov Influence of demographic problems on modern social and economic development

term paper

Yegor Timofeev Demographic problems in modern China term paper

Ekaterina Suslova The political, social and economic reasons of migration from China 2000-2015

term paper

2014-2015 Master’s Programs

Aleksey Butyrin Influence of military service on transition to adulthood of the Russian men


2014-2015 Bachelor’s Programs

Alyona Artamonova Applying of Event history analysis for searching the thesis Alina Dolgova factors of the enering in cohabitations (consultation) thesis

Valeriya Bulygina Start of independent life of Russians: intergenerational aspect (consultation)

term paper

Anastasiya Serenkova Comparative analysis of economical and demographic characteristics of youth of Russia and China

term paper


CURRENT EMPLOYMENT (descending from major to minor)

NRU HSE, Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Demographic Policy of the Institute of Demography 03.2012 – present Junior research fellow

participation in research projects of the Laboratory

participation in the academic work of the Institute 09.2009 – 12.2010 Trainee-researcher

participation in research projects of the Institute NRU HSE, Faculty of Sociology, Department of Demography 09.2015 – present Lecturer

teaching of students

scientific advising of students 09.2014 – 09.2015; Teaching assistant (with contract)

teaching of students

scientific advising of students 01.2011 – 07.2011, 01.2012 – 07.2012, 01.2013 – 07.2013, 01.2014 – 07.2014 Teaching assistant

consulting students of “Family Formation and Fertility” course

checking up on students’ work

making of presentations, tests and handouts for lectures NRU HSE, Research and Study Group “Models and Methods of Demographic Sequence Analysis” 01.2015 – present (2-year project, grant from HSE) Co-leader

teaching of students

analysis of the starting demographic events with Sequence Analysis

preparation of publications and presentations on research subjects International collaborative Russia-Estonia-France project “Russian Families in Different Countries Compared to the Ethnic Majority” Supported by the Euro-Russian Academic Network Plus (ERANET Plus), the Programme of European and International Cooperation funded with support from the European Commission and the special tripartite Grant from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, Estonian Research Council and French Embassy in Russian Federation. Leaders: S. Zakharov, L. Sakkeus, C. Gousseff 03.2016 – present Research fellow

conducting the study “Sexual, Matrimonial and Reproductive Behaviour in Young Russians”

publishing a paper on a research topic and presenting its results at international conferences

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE (in chronological order)

5th All-Russia Sociological Congress “Sociology and Society: Social Inequality and Social Equality” (Yekaterinburg, Russia) 19-22.10.2016 Co-chair of the roundtable “Methods of analysis of the life course events in sociodemographic research: opportunities and limits” of the 5th All-Russia Sociological Congress “Sociology and Society: Social Inequality and Social Equality”

NRU HSE, Research and Study Group “Fertility, Family Formation and Dissolution” 01.2014 – 12.2015 (2-year project, grant from HSE) Research fellow

teaching of students

analysis of the starting demographic events in the context of the social and economic characteristics of Russian generations

preparation of publications and presentations on research subjects RANEPA, The Laboratory of Demographic, Migratory and Labour Market Research of The Institute for Social Analysis and Prediction 01.2014 – 07.2015 Research fellow

participation in the creation of the all-Russia demographic survey “Human, Family and Society” 03.2013 – 01.2014 Junior research fellow

participation in the creation of an all-Russia demographic survey

participation in the research of disability in Russia The All-Russia Population Census 09.2010 – 11.2010 Head of the census division

selection and training of the team (3 instructors and 15 copyists)

organisation of carrying out the population census in the district

daily management, control of the team’s work and quality check of documents Independent Institute of Social Policy 06.2010 – 11.2010 (internship) Trainee-researcher

writing of research work “Influence of the matrimonial history on the reproductive behaviour of men and women” (based on two waves of Generations and Gender Survey – Russian part of Generations and Gender Programme)

Recruiting agency “100 Regions” 03.2008 – 03.2009 Recruiter The Institute of Economics and Management 08.2007 – 02.2008 Receptionist The Moscow State University of Instrumentation and Informatics 08.2005 – 06.2007 Receptionist