Egg Mont Syllabus


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  • 8/14/2019 Egg Mont Syllabus



    ARTS 2346 -41003 / 42002 Spring 2010

    Course Title Ceramics I

    Course Schedule

    Class RoomClass Site

    41003 M W 2:00-4:4042002 MW 5:30-8:10

    Course Description An introduction to ceramics processes through the study of basic materials and techniques.Includes hand building, bisque, glazing and firing procedures, as well as the use of the potter'swheel.

    Learning Outcomes

    Produce clay objects using both hand building techniques and the pottery wheel. Identify earthenware, stoneware and porcelain clays. Use a variety of glazing methods and other surface treatments Demonstrate an understanding of different styles and techniques and historical and

    contemporary ceramics. Evaluate clay objects verbally and in writing using ceramic terminology.

    Prerequisites ENGL 0305 or ENGL 0316 AND ENGL 0307 or 0326 or 0356, OR higher level course (ENGL1301), OR placement by testing

    Credit Hours 3 Credit Hours

    Required Materials The Craft and Art of Clay 4 th ed Sketchbook (minimum size, 8 x 11)Required supplies see list

    InstructorOffice Hours andlocation

    Kelley EggertMW By Appointment onlyF Suite


    Work: TBA (Leave voicemail message here). Email: Fax: 936-271-6192 or 936-273-7041 Main Department Phone Number: 936-273-7260

    Department chairInterim

    Mr. Robbie Wood(936)273-7064

    Division Dean DeanDr. Lawrence

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    Evaluation Possible Points = 1,000 Grading Scale

    Hand building skills 100 100-90 AWheel Throwing skills 100 89-80 BAbstraction Project 200 79-70 CProposed Project 300 69-60 DResearch Paper 100 59-0 FParticipation 100

    Test 100Projects will be evaluated for fulfillment of the assignment requirements; fulfilling design

    problems, concept development, craftsmanship and meeting building, firing and glazing deadlines.

    It is the students responsibility to turn in all work, on time. Work that is late will receive a 10-point drop in grade for each day it is late. In ceramics, the process requires that green ware becompletely fabricated and detailed, then dried over a period of days, depending upon scale andcomplexity. The domino effect of being late is something that will cause you great problems with

    bisque and glaze firing dates. Please finish building all wet work on time for green ware due datesand manage the careful drying of your work so that you can meet all deadlines.

    ** Studio time is limited. While in the studio you must be working on your projects. In addition toworking with clay in the studio, you will have homework. You may not work on yourhomework during studio time . All sketches and maquettes for a project must be finished beforeclass. If you fail to do so, you will receive none of the points for that portion of the project. Allparts of a project must be complete to receive any points . For example, if you do not do thehomework for a project, you will not receive any points for the finished product.

    Ceramics can be a fussy material. If one of your projects does not make it through the kiln firing,save all the pieces that you can. Most times you can glue it back together. If the work is brokenbeyond repair then you will need to make a 5 maquette to present for critique.

    Attendance Policy Absences: Students are expected to attend all classes. Attendance starts the first day your name appears onthe roster. Unexcused absences will be cause for a lowered grade. Your fourth absence willresult in an F . Absences will be counted from the first class meeting onward. Appropriate

    documentation from your health service should be obtained for medical excuses. I recommendthat you do not schedule appointments during this class time. I will only excuse emergencies,illness, religious holidays and legal matters.

    Full participation by showing completed work during all scheduled critiques is required alongwith active participation through shared ideas and commentary.

    Tardiness: You will be considered tardy if arriving after class begins and leaving prior to class dismissal.Four such incidences will count as one absence.

    Withdrawal Policy Catalog description of District Withdrawal Policy

    I will not drop you from this class. If you stop coming and do not drop, you will get an F.


    The Lone Star College Catalog [Student Conduct, Section 562.01d] states, Disruptive activitythat hinders other students learning or deters an instructor from effective teaching will not betolerated under any circumstances.

    *no cell phones, pagers or computers are to be used in the classroom. You may listen to musicwith headphones.

    Syllabus Change While every attempt has been made to prepare this syllabus and class schedule in final form, itwill be the instructor's prerogative to make any changes as may be deemed necessary in order to

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    meet the learning outcomes of the course. Students will be notified in writing of any change.


    Degree plans for programs offered at Lone Star College Montgomery can be located in the LoneStar College catalog or on the Lone Star College Montgomery > web site at:

    Academic Integrity See Lone Star College catalog or go to http://www.lonestar.eduSee Lone Star College catalog or go to

    Equal OpportunityStatement:

    For additional assistance or more information on degree plans or future courses that Lone Star College Montgomery may offer, please contact one of the following:

    Barbara Eckenfels, Counselor Juan C. LebronF-240 F-250936-273-7246

    Grade Sheet You are responsible for tracking your own grades. There should be no surprise as to how you are doing in the class. Use thischart to keep track. Divide your total points by the possible points to get your percentage. Ex. 150/200 = 75% = C

    Project Sketches/Maquettes

    Written Assignment Completed Project Your Total/ PossiblePts

    Hand-building skills X /100Throwing skills X /100Abstraction project X /200Proposed project /300Research paper X X X /100Test X X X /100Participation attendance, projects in on time, participation in crits and studio duties /100Total X X X /1000* You must complete all parts of a project to receive points for the project. Late homework will receive 0 points but must still

    be completed in order to receive any points for the completed project.* 10 points will be deducted for each day a project is late.* 3 absences = drop in letter grade. 4 absences = F

    Supply List Need tools by next class period

    Required: The Craft and Art of Clay 4 th ed Sketchbook (min. size, 8 x 11)

    bound sketchbook Pottery tool kit

    spongeneedle tool cut-off wire

    fettling kniferibbon tool metal rib

    fork or other scoring toolcarving toolsassorted brushes

    plastic soft trash, not groceryshop towelcut up sheetslock for locker

    Optional but strongly suggested: apron or large shirtdust mask (disposable type)

    small bucket (bottom of milk jug)Sure-form raspsmall containers with lidstoolbox or caddie (name)spray bottlewooden paddlecanvasapron

    Open Studio HoursT TH 2:305:30

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