Effects Pollution OakLeaf Microorganismsaem.asm.org/content/40/6/1053.full.pdfpollution from the...


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Vol. 40, No. 6APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Dec. 1980, p. 1053-10590099-2240/80/12-1053/07$02.00/0

Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution on Oak Leaf MicroorganismsRICHARD J. F. BEWLEYt

Department of Botany, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 IUG, England

During the growing season, comparisons were made of the leaf surface micro-flora of (i) two groups of mature oak trees, one in the vicinity of a smeltingcomplex contaminated by heavy metals and the other at a relatively uncontami-nated site, and (ii) two groups of oak saplings at the uncontaminated site, one ofwhich was sprayed with zinc, lead, and cadmium to simulate the heavy metalpollution from the smelter without the complicating effects of other pollutants.Total viable counts of bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi (isolated by leafwashing) were generally little affected by the spraying treatment, whereas pol-luted leaves of mature trees supported fewer bacteria compared with leaves ofmature trees at the uncontaminated site. Numbers of pigmented yeasts werelower on polluted oaks and on metal-dosed saplings compared with their respec-tive controls. Polluted leaves of mature trees supported both greater numbers ofAureobasidium pullulans and Cladosporium spp. and a greater percentage ofmetal-tolerant fungi compared with oak leaves at the uncontaminated site. Therewere no significant overall differences in the degree of mycelial growth betweenthe two groups of saplings or the mature trees.

Despite concern in recent years over the en-vironmental impact of heavy metals, there arefew studies on the effects of these pollutants onmicroorganisms in their natural environment (2,3). One such area of contamination of aerialplant surfaces occurs in the vicinity of a smeltingcomplex at Avonmouth, near Bristol, England(11, 12). Leaf surfaces normally provide distincthabitats for bacteria, yeasts, and filamentousfungi (10). On pine saplings and cabbages grownin pots and exposed to contamination at Avon-mouth, there were reductions both in the num-ber and diversity of these phylloplane microor-ganisms compared with an unpolluted site (7).In contrast, overall numbers of phylloplane mi-croorganisms on Lolium perenne (ryegrass)growing in the vicinity of the smelting complexwere surprisingly little affected by heavy metalpollution, although differences in metal toler-ance between different groups of microorga-nisms were observed (4).The phylloplane microflora changes both

quantitatively and qualitatively with time (6, 8,9), and at Avonmouth will also be subjected toa cumulatively greater degree of metal contam-ination during the course of the season. Thepurpose of the present study was therefore tocompare the numbers, species composition, andrelative metal tolerances of the microflora ofoakleaves at Avonmouth, the polluted site, withthose of oak leaves at Long Ashton, an unpol-

t Present address: Laboratory of Microbial Ecology, De-partment of Biology, New York University, New York, NY10003.

luted control site, during the growing season. Inview of the large number of other industries(e.g., chemical and fertilizer production) atAvonmouth producing a variety of pollutants,such as sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen,any difference in the phylloplane microflora be-tween here and Long Ashton may not be entirelyattributable to heavy metals. To overcome thisproblem, a further control was necessary in ad-dition to direct comparisons between the pol-luted and unpolluted sites. This consisted of aparallel study in which the microflora of twogroups of oak saplings placed at Long Ashtonwere compared, with one group being sprayedwith zinc, lead, and cadmium to simulate theheavy metal pollution at Avonmouth withoutthe complicating effects of other pollutants.

MATERIALS AND METHODSOak saplings investigation. Acorns were col-

lected during the winter of 1976-77 and germinatedunder greenhouse conditions. During the followingspring, 60 potted oak saplings (1 sapling per pot) weremoved out to a field in the grounds of Long AshtonResearch Station (Ordnance Survey map reference ST532705), a site relatively uncontaminated by heavymetals. These saplings were randomly assigned to twogroups placed about 5 m apart, with one group beingmaintained as a control and the other being artificiallydosed with heavy metals (see below). For samplingpurposes, these two treatments were each randomlysubdivided into three sets of 10 saplings.Dosing procedure. The method used for spraying

the oak saplings with heavy metals was based on thetechnique of Gingell et al. (7). Zinc oxide (100 g), leadmonoxide (50 g), and cadmium oxide (1.25 g) were


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added to 1 liter of distilled water (stock suspension),and this was stirred overnight by using a magneticstirrer to allow full dispersion. Two drops of Triton X-100 (BDH Chemicals, Ltd.), a wetting agent, wasadded to every 100 ml to facilitate the spreading ofthe suspension over the leaf surface. Spraying wascarried out by using a glass atomizer operated from aportable compressed-air source at approximately 15lb/in2 (1.03 x 105 Pa). Approximately 2 ml of suspen-sion was sprayed onto four saplings at a time. Carewas taken to ensure as even a coating as possible overthe leaf surface. Spraying was carried out on 26 May1978, and a booster spray was applied on 6 July 1978to maintain the metal contamination at high levelssimilar to those at the polluted site.Mature oaks investigation. The oaks chosen to

represent polluted conditions consisted of a singlegroup of trees 0.5 km east-southeast of the Avonmouthsmelting complex (Ordnance Survey map referenceST 533789). For sampling purposes, the site was ran-domly subdivided into three sets of three trees. Sinceno pure stand of oaks existed at Long Ashton, threeindividual oak trees within about 100 m of each otherwere selected to represent the control site.Sampling procedure. Ten leaves were collected

at random from the three sets of saplings, maturetrees, or single trees within each site or treatment.The same sets were used on successive sampling oc-casions. Sampling of both saplings and mature treestook place on 31 May, 19 July, and 91 September 1978.In the case of the mature trees, but not of oak saplings,there were sufficient senescent leaves available toallow a further sampling on 17 November 1978. At thesame time, a sample of recently fallen leaves was alsocollected from the litter beneath each tree or set oftrees. The leaf samples were transported back to thelaboratory in paper bags.By using a circular aluminum punch (diameter, 1

cm), a pair of leaf disks was punched from each of the10 leaves comprising a sample. One set of disks fromeach pair was retained for heavy metal analysis, andthe other set was used in the microbiological assay.Similar disks were cut from three more randomlyselected leaves and retained for direct observation.The leaf punch was wiped with sterile Decon 90 (De-con Laboratories Ltd., Brighton, England), rinsed insterile water, and then flamed in alcohol betweensamples to minimize cross-contamination.

Microbiological assay. The 10 leaf disks for mi-crobiological assay were placed in a universal bottlecontaining 10 ml of sterile distilled water with 5-g glassbeads (approximately 3 mm in diameter) and shakenfor 10 min on a wrist-action shaker. A dilution serieswas prepared. Samples (0.1 ml) of the original suspen-sion and subsequent dilutions were inoculated ontothe surfaces of plates of tryptic soy agar (TSA; 3 g oftryptic soy broth [Difco 0370], plus 20 g of agar perliter) and TSA amended with a combination of cad-mium, zinc, and lead (as nitrates) at concentrations of100, 400, and 800 mg/liter to study the relative metaltolerance of microbial isolates (4). Three replicateplates were prepared for each dilution. The inoculatedplates were inverted and incubated at ambient tem-perature (approximately 20°C) for 4 to 15 days beforeexamination, allowing for the slower growth rate of

colonies on metal-supplemented media. It was possibleto distinguish and enumerate the predominant generaof filamentous fungi but not of yeasts, from observa-tions based on colonial morphology. Nonpigmentedand pigmented yeasts were enumerated, and repre-sentative colonies of the latter were tested for ballis-tospore production. The predominant bacterial iso-lates were subcultured and identified to generic level,where possible, from observations based on pigmen-tation, cell morphology, and motility.

Direct observation of fungi. The three leaf disksfrom each sample for direct observation were placedin 4% (wt/vol) chloral hydrate solution. After clearing,each disk was washed in tap water, stained in phenylacetic aniline blue for about 7 min (4), mounted inwater, and observed with a light microscope (field size,0.004 cm2). The number of times, n, that fungal hyphaeintersected two crosslines of known length, H, wasrecorded for each of 10 fields, randomly selected onone surface. The mean length of mycelium per unitarea, L, was then calculated from the formula L =(irn)/(2H) (14). This procedure was then repeated forthe other surface.Heavy metal analysis. Leaf tissue for heavy metal

analysis was treated as follows. Each sample, consist-ing of 10 leaf disks, was dried overnight at 60°C, soakedfor about 24 h in 2 ml of concentrated Analar HNO3and then heated until fully digested. The digests weremade up to 10 ml with deionized water and analyzedfor zinc, lead, and cadmium by using an atomic ab-sorption spectrophotometer (Varian Techtron AA6).Data analysis. The data for length of mycelium,

numbers of microorganisms, and percentage of toler-ant isolates (calculated as the ratio of the mean num-ber of colonies present on metal-supplemented mediato the mean number present on the correspondingmetal-free media) were subjected to a two-way anal-ysis of variance. This was a repeated-measures design(15) since the same three sets of plants were sampledon successive occasions. Each set of data was subjectedto a logarithmic transformation before analysis so thatit should approximate more closely to a normal distri-bution (13). For statistical purposes, the numbers ofmicroorganisms on the leaves versus litter in Novem-ber were considered as two distinct sampling times. Inmicrobiological terms it is reasonable to assume thatthe leaves collected after abscission were likely to bein a more advanced state of decomposition than thesenescent leaves remaining on the trees.

RESULTSHeavy metal concentrations. On every oc-

casion, levels of zinc, lead, and cadmium werefar greater on artificially treated saplings com-pared with the controls (Table 1) and on matureoaks at the polluted site compared with those atthe control site (Table 2). On the dosed plants,somewhat higher levels of heavy metal contam-ination were obtained compared with the oaksat the polluted site. In the case of the artificiallydosed oaks, there was a fall in levels during theseason, and by September, they were of thesame order of magnitude as those at the polluted


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TABLE 1. Mean levels (± the standard error) of zinc, lead, and cadmium on oak saplings at the control siteAmt of heavy metal (jig/g [dry wt])

Sampling time Controls Artificially dosed trees

Zn Pb Cd Zn Pb Cd

May 37 ± 13 8 ± 8 -a 12,200 ± 1,000 7,500 ± 1,000 123 ± 16July 35 ± 3 13 ± 5 - 5,300 ± 200 2,800 ± 230 23 ± 5September 59 ± 9 18 ± 3 0.2 0.1 1,050 ± 560 950 ± 180 7 ± 4.5a_, Not detected.

TABLE 2. Mean levels (± the standard error) of zinc, lead, and cadmium on mature oak trees at the controland the polluted sites

Amt of heavy metal (jIg/g [dry wt])

Sampling time Control site Polluted site

Zn Pb Cd Zn Pb Cd

May 15 ± 15 10 ± 10 _a 430 ± 12 350 ± 14 0.8 ± 0.8July 11 ± 7 10± 1 - 1,210±89 830±80 11 ± 1September 22 ± 10 8 ± 2 0.2 ± 0.1 1,120 ± 63 1,600 ± 120 14 ± 1November (leaves) 58 ± 32 43 ± 17 1.7 ± 0.3 1,700 ± 280 2,600 ± 370 37 ± 8November (litter) 54 ± 17 24 ± 19 1.0 ± 0.6 1,660 ± 150 2,500 ± 270 35 ± 5a_, Not dectected.

site. On mature oaks at the polluted site, levelsof zinc exceeded levels of lead in May and July,but not in September and November. On boththe control saplings and mature trees at theunpolluted site, there was a small accumulationof heavy metals over the season.Microorganisms isolated from oak sap-

lings. Bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungiwere isolated on metal-free TSA, whereas metal-supplemented TSA only supported the growthof fungi (Table 3). On no occasion were bacteriaisolated from this latter medium. There was alarge increase in the total number of bacteriaisolated over the season but no overall differencebetween the number isolated from uncontami-nated saplings and the number treated withheavy metals. Erwinia spp. tended to predomi-nate among the bacterial flora on both treat-ments and on every sampling occasion. Otherbacteria isolated included Xanthomonas spp.,Pseudomonas spp., Flavobacterium spp., andvarious orange chromogens, and these also didnot appear to be significantly affected by thespraying treatment.As with the bacteria, there were highly signif-

icant differences in the total number of fungalisolates on different sampling occasions. Totalnumbers offilamentous fungi and Cladosporiumspp. (the predominant genus) were not affectedby heavy metal contamination, and there werealso no significant differences between dosedand uncontaminated saplings in terms of thepercentages of these isolates able to grow onmetal-supplemented TSA. Conversely, although

the total number of Aureobasidium pullulans(de Bary) Arnaud was also unaffected by heavymetal contamination, the dosed plants sup-ported a significantly higher percentage ofmetal-tolerant isolates.The total number of yeasts (excluding A. pul-

lulans) and the nonpigmented group were un-affected by the heavy metal dosing treatment.However, numbers of pigmented yeasts weresignificantly reduced on saplings sprayed withheavy metals. This difference between the twotreatments was itself significantly reduced inSeptember compared with July. Subculturing ofrepresentative colonies of these pigmentedyeasts and testing for ballistospore productionsuggested that most of them were Sporobolo-myces roseus K1. and Van Niel. The total per-centage of metal-tolerant yeasts did not differsignificantly between treatments. No attemptwas made to partition these tolerant yeasts onmetal-supplemented TSA into pigmented andnonpigmented groups since it was observed thatthe presence of metals in the media could influ-ence pigmentation and spore production.Microorganisms isolated from mature

oak trees. The number of bacteria on bothgroups of mature trees increased over the seasonup to a maximum in November (Table 4), andthere was a significant reduction in the numberisolated from oaks at the polluted rather thanthe control site. In July, the total number ofbacteria present was uncertain because exten-sive fungal growth had clearly suppressed bac-terial colonies on TSA at lower dilutions, and

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TABLE 3. Mean numbers ofmicroorganisms per square centimeter isolated on TSA with (+M) and without(-M) heavy metals from leaves of oak saplings uncontaminated (C) and dosed with heavy metals (D)

Statistical significance of difference'Mean no. per cm2

Microorganism(s) Treat- Isolation Treatments Sampling times Interactionsment medium

May July Sept. No. % Tol- No. % Tol- No % Tol-erant erant erant

Total bacteria x 10-' C -M 0.18 20 94 NS - - NS -

+M 0 0 0D -M 0.06 8 110

+M 0 0 0

Total filamentous fungi' C -M 0.09 49 38 NS NS * NS NS NSx 10-2 +M 0.007 0 1.4

D -M 0.12 34 57+M 0.007 0.11 12

Cladosporium spp. x C -M 0.07 48 35 NS NS *** NS NS NS10-2 +M 0.007 0 0

D -M 0.10 34 54+M 0.007 0.11 2.1

A. pullulans x lo-2 C -M 0.03 14 5.0 NS * ** * NS *+M 0.07 1.8 0

D -M 0.007 16 42+M 0.02 6.0 13

Total yeasts' x 10- C -M 0.03 31 13 NS NS ** NS NS NS+M 0.0007 0.05 0.07

D -M 0.01 14 14+M 0 0.25 1.4

Nonpigmented yeastsb C -M 0.03 10 7.6 NS *** NSx10

D -M 0.009 12 11

Pigmented yeastshe x C -M 0.002 21 5.0 * *** **10-3 D -M 0.001 1.5 2.7

a Calculated for variance ratios derived from a two-way analysis of variance (repeated-measures design) of total number ofisolates and percentage of tolerant isolates. NS, Not significant (P > 0.05); *, significant at P < 0.05; **,significant at P < 0.01;***, significant at P < 0.001;-, no tolerant bacteria isolated.

Excluding A. pullulans.'Mostly S. roseus.

the remaining plates had been inoculated at toohigh a dilution to allow accurate assessment. Toascertain that the reduction in bacterial isolatesfrom the polluted site was not attributable tofungal suppression on dilution plates, a similarexperiment was conducted during October of thefollowing year. On this occasion bacteria wereisolated on TSA amended with cycloheximideand nystatin (50 tg ml-' each) which effectivelysuppressed growth of fungi. Again, however, fargreater numbers of bacteria were isolated fromthe oaks at the control site (5,800 ± 5,000/cm2)compared with the polluted oaks (42 + 6/cm2).No bacteria were isolated by using metal-sup-plemented TSA at any time. The compositionof the bacterial flora was somewhat varied, butat both sites, Erwinia spp. tended to predomi-nate in November 1978.The total number of fungi isolated also in-

creased over the season, and, as on the saplings,

Cladosporium spp. tended to predominateamong the filamentous forms. A significantlygreater proportion ofthe total filamentous fungi,Cladosporium spp., and A. pullulans from thepolluted oaks were able to grow on metal-sup-plemented TSA compared with those isolatedfrom the control site. There was also a significantinteraction between sites and sampling times interms of the percentage of metal-tolerant fila-mentous fungi isolated; in May, July, and Sep-tember, none were isolated at all from the oaksat the control site, and only in November werea few tolerant isolates recovered from here. Thepolluted oaks also supported greater numbers ofCladosporium spp. and A. pullulans (i.e., asmeasured on metal-free TSA) compared withthose at the control site. Conversely, there wasa reduction in the total numbers of yeasts (bothpigmented and nonpigmented, excluding A. pul-lulans) at the polluted rather than the control


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TABLE 4. Mean numbers ofmicroorganisms per square centimeter isolated on TSA with (+M) and without(-M) heavy metals from leaves ofmature oak trees at the control (C) and polluted (P) sites

Statistical significance of difference'Mean no. per cm2

Isola- Sites times InteractionsMicroorganism(s) Site tion times

medium N N %May July Sept. Nov. Nov. No. Toler- No. Toler- No. Toler-(leaves) (litter)


Total bacteria x C -M 0.04 ?b 2.7 160 24 * - NS10-3 +M 0 0 0 0 0

P -M 0.03 ?b 0.57 0.21 37+M 0 0 0 0 0

Total filamentous C -M 0.12 3.6 13 25 49 NS * * * NS *fungic x lo-2 +M 0 0 0 0.09 1.6

P -M 0.24 10 26 25 32+M 0.06 3.5 44 9.2 19

Cladosporium C -M 0.08 3.6 11 17 1.4 ** ** NS NS NSspp. x lo-2 +M 0 0 0 0.06 0.007

P -M 0.19 10 26 23 27+M 0.06 3.5 44 9.2 8.5

A. pullulans x C -M 0.24 86 180 37 24 * ** * NS NS NS10-2 +M 0.06 2.5 0.7 3.2 0.57

P -M 0.44 630 720 61 180+M 0.20 390 610 53 165

Total yeasts' x C -M 0.01 16 150 960 290 * NS10-2 +M 0.007 0 0 1.8 0.75

P -M 0.20 6.7 11 0 100+M 0.03 0 0 1.4 73

Nonpigmented C -M 0.007 15 150 930 270 * ***yeasts' x 10-2 p -M 0.17 5.7 11 0 98

Pigmented C -M 0.007 0.99 0 30 20 * * *yeastscd X 10-2 p -M 0.03 0.92 0 0 5.0

a Calculated for variance ratios derived from a two-way analysis of variance (repeated-measures design) of total number ofisolates and percentage of tolerant isolates. NS, Not significant (P > 0.05); *, significant at P < 0.05; * significant at P < 0.01;***, significant at P < 0.001; -, no tolerant bacteria isolated.

?, Numbers present uncertain.c Excluding A. pullulans.d Mostly S. roseus.

site, and there was no overall difference betweenthe two sites in terms of the percentage of metal-tolerant isolates. However, these data for theyeasts should be treated with some degree ofcaution since the very large numbers of Aureo-basidium spp. and Cladosporium spp. tended tosuppress yeast colonies on the dilution plates.Direct observation of fungal hyphae. A

two-way analysis of variance (repeated-mea-sures design) on the data for length of fungalhyphae (Table 5) indicated that there was nosignificant difference between uncontaminatedand dosed saplings (P > 0.05), although thedifference between sampling times was signifi-cant at P < 0.05, and the interaction betweentreatments and sampling times was significantat P < 0.01. During May, little hyphal growthhad occurred on the leaves of either group of

saplings, but in July there was far greater fungalcolonization on the controls than on plantssprayed with heavy metals. In September, how-ever, there was little difference between eithersite. A paired t test indicated that there was nosignificant difference on the controls betweenupper and lower surfaces (P > 0.05), whereas ondosed plants, there was significantly greater col-onization of the lower surface (P < 0.05).Greater mycelial colonization occurred on the

mature oak trees over the course of the season(P < 0.001), but there was no significant differ-ence between the length of hyphae on the con-trol oaks and that at the polluted site (P > 0.05)nor any interaction between sites and samplingtimes (P > 0.05; Table 6). Greater colonizationtook place on the lower rather than the uppersurfaces of the oaks at the polluted site (P <

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TABLE 5. Mean lengths offungal hyphae (± the standard error) observed on leaf surfaces of oak saplingsuncontaminated and dosed with heavy metals'

Length (mm/mm2)

Sampling time Uncontaminated Dosed

Upper Lower Upper Lower

May 0.032 ± 0.032 0.032 ± 0.032 0.032 ± 0.032 0.25 ± 0.16July 4.1 ± 0.98 0.79 ± 0.66 0.064 ± 0.032 0.095 ± 0.055September 0.35 ± 0.03 1.5 ± 0.78 0.25 ± 0.06 2.6 ± 1.6

" See text for statistical analysis.

TABLE 6. Mean lengths offungal hyphae (± the standard error) observed on leaf surfaces of mature oaktrees at the control and the polluted sites'

Length (mm/mm2)

Sampling time Control Site Polluted Site

Upper Lower Upper Lower

May 0.032 ± 0.032 0 0 0July 1.1 ± 1.0 0.095 ± 0.095 0.38 ± 0.33 0.032 ± 0.032September 3.3 ± 1.0 0.22 ± 0.13 0.35 ± 0.16 1.6 ± 1.4November (leaves) 2.8 ± 0.74 2.8 ± 2.7 0.32 ± 0.03 0.60 ± 0.19November (litter) 1.9 ± 0.83 1.2 ± 0.89 0.32 ± 0.22 3.4 ± 0.32

a See text for statistical analysis.

0.05), whereas at the control site, there was nosignificant difference between surfaces (P >0.05).

0 DISCUSSIONThe chemical nature of the metals sprayed

onto the saplings was probably similar to that ofthe metal pollutants at Avonmouth (1). Dosingthe oak saplings with zinc, lead, and cadmium atlevels comparable to or greater than those at thepolluted site generally appears to have had littleinfluence on most groups of microorganisms.This is in agreement with studies on cabbageleaves in which artificial metal contaminationhad little effect on naturally infecting microor-ganisms (7). The major exception to this in thepresent study were the pigmented yeasts (chieflyS. roseus) which appeared sensitive to the effectsof dosing and to natural pollution. Numbers ofpigmented yeasts were also significantly reducedon cabbages exposed to heavy metal pollution inthis area (7), so from the dosing study, it isreasonable to assume that this reduction was atleast partly attributable to heavy metals ratherthan to some other pollutant.

Mycelial proliferation, estimated by direct ob-servation, and total viable counts of fungal pro-pagules, isolated by leaf washing, appeared to belittle affected by heavy metal pollution. Not onlywas a greater proportion of the predominantCladosporium spp. and A. pullulans on thepolluted oaks at Avonmouth tolerant to heavymetals, but significantly greater numbers ofthese organisms were isolated from these pol-

luted oaks compared with the oaks at the controlsite. The present investigation formed part of ascanning electron microscope study of the rela-tionship between the leaf surface mycroflora ofthese oaks at Avonmouth and pollutant dustparticles (5). Certain types of pollutant dustparticles supported a greater density of fungalpropagules than the adjacent leaf surface, and itwas suggested that such stimulation may beattributable to the occurrence of nutrientswithin the particles, the beneficial effects ofwhich might outweigh the toxic effect of anyheavy metals. This may also explain the increasein numbers of these particularly metal-tolerantfungi on the polluted oaks, compared with thoseat the control site. It was unclear from thescanning electron microscopy studies (5)whether the metal pollutants were present onoak leaves in a finely divided form or as a fewconcentrated sources possibly not even availableto the microflora. However, since a high propor-tion of Cladosporium spp. and A. pullulans atthe polluted site was tolerant to metals in vitro,it seems likely that a similarly high proportionwere in contact with the metals on the leafsurface. Had there been little difference in metaltolerance between the microflora of the controland polluted oaks, one would have suspectedthat few of the latter were in contact with any ofthe metals. Hence, it is reasonable to concludethat the metals were finely distributed on thephylloplane.The absence of bacteria on plates containing

zinc, lead, and cadmium supports previous evi-


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dence that the bacterial phylloplane flora is in-herently less tolerant to heavy metals than thefungi (4). Nevertheless, there was little reductionin total numbers of bacteria (as recorded onmetal-free TSA) on plants dosed with levels ofzinc, lead, and cadmium at levels at least as highas those encountered on the polluted oaks. Forthis reason, it seems unlikely that the reductionin the bacterial flora of the polluted oaks atAvonmouth compared with those at the controlsite was directly attributable to heavy metalpollution. Other pollutants at Avonmouth suchas sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen could beof greater significance. Furthermore, such pol-lutants may interact synergistically with theheavy metals present, thus increasing their rel-ative toxicities.The present study therefore indicates that the

phylloplane microflora has a generally high ca-pacity to survive under conditions of considera-ble heavy metal contamination, although thereappear to be differences in metal tolerance be-tween different groups of microbes.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI thank R. Campbell for helpful advice and discussion. I

am also grateful to M. H. Martin for useful discussion, R. J.Allen and M. Ames for technical assistance, and Common-wealth Smelting Ltd. for access to their land.

Finally, I thank the Natural Environment Research Coun-cil for a studentship supporting this research.

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