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IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

Effects of ICT on Society


1. Computer usage within businesses has increased massively over the last 30 years.

a. Describe three benefits that ICT can bring to businesses:

b. State three effects that ICT has had upon employment patterns:

c. State three types of jobs that ICT has created:

d. State three types of jobs that have been lost due to ICT:

e. State two jobs that have changed their nature due to the introduction of ICT:

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

f. The increase in high-speed broadband has led to cheaper international telephone

calls using the Internet (like Skype). Name one job that may be lost due to this:

2. Microprocessors are tiny computer cpu’s (like tiny digital brains) that are found in

many devices that we use in our houses every day. Microprocessors control how these

devices function.

a. Name two household devices that contain microprocessors. For each one describe

what the microprocessor would control:

b. Explain two ways in which microprocessor controlled devices could affect our

leisure time:

3. Microprocessors have really changed the way in which we socialise and interact with

our friends and family.

a. Name two ways in which microprocessors have changed the way in which we

interact with each other:

Household Device 1:

What the microprocessor controls:

Household Device 2:

What the microprocessor controls:

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

b. State two ways in which we can interact with friends using mobile phones and two

ways we can interact using social networking sites:

c. Describe what is meant by ‘VoIP’ and give an example:

d. Explain one positive effect and one negative effect that ICT has had on social


4. Microprocessors and ICT affect our lives so much that it is even possible for us to

never have to leave our houses.

a. Name and Describe two areas that ICT has affected the need for us to leave our


VoIP is:

An example of VoIP is:

Example 1:


Example 1:


IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

b. Explain one positive effect and one negative effect of never having to leave your


IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

Negative Aspects of ICT


5. Computer viruses and can cause huge problems if they are able to access computer files.

Explain what a computer virus is and what it does

6. Research two different examples of computer viruses and explain how they work and

what they do.

7. The risk of picking up a computer virus onto your computer can be reduced by installing

a special piece of software.

a. Give the name of the software that can be used to check for viruses and also remove


b. Explain why it is important to update anti-virus software regularly.

Virus Example 1:

What it can do:

Virus Example 2:

What it can do:

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

c. Describe two actions that can be taken, other than using software, to prevent viruses

from entering your computer system.

8. Software costs developers a great deal of time and effort to create. Laws exist to try and

prevent this software from being illegally downloaded or copied.

c. What is the term given to the act of downloading software illegally from the Internet

or copying software without permission?

d. State two rules that copyright laws cover.

9. Software companies use various techniques to try and deter copyright theft. Describe

two of these techniques.

10. If your computer is connected to the Internet then it is at risk from hacking.

a. Describe what is meant by the term ‘hacking’

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

b. Give two reasons why people try to hack into computer systems.

c. Describe two methods that can be used to help stop hacking.

d. What do I mean by a ‘robust password’?

e. Give me an example of a robust password.

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

Internet Developments


11. The Internet has been in public use since the early 1990’s and has undergone developments over the years since.

g. Describe what is meant by the term Web 2.0:

h. Describe the uses of a Blog and give one example:

i. Describe the uses of a Wiki and give one example:

j. Describe the uses of Digital Media Websites and give one example:

k. Describe the uses of Social Networking Websites and give one example:

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

12. Some of the issues (negatives) of the Internet include unreliable and undesirable


a. Describe what is meant by unreliable information and give two ways that you can check that information is reliable:

b. Describe what is meant by undesirable information and give two ways that you can avoid undesirable websites:

13. Our personal information is not necessarily safe on the Internet. Thieves and

fraudsters use various methods to try and obtain our passwords, usernames etc.

a. Describe what is meant by Phishing and give two ways that you can avoid getting ‘Phished’:

What is meant by unreliable information?

1st way to check that information is reliable:

2nd way to check that information is reliable:

What is meant by undesirable information?

1st way to avoid undesirable websites:

2nd way to avoid undesirable websites:

What is meant by Phishing?

1st way to avoid getting phished:

2nd way to avoid getting phished:

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

b. Describe what is meant by Pharming and give two ways that you can avoid getting ‘Pharmed’:

c. Describe what is meant by Spam and give one example of why it causes annoyance to computer users:

d. State two ways that computers users can reduce the amount of spam they receive:

What is meant by Pharming?

1st way to avoid getting pharmed:

2nd way to avoid getting pharmed:

What is meant by Spam?

Why spam causes annoyance:

1st way to reduce spam:

2nd way to reduce spam:

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

Health and Safety


14. There are a number of health risks linked with using ICT devices.

l. State what RSI stands for:

m. State one symptom of RSI is, two causes of RSI and two ways to prevent it:

n. State two causes of back pain and two ways to prevent it:

o. Describe what is meant by ergonomics:

One symptom of RSI:

1st way to prevent RSI:

2nd way to prevent RSI:

1st cause of RSI:

2nd cause of RSI:

1st way to prevent back pain:

2nd way to prevent back pain:

1st cause of back pain:

2nd cause of back pain:

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

p. State two causes of eye strain and two ways to prevent it:

15. There are a number of safety hazards that can arise from using ICT devices.

a. State two causes of electrocution and two ways to prevent it:

b. State two ways to help prevent people tripping of computer wires and cables:

c. State two causes of falling ICT equipment and two ways to prevent it:

1st way to prevent eye strain:

2nd way to prevent eye strain:

1st cause of eye strain:

2nd cause of eye strain:

1st way to prevent electrocution:

2nd way to prevent electrocution:

1st cause of electrocution:

2nd cause of electrocution:

1st way to =prevent people tripping:

2nd way to prevent people tripping:

1st way to prevent falling equipment:

2nd way to prevent falling equipment:

1st cause of falling equipment:

2nd cause of falling equipment:

IGCSE ICT – Unit 6: Effects of ICT

d. State two causes of electrical fires and three ways to prevent them:

1st way to prevent electrical fires:

2nd way to prevent electrical fires:

1st cause of electrical fires:

2nd cause of electrical fires:

3rd way to prevent electrical fires: