Effectiveness Study of Program Taburia (Multi...


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Effectiveness Study of Program Taburia (Multi Micronutrition Supplement) on

Children 6 – 24 Months in South Sulawesi Province

Veni Hadju, Khidri Alwi, A. Razak Thaha





Research Question

How far effectiveness of Taburia Program in children 6 – 24 mo in

South Sulawesi


PROGRAM NICE (Nutrition Improvement Through Community Empowerment)

1.  Tenaga (SDM) a. Kader , KGM, FM, PKK &

ORMAS , idan, TPG dan Kepala Seksi Gizi

2.  Dana a. Oprasional Pendistribusian b. Pertemuan, Pelatihan, Promosi c. Pencatatan & Pelaporan

3.  Sarana dan Prasarana a. T4 pendistribusian b. T4 penyimpanan c. Ketersediaan taburia d. Data sasaran e. Fom pencatatan dan pelaporan

4.  Metode a. Buku panduan, b. Juklat, c. Juknis,

5.  Sasaran a  Balita umur 6-24 bulan b Gakin

Input Proses Output Outcome

EVALUASI PROGRAM TABURIA (Pemberian Taburia Anak Umur 6-24 bulan)

1  Perencanaan Sosialisasi, Pertemuan theniks, t4, Mobilisasi, Promosi, ketersediaan Taburia, jadwal supervisi

2  Pengorganisasian Pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab

3  Pelaksanaan kegiatan a Sebelum Pemberian b Saat Pemberian c  Setelah Pemberian 4 Controliing

a Supervisi b Monitoring

5  Evaluasi a Tingkat desa b Tingkat Kecematan c Tingkat Kabupaten

1 Ketepatan sasaran a Balita Umur 6-24 bln b Gakin 2  K e t e p a t a n

pendistribusian a Jumlah pemberian b Frekuensi pemberian c Tata cara pembrian

bubuk taburia 3 Cakupan bubuk

Taburia a Baik b Sedang c Kurang 4 Kepatuahan

a Patuh b Tidak Patuh

Status Gizi

Anak Umur 6-24 bulan



Ideal/standard Program

Reality in one the field

1. Man a. Kader Posyandu b. Village midwife c. Puskesmas staff d.  Other e.  KGM, FM, TPG

- Enough as needed. The work of kader was overloaded due to also involved with other progra. PNPM, Posyandu  - Kader and midwife distributed to subjects.


Ideal/standar Program

Reality at the field

2. Budget a.  Distribution

-  Supported by local and central government. - There was not money/budget at Puskemas and Village.

b. Meeting, Training, and promotion

- Only for consumption - Makassar has for Monev

c. Recording and reporting

- Not available


Ideal/standar Program

Kenyataan di lap. (reality)

3. Meterials a. Distribution place b. Storage

- Dinkes ; Taburia stored at Farmacy warehouse - PKM; medicine storage - Partly at kader house

c. Availability of taburia

- Adequate

d. Targeted subjects - Available and adequate

e. Form recording and reporting

- Available at district and PKM, - - but not in Kader


Ideal/standard Program

Reality at the field

4. Method · Guidance book

- Available at PKM - Kader: has booklet (juklak)





Ideal/standard Program

Reality in the field

1. Planning -  Socialization,

technical meeting, place, mobilization, promotion, availability of Taburia, schedule for supervision

- Dinkes plan socialization at district level or PKM - Plan promotion by Dinkes - Monev was done by Dinkes at PKM level

Ideal/standard Program

Reality in the field

2. Organization -  Responsibility

- Dinkes responsible for the program

- District by PKM. - TPG facilitate and evaluate kader and socialization to community.

- GM and Kader; distribute to target group and control.


3. Implementa-tion

a.  P r e -intervention

- Sosialization and promotion targeted to 6-24 mo, malnourished and low SES

- Training not for all kader - Distribution, in some areas, prior to training of kader.

- Few subjects were normal children and from moderate SES.



b. During supplementation

- Kader distributed the to targetted children

- Kader take the Taburia directly to the children houses.

- Some distributed Taburia more than recommended, 1 mo >15 sachet.

- Some received more than one or twice. - Distributed at Posyandu

c. Post intervention

-  Recording and acceptance were noted. -  Shown appetite increased and practically served.

- Accompanied complimentary feeding.

- Problem taste and smell -  Error at served, mixed with soup -  Kader sometimes do observation.



4.Controliing a. Supervision b. Monitoring

- Supervision by Health Depart. -  Supervision at PKM à for adequate distribution

-  Observed how kader bagaimana distribute taburia and gave information to subjects.

- Only few kader did monitoring - No evidence for recording

5. Evaluation a. At village b. At

subdistrict c. At district

-  Supervision was done at PKM towards kader at Posyandu day.

-  Recording and reporting Taburia was available made by health staffs but it is not concernedà number of children with full received Taburia was not written.

-  At PKM à evaluation was done for availability of planning for targetted number and Taburia needed.

-  Local Health Depàdo evaluation of training for kader, orientation program, and orientasi for widwife as well as other health staffs.




Ideal/standard Program

Reality in the field

1. Adequacy of target

a. Under two yr old

b. Poor family

- Children 6-24 bulan - Only those who are malnourished

- Poor family or UMP less than Rp. 1.100.000)


1. Adequacy of distribution

- Taburia was distributed to all targeted children but it was not suited to guidance (should be step by step)


a. Amount of Taburia

- In general, from health office to PKM was suited to guidance.

- Tahap I; -15 piecesà52.89% -16-30 piecesà; 46.22% - 31-45 piecesà0,.44%, - ≥ 46 piecesà0.44%. - Tahap II; - 80,8% not received anymoreà still has from the first step. - Tahap III: - 96,44%.not received anymoreà still has from the second step.


a. Frequency of giving.

-  Received Taburia at the last month, 71,56%

-  Consume once in two days 39.11%

-  1 piece 1 child, 90.22%, 1 piece two children, 8.89% , 1 piece > 2 children, 0,89%.


a. Procedure of giving

-  Consume at breakfast, 70,22% -  Once a day, 82.67%, twice a day,

1.78%, three times a day, 1.78%. -  Mixed with porridge, 20.89% -  Mixed with rice, 69.33%, -  Mixed with soup, 6.67%, -  Mixed with fried noodle 1.78% , -  Provided by mother, 93.33%, -  Provided by grandma, 5.78%, -  Provided by other member of

family, 0.44%


a. Coverage of Taburia

b. Good; On track > 80%

c. Enough(To wacth) 50-79%,

d. Poor (High Alert) à < 50%.

-  Coverage of taburiaàlevel enough; 78,86%

-  Received taburiaà 64,527 children under two yr old.

-  Lot of children ate snack such as, cemilan; kerupuk, biskuit or bread.

-  Some didn’t like taste and smell

-  Some children “rewel” and refused the food.

-  Some like soup food à mother didn’t give taburia àkepatuhan was low


a. Compliance -  Compliance à cut off point 60% (n = 398)

-  Comply only 21,9%




Mean of hemoglobin and ferritin before and after intervention

No   Measurem.   x ± SD   Min   Max   p value  

1   Hb. baseline   10.88 ± 1.17   7,00   13.40  

0.000  Hb.eEndline   11.24 ± 1.07   6.90   13.20  

2   Fe baseline   28.09 ± 25.99   1.50   114.00  

0.332  Fe endline   30.13 ± 23.14   1.16   99.49  


Mean of hemoglobin endline based on compliance of Taburia


Measurement Mean


SD (mg/dl)

p value  

  Did not comply ±11,19 ±1,096



  Comply ±11,35 ±1,026  


Determinant factors for compliance

•  References person or family àKader Posyandu •  Social support: - father- other family members - Kader


•  Easy to feed the children •  Increase appetite and want to eat frequently •  Adequacy of nutrient for the child •  Cognitive and brain development

Positive attitude due to providing Taburia :


Taburia has been successfully distributed and accepted by children 6 – 24 mo of age from poor family at Nice Project areas.

Some aspects of management and compliances prevent children to have a better nutritional status in this study.
