Effective Waste Management Concepts


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EFFECTIVE WASTE MANAGEM CONCEPTS: Effective waste management is based on seven important principles, "THE SEVEN R's". & they are:


7. Research-

India scenario

6. Regulate

5. Recycle 4. Reuse

3. Reduce

2. Refuse

1. Rethink


All of us are aware that "action is preceded by thought". We should rethink about our habits, our actions & their effects in the matter of waste disposal. We all have basic needs. We all require a number thinks for study, for work, for a hobby or entertainment. What we must realty think is - 'how much do we really need to live a happy & fulfilled life?' So next time when we buy anything new, we must RETHINK, 'Do I really need this think now?'

2. REFUSE: " REFUSE ANYTHING THAT WILL HARM THE ENVIRONMENT", for ex: refuse the use of plastic carry bags - the people in LADAKH refused the use of plastic carry bags & therefore the region is free from plastic waste. & recently in Mumbai the use of plastic bags are chargeable in most of the shops, so people carry their own cloth bags. So we should REFUSE the use of

plastic carry bags when go out for shopping. We should make use of handbags made out of cotton & cloth. & like this we should refuse the use of unnecessary waste product to protect the environment.

3. REDUCE: The most important think is to REDUCE THE GENERATION OF WASTE. It is important to reduce the wastage of resources. Repairing, reusing & sharing things help to reduce waste. E.g. a group of children can share one carom board; one football or one cricket set & enjoy playing together. T he present age is dominated by 'USE & THROW' attitude. In western countries the trend is very common. In our country, we are somewhat conservative & still believe in reusing things. The single-use kind of goods generates waste tremendously. So we should use products, which last longer.

4. REUSE: Using the waste material in its present form again & again is known as REUSE of that material. It can be done in innumerable ways. E.g. reusing old plastic or glass jars & metal cans for different purpose will reduce generation of non-degradable waste. When our grandmother stitches a new quilt by joining old sarees & pieces of clothes, then this is reuse.When beautiful patterns are created on it, it gains a status of an art!!!! We Indians are experts in reusing things.

5. RECYCLE: RECYCLING is the reprocessing of unwanted materials into new, useful products. A recycled product is made in whole or part from material recovered from waste. If the reduction or reuse of waste is not possible then it should be recycled. E.g. paper,

plastic, glass & materials can be recycled.

6. REGULATE: People throw their untreated waste anywhere they desire. Similarly, the untreated waste material produced by the industries is dumped by them into the sources of water, or on open grounds. This practice pollutes the environment & spreads diseases. Thus, it is necessary to control such practices.

7. RESEARCH-INDIAN SCENARIO: Constant research on the ways to reuse the waste materials will definitely help us to reduce waste generation. These are the SEVEN R's of effective waste management. If we follow all these 7 R's thoroughly we

can manage the waste in an effective & innovative way which will help to protect the environment & lead us to live a better & healthy life.
