建構高齡友善醫療機構物理環境之設計思潮 棄之恐懼感 無控制感...


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    Zeitgeists and Development Trends for Aging-Friendly

    Ph i l E i t D ig i H lth F iliti Physical Environment Design in Healthcare Facilities

    Nai-Wen Kuo, Ph.D., M.P.H.Chief SecretaryProfessor of Health Care AdministrationTaipei Medical UniversityT i i T iTaipei, Taiwan

    郭乃文教授兼主任秘書教授兼 任秘書醫務管理學系主任暨所長臺北醫學大學

  • 高齡友善醫療機構物理環境之背景高齡友善醫療機構物理環境之背景

    • 民國99年6月底 我國臺灣地區六十五歲以上之• 民國99年6月底,我國臺灣地區六十五歲以上之老年人口已達2,473,452,占全國總人口數之約10.69% 。

    • 至民國116年時,每五個人中就有一位為六十五歲以上之老人(行政院經濟建設委員會)。臺灣六十五歲以上老年人口所占比例從百分之七• 臺灣六十五歲以上老年人口所占比例從百分之七增加到百分之十四約需二十六年,英國約需四十五年,美國約需七十年,瑞典約需八十五年,日年,美國約需 十年,瑞典約需 十 年,本約需二十三年,顯示我國人口老化的速度,遠較歐美國家為快,與日本相當

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    1.確保公平的使用確保 平 使用(Equitable Use)-確保各種不同能力的人均能公平使用之設計使用之設計。

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    2.使用上具高度彈性(Flexibility in Use)-可包容範圍廣泛的個別喜圍廣泛的個別喜好與能力之設計。

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    3.簡單且憑直覺即可使用 (Simple andIntuitive Use)-無論使用者之經驗、論使用者之經驗、知識、語言技巧,均非常易於了解。

  • 6

    4. 具 可 識 別 之 資 訊(PerceptibleInformation)-無論週遭狀況或使用者之週遭狀況或使用者之感官能力如何,此設計可有效地傳達必要之資訊給使用者之資訊給使用者。

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    5 容忍使用上發生之錯誤5.容忍使用上發生之錯誤(Tolerance for Error)-此設計可將意外或不欲發生動作之危害與不欲發生動作之危害與不利影響降至最低。

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    6 省力(Low Physical6.省力(Low PhysicalEffort)-舒適及有效使用不易疲勞。

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    7.利於接近與使用之尺度與空間(Si d S與空間(Size and Spacefor Approach and Use)-無論使用者之身軀大小或行動能力如何,均提供利於接近、操作與使用之適當尺度與空間。使用之適當尺度與空間。

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    Traditional Can opener

    Hands-Free Can Openerp

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    二、肢體障礙:老年人因掌管運動之神經、肌肉、骨骼、關節等器官逐漸退化而衍生出肢體障礙之問題,肢體障礙可區分為上肢障礙與下肢障礙 肢體障礙將降低老年人之活動分為上肢障礙與下肢障礙,肢體障礙將降低老年人之活動力而影響其生活品質,因此為提高肢體障礙老年人之生活品質,適切環境與設施之設計更顯重要。

    三、失智:老年人常因腦部退化而有失智之困擾,其中最嚴重之一即為為阿茲海默症(Alzheimer’s disease),其症狀包括記憶喪失 判斷力貧乏 無法執行例行之工作 理解包括記憶喪失、判斷力貧乏、無法執行例行之工作、理解力降低、注意力無法長期集中、無法計畫事務及完成思考等。

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    老年人常見之負面心理因素包括了失落感、情緒低落、被遺棄之恐懼感 無控制感 寂寞與孤獨感與懼怕跌倒等棄之恐懼感、無控制感、寂寞與孤獨感與懼怕跌倒等。

    1.懼怕跌倒:肢體障礙與環境設施不良等因素常讓老年人產生懼怕跌倒之恐懼感 因而影響老年人口中其活動力及空間懼怕跌倒之恐懼感,因而影響老年人口中其活動力及空間活動範圍。

    2 情緒低落:生活變遷 藥物與活動受限等因素2.情緒低落:生活變遷、藥物與活動受限等因素



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    老年人常見之負面心理因素包括了失落感、情緒低落、被遺棄之恐懼感 無控制感 寂寞與孤獨感與懼怕跌倒等之恐懼感、無控制感、寂寞與孤獨感與懼怕跌倒等。

    5.寂寞與孤獨感:當老年人被安置至醫療或長期照護機構後,由於環境(包括人事物)陌生 加上老年人不易結交新朋友等由於環境(包括人事物)陌生、加上老年人不易結交新朋友等因素之影響,使得老年人會有寂寞與孤獨感產生。

    6 懼怕跌倒:肢體障礙與環境設施不良等因素常讓老年人產生6.懼怕跌倒:肢體障礙與環境設施不良等因素常讓老年人產生懼怕跌倒之恐懼感,而懼怕跌倒之恐懼感則為老年人口中影響其活動力最顯著之因素之一。

  • 影響老年人對設施需求生理因素之設計對策(一)( )

    生理因素 設 計 對 策生理因素 設 計 對 策感官退化

    1.視覺退化 (1)標示字體及字間距須符合老人視能,字體與背景顏色應該對比鮮明。





  • 影響老年人對設施需求生理因素之設計對策(二)( )

    生理因素 設 計 對 策生理因素 設 計 對 策感官退化

    2.聽覺退化 (1)充足的照明有助於看清面部表情及脣形以輔助了解對話內容。


    3.嗅覺退化 老年人因嗅覺退化導致對於焦味與瓦斯洩漏不易察覺,在廚房應裝設瓦斯偵漏器與自動滅火裝置 必要時將熱源改為電爐或電磁爐裝置,必要時將熱源改為電爐或電磁爐。

    4.味覺退化 形塑用餐空間溫馨優雅氛圍可增進用餐興緻,以彌補味覺衰退之困擾。

  • 影響老年人對設施需求生理因素之設計對策(三)影響老年人對設施需求生理因素之設計對策(三)

    生理因素 設 計 對 策生理因素 設 計 對 策肢體障礙 必須符合全面考量性設計(universal design)之原


    失 智 (1)設計上應創造可讓患者循環行走之徘徊走道,避免動線折返對阿茲海默症患者所造成之心理挫折感。



  • 影響老年人對設施需求心理因素之設計對策( )影響老年人對設施需求心理因素之設計對策(一)

    心理因素 設 計 對 策心理因素 設 計 對 策

    1.失落感 (1)以適當之照明、傢俱與內部裝潢創造「居家 之氛圍造「居家」之氛圍;





    4.無控制感 儘可能讓住民參與家俱擺設或內部裝潢(如床罩、地毯、油漆顏色或大門裝飾等)之選擇 可減輕其無控制感飾等)之選擇,可減輕其無控制感。

  • 影響老年人對設施需求心理因素之設計對策( )影響老年人對設施需求心理因素之設計對策(二)

    心理因素 設 計 對 策心理因素 設 計 對 策

    5.寂寞與孤獨感 單人房之設計未必為最佳之選擇,提供,適當程度隱私保護之雙人房有時反而可減少老人之寂寞孤獨感。

    6.懼怕跌倒 (1)應落實無障礙空間之理念。(2)應有足夠之扶手 且應儘量加以美化(2)應有足夠之扶手,且應儘量加以美化。(3)使用防滑地坪。

  • Creating the Feeling of Home

  • Seating alcoves expand the corridor of an Alzheimer’s Care Unit; note indirect lighting, tactile artwork, and the use of color contrast, Cokesbury Village (Hockessin DE)Cokesbury Village (Hockessin, DE)

  • Alcove adjacent to nurse station provides a socialization area for residents in wheelchairs; Cokebury Village (Hockessin, DE)

  • Semiprivate room has furniture and design detailing that create a residential ambience, Casa Palmera (Del Mar, CA)

  • Floor plan features triangular looped corridor to appease wanderers; nurses have visual access to residents at any point along the path, Corinne Dolan have visual access to residents at any point along the path, Corinne Dolan Alzheimer Center at Heather Hill (Chardon, OH)

  • Old d l f i b d


    Older adults safety in bedroom

    “Falls from bed are the second leading cause of gfall deaths”.National Safety Council (nsc org)(nsc.org)

  • B l d B (G i B )


    Balanced Bar (Grip Bar)

    Aging in Place means preparing your home from a condition that limits activities of daily living like getting in or out of bed.

  • 26

    Bathroom Design strategy for older adults

    Adjustable Toilet Safety Rail Set

    ▪ Designed to provide support and easy


    ▪ Works with basic toilet seat hinge bolts.

    ▪ Aluminum bracket adjusts from 20” to 24”


    ▪ Legs adjust for heights from 27” to 31”.

    ▪ Features comfortable, plastic molded arm rests.

    ▪ Constructed of anodized rust resistant Constructed of anodized, rust resistant

    aluminum tubing.

    ▪ Weight capacity: 250 lbs.

  • 27

    B th D i t t f ld d ltBathroom Design strategy for older adults

    S f i Wall mounted Wall to floor

    Support for getting up and sitting down

    Wall mounted grab bar mounted grab bar

    with wheelchair accessibility

    Diagrams for older adults’ bathroom


  • Bathroom Design strategy for older adults


    Bathroom Design strategy for older adults

    Bath Matt 3

    Use rubber mats in the bathtub and h

    Walk-in bathtub TYPE A 1 Walk-in bathtub TYPE B 2

    1 http://wasaunashowers.com/2008/02/28/walk-in-bathtub/2http://www.alibaba.com/product/safetybath11125691510838466/Safety_Bath_Walk_In_Bathtub.ht l


    html3 http://www.binsons.com/web/images/greens/services/bath-matt.jpg

  • 29

    Bathroom Design strategy for older adults

    To improve the quality of life for

    g gy

    quality of life for seniors and the physically challenged

    ◎ Reduced the fear of falling

    ◎ Make getting in and out of the

    bathtub more easy

    ◎ P id t i th b tht b f tWalk-in bathtub with seat

    ◎ Provide seat in the bathtub for rest

    ◎ Balanced bar helps to get up

    and prevent skip in the bathtub

    Available at: www.wasaunashowers.com/2008/02/28/walk-in-bathtub/

    p p

  • 30

    Bathroom Design strategy for older adultsBathroom Design strategy for older adults

    Increase the height of the toilet 2This sink is a wall hung unit to allow for a wheelchair

    A raised toilet seat to make it easier to access

    user in the future, if necessary. 1

    toileting needs. 2

    ◎ Removable foot stool

    ◎ 22 1/2"W x 33"D x 33 1/4H; 60 lbs.

    1 http://www.eco-potty.com/images/mobile.jpg 2 www.bathmedic.com/html/services/toilets.html

    ◎ 22 1/2 W x 33 D x 33 1/4H; 60 lbs.

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    Remodeled shower room


    Shower room with seat

  • Toilet Design


    Toilet Design

    Electric raised toilet seat for elderly-Toto

    The control is in the right armrest, where the small handle h d i ll d h d dat the end is pulled up or pushed down.

  • Bed DesignBed Design




    Which type of patient bed is better for older adults?

  • Diagram of injury cause by hospital bed rail

    Available at http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/beds/Bed_brochure.html34A Guide to Bed Safety Bed Rails in Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Home Health Care: The Facts- by U.S. Food and Drug Administration

  • The Design of Hospital Bed Rail35

    1. Every year many older adults (patients)

    g p

    suffer from poor design bed rails in nursing home and hospitals. Some hospitals’ bed rail design provide soft material and overlap pad protection railings which can prevent incidents and injuries of patients and the elderly in health care facilities.

    A Guide to Bed Safety Bed Rails in Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Home Health Care: The Facts‐ by U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationA il bl t htt // fd / d h/b d /B d b h ht l ( d / 6/ )Available at http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/beds/Bed_brochure.html (accessed 2/26/2010)

  • 36

    2 Actually smaller sized or lightweight

    Hospital Bed Rail Design for Elderly and Lightweight Patients 

    2. Actually, smaller-sized or lightweight patients tend to be the high- risk group for bed rail entrapment. This is because that they are more likely to fall into gaps between y y g pthe mattress and the bed frame.

    3. Although, bed rails have caused serious3. Although, bed rails have caused serious harm to many patients for a long time, the FDA never suggested to recall all the inappropriate products which cause injury and death to patients.

    - Warnings Do Little To Prevent Bed Rail Entrapment – by Chicago Nursing Home Lawyer Blog. Available at http://nursinghomelaw.strellislaw.com/2008/07/articles/bedrail-injury/warnings-do-little-to-prevent-bed-rail-entrapment/print.html (accessed 2/26/2009)



    - The Aware Home at Georgia


    Tech is devoted to the

    multidisciplinary exploration of

    emerging technologies and emerging technologies and

    services based in the home.

    - Starting in 1998, it was created a

    unique research facility that

    allows us to simulate and

    l t i ith Audio Notes evaluate user experiences with

    off-the-shelf and state-of-the-art


    Audio Notes


    Digital Family Portrait




    Younger adults might dislike Younger adults might dislike the thought of being monitored in their homes by technology Yet a new study technology. Yet a new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology indicates that older adults are willing to older adults are willing to give up some privacy -- if it enables them to remain i d d t lindependent longer.




    Cook’s Collage

    Medication reminder

  • 高齡友善醫療機構設計思潮三大趨勢一、由醫療機構屬性逐漸轉變為「去醫院化」之

    「機構居所化」概念;在建築理念之展現上由機構居所化」概念;在建築理念之展現上由純粹醫療機能取向之考量外,加入居家概念之營造及人性化等規劃概念。由機構照護逐漸轉變為「去機構化 之「在地二、由機構照護逐漸轉變為「去機構化」之「在地安老」概念;於建築機能之演進方面,由照護機構之單一性設計概念逐漸轉化為滿足使用者機構之單 性設計概念逐漸轉化為滿足使用者不同階段體能及健康狀況之多元性設計。

    三、由監管式照護型態性逐漸轉變為「人性化照護」之「生活簇群建構 概念 在建築空間型態之之「生活簇群建構」概念;在建築空間型態之配置概念上,由單向式監管化病床單元轉化為互動式居住交誼空間。互動式居住交誼空間。

  • 請參閱

    1.Chia-Hui Wang, Nai-Wen Kuo (Correspondence)(2006), Zeitgeists and Development Trends in Long-( ), g p gTerm Care Facility Design, Journal of NursingResearch. 14(2): 123-132.

    2 王佳惠 郭乃文(2005) ”長期照護機構建築之2.王佳惠、郭乃文(2005),”長期照護機構建築之歷史演進”,北市醫學雜誌,2(4): 1-9.

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