EEB Annual meeting 1 rst of October 2012 Sustained growth, Green Growth, de- growth,.. The way...


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EEB Annual meeting 1rst of October 2012

Sustained growth, Green Growth, de-growth, .. The way


Leida RijnhoutExecutive Director

Fair and sustainable economy !

Quality of life

Carrying capacity Justice

Participation and


Based on Carley and Spapens


Global Economy ? Over- and underconsumption – no justice !

A Green Economy is a big step forward, but will not solve on her own problems of inequity in incomes, access to resources and quality of life, nor tackle pollution from existing industry and environmental degradation.

Promoting Green Growth is not the same as “changing our economy” towards Sustainable Development.

Myth of “Green Economy”


!!!! But the Rio outcome phrases it even worse: Sustained Growth – which is incompatible with Sustainable Development.

Planetary boundaries: Development within limits

Sustainable development ?


Or recognition of limits !

Is Growth always positive ?

The EU Lisbon Strategy proposes 3% GDP growth per year.

Is this sustainable ?

Imagine: if this little hamster of 100 grams grows continuously with 3%.. How much do you think it weights after 1 year ?

4.307 kilos !!

It will be a monster !

And when it is green growth ? ?

It will be a green monster:

Unproductive Growth

The economist Herman Daly calculated that after a certain point of economic growth it will be unproductive: your growth will cause so much damage that your profit is below zero.

(unequal) growth : and (unequal) consequences

Contraction and Convergence

Environmental Space

Developing countries

Industrial countriesFormer Eastern European countries

Level of welfare





l re




Ceiling (= overconsumption)

Floor (= dignity life line)

Based on Rochol

- Our global economy is already going far beyond the limits of the carrying capacity of the planet.- Environmental problems are caused mostly because of this. Some social ones too.- We are using too much of our natural capital, and any businessman knows: if you start eating your capital: bankruptcy will soon follow....

More Growth strategies ?

- There is an urgent need to cut down the use of natural resources in absolute amounts. -Technical solutions (eco-efficiency) will not be enough..

=> sufficiency

The way forward

5) Redistribution of wealth and sufficiency strategies. Capping the economy – Quotas.

1) Making the current economy “sustainable” (green + fair) is first step, not only by promoting green consumerism, but focus also on phasing out the unsustainable production.

2) Stop focusing on GDP-growth, but put well being at the heart of all policies

3) Recognise limits of environmental (and social) capital -> future scenarios on what we have, not on what we want

4) Build finance mechanism for social security and other public needs independent of GDP growth. (is Post-growth debate)

Enable the context for real changes:- Dismantling the culture of consumerism, instead of promoting (green) consumerism => sharing instead of owning- Sharing available work (25h workweek)- Urban planning which enables sustainable transport, local shops and food production, open spaces, .. (local agenda 21)-Enable real civil participation (not consultation after the decisions are made.. :-)- Put human values at the heart of every policy=>Show leadership and design long term visions, go beyond single and end-of-pipe solutions

Social innovation too !!






Thanks !!
