EDOC Innovations Revision 7 Changes and DMCrawler Training Presentation By: Karl Johnson


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eDOC Innovations

Revision 7 Changes and DMCrawler Training

Presentation By: Karl Johnson

Revision 7 Overview* eDOC Revision 7 allows for changing the encryption being used to protect member data in the system.* eDOC has moved from standard TIFF/RBK subsets of files to embedding those files into DFC (single) files allowing for future enhancements of features.* DFC files can be encrypted with multiple types of encryption and that encryption can be changed at any time and files already in the system can be re-encrypted to accommodate the change.* New Auto Update tools menu to assist in launching eDOC applications.* New scanning interface in 2020DO Application.* To update to revision 7 of eDOC applications and utilize new DFC features, all applications must be upgraded to revision 7.

Changeable EncryptionDFC Files: Single file that houses all the information pertaining to the image including the TIFF and RBK files. Multiple files can be in a single DFC assisting with backup software allowing for smaller numbers of files during backup process.

CryptID Section: New section used in RDI.ini of eDOC applications specifying the encryption type and key to use for encrypting of DFC files.

Crawler: The crawler can run as a scheduled task and is used to combine legacy TIFF / RBK file sets into DFC changeable encryption files.


DMAC – Document Management and Approve Console Used to setup the job for combining files.

DMCrawler – Document Management Crawler Software that actually does the cleanup / combining. Run after setting up job in DMAC.

Setting Up DMAC

Discuss available options

eDOC Tools Menu

New eDOC tools auto update menu allows for launching other eDOC


Links automatically appear at top of eDOC applications.

DOC Scanning Interface

New 2020DOC scanning interface.

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