Eden Energy Medicine Class Five: The Meridians Discover a


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Eden Energy Medicine Class Five: The Meridians

Discover a fundamentally better approach to healthbased on the teachings of Donna Eden

A presentation byRose Mattax, LCPC EEM-CLP

From the Heart CenterForest Park, IL708.714.3200

www.RoseMattaxLCPC.com rosered11@aol.com708.714.3200

Find me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Eden-Project/304354516635

The MeridiansMeridians are energy pathways that flow up and down the front and back of the body. These fourteen meridians are your body’s energy bloodstream. Eleven meridians energize a particular organ and a group of muscles. These are known as the organ meridians. The other three oversee and support the organ meridians in specific ways, and carry a dual function as meridians and radiant circuits.

Why do we want to balance our meridians? Energy flows continually through the meridians. Sometimes that energy gets blocked, creating depletion in some areas of the body, or too much energy in others. The result can be emotional distress, physical fatigue, pain and tension. Energy controls the nerves, organs and all the muscles and must flow freely for good health to be maintained. Energy out of balance over a period of time manifests as physical illness.

When you balance your meridians through movement and meditation, you can expect:

More energy Improved mental clarity Greater focus and attention Less anxiety Less pain Greater emotional balance Ease of movement Better coordination and balance A stronger immune system

That is why it is so valuable to practice the meridian dance movements once or twice a day. By moving through the range of motion of a specific meridian-linked muscle, you will stimulate energy flow to that muscle and through that particular meridian, thus balancing the body’s energy. It is also important to repeat the affirmations once or twice a day. Memorize the affirmations so you can say them as you do the movements. There’s no right or wrong time to say the affirmations. Recite them during your meditation, in the shower, while you’re praying or taking a walk, or whenever you like.

The more you do these exercises, the more you invite your meridians into energetic balance, which will support you physically and emotionally.

Central Meridian

“I center myself in spirit and truth.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is below the chin

Meridian Dance Movement

Start with straight arms angled15 degrees forward of the body.

Float them down diagonally towards the body.

Governing Meridian

“I ground myself in grace and gratitude.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is below the nose

Meridian Dance Movement

Start with your hands together at the waist in the back. Bring your elbows back as far as is comfortable for you. Slowly bring them forward.

Stomach Meridian

“I trust the mystery of life.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is in Solar Plexus

Meridian Dance Movement

Place arms straight out in front with palms facing out and the backs touching.

“Swim” your arms down to your sides.

Spleen Meridian

“I nurture myself with love.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is at the waist on the bottom rib

Meridian Dance Movement

Palms out, elbows straight, “glue” your arms to your sides. Imagine strings attached to your wrists pulling your arms out

6-8 inches.

Heart Meridian

“I show loving kindness to all living beings.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is at the bottom of the sternum

Meridian Dance Movement

Put your arms in “scarecrow position,” with hands pointing down to the ground.

Raise your arms up so that they form “goalposts.” Make sure you keep your shoulders down and relaxed.

Small Intestine Meridian

“I know what I want and I am decisive!”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is two inches below the navel

Meridian Dance Movement

Use a chair for balance. Life your leg and bend your knee with the foot extended

forward a bit so that you are able to see your toes. Now step down as if you’re stepping on a gas pedal. Repeat with other leg.

Bladder Meridian

“I am hopeful, vital and fully alive.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is on pubic bone along center line of body

Meridian Dance Movement

Use a chair for balance. Start with either foot, pointing the toes up and out, as if you’re

trying to touch your ear with your baby toe. Swing the foot down and in, swiveling on your heel, till you feel

a good stretch in the outside of your ankle. Repeat on other side.

Kidney Meridian

“I walk forward with courage.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point on back over kidney

Meridian Dance Movement

Use a chair for balance. Start with your leg forward and toes out, as if in ballet’s 2nd

position, only the foot is lifted off the floor. Bring your leg diagonally back until the foot is on the floor. Repeat on other side.

Circulation/Sex Meridian

“I take excellent care of my heart.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point in center

of chest

Meridian Dance Movement

Use a chair for balance. Start with the leg to the side, toes pointing forward. Slowly bring the leg down to the floor until your standing

evenly on both legs.

Triple Warmer Meridian

“I honor the warrior within, and I am safe.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is one inch below the navel

Meridian Dance Movement

Hold your arms up so that they form the letter “W.” Think “the Fonz.”

Move the forearms towards each other, as if you were shutting a hinged door.

Gall Bladder Meridian

“I assert myself peacefully and let go of judgment easily.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is three ribs below nipple

Meridian Dance Movement

Place your arms forward about 45 degrees, palms facing down. Let them float down to your sides.

Liver Meridian

“I am kind to myself.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is one rib below nipple

Meridian Dance Movement

Place arms straight out in front with palms facing out and the backs touching.

“Swim” your arms down to your sides.

Lung Meridian

“I breathe in fresh chi and inspiration. I breathe out stale chi and grief.”

Meridian Pathway Alarm Point is 2” below clavicle, 2” in from armpit

Meridian Dance Movement

Start with both arms straight out in front of you, parallel with each other, and palms facing each other.

Stretch your arms forward, as if you are reaching for something.

Lift your arms up about 15 degrees. Lower them back to the starting point.

Large Intestine Meridian

“I let go of guilt, fear and shame. I live fully in the present moment.”

Meridian Pathway Fascia Lata

Meridian Dance Movement

Use a chair for balance. Place leg forward and toes turned in as if you were pigeon

toed. Draw leg back towards the floor, as if you were going to step on

your other foot. Return to standing on both legs evenly, and repeat on other


Meridian Time Wheel

Got Hypertension? Try These Three Quick Energy Fixes By Rose Mattax

If you have blood pressure problems, you want to pay special attention to your heart and circulation/sex meridians. In addition, the Heart chakra also supports the heart and circulatory system. Here are two easy (I mean EZ) exercises that can help to relieve emotional stress in the heart and balance your blood pressure in whichever direction it needs to go.

Sunrise/Sunset (time--30 seconds)

This exercise can be found in Donna Eden's award-winning book Energy Medicine for Women. It can help stabilize blood pressure (it lowers high blood pressure and raises low blood pressure) and is generally very good for the heart. In addition, it calms body and mind.

1. Begin with your hands at the sides of your body, palms facing outward. Slowly with an in-breath, circle your arms above your head, as if directing the sun to rise.

2. With both arms now extended upward and palms facing each other, reach for the risen sun. Stretch one arm up high toward the sun. Imagine grabbing a rope with this hand. Close your fist around it and pull it down, drawing the sunlight onto you. As thi hand comes down, reach up to grab the rope with your other hand and pull it down. Keep drawing the su, alternating hands for several more pulls.

3. Turn your palms outward. Release your breath slowly as you circle your arms far out to the sides and down tot he sides of your legs, as if directing the sun to set and your body to calm.

Chakra Clearing (time--3-5 minutes)

Donna describes this exercise in her other award winning book, Energy Medicine! It's a simple method that can be used on all the chakras. Try it over your Heart chakra this week and see what you notice.

1. Rub your hands together vigorously and shake them off.

2. Spin your left hand in a counterclockwise direction over the heart chakra (note: the clock is sitting on your heart with 9am to the right side and 3pm to the left) for about 2-3 minutes. This helps to open and release stagnant energy from the chakra.

3. Shake off your hands. Rub them again vigorously and shake them off again.

4. Spin your right hand in a clockwise direction over the heart chakra for about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.

You can use this same exercise to clear all your chakras!

Put Yourself in Hot Water

Take a soaking hot bath or hot shower for 15 minutes. It can actually suppress one's blood pressure for several hours. Taking a hot bath just prior to bedtime can help the body retain lower blood pressure for hours or even the entire night.

Conversely, drinking hot water can also help regulate blood pressure. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, drinking hot water is good for your digestion and prevents

heart attacks. Before each meal drink a glass of hot water, as hot as you can take it.
