Eco Envt of Business V


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  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    Economic Environment

    of Business

    Indias Fiscal Policy

  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Fiscal Policy

    Also referred to as Budgetary Policy

    It is a policy under which the govt. uses

    its revenue & expenditure programs toproduce desirable effects & avoidundesirable effects on national income,production & employment

    Became popular after the GreatDepression

  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Objectives of Fiscal Policy

    Mobilization & Allocation of resources Provision of social goods

    Distribution Equitable distribution of

    resources Stabilization Through its effect on

    aggregate demand & level of economicactivity

    Economic Growth Employment Price Stability

  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Instruments Public Expenditure

    Public Expenditure consists of Govt.purchases of goods & services(eg.defence); Govt. transfer payments(eg.pensions); Public enterprises & Capitalformation

    Increasing expenditure increases

    aggregate demand which increases moneywith pvt. sector & this leads to an increasein wages & salaries which also increasesdemand (& vice versa)

  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Public Expenditure (cont.)

    But while decreasing expenditure only nonproductive expenditure should bedecreased & not developmental otherwisesupply side will also get affected

    To increase equity govt. expenditureshould be directed towards eradicatingpoverty & providing subsidies to socially

    desirable sectors & rations, etc.

  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Instruments - Taxation

    Taxation source of public revenue -taxes are either Direct (eg. income &wealth tax) or Indirect (eg. excise &custom)

    Direct taxes are progressive & Indirecttaxes are regressive but this can berectified by taxing goods used by highincome groups

    Indirect Taxes have a wider coverage butthey increase inflation

  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Taxation (cont.)

    Increasing Taxes decreases purchasingpower by affecting incomes & prices

    Increasing Taxes also decreases rate of

    return for business & therefore decreasesinvestment

    Other govt. receipts include non-taxrevenue receipts like commercial &administration receipts & capital receiptslike grants, recoveries of loans &disinvestment

  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Instruments Public Debt

    Public Debt Borrowings from RBI,domestic & external

    By borrowing govt. takes away purchasing

    power & funds get transferred from pvt. topublic sector but govt. should spend thesefunds for production & not consumptionotherwise it adds to inflation

    Govt. should avoid paying back loansduring inflation

  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Trends in Indias Fiscal Policy

    Public Expenditure has been increasingover the years but it is not reaching thepoor

    Tax/GDP ratio has increased from 6.3% in1950-51 to 15.8% in 1991-92

    Direct taxes have fallen from 40% to 16%of total taxes during the same period

    Indirect taxes are being used for revenuegeneration & not allocational efficiency

    Fiscal deficit is increasing

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    : PGM, 2011

    Trends (cont.)

    Main components of expenditure areSubsidies, Wages & Salaries, InterestPayments & Defence Expenditure

    Till recently the tax rates were very high,there was a multiplicity of slabs, services& agriculture were not covered, therewere a no. of concessions & exemptions &widespread evasion

    As compared to discretionary measures,automatic measures only minimize cyclicaleffects, they do not eliminate them

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    : PGM, 2011

    Trends (cont.)

    When a new measure is introduced thereare lags - Inside (Recognition, Decision &Action Lags) & Outside which mitigate its


  • 7/28/2019 Eco Envt of Business V


    : PGM, 2011

    Reforms in Indias Fiscal Policy

    Fiscal Responsibility & BudgetManagement Act was introduced in 2004

    Decrease interest payments & non interest

    expenditure on subsidies, assistance tonon-viable & inefficient enterprises, staff &defence

    Simplification of the tax structure by

    reduction in the rates & the no. of slabs;introduction of VAT & service tax; betteradministration & enforcement

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    : PGM, 2011

    Reforms (cont.)

    Decrease deficit to 3% of GDP by March2009

    Link fiscal & monetary policy & make fiscal

    policy more equitable Optimal rate of taxation