Ecclesiastes - Rice Road Church of Christ, Tyler,...


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Ecclesiastes “Finding Purpose in Life Under the Sun”

Lesson 11 - Wise and Joyful Living

Ecclesiastes 11:1 – 12:1


• Ecclesiastes

• Preacher; one who addresses an assembly

• Writer

• Solomon

• Theme

• Vanity - the futile emptiness of trying to be happy

apart from God

• Purpose/Conclusion

• “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is

man's all.” (12:13)

Lessons for Today

• Give freely and generously to those in

need with no thought of return or reward

• Let us be people of action. Make use of

the present and the advantages that we

have now and can see before us.

• Make the most of each day and enjoy life.

Each day is a gift from God.

• Young people should find delight in this life

and recognize their loving Creator’s

constant presence.

Work in Harmony with Wisdom (Eccl. 11:1-6)

Q1 - List at least five principles on stewardship which are

taught here.

• Give generously with no thought of return or reward

• Generosity will reap its rewards

• Be careful not to put all your eggs in one basket; learn how

to manage your risk

• Make use of the opportunities that present themselves

• Deal with circumstances as you find them; waiting for the

perfect conditions to work or act will paralyze us

• Under all circumstances, we must do the very best we can

and let God control the things that are out of our control.

• Be a person of action; make use of the present and the

advantages that we have now and can see before us

• Trust God

Work in Harmony with Wisdom (Eccl. 11:1-6)

Q2 - What is meant by the figure of speech which states,

“Cast your bread upon the surface of the waters”?

• Charity; one’s benevolence should be practiced freely

without a view to personal return

• The daily pursuit of labor; resigning oneself to the

providence of God’s certain control and promise of reward

• Comes from the image of a trading ship:

• “Cast” - to send forth; like a merchant sending forth his

ships loaded with trade goods

• Did not know when it would return; long periods elapsed

before the ship returned with goods from trading

• Solomon certainly practiced such ventures.

• 1 Ki. 10:22

Work in Harmony with Wisdom (Eccl. 11:1-6)

• Just as the ship returns to reward the one who sent it, so

the Lord will reward the one who demonstrates

compassion for others

• Prov. 19:17 – “He who has pity on the poor lends to the

Lord, And He will pay back what he has given.”

• Give generously and you will be blessed in your giving

• More blessed to give than to receive

• Because the giver is the recipient! (Lk. 6:38)

• Many never learn the secret to really living is giving

Work in Harmony with Wisdom (Eccl. 11:1-6)

Q3 - Is benevolence taught in verse two? Explain.

• “seven and also to eight” - dispersing to seven and more,

or to many

• Do not put all your eggs in one basket

• Generosity - help as many as possible

• If some misfortune occurs and one loses all his

possessions, there would be many ready to help

• Lk. 16:1-9 – “The Parable of the Unjust Steward”

• Doesn’t teach ‘generosity in order to gain more’

• Give freely and generously to those in need without any

thought of return or reward

• Do good without any hope of gratitude or return favors

• Do we give this way? Do we do good in this fashion?

“There are certain things one neither knows

nor controls which may have tremendous

effects upon his life, yet he must work with all

his might and commit himself to God’s

providential care. The figure of speech “Cast

your bread upon the waters” need not be

restricted to a single aspect of one’s work or

labor. Let it speak to the total picture of

industry. Let it encompass charity, but allow

more than this. If one’s life is lived in its

totality according to the righteous rules and

principles preached by Koheleth in his book,

then the reward will assuredly come to him

“after many days.””

R.J. Kidwell

Work in Harmony with Wisdom (Eccl. 11:1-6)

• Verse 3

• See certain things that are outside of our control and

simply following the laws of nature

• When the clouds are full of rain, what happens? They

empty themselves on the earth.

• When the wind blows what often happens? Some trees

may fall; in a way that is out of your control; stay where

they landed.

• Make use of opportunities before something cuts them off

• Often delay taking hold of opportunities; then

something changes and prevents that opportunity

• Stop worrying about what you can’t change and start

focusing on what you can change

Work in Harmony with Wisdom (Eccl. 11:1-6)

Q4 - What arguments are made to show that one should

plant his crops regardless of the weather signs?

• Wind may threaten to blow away seeds at sowing time

• Clouds may threaten to drop heavy rains and damage the


• We must employ good judgment and act; some things are

out of our control

• Waiting for perfect conditions to act will paralyze us

• Do the very best we can; let God control things out of

our control (9:10)

• If we’re always watching the skies … if we’re waiting for

the perfect weather conditions, we’ll never sow the seed or

reap the harvest

• Do not fall into the rut of procrastination

Work in Harmony with Wisdom (Eccl. 11:1-6)

• Verse 5

• “wind” probably the better translation

• We do not know or understand what causes the wind to

blow when and where it does; unpredictable

• How a baby grows in the womb – the work of God

• We do not know the works of God

• Should not fret or get frustrated over what might happen

• Do not borrow trouble

• Don’t wait on the perfect weather conditions in life

• Let us be people of action

• Make use of the present and the advantages that we

have now and can see before us

Work in Harmony with Wisdom (Eccl. 11:1-6)

• Verse 6

• Hammers the nail one more time

• The farmer must work morning and night and trust in

God to take of the rest

• He does not know what will prosper and bear fruit, but

he must work nevertheless

• One never knows which of our efforts will succeed

• But if the effort is never put forth to begin with, the

outcome is certain – no success will be realized

Joyful Living (Eccl. 11:7-8)

• Verses 7-8

• Metaphors:

• “light” – the light is sweet – life is to be enjoyed

• “to behold the sun” – poetic way of saying to be alive

• It truly is “pleasant” or good to be alive

• No matter how difficult things may become or how sad

some circumstances may be …

• Still good to be alive and to enjoy God’s blessings

• Especially true while one is still young and healthy

• Enjoy each day!

• Each is a gift from God

Joyful Living (Eccl. 11:7-8)

Q5 - What should a man do if he lives a long time?

• Rejoice in all of his years

• Find simple enjoyment in each day

• But live with a view toward the end of life

• Recognizing God in all things

• Live a joyful life but not one of abandon

• If God blesses you with the breath of life each day, He

expects you to make each day count

• Get out and enjoy each day; make the most of them

• Seize the day!

Joyful Living (Eccl. 11:7-8)

• There will be dark days - pain, poor health, mourning

• Will typically be more frequent as you grow older and

nearer to death

• Take of advantage of the bright days while you have them

• Don’t waste them away with trivial things

• Make life meaningful and enjoyable

“eat and drink and enjoy the good in your labor” (2:24)

“rejoice and do good in your life” (3:12)

“enjoy the good of all [your] labor” (5:18)

“live joyfully with the wife whom you love” (9:9)

“whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might”


Driving in The Deep Ruts of Life

“We spend too many hours on the wrong priorities and fall

into the rut of believing that an ultra-busy schedule equals a

productive life. Three truths blow away that myth:

1. The fruit of the spirit is not lemons

• God is a God of joy. Have you allowed life to steal

your laughter?

2. Even ants have time to go to picnics

• Jesus didn’t work 24/7/365. If the Savior took time to

rest and recharge, do you think we should too?

3. Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat

• Learn to laugh, prioritize time with family, and above

all, make time to be alone with God.

• Be committed to making each day count!”

(Wilson Adams)

The Days of Youth (Eccl. 11:9 – 12:1)

• “Their hopes, dreams and ambitions will be

shaped by attitudes formed while still young.”

(R.J. Kidwell)

• “In v. 9, youth are to rejoice in all good things

that give the heart true cheer; in v. 10, he is

told to put aside all that might interfere with

such legitimate joy; and in 12:1, provision is

made for the youth to see that his roots are to

run deep in remembering God which alone

assures joy.” (H.C. Leupold)

The Days of Youth (Eccl. 11:9 – 12:1)

Q6 - Although young men are told to enjoy their youth, what

warning should they remember?

• God will bring everything into judgment

• Do not live in a way contrary to God’s will

• Pursue the pleasures of life, but tempered with the

recognition that God will bring all into judgment

• Many ways for us to find enjoyment in this life in keeping

with God’s will

• Why is it that so many will chase the sinful paths of life

to find enjoyment?

• The life of a Christian doesn’t have to be dull and


• Judgment - the inevitable judgment all will face one day

• Has hinted at existence after life: 9:5,6,10 … 12:7

The Days of Youth (Eccl. 11:9 – 12:1)

Q7 - Should the young follow all the impulses and desires of

their hearts? Discuss.

• Obviously not; should be satisfied in ways that God has


• A part of who we are; the Lord is pleased when we

satisfy them in ways that He has approved

• Problem comes when we go outside of His will letting our

desires rule us in any way that may come

• James 1:14-15

The Days of Youth (Eccl. 11:9 – 12:1)

Q8 - Why should youth remove sorrow from their hearts and

evil from their flesh?

• Those things that injure the inner and outer man

• Robs youth of enjoyment

• Remove grief and anger from your heart

• Too many young people miss out on a joyful life

because of this

• Develop an angry and rebellious spirit

• These things rob one of joy

• Childhood and youth are vanity

• Time will come when the vigor of youth will seem vain

• You don’t have that much time, so make the most of it

The Days of Youth (Eccl. 11:9 – 12:1)

Q9 - At what time in life should one remember God?

• In the days of one’s youth

• Do not wait until late in life

• What a sad thing to do … to not know the peace and

hope we can have in Christ until late in life

• … to live a life of uncertainty and anxiety

• How does the Preacher refer to God?

• Your Creator – helps put a proper perspective before

the young

• God is the One who has made him; gives him the

opportunities to enjoy life

• It is He who gives the breath of life … the vigor of youth

• Remember Him now, while one is still in His youth

• The joy of youth will be real and meaningful

The Days of Youth (Eccl. 11:9 – 12:1)

Q10 - What are the “difficult days”?

• When one grows old, and everything becomes difficult

• … when the years draw near (see following verses)

• Simple, everyday tasks become a challenge

Q11 - Young people are to enjoy and find delight in life. Is

this same delight available all through life? Discuss.

• Yes, but it changes

• The things that bring joy change with time and age

• Life is meant to be lived

• It is meant to be enjoyed

• Find the simple pleasures in each day that God gives us

• Live joyfully and fully!

Lessons for Today

• Give freely and generously to those in

need with no thought of return or reward

• Let us be people of action. Make use of

the present and the advantages that we

have now and can see before us.

• Make the most of each day and enjoy life.

Each day is a gift from God.

• Young people should find delight in this life

and recognize their loving Creator’s

constant presence.
