Earth’s Unique Atmosphere 1. Magnetic Field: a layer of electrical charges that protects Earth...


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Earth’s Unique Atmosphere1. Magnetic Field: a layer of electrical charges

that protects Earth from solar winds and cosmic rays

Caused by: the liquid metal in Earth’s outer core

Earth’s Unique Atmosphere2. Ozone Layer: A layer of O3 molecules

that reflects UV radiation

Ozone Good Ozone:

Found in the stratosphere Keeps out harmful UV

radiation Bad Ozone:

Found in the troposphereCauses pollution and harms

lung tissue

Ozone Depletion Humans are releasing CFC gases into the

atmosphere that destroy ozone molecules

CFC’s Chlorofluorocarbons: gases that

break up ozone molecules New Regulations: Montreal Protocol (1987): Now

products are made with little or no CFC gases to protect our ozone layer

Earth’s Unique Atmosphere3. Greenhouse Effect: Certain gases trap

heat inside Earth’s atmosphere and reflect heat back to Earth’s surface

Greenhouse Gases

Any gas that traps heat inside Earth’s atmosphere

Carbon dioxide: CO₂ Methane: CH ₄ Water Vapor: H₂O Nitrous oxide: N₂O Sulfur Dioxide: SO₂

Exosphere 300-6000 miles above

Earth’s surface Extremely hot

200-2000 ºF Mostly Hydrogen and Helium moleculesBeginning of outer Space


50-300 miles above Earth’s surface Temperature increases with altitude

-80 to 200° F Space shuttle, space station and

satellites orbit here Aurora: A natural light display caused by

energetic particles interacting with Earth’s magnetic field


30-50 miles above Earth’s surface Temperature decreases with

altitudeColdest layer: -130 to 0 °F

Meteors burn up in this layer Noctilucent clouds: high clouds

made of ice crystals


6-30 miles above Earth’s surface Temperature increases with altitude

-100 to 30 °F Good ozone layer

Reflects harmful UV radiation Military air space Jet stream: A current of rapidly moving air Radiosonde: Weather balloon

Troposphere 0-6 miles above Earth’s surface Temperature decreases with

altitude: -100 to 60 ºF Highest air pressure = Contains

most air molecules Bad ozone: causes air pollution Weather and cloud formation Commercial airplanes fly here Highest mountain: Mt. Everest

5.5 miles

Atmospheric Temperature Graph

90 miles


50 miles


30 miles


6 miles


-120⁰F -60 ⁰F 0 ⁰F 60 ⁰F 120 ⁰F
