Earthquake q&a




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Earthquake Q&A

Question: Do all earthquakes cause damage1?


Most earthquakes cause only minor2 shaking.

Southern California has about 10,000 earthquakes every

year. Some of them are so mild3 that people don’t even

feel them.


Question: What can I do to be safe in an earthquake?


If you’re in a building in an earthquake, get under a

table or desk and hold onto it. If you’re outside, move to

an open area away from trees, buildings or power lines.


Question: What should I do to keep safe in an earthquake? Answer:

The best way to survive4 an earthquake is to take cover

under a sturdy5 table. Get down low and place your hands

over your head. You can even duck down6 in a door frame or

curl up7 next to a couch or bed. Don’t go outside, though.

Many people die from falling debris8.


Word Bank

1. damage (n) 中文:______

definition(定義): injury or harm that reduces value or usefulness

2. minor (adj) 中文:______definition: small and not very important or serious

3. mild (adj) 中文:______definition: gentle, not strong in feeling or behavior

4. survive (v) 中文:______

definition: remain alive after the death of some event

5. sturdy (adj) 中文:______ definition: strongly built

6. duck down(v. phr.) 中文:______

definition: lower your head or body very quickly, especially to avoid being seen or hit

7. curl up (v. phr.)中文:______ definition: to lie or sit with your arms and legs bent close to

your body

8. debris (n) 中文:______ definition: all the pieces that are left after something has been

destroyed in an accident


Class:_____No:______Date:_____ Teacher Fortuna Lu

Blog: Leo and Fortuna的英語教學

