Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project Update EOSDIS System Manager AMSR Science...



Science Investigator-led Processing Systems Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) Ocean Data Processing System (OCDPS) Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS 2 (AMSR-E/2) National Aeronautics and Space Administration SIPSs perform forward processing of standard products, and reprocess data to incorporate algorithm improvements. Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) & Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Sounder Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Land Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Ocean Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS) Ozone Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Atmosphere 3

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Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project Update EOSDIS System Manager AMSR Science Team Meeting Sept 16-17, 2015 Huntsville, AL ESDIS Project 2 Science Investigator-led Processing Systems Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) Ocean Data Processing System (OCDPS) Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS 2 (AMSR-E/2) National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationSIPSs perform forward processing of standard products, and reprocess data to incorporate algorithm improvements. Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) & Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Sounder Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Land Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Ocean Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS) Ozone Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Atmosphere 3 ASF SDC SAR Products, Sea Ice, Polar Processes, Geophysics ASF SDC SAR Products, Sea Ice, Polar Processes, Geophysics PO.DAAC Gravity, Sea Surface Temperature, Ocean Winds, Topography, Circulation & Currents NSIDC DAAC Snow and Ice, Cryosphere, Climate Inter- actions, Sea Ice LP DAAC Surface Reflectance, Land Cover, Vegetation Indices GHRC DAAC Hydrologic Cycle, Severe Weather Inter- actions, Lightning, Atmospheric Convection ORNL DAAC Biogeochemical Dynamics, Ecological Data, Environmental Processes CDDIS Space Geodesy, Solid Earth LaRC ASDC Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols, Tropospheric Chemistry GES DISC Global Precipitation, Solar Irradiance, Atmospheric Composition and Dynamics, Global Modeling OBPG Ocean Biology, Sea Surface Temperature MODAPS/ LAADS MODIS Level-1 and Atmosphere Data Products SEDAC Human Interactions, Land Use, Environmental Sustainability, Geospatial Data Discipline-oriented Data Centers National Aeronautics and Space Administration4 Data Center Operations NASA Headquarters Science Mission Directorate (SMD) J. Grunsfeld Astro- physics Helio- physics Planetary Research J. Kaye Applied Science L. Friedl Flight Programs S. Neeck (Acting) Program Executive for Earth Science Data Systems K. Murphy Program Executive for Operating Missions C. Yuhas Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project D. Lowe Science Operations Management J. Behnke Drew Kittel Flight Projects D. Mitchell Appl. Eng. & Technology Sciences & Exploration Planetary Science Astro- physics Earth Science T. McCarthy Terrestrial Ecology E. Kasischke ORNL DAAC Program Scientists Physical Oceanography E. Lindstrom Atmospheric Dynamics R. Kakar GSFC Earth Sciences DISC Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry P. Bontempi Earth Surface and Interior C. Dobson Crustal Dynamics DIS Cryosphere Science T. Wagner National Snow and Ice Data Center Earth Science & Data Systems Upper Atmosphere Research K. Jucks Global Hydrology Resource Center Ocean Biology DAAC SAR Systems C. Dobson ASF SAR Data Center Socioeconomic Data & Applic- ations Center Applications C. Dobson L1 and Atmos. Data TBD L1 Atmosphere Archive & Distri- bution System Earth Science M. Freilich Application Scientists Land Processes W. Turner Land Processes DAAC Atmospheric Radiation H. Maring Atmospheric Sciences Data Center 03/23/2015 Program Scientist for EOSDIS L. Tsaoussi Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) C. Scolese Physical Oceanography DAAC Near Real-time Applications D. Green LANCE 5 EOSDIS New Missions List MissionsLaunch(ed) DateDAAC Sentinel 1A (ESA)Apr 3, 2014ASF CATS on ISSJan 30, 2015ASDC SMAPJan 31, 2015ASF / NSIDC DSCOVR (Triana)Feb 11, 2015ASDC SAGE III on ISSFeb 13, 2016ASDC LIS on ISSFeb 2016GHRC CYGNSS (EV-M)Oct 28, 2016PO.DAAC OCO-3 on ISSDec 2016GES DISC SAOCOM (CONAE)Late 2016ASF GRACE FOJul 8, 2017PO.DAAC ICESat-2July 27, 2017NSIDC ECOSTRESS (ISS)Aug 2017LP DAAC TSIS on ISSAug 2017GES DISC SWOTDec 2019PO.DAAC 6 Green - launch and in-orbit Black planned launches EOSDIS Key Metrics 7 EOSDIS Science Data Volume Progression EOSDIS Science Data Products Distribution FY00 through FY14 EOSDIS Metrics FY2014 (Oct 1, 2013 to Sept 30, 2014) NSIDC Unique Data Products8, Distinct Users of EOSDIS Data and Services 2.0 M406 K Average Daily Archive Growth6.4 TB/day43 GB/day Total Archive Volume9.1 PB121 TB End User Distribution Products1,028 M67.7 M End User Average Daily Distribution Volume 27.9 TB/day0.47 TB/day AMSR-E Distribution FY11-FY15 8 AMSR-E Distribution Metrics by Country 2014 & EOSDIS Evolution: Earthdata Website 10 Version 3 of the Earthdata website ( debuted on May 28,2015. The new Earthdata website was designed to give the user community a substantially improved experience for discovering and searching for Earth science data and information. Earthdata Search Client (EDSC) - / / It addresses the need for a more coherent and comprehensive web presence for NASAs Earth Science Data Systems Program and better represents EOSDIS investments, capabilities, and the key role of the DAACs for the user community. LANCE A Component of EOSDIS The Land Atmosphere Near-real time Capability for EOS (LANCE) is a component of EOSDIS that generates and distributes near real-time (NRT) products from the following instruments: Terra: MODIS Aqua: MODIS, AIRS Aura: OMI, MLS AMSR-E (Aqua) ended 2011 AMSR2 (GCOM-W1) added 2015 MISR (Terra) being added 2015 SNPP: VIIRS, OMPS - future LANCE Objectives: To leverage science processing expertise to create high quality NRT products To provide data to applications community with a maximum latency of 3 hours from observation (The standard, science-quality products are typically available with a latency of hours) To provide data products with high reliability using redundant systems To provide an umbrella environment with uniform high level requirements to better serve user needs (Consistency, Collaboration, Coordination) 11 LANCE System Architecture 12 LANCE NRT Latency 13 Instrument (satellite)Product CategoriesAverage Latency AIRS (Aqua)Radiances, Temperature and Moisture Profiles, Clouds and Trace Gases 75 140 minutes AMSR2 (GCOM W-1)Global Total Precipitation, Global Rainfall, Total Precipitable Water (TPW), Ocean Wind Speed (OWS), Columnar Cloud Liquid Water (CLW) over ocean, and Columnar Water Vapor (CWV) over ocean, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Planned: Sea Ice Concentration, Soil Moisture, Brightness Temperature (Tb) 75 165 minutes MLS (Aura)Ozone, Temperature, Carbon Monoxide, Water Vapor, Nitric Acid, Nitrous Oxide, Sulfur Dioxide 75 140 minutes MODIS (Aqua & Terra)Radiances, Cloud/Aerosols, Water Vapor, Fire, Snow Cover, Sea Ice, Land Surface Reflectance, Land Surface Temperature minutes OMI (Aura)Ozone, Sulfur Dioxide, Aerosols, Cloud Top Pressure minutes AIRS - Atmospheric Infrared Sounder AMSR2 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 MLS - Microwave Limb Sounder LANCE NRT Products MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer OMI - Ozone Monitoring Instrument 14 EOSDIS Evolution: Worldview and Global Browse Imagery Services 15 GIBS / Worldview Goal: To transform how users interact with and discover NASA Earth data; make it visual Approach: The Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) provide open access to full resolution imagery derived from NASA products to any mapping client and script Worldview is an open source, browser- based client to interactively explore GIBS (and SEDAC) imagery and download the underlying data Open-Access Servers Client Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) Products 16 Current InstrumentMax Spatial Resolution (per pixel) Spectral RangeTemporal Range MODIS x2250mIR-Visible2012-present (2000-present planned) AIRS13.5kmIR2012-present (2002-present planned) OMI12kmUV-Vis2012-present (2004-present planned) MLS5kmMicrowave2012-present (2004-present planned) AMSR-E5kmMicrowave AMSR25kmMicrowave2015-present SMAP, GMI, SSM/IMisc Under Development VIIRS375mIR-Visible2012-present ASTER30mIR-Visible2000-present Landsat WELD30mIR-Visible MOPITT, MISR, TRMM, etc Misc NASAs SNPP SDS Architecture (Pre-Block 2.0 architecture) 17 Future Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Plans for NASA SDS On June 19, the ESDIS Project received NOAAs Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program approval for the NASA Science Data System to receive sensor mission data from the JPSS Stored Mission Data Hub (JSH) instead of receiving Raw Data Records from the Integrated Data Processing Segment (IDPS). The JSH data will be acquired by EDOS, which will provide Level 0 data sets to the NASAs SNPP SIPS. This interface change will be implemented after JPSS takes delivery of their Block 2.0 system (early 2016). NASA will be producing and distributing its own products from all SNPP instruments and potentially future JPSS missions including NRT Science Investigator-led Processing Systems (SIPS), Science Teams and DAACs have recently been selected for the following disciplines: Land, Ocean, Atmosphere, Ozone, Sounder 18 NASAs SNPP SDS Architecture (Proposed Block 2.0) 19 Acronyms AIRSAtmospheric Infrared Sounder AMSRAdvanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer ASDCAtmospheric Science Data Center ASFAlaska Satellite Facility ATMSAdvanced Technology Microwave Sounder bbFTPBaBar File Transfer Protocol CERESClouds and the Earths Radiant Energy System CMRCommon Metadata Repository CrISCross-track Infrared Sounder CTGNSSCyclone Global Navigation Satellite System DAACDistributed Active Archive Center DSCOVRDeep Space Climate Observatory ECHOEOS Clearing House EDOSEOS Data and Operations System EOSEarth Observing Center EOSDISEarth Observation System Data and Information System ESDISEarth Science Data and Information System ESIPEarth Science Information Partners FTPFile Transfer Protocol FTPSFile Transfer Protocol Secure GBGigabyte GCMDGlobal Change Master Directory GCOM Global Change Observation Mission 1 st Water Satellite in Series GES DISC GSFC Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center GHRCGlobal Hydrology Resource Center GIBSGlobal Imagery Browse Services GMAOGlobal Modeling and Assimilation Office GPMGlobal Precipitation Measurement GRACE-FOGravity Recovery And Climate Experiment Follow-on GridFTPGrid File Transfer Protocol HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol ICESatIce, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 IDPSInterface Data Processing Segment ISSInternational Space Station JAXAJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory JPSSJoint Polar Satellite System KMLKeyhole Markup Language LANLocal Area Network LANCELand Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS MISRMulti-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer MLSMicrowave Limb Sounder MODISModerate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer MSFCMarshall Space Flight Center NARANational Archives and Records Administration NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NRTNear Real-Time NSIDC National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center OCOGlobal Modeling and Assimilation Office OGCOpen Geospatial Consortium OMIOzone Monitoring Instrument OMPSOzone Mapper/Profiler Suite ORROperational Readiness Review PPSPrecipitation Processing System SAGEStratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment SCPSecure Copy SFTPSecure Shell File Transfer Protocol SIPSScience Investigator-led Processing System SMAPSoil Moisture Active Passive SNPPSuomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership TWMSTile Web Map Service USGSUnited States Geological Survey VIIRSVisible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite WANWide Area Network WMSWeb Map Service WMTSWeb Map Tile Service EOSDIS Evolution: Common Metadata Repository 21 What is the Common Metadata Repository (CMR)? CMR will be the authoritative management system for all EOSDIS metadata holdings. CMR is a common middleware replacement for for the ECHO backend and GCMDs backend. The GCMD frontend, however, will not change and users of GCMD should see no impact. Benefits of CMR: Sub-second search CMR is designed to handle metadata at the Concept level beyond just Collections and Granules to Visualizations, Parameters, Documentation, Services, and more. CMR is designed around an evolvable Unified Metadata Model (UMM). CMR is designed to handle hundreds of millions of metadata records; making them available through high performance, standards compliant, temporal, spatial, and faceted search. CMR incorporates both human and machine metadata assessment features that work to ensure the highest quality metadata possible. Big Earth Data Initiative (BEDI) Background: In 2013, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) kicked off the Big Earth Data Initiative (BEDI) as a multi-agency (NASA, NOAA, USGS) effort to make the collection of Earth Observation (EO) data more readily available and useful to users. The data directly supports 12 Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs). Funding provided to NASA FY14, FY15 BEDI Objectives: Discovery Make finding of datasets simpler Accessibility - Make datasets readily available to users Usability Provide services to use datasets Task objectives for DAACs: Provide metadata to EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository (CMR) Maintain persistent identifiers for data collections via Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) Make data available online via OPeNDAP or some other useful service Make imagery available in Worldview via GIBS Report metrics 22
