Early Italian Renaissance -...


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Early Italian Renaissance

& Commedia dell ’ Arte

rise of the merchant class

City/States develop throughout Italy (Italy is not a cohesive country- but distinct city-states)

Venice is a center of commerce

diverse population in Venice (see Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice)

royalty, noble people, and wealthy families become patrons of the arts

Art & Science

Art begins to become more secular

Age of humanism

humans are the central focus of narratives & artwork

employment of perspective

use of oil paints

the printing press- mid 15th century - Johannes Gutenberg

Scientific discoveries- Galileo, Newton, Copernicus

Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel

ceiling (1508–1512)

Adam & God

Leonardo Da Vinci, Madonna Litta, 1490

Bernardino Luini “The Conversion of

the Magdalene” 1520

Theatre in Italy

Sacred Representations

Pastorals - romantic comic plays (not vulgar)

Troupes of players

Commedia dell ’arte - improvisation & loose narratives

Commedia dell’Arte

History of Commedia dell ’ arte


The World of Commedia dell ’arte


Emotion in Commedia dell ’arte


Commedia terms
