Eagles Are Not Bound



Dan Cheatham tells how an overcomer has more liberty and stays free of the things that defeat lesser people. Biblical principles included.

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Eagles are not bound to anything of this earth below

Eagles are not bound to anything of this earth below. They can launch into the heavens anytime they wish!

Mike Murdock: "All men fall, the great ones get back up!"

Give the devil a black eye by taking God at nothing but his Word. Cause that turkey to shutter in terror as you take your stand on your promise from the Holy Writ!

Make your Heavenly Father's heart skip with delight as He sees you believe and stand on His Word.

Make your Heavenly Father proud as He watches you wrap your faith around His scripture concerning your situation.

God will move heaven and earth, governments and kingdoms, if necessary, just to keep a promise to you. Your Father does not hesitate to do whatever it takes to fulfil His Word to you. This being the case, don't allow yourself to budge off the promise you have found in the Word. Boldly and steadfastly hang on to the promise until you see the promised results.

Keep SPEAKING and CONFESSING God's Word to you. Sooner or later that promise, that Word, will become FLESH... it's fulfillment will manifest out in the open, where you can see, feel, taste, and enjoy it to the max!

You will no doubt be tempted to get off your stand on a scripture concerning your predicament. But when you catch yourself DOUBTING and POUTING, simply re-adjust your attitude, crucify your doubts and fears by SHOUTING, and boldly GET RIGHT BACK ON THAT PROMISE YOU FOUND IN THE WORD.

I am God-Qualified and so are you! Colossians 1:12 NIV - Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.

Someone has rightly observed, "God doesn't call the qualified. God qualifies the called!

Tragedy of Tragedies & Irony of Ironies: We become just like whomever we are bitter towards.

Let Jesus help you get the bitterness out!

Forgive or Forget Happiness.

If you harbor bitterness towards someone who is a liar, you will eventually become one too.

If you harbor bitterness towards someone who has abandoned you, someday you'll become an abandoner too.

If you harbor bitterness towards an alcoholic who has wounded you, sooner or later you will become an alcoholic or some sort of addict yourself.

ENJOY LIFE: Love someone today who doesn't deserve it.

ENJOY LIFE: Extend favor today to someone who doesn't expect it.

ENJOY LIFE: Compliment someone today who least expects it.

ENJOY LIFE: Show respect to someone today that doesn't even respect himself.

ENJOY LIFE: Encourage someone today who appears to be down.

ENJOY LIFE: Catch someone today doing something right and tell them so!

Life may be TOUGH. But God is TENDER. Where do you spend most of your time in your mind and with your mouth?

I'd rather FAIL trying to obey Jesus than to SUCCEED at playing it safe.

I'd rather FAIL throwing myself into my calling than to SUCCEED at being average.

You have never really allowed yourself to become a member of a local church until you have been there three to seven years. Once the Lord has made it clear to our heart that He wants to plant us in a certain church, we need to STAY PLANTED unless He CLEARLY leads us otherwise. In the words of President Kennedy, "Ask not what your local church can do for you, but what you can do for your local church!" The problem is many Christians are LED BY OFFENSE, not LED BY THE SPIRIT. The first time they are offended by something another brother or sister in that church said or did, they are "OUT OF HERE!" This smacks of extreme immaturity and instability!

Some "Charismatics" could better be labeled "Cruisamatics" because they are rootless and won't commit to any local church. They are forever seeking a new thrill and experience from God by skipping from one place to another in hopes of seeing something more sensational. Yes, God is the God of miracles! Yes, God is the God of Supernatural Manifestations. Yes, God wants to make His Presence felt. Yes, there are supposed to be milestone moments with God. Yes, God is NOT the God of Cold Formalism. BUT NEITHER IS HE THE GOD OF EXTREME FANATICISM! Why many Spirit-Filled believers can't stick it out in a local church is beyond me! Never are they satisfied with a local church. They are ever looking for the SENSATIONAL when all along they could be enjoying the SIGNIFICANT! Many so-called Charismatics don't want to work and labor and make things happen in their local church; they just want another supernatural experience handed to them on a silver platter with little or no commitment on their own part.

Someone has noted, "The moment you walked inside the local church doors, that church just became an imperfect place!"

Resurrection Life Now! Not just in the sweet by and by. Romans 8:11 NLT - "The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as he raised Christ from the dead, he will give life to your mortal body by this same Spirit living within you." We can have the very life and nature of God coursing through our minds, our bodies, and our attitudes right now. All we have to do is exercise our faith that the Spirit is releasing that life into us while we pray and read the Word. Say it aloud, "Father, the Spirit has made His home in me, and I believe I receive Him quickening and injecting resurrection life into my mind and attitudes this very second. Holy Spirit, rush my body with supernatural healing virtue! Spirit of God, flood the deep recesses of my attitudes and motives with glorifying life like You did when you flooded Jesus' tomb with life and light! Right now I take an infusion of glory and divine nature into my soul that illuminates my decisions and thought life, in Jesus name!"

Dr. Larry Stockstill says, "Any doctrine or belief that delays immediate obedience to the Great Commission has its origin from the very pit of hell, regardless of how spiritual it may sound."

One healthy friendship can be the uncommon connection to success in our life. Likewise, one wrong friendship can lead to a lifetime of heartache and more bad choices.

Sometimes I feel real saved; sometimes I don't. But it really doesn't matter which, because I know so!

1 John is the "Know-So Book" of the Bible.

Someone has rightly said concerning local church attendance, "Those who Show Up, Grow Up!" I agree! Those whose church attendance is sporadic, begin to feel disconnected and excluded and naturally so, because they have missed many things God has been saying and doing in that local body of believers. They are now behind the power curve!

One's church attendance is a direct reflection of just how important Jesus is to them. Jesus commands constant and committed fellowship to His church. To do otherwise is to fly in His face! He commands this, not because He wants religious ritual, but because He knows that the church is our only Noah's Ark in a world flooded with many dangers, toils, and snares! Hebrews 10:25 - "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

Failure to Tithe makes one's guts to Writhe! It's difficult to Romance God and Rob Him at the same time! Whatever you do, don't steal the tithe. Adam and Eve stole from the single portion of the garden that God reserved for himself. Don't commit this felony that will cause you to go to jail... spiritually and financially. Enjoy the first and foremost reward for tithing... a clear conscience. Then enjoy the second reward for tithing... the Abiding Protection and Abundant Provision of God promised in Malachi Chapter 3.

"Lord I'm doing what you command in Proverbs 3:9, now I fully expect you to do what you promised in Proverbs 3:10!"

Ronald Reagan said: The only sane purpose for empowerment is to, in turn, empower others. The only sane purpose for wealth and prosperity is to, in turn, prosper and help others.

Sin Promises a Cheap Thrill, but leaves a Cold Chill.

Sin Claims to Fulfill, but Aims for the Kill.

Sin tries to do the double whammy on ya! First it CONDONES the evil action. Then after you give in, it CONDEMNS you for it. First it says, "Go ahead, its alright!" Then after you succumb, it says, "If you were really a Christian, you wouldn't have done that."

Someone said long ago, "Many Christians that claim to be Standing on the Promises are merely Sitting on the Premises."

A Scripture-A-Day Makes God's Presence Stay.

A Praise-Party-A-Day Keeps the Devil Away.

"When tempted to get frustrated over something, CHILL and BE STILL in My presence by taking a prayer-break, and just KNOW that I am God and that I am in complete control." Psalm 46:10 DCV (What's the DCV? Oh, that's the D.an C.heatham V.ersion paraphrase, ya know. Ha!)

REALITY-CHECK: A problem I have noticed among those of us Christians that claim to be Spirit-Filled (Charismatics and/or Pentecostals) is that often we get puffed up by all our knowledge and experiences with God. Being filled with the Spirit with the accompanying manifestations seen throughout the book of Acts is most definitely an added benefit to one's Christian walk. However, as someone has said, UNGUARDED STRENGTH IS DOUBLE WEAKNESS! The Bible says, "Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth." Jesus taught that "all men would know that we are His disciples by our love for one another." He never said that people would know we are His disciples by the number of revelations we have received from God. But many Charismatic Christians today have advanced beyond King David in their own estimation. King David said in Psalms 141:5, "Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head..." King David learned that a MARK OF MATURITY is the attribute of CHERISHING CORRECTION. But many believers today REFUSE to receive correction, even from a trusted leader or beloved friend who has loved them for many years. Too many Charismatic believers today receive too many so-called dreams, so-called "words" from the Lord, too many so-called visions, and just too many spectacular experiences with the Lord. Yes, God grants spectacular experiences from time to time, but some believers have more dreams, words, visions, and revelations in ONE DAY... than all the God-called pastors of a town, together combined, do in ONE YEAR. This kind of super-spirituality puffs one up, insulating the person from needed direction and correction, and takes the person over into a lifestyle where they are "peeping" into the soulish realm and inadvertently dabbling into occultic activity. The unwary saint who becomes this way, begins to wrap themselves with such hyper-spirituality that they cloak every conversation, every issue with "deep" spiritual jargon, and with all the spooky things they have "seen." This aire of superspirituality then serves as a defense mechanism to keep others at a distance and prevent anyone from really getting down to the issues in their heart. And not to mention how many other people are turned off to the true things of the Spirit because of the condescending attitude they pick up when around persons like this. To be honest, I think God is more pleased with a Christian who is humble, teachable, and walking in divine love that HASN'T received the Holy Spirit Baptism experience; than He is with someone who HAS received this extra measure of power, yet gets puffed up with superspirituality! This is by no means to belittle the Holy Spirit Baptism. God forbid! Every Christian NEEDS more power and the New Testament encourages every believer to receive this second free gift from Heaven. In God's mind, The Gifts of the Spirit are not optional packages or add-on accessories, but standard equipment necessary for optimum performance. All I am saying here is that power DOESN'T come to puff us up or make us superspiritual. Again, the Bible says, "Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth!" Lets get real! "REALITY-CHECK!"


Philippians 4:4 - "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."

Nehemiah 8:10d - "...the joy of the LORD is your strength."

Isaiah 61:3 - "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the OIL OF JOY for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness..."

Rejoice in the Lord = Re.lease J.oy in the Lord = Re.turn to J.oy = Do a Re.run of J.oy = Re.tread your spiritual tires for more mileage... by exploding into joy!

Joy lubricates because God's Word calls it the OIL of joy. The "Oil of Joy" will make you TOO SLICKERY for the devil to get his hands on you. Joy softens. Joy preserves. Joy heals. Joy floats to the top. Joy saturates. Joy moistens. Joy makes us to shine and reflect the Master. Joy fills the air around us with the fragrance of Christ as we rejoice in His presence.

The Amplified Bible translates one of the verses that commands us to "Rejoice in The Lord" as, "Rejoice that you are in the Lord." When you can't rejoice that you are in a certain situation, at least you can "rejoice that you are in the Lord."

A believer can CHOOSE to stir up the oil of joy residing deep within him, even in hard times. Nehemiah says that "The joy of the Lord is your strength." Lose your joy and you lose your energy and zest for living. Stir up your joy, and your energy will rebound! If we are exercising our joy, we automatically receive new strength. A way to stir up one's joy is to start singing to God aloud. Another way is go outside and start shouting praises to the Lord. Another means to release one's joy is to listen to a Praise & Worship CD or Cassette. Crank it up on your stereo and dance around your living room! Also talking to another Christian about the goodness of God will rekindle your joy. Testifying to others about something God has done for you in the recent or distant past will also make your joy bubble again.
