Drug Study




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David, Melissa D.


Generic Classification Indication Contraindication Action Nrsg. Responsibilities


Acetadote, Mucomyst

Miscellaneous respiratory tract drugs

Adjunct therapy for abnormal viscid or thickened mucous secretions in patients with pneumonia

Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated patients with severe respiratory insufficiency. Use IV formulation cautiously in patients with asthma or a history of bronchospasm

Mucolytic that reduces the viscosity of pulmonary secretions by splitting disulfide linkages between mucoprotein molecular complexes.

Drug is physically or chemically incompatible with tetracyclines, erythromycin lactobionate, amphotericin B, and ampicillin sodium. If given by aerosol inhalation, nebulize these drugs

Omeprazole Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI)

Short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcer; First-line therapy in treatment of heartburn or symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease

Long-term use for gastroesophageal reflux disease, duodenal ulcers; lactation

Suppresses gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the H+, K+-ATPase enzyme system [the acid (proton H+) pump] in the parietal cells.

Monitor urinalysis for hematuria and proteinuria. Periodic liver function tests with prolonged use.



Potassium-sparing diuretic

Primary hyperaldosteronism, adjunctive therapy in the treatment of edema associated with CHF, essential hypertension.

Acute renal insufficiency, progressive renal failure, hyperkalemia, and anuria.

Mild diuretic that acts on the distal tubule to inhibit sodium exchange for potassium, resulting in increased secretion of sodium and water conservation of potassium

Take as directed with a snack or meals to minimize GI upset. Report if nausea, bloating, anorexia, vomiting or diarrhea persist.

Levofloxacin Antibiotic, Treatment of adults Contraindicated with interferes with DNA by Administer oral drug 1 hr before or 2 hr after


Fluoroquinolone with community-acquired pneumonia, acute maxillary sinusitis caused by susceptible bacteria

allergy to fluoroquinolones, pregnancy, and lactation.

inhibiting DNA synase replication in susceptible gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, preventing cell reproduction

meals with a glass of water; separate oral drug from other cation administration, including antacids, by at least 2 hr.

Ensure that patient is well hydrated during course of therapy.



Loop diuretic Edema associated with CHF, cirrhosis, renal disease, Acute pulmonary edema

Severe sodium and water depletion, hypokalaemia, hyponatraemia, precomatose states associated with liver cirrhosis, anuria or renal failure.

Inhibits reabsorption of Na and chloride mainly in the medullary portion of the ascending Loop of Henle.

Reduce dosage if given with other antihypertensives; readjust dosage gradually as BP responds.

Administer with food or milk to prevent GI upset.



Carbapenem antibiotic

Susceptible infections including complicated skin and skin structure infections (SSSI), intraabdominal infections, bacterial meningitis.

Penicillin, cephalosporin, or other β-lactam allergy

Inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis

For IV bolus (doses of 1 g) or infusion only. Do not use a flexible container in series connections.

Do not mix with or physically add to solutions containing other drugs.



Antianxiety agents, anticonvulsants, sedative/ hyptonics

Anxiety Cross-sensitivity with other benzodiazepines, Comatose patients

Depress the CNS, probably by potentiating GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter

Monitor BP, PR,RR prior to periodically throughout therapy and frequently during IV therapy

Evangelista, Kevin D.


Generic Classification Indication Contraindication Action Nrsg. Responsibilities


Acetadote, Mucomyst

Miscellaneous respiratory tract drugs

Adjunct therapy for abnormal viscid or thickened mucous secretions in patients with pneumonia

Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated patients with severe respiratory insufficiency. Use IV formulation cautiously in patients with asthma or a history of bronchospasm

Mucolytic that reduces the viscosity of pulmonary secretions by splitting disulfide linkages between mucoprotein molecular complexes.

Drug is physically or chemically incompatible with tetracyclines, erythromycin lactobionate, amphotericin B, and ampicillin sodium. If given by aerosol inhalation, nebulize these drugs

Omeprazole Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI)

Short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcer; First-line therapy in treatment of heartburn or symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease

Long-term use for gastroesophageal reflux disease, duodenal ulcers; lactation

Suppresses gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the H+, K+-ATPase enzyme system [the acid (proton H+) pump] in the parietal cells.

Monitor urinalysis for hematuria and proteinuria. Periodic liver function tests with prolonged use.



Potassium-sparing diuretic

Primary hyperaldosteronism, adjunctive therapy in the treatment of edema associated with CHF, essential hypertension.

Acute renal insufficiency, progressive renal failure, hyperkalemia, and anuria.

Mild diuretic that acts on the distal tubule to inhibit sodium exchange for potassium, resulting in increased secretion of sodium and water conservation of potassium

Take as directed with a snack or meals to minimize GI upset. Report if nausea, bloating, anorexia, vomiting or diarrhea persist.

Levofloxacin Antibiotic, Treatment of adults Contraindicated with interferes with DNA by Administer oral drug 1 hr before or 2 hr after


Fluoroquinolone with community-acquired pneumonia, acute maxillary sinusitis caused by susceptible bacteria

allergy to fluoroquinolones, pregnancy, and lactation.

inhibiting DNA synase replication in susceptible gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, preventing cell reproduction

meals with a glass of water; separate oral drug from other cation administration, including antacids, by at least 2 hr.

Ensure that patient is well hydrated during course of therapy.



Loop diuretic Edema associated with CHF, cirrhosis, renal disease, Acute pulmonary edema

Severe sodium and water depletion, hypokalaemia, hyponatraemia, precomatose states associated with liver cirrhosis, anuria or renal failure.

Inhibits reabsorption of Na and chloride mainly in the medullary portion of the ascending Loop of Henle.

Reduce dosage if given with other antihypertensives; readjust dosage gradually as BP responds.

Administer with food or milk to prevent GI upset.



Carbapenem antibiotic

Susceptible infections including complicated skin and skin structure infections (SSSI), intraabdominal infections, bacterial meningitis.

Penicillin, cephalosporin, or other β-lactam allergy

Inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis

For IV bolus (doses of 1 g) or infusion only. Do not use a flexible container in series connections.

Do not mix with or physically add to solutions containing other drugs.



Antianxiety agents, anticonvulsants, sedative/ hyptonics

Anxiety Cross-sensitivity with other benzodiazepines, Comatose patients

Depress the CNS, probably by potentiating GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter

Monitor BP, PR,RR prior to periodically throughout therapy and frequently during IV therapy