Dream Game Concept


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  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    Dream game concept


    I sincerely hope I’m not the only one who used to be fascinated and immersed in the MMORPG

    genre, but gradually started feeling, let’s say… disappointed Modern MMORPGs are practically

    all based on single concept ! get to the le"el cap more or less alone, and then M#$%& you can

    start playing

    It got e"en worse with titles li'e %lac' Desert Online, which loo' fantastic, feel fantastic… until

    you reali(e you can beat )*O+& game solo without e"er partying with anyone else, and then

    you reali(e e"en though you’re le"eling uite fast, you really ha"e nothing to loo' forward to ! as

    it doesn’t e"en ha"e the eui"alent of endgame I mean, sure, it’s nice to base a game on

    e-ploring the world, uesting and massacring .innocent/ wildlife for 0P, but if e"en that is set to

    be easy for e"ery single class to do solo, what’s the point of calling your game an MMO It’s 1ust

    a single player RPG with the option of sometimes meeting another solo players 2hen there’s

    P"P side of things, but honestly, there are always better 3and more 4#IR and %#+#56&D7

    genres to play P"P in ! 4P8, R28, MO%#, …

    2herefore, I’d li'e to propose an entirely different concept of 3fantasy ! co( really, that’s my

    fa"orite genre of games7 MMORPG, inspired by 1apanese sword9game genre literature 3and

    common sense7 In the following pages I’ll sum up all the ideas and concepts, along with the

    reasons for proposing such things If you’re interested, please bear with it 3I’d be happy to

    recei"e constructive feedbac'7 If not, please go bac' to your 68:GO, Dota or whate"er else

    you play online these days

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept



    6urrently, by far the most games are based on le"els I don’t 'now why we use such system in

    the first place, as it clearly separates player base into li'e a few do(en le"el ranges, with

    absolute ma1ority spending countless hours at the le"el cap, 1ust waiting an-iously for the ne-t

    e-pansion for the le"el cap to rise


    ; 2here are practically no cases of e"en two people le"eling at the same speed, because

    e"eryone has a different dri"e and different amount of time they can spend playing the game

    2his problem has only one solution ! clearly state when you’ll be online, party together andne"er, under any circumstances, do anything alone, or you’ll 1ust increase the gaps between

    your le"els #ll the games I 'now only e"er used one remedy for this problem ! 1ust decreased

    difficulty of whole content below le"el cap, so it can be done solo e"en by colorblind < year old

    with one hand missing &"erything below le"el cap was 1ust "oided and declared solo content !

    boring and unnecessary 2hen they start nurturing the la(iness e"en more and allow people to

     1ust s'ip the whole le"eling process by paying a fee 3hello, )orld of )arcraft7; People spend e-cruciatingly long time playing on le"el cap, and since the company can’t 1ust

    'eep increasing the le"el fore"er, they in"ented a little annoying thing called Item +e"el )hile

    il"l is a nice concept in itself, mostly, for the sa'e of .=I8I%+& PROGR&88/, an item with the

    same le"el as le"el cap can ha"e stats on it that "ary as greatly as >???@, which is, to be

    honest, absurd Imagine a .rare/ uality item l"l >?? and another .rare/ item l"l >??, and one ofthem is almost >? times better than the other )hyA 2hey’re on the same le"elB *ey, loo' It’s C?

    il"l higherB ust because item was released for the same le"el, but two or three patches later, it’s

    absurdly stronger in comparison with the same .uality/ item released sooner


    Discard the whole idea of player le"els 8ounds absurdA )ell, let’s tal' about it for a bit

    ; #s the whole player base spends about EE@ of their time stuc' on le"el cap, would it be so bad

    to 1ust get rid of the thingA; %ut what about .progress/A *ow do you get strongerA

    ; )hy not 1ust attach numerical .progress/ to something different than player le"elA +i'e, s'illproficiencyA

    ; $ou mean grinding; $es; *ow’s that any different from e-ping normallyA; Good uestion It’s not really %ut it 'eeps players closer to each other $ou 'now there are

    times in MMORPGs when e"en if you wanted to party together with someone, you’d best loo'

    for someone at F le"els around yours, otherwise one or the other would get reduced 3or no7

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    0PA %y erasing le"el differences, you can ha"e players wor'ing together, e"en if one has C

    times more play time than the other 8ure, there will be difference in effecti"ity based on their

    gear and s'ill le"els, but nothing li'e #%8O+H2& G#P 3hello, miss, miss, dodge,

    miss, parry, miss, bloc'7

    In addition if such system is combined with actual s'ill!based action combat instead of 1ust

    numbers war, a s'illed casual could possibly be a better asset than than a poor player who 1usthappens to ha"e a lot of time to play

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    8'ill based game2#% Push button to use s'ill 8'ill automatically triggers auto attac' Push buttons to spam

    s'ills into that big mess of e-ploding light without a care in the world 2arget dies, push 2#% to

    target ne-t one

    Recogni(e the patternA

    )hat’s wrong with it:

    ; Discards the player’s s'ill to the point that the only things that matter is .good rotationJpriority/ of mashing buttons and a"oiding fire on the ground 8ometimes discards e"en that and 1ust ma'e

    the buttons light up when you’re supposed to mash them; Game de"ol"es into numbers war .dps "s enrage/ and .damage ta'en "s healing output/

    2here’s no room for strategy It’s 1ust minma-ing Oh hey, let’s ma'e bosses immune to literally

    e"erything and ma'e players run around li'e clowns 1umping through rings of fire

    *ow to ma'e combat s'ills based:

    ; Friendly fire )O*OO I 'now 2rolls e"erywhere %ut hey, it’s an MMO, find a solid party that

    doesn’t get off on whac'ing you along with the mob you hunt #o& s'ills are nice, but you

    actually ha"e to thin' twice when you can safely use them as to hurt enemies, not your party4riendly fire promotes small groups of !K o"er (erging 3C? people spamming e-plosions so big

    that no one can e"en see the bossA Hnrealistic, not to mention #55O$I5G #8 *&++ for melee

    characters who practically see suat and a half due to L?@ of their screen co"ered in colorful

    e-plosions of all 'inds7; Aim to hit 2#% targetting should ha"e died a long time ago )here’s any room for s'ill if the

    only things that determine if your arrow hits the target are numbers li'e your *it 6hance and

    enemy DodgeJ%loc' chanceA # poorly euipped archerJmage who aim better can be at least as

    useful as a guy with Par'inson who misses half shots or, e"en worse, hits a party member

    instead; Make hits/skills count Imagine a mage 2he first thing that comes to your mind should be…

    4IR&PO)&R 2hat’s right Mages, by their "ery definition, should be fragile glass cannons witha lot of firepower 5ow Imagine you’re a mage in a party, fighting a monster in group )ould you

    rather throw a tiny fireball e"ery half second, or one big, de"astating one once in a good whileA

    *ere the teamwor' comes to play )hile you’re mostly useless alone, unless you one shot your

    prey, in groups it’s different It’s nice to cast a de"astating fireball, but not so much when the

    blast would incinerate your tan' along with any melee fighters So, why not just coordinate

    using the built in voice chat, telling your group that your cast time is almost finished, so the

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    melees can dodge back and tank uses skill to knock the enemy a bit away (which also

    momentarily stuns them there) right into the place youre aiming at, safely !fwoosh"ing an him#; Active defense $ou already mitigate some portion of damage depending on your gear %ut

    why ma'ing dodging, parrying or bloc'ing 1ust a bunch of numbers in your statusA #gain,

    imagine you’re a forward $ou’re not e-actly playing a full tan' 3full plate armor, shield, etc7, but

    more of a standard melee who 1ust ta'es on a 1ob of offtan' when you ha"e to fight more than >enemy at once )hen you see an ordinary hit coming, you use your ordinary attac' at roughly

    the same moment, the two of them cancel out ! P#RR$ Of course, to ma'e matters more

    interesting, there could still be a calculation in difference of strength, with the one with less

    strength suffering a small portion of damage 3or whole, if the difference is, let’s say, more than

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    6lass system

    Is an old principle saying .we want you to play 2*I8 )#$/ *ey, you can always e-p another

    character if you want to play a bit differently… It got e"en worse with minma-ing as, well,

    e"eryone not using .that one top build/ would 1ust not e"en get an in"itation to party and called a



     #ny .class/ or 1ob can be potentially described by the ratio between certain stats 5amely

    8trength, #gility and Intelligence Or you can call it strengthJspeedJmagic )hy not 1ust throw the

    concept of pic'ing a class out of the window, and 1ust gi"ing players a !way slider ad1usting the

    ratio between the three Of course e"en if you pic' one pure stat, the other two won’t be at (eroIt 1ust means that as pure strength tan' you probably won’t be able to cast much more than a

    basic self!strengthening buff:

    ; Pure 82R&5G2* ! for when you want to play a hea"y lifter who can carry the hea"iest armor or 

    the biggest weapons with ease Pic'ing near pure strength would be suitable for your typical

    tan' or most two!handed builds; Pure #GI+I2$ ! for when you want to play an agile build that can dodge a lot, run a lot, and

    stri'e fast, but limits you to only being able to use light weapons effecti"ely 3daggers, rapiers or

    other light swords or light bows7; Pure I52&++IG&56& ! for when you want to play a magically gifted character, typically a mage,

    healer or magic support 2hey don’t ha"e the speed to dodge attac's effecti"ely, nor the

    strength to euip hea"ier armor, but they can dish out a lot of good spells; MIDD+& POI52 ! a'a ac' of #ll 2rades, Master of 5one $ou can do whate"er, but you’re a tad

    bit worse at it than those dedicated people who chose e-tremes 2hen it comes to indi"idual s'ill

    and in"enti"eness to pro"e your worth 2ypically a spellsword or similar character, who fights

    with both weapon and magic, and pro"iding control or support whene"er needed, as they are

    the most "ersatile; =arious ratios could be also chosen 3for e-ample to strength, Q to agility7 to finetune your

    character for a specific 1ob 3li'e the mentioned ratio that could be useful for fighting with dual

    wielded broadswords ! enough strength to effecti"ely use them, enough agility to swing them

    fast enough7

    ; &"ery character would ha"e the same amount of base stats, di"ided between the threeaccording to stat ratio they chose 2he acuisition of stat increases would also be multiplied by

    this ratio 3gi"ing more of the stat with high ratio and less of the stat with low ratio eg # mage

    would only get about

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    ; #ny armor would ha"e a reuired 8trength to effecti"ely use it 3perhaps lowering mo"ement

    speed by -@ and disabling dodge function based on how much you miss7; &"ery character’s *ealth is set to the same "alue 3let’s say

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    Player!dri"en economy

     #ye, you’"e probably heard the term, but that’s not how it wor' 2hat’s not how any of this

    wor's 2hey’re 1ust &MP2$ )ORD8


    ; I want to sell item 0, but the 5P6 in town $ has infinite stoc' of it for half the price; I 1ust paid a huge amount for a rare weapon, but this bear 1ust happened to drop an epic one

    twice as good; 35P6:7I’m a coo', what am I supposed to do with all this uncommon armor you 1ust sold meA

    *ow about you ma'e mobs drop what they’re e-pected to drop, and not random nonsenseA

    *ow about you actually ma'e crafting the best choice for gear acuisition, rather than it

    randomly droppingA


    ; Mobs drop what you’d e-pect them to drop If you hunt a deer, you G&2 3a'a GH#R#52&&D

    2O DROP7 #ntlers 3pro"ided it was male7, +arge Deer *ide, C Deer *oo"es, Intestines, ?!??

    'g of Deer Meat, Deer *eart, etc $ou don’t get a .rusty helmet/ or other nonsense off it; &"ery item you can get as a drop, or collect in the world, is usable for crafting in one way or

    another Rusty Iron #rmor dropped from an a"erage goblin can be melted bac' down to Ingots

     #nimal blood can be used for alchemy 2ree branches for woodcrafting, etc; 5P6s ha"e 4I5I2& #MOH52 of items for sale at the game’s launch +ater economy is based on

    what players sell those 5P6s If nobody sells a blac'smith Rusty Iron #rmors, Iron Ingots or

    whate"er else there is recipe to ma'e Iron from, the %lac'smith won’t be able to craft or sell any

    Iron weaponry or armor Granted, there can be some 5P6s 3for the sa'e of ma'ing it more

    .li"ely/ that mineJpeddleJwhate"er7 some small amounts of stuff periodically 3li'e once a

    dayJwee'7, but without players selling off their hoards of stuff they can’t use, the economy stops

    wor'ing #lso, the items 5P6s createJsell should be slightly inferior uality to what players can

    craft; %est gear is the crafted one Granted, there may be some de"iations from the rule, but

    uni"ersally it should apply #lso, please no .you get a legendary, and you get a legendary, and

    you as well get a legendaryB/ 8ituations If you ma'e a boss use a high uality H5ISH& item, it

    should stay uniue Ma'e it guaranteed drop from the R+M 4IR82 NI++, and then switch it’s

    item to usual uality one &"en if it promotes a ser"er!wide massacre to get the item 2hat’s the

    fun in it +et the *unger Games beginB; +et players set up shops in their player houses to sell their crafted items +et them hire an 5P6

    cler' who they can tal' to to customi(e its buyout price 3or set it as auction selling7 +et "isiting

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    players buy from the cler's and gi"e them an ability to write a note of feedbac', which you can

    read when you return to the shop 2his would ma'e life more fulfilling and immersi"e for people

    commonly referred to as .#* stal'ers/ who ma'e gold by trading 8et up 5P6s you hire to buy

    materials for you to craft from from players "isiting your shops; 6reate General 8tores which buy all the materials from players for slightly lower price, then

    sorting them and sell them off to speciali(ed "endors Of course, players may "isit < different,speciali(ed shops to sell their hauls for slightly more 3but you can’t sell items they can’t use to

    them7, or sho"e it all to general store for slightly less if they’re la(y or pressed for time; 8et up your own .timed/ uests for players to bring you items to your shop’s cler' ust specify

    what you want, how much of it you’re willing to buy, for how much a piece, and let the players do

    your 1ob for you %ut of course, no one’s gonna bother if you’re only willing to pay "endor price

    for it

    2*#2, ladies and gentlemen, is how I imagine player!dri"en economy 5ot those crude systems

    implemented so far in games

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    Isn’t it 'ind of boring to massacre thousands of e-tremely frail enemies whose #I isn’t letting

    them do anything but run towards you and use a s'ill or two once a whileA 2he enemies being

    categori(ed as aggressi"eJneutralJfriendlyA #ggro range being set in stoneA 8houldn’t it feel

    8#2I84$I5G and PRODH62I=& to hunt down animals of fight strong enemies, instead of

    bashing twerpsA

    Introducing ! R+I82I6 )I+D+I4&

    Fearful  ! mobs that try to flee when they sense a human

    Passive ! mobs that don’t attac' unless they are attac'ed, but don’t fear people

    Aggressive ! mobs that choose to proacti"ely attac' if they sense a humanGuarded  ! mobs that won’t attac' unless you get closer to them than comfortable

    Introducing ! 8enses

    Smell ! a parameter that states how easy it is for mobs to sense you by smell Playing

    e-cessi"ely long without entering water ma'es you smellier Hsing items with strong smell 3li'e

    coo'ing food in wilderness7 can attract mobs too Hsing certain spells or 1ust rolling around in

    mud can co"er your scent for a certain period of time, decreasing the distance mobs detect you


    Vision ! a parameter of mobs that states from how far they can effecti"ely detect youDecreases with coming night 3unless the mob is nocturnal7 6an be mitigated by wearing gear

    with camouflaging properties or certain s'ills 3snea', in"isibility, chameleon, etc7

    Hearing ! a parameter on both players and mobs that states how much noise you ma'e by

    mo"ing and from how far mobs can hear you Ofc generally the hea"ier the armor, the more

    noise it ma'es 3though Ringmail items would be absolutely terrible at this7

     #ctual hunting

    4earful mobs are best to be hunted alone, by characters speciali(ing in stealth, or at least

    wearing stealthy attire for the 1ob, and using all means necessary to co"er their scent, minimi(etheir sound and camouflage themsel"es 3or hunt at night7 ! otherwise they may flee before $OH

    e"en notice them! mostly using long ranged abilities to cripple the mob so they can finish it off

    4or passi"e and guarded mobs, anything goes 2hey won’t run away, but it may pose a bit of

    difficulty to find them

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     #ggressi"e mobs are easiest to find, mostly because they come to find $OH if you enter their

    detection range It’s best to bring a party though, as you rarely attract 1ust one

    &ach and e"ery type of mob should ha"e a roughly realistic ratio of the senses they rely on to

    detect enemies 3li'e Deers mostly relying on sound and smell while poultry by "ision7

    complemented by the range at which they feel .safe/ at, e"en if they detect you 3a'a chic'endetecting you from ? m but fleeing from m7

    4ood chain

    It’s not uncommon to find a remains of herbi"ore 3mostly eaten though7 that got eaten by a

    carni"ore &"en between themsel"es, there should be designated distances that ma'e that

    happen %ut it also should be limited somewhat 3can’t ha"e a single wolf massacring a whole

    herd of sheep ! he should attac' and 'ill one, while the rest of them escape somewhere else7

    2he )ilderness

    2he world should be big enough to feel a bit empty 3so that sca"enging non!drop related

    resources can be done without ha"ing to fight fuc'tons of monsters7, so that hunting for

    resources feels li'e a challenge, but not to the point when you’d be annoyed because you’"e

    been snea'ing through the forest for half an hour and still not found a single deer *owe"er, the

    wor' needed to successfully hunt something should be )&++ R&)#RD&D by getting plenty of

    materials from a single piece #'a things li'e 'illing deers to get a single "ial of blood or a

    piece of meat are 1ust ma'ing people insane, when such deer weighs around

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    Player housing

    Most of the time it’s plainly useless feature that doesn’t actually do any good, as e"erything is

    instanced or otherwise hidden

    +et’s start with a small town with the few basic buildings 3li'e Inn, General 8tore, 4ood 8tore,

    6arpenter, maybe %lac'smith, and se"eral houses for 5P6s ! if they don’t .sleep/ on the second

    floor of their shop or something7 and maybe some houses for .regional attractions/ 3depending

    on town’s location and surroundings ! lumber mill, mine, hot spring, port, .crossroads mar'et/,

    etc, the essentials for a bit of atmosphere7

    2hen let the town gain in si(e by steadily growing it by players building their own houses from

    the resources they collected 3they still ha"e to pay for land7, or paying much bigger sum and

    waiting 0 days for "illage 5P6s to ma'e their house pic'ed from se"eral do(en templates 3for

    "ariety7 for them

    4or each couple of player houses some new scenic 5P6s appear and build their own house,

    ha"ing their 'ids playing in streets Players can hire these new 5P6s 3a'a pay them in gold,

    periodically7 to do wor' for them if they decide to turn their house into a shop of some 'ind, an

    Inn, or whate"er else they could turn their house into 3if they don’t use it only for storing e-cess

    loot or something7

    Players could sell houses if they decide they’re not staying in that town and decide to mo"e to

    another, lea"ing other players with option to buy the house as!is, or demolish it 3for a fee7 and

    build a new one in that location

    2his way, towns will be much bigger and feel way more .ali"e/ than in other MMORPGs &"er

    wondered why a city that’s designated a capital of the empire has a population of barely >

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    2o e-pand upon this idea let’s say there would be 0 eual si(ed Tstarting towns. that would be

    scattered around the whole game world, pretty far from each other 2hey’d be in relati"ely safe

    en"ironment with a =&R$ large area around them to possibly e-pand it by building player

    houses &ach player, upon creation, would find themsel"es in a starting town belonging to his

    countryJregion, from which he’s logged in

    Of course, players could tra"el where"er they manage to get by foot and stay where"er they

    want to stay, but it’s a nice idea to start somewhere where you can initially ma'e some friends

    from the same nation, with the same language 3as I will write later, the game wor's on built!in

    "oice chat, so people who can’t tal' &nglish better stic' to their own7

    8ince there is no global mar'et and the economy is EE@ player dri"en and the resources in

    each region are only Tso. di"erse, player bases will e-pand bit by bit and e"entually establish

    something a'in to trading routes between cities, later perhaps ma'ing such Tcountries. 3a'a

    starting town and the towns and "illages belonging to surrounding (ones7 could compete in

    some battlegrounds o"er the country ran'ing, personal strength, or whate"er else they want

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     # little bit more intelligent enemies

     #I is always a big hurdle in games In most games, not counting a couple uest triggered

    scripts, the 5P6s fight with the intelligence of an a"erage roc' Most of them 1ust run to you 3or

    immediately use a charge s'ill to get to you7 as soon as you aggro them, then 'eep hitting you

    dumbly, occasionally using some s'ills 2here is no tactics in it If you aggro >? wol"es, you can

    comfortably 'ite them for a few metres, then stop, and since they don’t e"en ha"e collision

    models, they all stac' in one place, attac'ing from the front, li'e idiots

    +et’s try to re"ise it Pac' mobs form pac's not because they loo' cool as a gang, but because

    they can flan' the enemy If you ha"e wol"es attac'ing you in reality, do you thin' they’ll all

    attac' from the front, standing on top of each otherA 5o One would grab your attention from the

    front, while the other two would attac', unhindered and hard to notice, from the sides or from

    behind 2hat’s minimal .instincti"e/ intelligence

    )ith more intelligent 3a'a humanoid and similar7 enemies, the le"el of .tactics/ should go e"en

    higher, such as using 66 on tan's to attac' other group members 3preferably suishy ones7

    2hey should also respond to s'ills within their abilities 3.hey, that guy 1ust rooted us all with his

    frost spell $ou there, mage, cast a frost resistance buffB/7 Of course, to allow players to handle

    that, there should be some .lag/ between an impulse and the response to ma'e it realistic 3not

    li'e casting dispel microsecond after he’s hit by debuff etc7

    5o concept of .threat/ 2an's train to be able to hold their targets in place 3more or less7, not

    that they’ll .taunt/ enemies and be done with it &nemy, according to le"el of its intelligence,

    )I++ e"entually grow tired of attac'ing a mountain of steel and turn to fight suishier targets

    2an'’s 1ob is to pre"ent that 3that 1ob is partially shared with other forwards as well as supports if 

    the party has one7 2he 1ob of the party is not .'ill #8#P and mo"e on/, but .sur"i"e/ 2herefore,

    wise usage of 66 during fights is more important than constantly dealing damage

    Ranged enemies should always try hard to escape your party’s melees range, while your party

    should do its best to dodge those ranged attac's, till your own rangers can finish them off 3or

    potentially get them with mid!range 66s and finishing them off melee7

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    6rowd control

    2he alpha and omega… unfortunately, by far in most games, e"ery stronger enemy is naturally

    fully immune to most forms of 66 )hich entirely ruins the whole concept of the thing 8ure, let

    mighty enemies ha"e multiple countermeasures against them, why not %ut ma'ing them fully

    immuneA 2hat’s a no!no

    ; $ou can gi"e some mobs a natural resistance to a form of 66 4lying mobs should be resisting

    ground based 66s Ice golems should resist being fro(en in place # mob twice your weight

    shouldn’t budge when you bodyslam it; Intelligent mobs could ha"e some random abilities helping them o"ercome 66s If the enemy

    has a magical support, they could dispel the 66 from their mates 3unless they themsel"es are

    66’d with a s'ill that disables magic 3silence, stun, etc7 %ut abilities li'e these should ta'e place

    after a .response time/, and not immediately, so there is still partial success

    ; 2he 66s shouldn’t be readily bro'en without interference If you free(e a deer in place, the iceshouldn’t magically disappear seconds later It should hold at least about ? If you cripple an

    enemy’s leg, pinning him in place, he shouldn’t be able to mo"e past crawling speed unless he

    gets fully healed &tc; Different enemies should ha"e different strengths and "ulnerabilities # bat can’t be 66’d by

    ground!based druid’s Roots, but after being fro(en by a frost spell, it should e"en deal damage

    to them since they can’t fly and fall down to the ground; 2hen there are things li'e complete free(ing +et’s say if enemy gets hit by >? frost!based 66s,

    or ? frost damaging spells 3or combination7 and it has no means of brea'ing the ice, it’s

    completely fro(en 3gradually ! after first 66 it can’t mo"e anymore, after 0th e"en arms free(e

    and it can’t attac', and so on7 #t that point, e"en if it wasn’t dead, it should ta'e immense

    damage per second and suffocate soon after It 1ust dies 2he ice doesn’t magically brea' &"enif you want to loot an enemy 'illed this way, you ha"e to ta'e a pic'a-e and brea' the ice first

    Intelligent mobs will mostly ha"e countermeasures against one or se"eral types of 66,

    especially if there’s a group of them %ut when you’re fighting a pac' of mobs, and you stealth

    'ill their support from afar, root some of their dps, di"ide the rest of them to your melees, then

    continue to free(e their melees to free hands to dealt with ranged mobs, e"en group "s group

    combat should be manageable If you find it easy, then let’s say all characters ha"e the ability to

    brea' roots with physical damage 3e"entually7, e"en if they don’t ha"e a specific

    countermeasure +et’s say you deal with the magician that would ha"e dispelled your fro(en

    ground about ! seconds after you casted it 2he mob without countermeasure will ha"e to try

    to brea' the ice on his feet with his weapon, which would ta'e about

    brea' the ice around his legs if he’s acti"ely fighting somebody ! li'e your tan', trying to

    parryJbloc' his attac's *e can retaliate, but he has no choice but to attac' only tan', because

    no one else is in his rangedirection $ou’"e gained at least seconds of safety by putting a

    priority on the one with countermeasures

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    Suesting and progress

    5ow, since we are aiming for realism, what do we do about uests and their rewardsA


    ; It ma'es no sense for a beggar to gi"e you a rare weapon for helping him, rightA; It ma'es no sense for a star"ing guy you feed to gi"e you money for helping him, rightA; It ma'es no sense to recei"e 0P for uests since we scrapped the concept of le"eling, rightA

    +et’s see what’s left:

    > FEES 8ignature of poor 5P6s, their uests should be entertaining to do, and not limit

    themsel"es with .gimme food/, .gimme gold/, .hunt >? rats for me/, but offer an e-citing

    uestline that is fulfilling to do, sometimes bearing rewards e"en before actually finishing uest,

    seemingly unrelated +i'e .accidentally/ ha"ing to fight a miniboss during the uest or some

    other trigger situation S!"S It’s o'ay that the most .well 'nown/ s'ills can be trained with speciali(ed trainers, or

    bought as tomes for gold %ut what about hiding do(ens of those more .e-otic/, rarer s'ills all

    around the world, for the people to find by chance and be e-cited about itA Imagine that insteadof those meagre gold coins you will learn how to create and use a bear trapA

    S!" #P $ou 1ust finished an errand for a guard captainA *ere’s your lesson in using a shield

    8weet 0P you’d otherwise ta'e ? fights to amass is yours for doing something for the guyC $A$E "%EMS 5ot tal'ing about gear here Protect a spice merchant peddling between two

    towns and get some spices you can use for better coo'ing recipes Do a fa"or to a carpenter

    and he’ll gi"e you a >?@ off "oucher for ma'ing you a house or a

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    8eeA It’s not as bad as it loo'ed, e"en without rewarding with gear $ou’ll get a lot less gold for

    actually uesting, because only a minimal fraction of 5P6s will gi"e you any gold 2hat should

    also help lessen the inflation and force e"en the la(y players to occasionally go sca"enge some

    resources or hunt some local fauna for their poc'et money

    *ori(ontal progress

    8ince there are no le"els, you can theoretically wander the whole world from the get!go Ma'ing

    it wor' li'e that is problematic though 2o gi"e a sense of progress, the actual strength of

    enemies should be increasing in certain parts, ma'ing it "ery hard to do it alone at the "ery

    least 2he world doesn’t ha"e to be di"ided into clearly defined .(ones/, but there should still be

    some progress!bloc'ing, s'illJstrength!testing cho'e points in forms of:

    ; Events 2he only mountain pass leading to a mining "illage is bloc'ed by a group of bandits

    $ou can’t get to that town until you defeat them # magician’s tower is protected by a barrier $ou

    ha"e to find a way to dispel it to get inside 2he ne-t town o"er is o"errun by an orc raiding

    party *elp liberate the city to be able to use its facilities # troll chieftain occupied a forest withhis hunting party, effecti"ely emptying the forest Nill him and his party to bring bac' the balance

    to the nature 3a'a animals start spawning the ne-t day7; Environmental o+structions +earn the climbing s'ill to get atop the mountain plateau 8pend

    a while protecting a group of miners to brea' up and clear the fallen roc's bloc'ing the narrow

    passage to the "alley #ssist a bunch of carpenters in rebuilding a bridge across a canyon &tc; Bosses Nill a boss guarding a ca"e, so that you can get inside and mine some metals 3it’s

    entirely possible to create a new passage out once you’re inside, so ne-t time you can go

    through bac' door and not fight the boss again7; ,pdate Duh Hnless you generate whole 3e-tremely big7 world procedurally 3li'e Minecraft, 5o

    Man’s 8'y, 7, if you let players e-pand too uic'ly, they’ll e"entually arri"e at the point when

    they’"e e-plored e"erything that they could in that direction already2hese cho'e points should be hard to clear enough to ta'e players a good while to do 8ince

    players ha"e their *P capped on the same amount while content gets progressi"ely stronger,

    they should be ready to learn some new tric's or ad1ust and impro"e their tactics to clear them

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    =ertical progress

     #s the strength of character is mainly determined by gear and s'ills, of which s'ills can be

    grinded o"er time, the sense of "ertical progress lies in crafting I’ll dissect the topic of crafting in

    the ne-t chapter It should 1ust be noted that "ertical progress depends on whole player base,

    not 1ust a you yourself ! as )*#2 you can craft depends on what areas are unloc'ed by


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    6rafting5ow for the long awaited crafting I’"e already mentioned that crafting is based on hori(ontal

    progress of player base, not indi"idual player

    > 4irst party of players unloc's a new (one realm first 5ew type3s7 of resources are found 5ew resources get to craftersC 6rafters waste a lot of new resources to e-periment with them, trying to find new recipes

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    8ometimes, mi-ing in other 3mostly alchemical of nature7 materials can une-pectedly ma'e you

    disco"er an item with rather rare properties, ma'ing it perhaps better or worse, but in any case

    different than the others %e it the attac' "alue of the sword, shape of the blade, color of metal

    alloy, increased or decreased item durability, or whate"er else you can e-pect from two crafters

    disco"ering how to craft the same 'ind of item "ia slightly different recipes

    2he difference between two different recipes crafting the same 'ind of item can’t be too great,

    as e"en differences between two tiers or the same type of weapon aren’t e-treme 2he

    difference of stats between two consecuti"e tiers of items shouldn’t e-ceed >

    the player s'ills won’t matter anymore and the game de"ol"es into a number game again

    8ome new materials should not e"en be new tiers 2hey might be roughly eui"alent to the

    current tier, or pre"ious ones, but offer some different 'ind of change 3be it the shape of item, or

    some resistance to element, or other pseudo!uniue properties shared by that material7

    2he other way the crafting could wor' 3not necessarily affecting what I already wrote7, could be

    a system li'e the one introduced in Minecraft, which is assembling materials in a window 3this

    game would most li'ely need a bigger window than - materials7 into shapes to ma'e

    Tguessing. a recipe a tiny bit easier

    2he best thing would be if almost any item in the word could be crafted by someone 3if it ain’t

    crafted by someone, how could it find itself in the gameA7 Of course, the e-ception being raw

    items you can get in the world 3sand, wood, roc's, or generally whate"er you can loot from the

    ground with or without specific tools7

    6rafting s'ills&"eryone can gather any materials Of course, if material needs specific tool to be e-tracted,

    they need to ha"e the tool 3pic'a-e for hard ob1ects, hatchet for wood, fishing rodJnet for fish,

    glass Wwhate"erX to pic'9store acidic liuids in, 7


    ; )oodwor'ing 3creates wooden items7; %lac'smithing 3creates metal items7; +eatherwor'ing 3creates light armor7; 2ailoring 3creates cloth items7

    ; #lchemy 3creates better items from worse items, also, potions7; Magical &ngineering 3suc's up to e"eryone else to craft not!so!usual items with magical

    properties, li'e teleport mails, etc7; 6oo'ing 3creates meals7; 8cribing 3creates paperJboo'sJin' and whate"er if crafted from those subseuently7; 6raftsmanship 3creates accessories from "arious materials7; %uilding 3creates bric's, and whate"er else is needed for ma'ing structures li'e houses, city

    walls, special buildings, 7; )hate"er else I can’t thin' of right now

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    8upplemental O%8 3passi"ely enhance results of basic crafting s'ills7:

    ; 4letcher 3bows, arrows, sta"es7; 6arpenter 3wooden shields, furniture, house parts7; )eaponsmith 3metal weapons7; #rmorsmith 3metal shield, ringmail and plate armor7

    ; %lac'smith 3metal tools, metal utility items, basically anything that’s not armor or weapon7; #rmorer 3leather armor and scalemail7; 2anner 3other items made of leather ! bags, saddles, and leather materials needed by other

    crafters7; 2ailor 3clothing and household cloth items7; Physician 3cloth bandages7; #lchemist 3transmutation7; Potion master 3potions, eli-irs, 7; &nchanter 3magical items7; 6oo' 3food7; %rewer 3drin's7; #nd maybe other I cannot thin' of right now

    2hese crafting s'ills only control what tier of material you can wor' with of course, player can

    e-p all of them if he has no intention of actually going out and fighting

    Other forms of passing time

    ; %uilding an arena 3perhaps a cityJser"er wide e"ent to gather resources to build it first7 for

    players to compete against each other while the others can sit in audience and watch; Designating periodic e"ents and some rare uniue e"ents with participation awards and top -

    uniue awards; #chie"ements; Suesting, duh *a"e fun with your friends It’s not li'e you’re hurrying, en1oy the ride; +i"ing a life of solitary hunter in his cabin in the wilds; 2aming mobs and pitting them against each other ; Roleplaying; %reed horses to sell them for mounts; Ma'e a farm, marry an 5P6 3or player7 and spend your infinite time wor'ing a field of the si(e of 

    half (one; I still doubt you’"e cleared all cho'e points, done all uests, learned all s'ills and e-plored whole

    world for e"ery piece of hidden content 3uests, items, e"ents, places, …7

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    Playable races

    4antasy can’t be limited to humans in any case

    ; *umans 3they come in all forms, as such should ha"e the widest sliders in character creation,

    and the most a"erage stats… 1ac' of all trades, master of none ! racial "ersion7; Dwar"es 3short bul'y men, flat loli women7; *alflings 3gnome, hobbit, whate"er you call it 8hort s'inny men, busty loli women7; &l"es 3*+-./-S7; %east'in 3wolf, cat, tiger, weasel, rabbit, fo-, bear, lion, tanu'i, orca, whate"er goes7; 8uccubusJIncubus 3fabulous with horns, might be new fa"orite for old men posing as girls to get

    attention and items7; Dullahan 3*eadless .horseman/ ! could be fun, but ma'es you lose your head7; Dar' elf 3*+-./-S, dark edition0 Perhaps a sadistic smile7; Dragonewts 3claws on hands, scaly forearms and maybe ass, li(ard tail, and optional horns7

    ; *obgoblins 3green and mostly humanli'e7; Orcs 3uglier "ersion of hobgoblins )hate"er, gi"e them some more s'in color options li'e ash

    gray and mud brown7; 2rolls 3for those who want to be e-tra ugly7

    Different races should ha"e ob"ious differences with their affinities for each of the three main

    stats 3for ob"ious realism, immersion and roleplay reasons7 6an’t realistically ma'e a frail

    loo'ing halfling who can’t realistically lift a sho"el of dirt to wear full plate armor, tower shield

    and bloc' a m tall bear’s attac's

    Races form a second layer of customi(ation along with the three side slider, one has to be e-tra

    careful not to wish for impossible combination 2here are hopefully enough races to satisfyanyone obsessed with character design

    8ince I already mentioned "oice chat, players are 82RO5G+$ encouraged to pic' their own

    gender unless they want to sound li'e a tranny 3hey de"s, we need a "oice!changing soft


  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept



    &) F)$M )F ()BA 'HA% Hnless you’re a Game Master or system announcement 2hat

     1ust brea's immersion and you ha"e to read whate"er the fools who ha"e nothing better to do

    are spamming, or turn it off and not use it anyway #lso gets rid of most gold spammers and

    other pitiful e-istences

    5o long range whisper )hispering wor's only within metres for each other 3in case you don’t

    want your teammates to 'now that one secret you’re about to tell your buddy7, otherwise use

    "oice chat which can be heard in the area around you )riting in combat 1ust doesn’t wor', and

    outside of combat it would still hinder you

    6rafting reuests can be posted on a bounty board along with posting your own uests for other 

    players there 6rafters can also announce 3whether on the sign in front of their shop or on%ounty board7 that they are able to ma'e a rare item 0 noone else has recipe for yet, along with

    a pointer to their shop

    2al'ing in crowded places would be as hard as e"er 3as no matter if it’s "oice chat you can’t

    properly understand or te-t chat that’s flying at supersonic speed7, but if you’re close to each

    other, you can write whispers, or go a bit away to hear each other

    2he "oice chat should ta'e into account the distance between sources of sound and

    appropriately silence them, so chatter from ? m away don’t disturb you tal'ing with someone

    standing m from you In party, well, 'eeping your formation close enough to each other to hear 

    the others is the part of s'ill needed to play the game

    $ou can send mails to people, but unless it’s a specifically made magic item that teleports

    instantly to the recipient, the usual mail is sent by courier 5P6 that first has to find you, and it

    ta'es it an hour or a day to find you 3a'a spawn in the distance and run to you7, depending on

    our distance from nearest post office

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    8'ill system

    2o ma'e things reasonaly Tsane., the player shouldn’t be able to use all of his learned s'ills

    simultaneously 8ure, for realism’s sa'e, it )OH+D be best if they could 3as, realistically

    spea'ing, you shouldn’t forget how to ride a horse by learning how to sew a boot7, but doing so

    would ma'e players who play long hours a day incredibly powerful, so I propose this solution for 


    •  #ll s'ills will ha"e Teuipped. and Tstored. states

    • Player can ha"e up to >? s'ills euipped without problems

    • 4or each s'ill abo"e >? that is euipped, there should be some stac'ing downside 3eg

    -@ chance to fail in crafting, -@ less damage for s'ills, -@ less stats from passi"es7

    • Only passi"e s'ills ta'e up the Teuipped. slot

    • 8ome 3Te-pertise.7 passi"e s'ills 3such as general weapon s'ills, magic schools, 1obs,

    etc7 contain acti"e abilities ! Tarts. they unloc' upon reaching certain s'ill le"el 3eg If you’"e stac'ed passi"es into

    one meta!passi"e, you can acuire a base passi"e again, leading to double the bonus,

    but this time you can’t stac' them into meta!passi"e again, because you’d ha"e the

    same passi"e 2)I6& %ut nothing hinders you from ta'ing D Mo"ement #5D

     #crobatics for double 1umping bonuses, if you want to waste a passi"e euip slot, go

    ahead if it’s worth it for your play style

    Passi"e 3also gain -p passi"ely by using associated acti"e s'ills and


    ; 8traight 8words ! pro"ides a damage bonus while using swords with straight blade Gets 0P

    along with sword attac's 3both normalJhea"y and s'ills7 as long as a straight!bladed sword is

    euipped; Magic 2alent ! pro"ides a bonus to mana pool and mana regeneration Gets 0P by casting

    anything that consumes mana; #crobatics ! decreases the stamina cost of 1umping and dodging and increases 1umping height

    and distance Gets 0P by 1umping, dodging and ta'ing fall damage

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    ; 6ombat Regeneration ! pro"ides a small amount of *P regen Gets 0P by getting hit 3you

    masochist7; %ody 8trengthening ! pro"ides a bonus to 8trength and #gility Gets 0P by .ma'ing use of your

    body/, li'e mining, woodcutting, creating items "ia blac'smithing and woodwor'ing, …; 8nea'ing ! pro"ides additional effecti"eness to general snea'ing ability Gets 0P by mo"ing

    while snea'ing; …

     #cti"e 3gain -p by usage7:

    ; %ear 2rap ! places a bear trap from your in"entory on the ground and arms it 8'ill le"el

    increases its speed bit by bit; Double 8lash ! hit dual wielding combo dealing bonus damage 8'ill le"el decreases

    cooldown, stamina cost etc, increases damage 3ofc not by much each le"el7; 8hield %ash ! bashes with shield, stunning the enemy for seconds, if the enemy’s mass is

    insufficient compared to user’s 8trength, it’s also 'noc'ed bac' m +e"els increase 'noc'bac'

    distance slightly and decrease stamina cost and cooldown

    ; Ice +ance ! shoots a lance made of ice in the target direction If it hits target, it deals physical

    damage 3mitigated by armor7 and staggers it 3if target mass:s'ill’s force ratio is in disad"antage,

    it 'noc's down target instead7 If the armor fails to mitigate U?@ damage, it also causes

    bleeding +e"els increase damage and force; 4ireball ! shoots a fireball in target direction )hen it hits a surface, it e-plodes within >m radius,

    dealing #o& damage, and lea"es target %urned 3%urned ta'es continuous damage when

    mo"ing7 +e"els increase damage; 6harm ! charms the target 3hits instantly where you’re aiming when casting time finishes7,

    ma'ing it impossible for them to remember how to use their s'ills and spells for >< seconds

    +e"eling decrease cooldown and mana cost *as a

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    4or 3# R++$ &0*#H82I5G+$ +O5G7 e-ample player wants to pic' up fire magic  2he base

    s'ill for that is Fire Magic Theory , which, being a bottom ability in a large tree, reuires "ery

    little 0P per le"el, but doesn’t ha"e any actual magic spells yet, but increases 4ire Damage

    done by player by a slight percentage per le"el, and can be grinded by dealing fire damage from

    any source Y li'e using a lit torch to beat critters around starting town

    8tarting from le"el ? 3although player can Tendure. up to le"el

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    4or sa'e of balance 3as ha"ing multiple pets 'ind of brea's it by its nature7, there should be

    a downside for ha"ing your summons by your side Y perhaps lowering your mana regeneration

    or mana pool by a certain percentage per summon, so that you can’t realistically ha"e

    summons on your side and still could use de"astating abilities to boot

     #t le"el ?!

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    5ow that you are at Elementary Fire Magic  le"el ? to

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    > Natana Mastery 3single edged, cur"ed eually o"er the whole length7> 5odachi Mastery 3singe edged, cur"ed two!handers7

    > 4encing Mastery 3uses fast stabbing attac's, which are wea' against plate and scale

    armor, but effecti"e against chainmail and non!metal armors7>> Rapier Mastery 3"ery thin and fast sword that has an edge or two, so it can both

    slash and stab, generally with a bas'et!li'e crossguard7> &stoc Mastery 3"ery thin and fast sword that is sharp practically only near the tip,

    so it can only stab7

    2he s'ill tree doesn’t necessarily need 1ust a single Troot. Y there may be some s'ill trees that

    first reuire merging some base s'ills together and start branching from that point on again

    +et’s say there are two base s'ills, Kicking  and Punching  )hen they are both ?!

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    • 2his Magic %heory can e"ol"e into Advanced Magic %heory 3which would increase

    your mana pool by slight @ per le"el7 and e"entually into Mastery of Magic 3which

    would further decrease the mana cost of all spells by a slight @ per le"el, without a l"l

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept



    +et’s start with whate"er euipment slots there are and general ideas for the gear

    &uip slots, how they wor' and what can they hold:

    • Head Y basic item you can wear on your head, ranging from headband through crown to

    helmet 8ome bigger Tcreations. bloc' the use of *ead 6o"er slot, to pre"ent clipping

    issues and such

    • Head 'over  Y generally a hood or something similar, mostly useless as armor, the only

    function is a nice loo' and maybe some camuflauge bonus effect

    • eft Ear  Y two ear slots for anything you can hang on your ears Mostly earrings,

    piercings or Tear armor. ornaments would be nice if it would be "isible on character,

    li'e other slots 4or items actually made in Tpair., they ta'e up both slots

      $ight Ear 

    • &eck Y for anything you can hang on your nec' again, would be nice if they had their

    own models• Back Y generally for ui"ers 3each type of ui"er can hold 0 arrows, but 'eep in mind

    there is a limit on how many 'g of weight a character can euip without hindering

    themsel"es7 or shields 3in case of shield, you can toggle between bac' 3left hand free7

    and Teuipped., which enables you to bloc' manually 8hield gi"es resistance to piercing

    attac's from the bac' while in this slot7 5O 6#P&8 God, please, no capes &"en D6

    fanboys must reali(e that capes suc' big time #nd they’re also redundand since you

    can wear a robe or a coat o"er your armor

    • "nner Armor  3a'a chest7 Y any chest armor 3some of them ha"e shoulder pads too,

    some don’t 8ome are too big 3generally 1ust Plate armor7 so they bloc' the Outer )ear


    • )uter ear  Y anything you can wear o"er your ugly rusty armor Y such as a "est, robe,

    coat it’s the main Timage. item you can wear, but aside from loo's, it doesn’t offer any

    substantial effect 3again, some outer wear offer camuflauge bonus useful for hunting7

    • aist Y ah yes, the %&+2 %elts generally don’t offer any armor or other bonuses, but

    they go"ern how many Titems. you can put on your Tbars. Y a'a uic'slots 4or e-ample

    one belt could ha"e space for K potions 3not 82#6N8 of potions, but potions Hnless you

    open your in"entory in combat, you can’t replenish items hanging on your belt7, another

    belt could ha"e space for C potions and traps, another belt of e-tra high uality could

    ha"e K potion slots and traps 3of course there should be a Tproper. immersi"e limit,

    can’t realistically hang L bear traps on your belt lol7, etc 3the potions slots can

    accomodate potions, but not only them, but e"en other small damaging items, li'eTmoloto" coctail.!ish attac' potion, single use temporaty enchant scrolls, etc7

    • eft Hand Y two hand slots, although most glo"esJgauntletsJ come in pairs, some may

    not, or you yourself could want to mi- two types

    • eft $ing Y two ring slots, classic I’d say realistically you could euip at least L rings, or

    C rings at the "ery least without hindering yourself, but the standard for e"ery game

    these days is two, so whate"er 

      $ight Hand

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      $ight $ing

    • eft Forearm Y again two bracer 3or whate"er you can put there7 slots, you can euip

    them in pairs or mi- them

      $ight Forearm

    • egs Y normal leg armor3Jcloth7 slot Outer wear slot for legs would be highly redundant,

    unless you want to wear a s'irt abo"e your leather pants, which would 'inda loo' weird• Hips Y for items you can strap to your hips, I guess I mean this slot as a supplement to

    )aist slot to possibly accomodate more item uic'slots

    • Feet Y I was tempted to write down two of them, but I guess people wouldn’t en1oy

    wearing two different boots on them :D

    • Hands Y whate"er you hold in your hands Y empty 3hand to hand by using special

    gauntletsJboots7, >hander, >handershield, hander, >handers, If you cast a spell

    while you don’t ha"e at least > hand free, you’re slowed down by first letting go of the

    weapon, casting, and then grabbing the weapon bac', which is dangerous in combat

    3although there are e-ceptions, li'e merged magic weapon s'ill 3which I8 5O2 Ttrue.

    casting, as you unleash magic through weapon, not hands7, or for e-ample "ery high

    le"el of magician staff s'ill line that allows to channel magic through staff7


    &ach item should do, what you e-pect it to do $ou don’t e-pect a ring to increase your armor,

    and you don’t e-pect your plate armor to ma'e you run faster 2hat’s 1ust a load of bullshit

    &ach item should be named by its creator If the crafter names the dragonscale hauber' he

    ma'es a TRabbitslayer’s 6hest Guard., it’s purely his e"il choice 2he crafter’s character name

    should also be "isible on an item window in some uiet corner

    &ach euippable item should ha"e a weight 2he sum of weight of euipped items 3in 'g7 is

    compared to 82R&5G2* stat 3each point of 82R >'g carry weight and for bow purposes, 'g

    of drawing strength, which is separate from carry weight Y a player with 82R of C? can euip

    L'g of gear 3without getting penalties, although if they can go on without dodge mechanic,

    sprint and wal'ing slow as snails, they can euip more7 and still draw a bow that has U< 'g

    drawing weight7 2hough to say the truth, draw weight is only a problem for new characters, as

    their 82R will most li'ely 3unless their 82R slider was at ? in creation7 get higher than the

    ma-imum draw strength reuirement of any bow7

    Items should ha"e a T.uality. stat that states how effecti"e they are in their category 3fore-ample a roughly sewn rabbit leather armor would ha"e a uality of >J>?? compared to layered

    demonic bear leather armor which would ha"e a uality of EKJ>??7 Suality is the most important

    stat on the item, as it decides how well the armor will protect you, how much damage can

    a weapon inflict, how much *P 3JMP7 a potion can replenish, etc

    Suality has other "isual identificator Y the name of the item is gray 3Tbad. uality >!?7, white

    3Tcommon. uality >!C?7, green 3Tuncommon. uality C>!K?7, blue 3Trare. uality K>!L?7, purple

    3Tperfect. uality L>!E??7

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    !"#$!E  (red sparks over items name) is "%T  an indication of 1uality , it means there is only

    one such item present on the ser"er It’s generally an item awarded for Treal first. type

    achie"ements 3unli'e Tlegendary. items from other games, which literally &=&R$O5& can get


    Hniue effects can be uite anything, an uniue item can come in form of a one!of!a!'indenchant scroll which you apply on an item you own 3perhaps adding a special trait, a glow, or

    whate"er else7, or it can come in form of a specific euippable item 3with special trait, glow or

    shape or something7 that a party gets by 'illing an e"ent humanoid enemy who uses it 3after

    realm first 'ill that item is replaced by 5O2 uniue item7

    2he other stat should be Tdura+ility., which should highly depend on material3s7 from which the

    item is crafted 3such as steel plate ha"ing much higher durability than bron(e plate, etc7 4or

    realism, players should ne"er be able to Trepair. their items, but since that would probably dri"e

    them cra(y R++$ 8OO5, let’s say that items would ha"e C Tchec'points. at ?,

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    otherwise you get "arious disad"antages as a penalty7 and reuires U< 'g draw strength to

    effecti"ely shoot 3this draw strength is separate from combined euipped items weight, you 1ust

    need enough 82R to shoot it, in this case U

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept



    Plate armor is the hea"iest of hea"y armors, but offers enormous defensi"e capability Ma)or

    Slashing 'esistance, Medium Piercing 'esistance and *esser (rushing 'esistance, but

    since it’s metallic, it’s downsides are that you are more li'ely to be sub1ect to abnormal statuses

    -R232G and S4/5$670


    > %laded>> 8words

    >>> 8traight 8words 3broadswords, shortswords, longswords, bastard swords,

    claymores, 7>> 6ur"ed 8words 3sabers, 'atanas, nodachis, falchions, 7>> Dueling 8words 3rapiers, estocs, 7

    > Daggers

    > #-es 3single and double edged a-es and battlea-es7>C Polearms 3glai"e, polea-e, halberd, naginata, 7>> Magician 8ta"es> 6ombat 8ta"es

    6lubs> *ammers 3all hammers and warhammers7 Maces 3flanged mace, morningstar, 7

    Ranged> 4lying Daggers 3throwing stars and whate"er else falls under small thrown weapon

    category7 a"elins %ows

    > 8hortbows +ongbows

    C Hnarmed

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    Hnarmed fighting style is the bane of all game designs I mean, sure, you can ma'e characters

    use some fist weapons, but it’s not really the same as using martial arts 8o I suggest a slightly

    different approach Y gauntlet and boot enhancements that you can use on your euipped gear,

    which will add damage to attac's by hands 3gauntlets7 and legs 3boots7 8omething li'e this:

     )hich would enhance the base power of the attac', add some degree of armor penetration and

    reduce the reflected damage 3I don’t thin' you can try to hit a dude in hea"y armor with a leather 

    glo"e on your hand an e-pect to deal damage, let alone not feel any pain7 and also cause

    debuffs such as leeding , which would be otherwise impossible without a bladed weapon

    2he difference in power and rebound of 'ic'ing an enemy in basic leather boots and the ones

    that are protected by a steel Tshoe. with claws and spi'es should be pretty ob"ious Of course,

    the thing in the picture would not be a low uality thing, but rather something from latter half ore"en last third 2he base ones should be 1ust a reinforced tip or heel Of course, these

    enhancements should only wor' on leather and better boots, not some mage’s flip flops

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept



    %ase 8tatus 3state of body7

    • &ormal Y the base status, nothing’s wrong, nothing’s out of the ordinary, lasts for C


    • $ested Y gained after sitting for < minutes by the campfire 3or >< without it7, increases

    ma-imum 8tamina by ?@ for hours 3after which it falls bac' to 5ormal7

    • %ired Y gained if you don’t gain Rested during the C hours of 5ormal status, decreases

    ma-imum stamina by

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    • 'rippled W-X ! until healed to >??@ *P, can’t attac'Jdefend if the corresponding arm

    was crippled, or mo"e beyond crawling speed 3?@7 if leg3s7 were crippled One of the

    most useful statuses to inflict and most dangerous to recei"e Doesn’t wor' all that well

    on non!humanoids, as ma1ority of those can attac' with their 1aws andJor ha"e a few

    e-tra legs to support them %H2 those also can’t get rid of them, so whate"er goes

    8tatus is inflicted by special s'illsJarts, luc'y arrow hits 31ust try to hit a deer’s leg from>?? metres away7 or o"erwhelming strength 382R of attac'er is more than twice the

    82R or recipient and he foolishly tries to bloc' goodbye, bones in shield arm7

    • Stunned Y when hit by an attac' that ta'es more than C?@ of ma-imum health instantly,

    or when hit by some special s'illsJarts, the target cannot do anything for seconds, then

    the status lessens to Di((y

    • *i--y Y for seconds, target has

  • 8/16/2019 Dream Game Concept


    &-pected reactions

    Damn that’s too much grind

    ; $es, yes it is 2hat’s the fun part

    8o many annoying mechanics that hinder players

    ; It’s called immersion, but there are 2O58 of other MMORPGs that don’t 'now the meaning of

    the word 3would ta'e too long to name them all7

    8O H5%#+#56&DB

    ; 2hat may be so, but it’s still mostly based on indi"idual player s'ill and their ability to effecti"ely

    cooperate, rather than 1ust a numbers game while mashing buttons

    2*&R&’8 5O &5DG#M&B

    ; $ou are in endgame as soon as you finish naming your character 

     #in’t 66 builds too powerfulA

    ; )ithout 66, you won’t sur"i"e an hour #lso, ha"ing too many 66s on your ability bar 1ust

    ma'es it that much harder to deal damage, because the damage they deal is "ery little to noneIf e"eryone in the group only focuses on 66, who will deal damageA Relying on mostly normal

    and hea"y weapon attac's will ma'e fights unreasonably long and boring, although safe…2here’s no mention of any lore

    • Right 8ince players start literally from scratch and they lead the progress in e"ery way

    3including Tresearch progress.7, the game could technically s'ip all this and pro"ide only

    a do(en or two 5P6s for each starting town at the start with the "ery basic stuff, and it

    would be up to players and mechanics described abo"e to e-pand it into a li"ing

    breathing world

    • Of course, that doesn’t mean updates can’t be of lore type %reathing life into the world

    would always be nice

    +ast notes

    ; I don’t ha"e neither s'ills nor resources to ma'e this thing I’d be happy if any 8O+ID game

    company too' the idea into action, but they shouldn’t e"en attempt if they shall screw it; Graphics doesn’t matter all that much Most people playing MMOs don’t care for much else than

    the face, hair and gear of their character and maybe the smoothness and elegance of

    animations, e"erything else might as well loo' pretty a"erage 2he le"el of graphics from

    2&RR# or %lac' Desert Online should be plenty 3especially %DO’s character creation is one of

    the best I’"e seen, if not 2*& best7; *air physics ! nothing loo's worse than hair clipping into armorJweaponJshield or whate"er’s on

    your bac'

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    ; 2o sa"e on hardware resources, 1ust blur far away players 3something li'e base body typecolor 

    of gear7 It’s better to see a guy