Drawing - Computer Science · Drawing 9 The Graphics Object paintComponent's Graphics g...


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1 Drawing


C Sc 335 Object-Oriented Programming and Design

Rick Mercer

2 Drawing


Drawing with a Graphics object

Graphics and Graphics2D

paintComponent and repaint

draw and fill messages

Strings, Lines, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygons


Text and Fonts

Drawing Images

Toolkit to convert jpg and gif files into Images

3 Drawing

Drawing with a Graphics Object

The use of graphics is common among modern

software systems

Java has strong support for graphics

coordinate system for Java graphics

drawing shapes such as lines, ovals, rectangles, ...

basic animation techniques

the use of color

the use of fonts

drawing images (.gif files for example)

4 Drawing

The Coordinate System

A simple two-dimensional coordinate system exists for each graphics context or drawing surface

Each point on the coordinate system represents a single pixel

top left corner of the area is coordinate <0, 0> // This string will be drawn 20 pixels right,

// 40 pixels down as the lower left corner;

// other shapes are upper right

g2.drawString("is in Panel1", 20, 40);

A drawing surface has a width and height

Anything drawn outside of that area is not visible

5 Drawing

The Coordinate System

<0, 0>

<x, y>

<width-1, height-1>





6 Drawing

Draw on a JPanel

Need to extend a class that extends JComponent

JPanel is good

To draw things:

extend JPanel

have the class override the paintComponent method

panel surface is transparent, so send drawing messages

inside paintComponent to the graphic context

a Graphics2D object we'll reference with g2

7 Drawing

Put something in a JPanel

Implement a JPanel class and draw a few strings

import java.awt.*;

public class DrawingPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel {

// Override the paintComponent method in JPanel


public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

g.drawString("Put this in g, which", 20, 20);

g.drawString("is in Panel", 20, 40);

g.drawString("which is in MyFrame", 20, 60);



8 Drawing

Then add the JPanel to a JFrame to see

the drawing import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class DrawOnAPanel extends JFrame {

public static void main(String[] args) {

new DrawOnAPanel().setVisible(true);


public DrawOnAPanel() {

setTitle("A Frame with a panel");


setSize(200, 120);

getContentPane().add(new DrawingPanel());



9 Drawing

The Graphics Object

paintComponent's Graphics g argument

represents a "graphical context" object.

You can tell it to draw things on the panel

If you want another method to draw, pass the Graphics

object to it—it like a canvas that understands draws

The actual object passed to every JPanel is a

Graphics2D, so you can cast to Graphics2D

Never send paintcomponent messages

send repaint() messages instead

10 Drawing

The Graphics Context

An object of the Graphics class represents a particular drawing surface

It defines a graphics context in which shapes will be rendered

Graphics is still around, but Java added an

improved 2D Library in Java 1.3, use Graphics2D

Better drawing capabilities

It is analogous to using swing (JButton, JFrame)

rather than older awt components (Button, Frame)

11 Drawing

First cast Graphics to


// Override the paintComponent method in JPanel


public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

// Graphics2D is a newer drawing context added after

// Graphics was around for a while. Graphics2D has

// more and better messages

Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

g2.drawString("Put this in g, which", 20, 20);

You can send messages to g2 such as drawString,

draw(Shape), setColor, setBackground

12 Drawing

Classes from java.awt.geom

The Rectangle2D.Double class (an inner class)

First 2 Arguments are the UPPER left corner // Use the static Double inner class of Rectangle2D

// Floating point numbers are double by default

Rectangle2D body = // xcoord, ycoord, width, height

new Rectangle2D.Double(30.0, 70.0, 200.0, 50.0);


13 Drawing

draw Messages to Graphics2D

Can also draw any object that implements the Shape interface

public void draw(Shape s)

Draws outline of the shape using this Graphics2D's current pen color Shape leftWheel = // xcoord, ycoord, width, height

new Ellipse2D.Double(50.0, 100.0, 50.0, 50.0);

g2.draw(leftWheel); // 30.0, 70.0 is the upper left corner

You could also draw on a Graphics

context with different messages

Recommended: use Graphics2D

14 Drawing


The Color class is used to define and manage the

color in which shapes are drawn

Colors are defined by their RGB value, which

defines the relative contribution of the primary

colors red, green, and blue

The setPaint method of the Graphics2D

defines the color used in future draw messages g2.setPaint(aColor)

15 Drawing


The Color class contains several predefined colors,

defined as public final static ints (class constants)

Many other colors can be defined using the

constructor of the Color class

Over 16 million colors can be defined, but we

cannot distinguish between that many Color(int r, int g, int b)

Creates a color with the specified red, green, and blue values in range (0 - 255)

Furthermore, the hardware of most systems has

limitations to the color options available

16 Drawing

A Few Predefined Colors

You can create your own or use the constants in the

Color class Color.WHITE






Set future painting color like this g2.setPaint(Color.BLUE);

17 Drawing


draw(shape) draws an outline of the shape

fill(shape) draws an outline of the shape and then

fills it with whatever color is set g2.setPaint(Color.GREEN); g2.setPaint(Color.BLUE);

g2.draw(body); g2.fill(body);

18 Drawing


A Font object is constructed with 3 arguments to

indicate the

logical font names such as "SansSerif"

style such as Font.PLAIN and Font.BOLD

font size (10 is small, 30 is big)

Then send a setFont message to the Graphics2D


assume code shown on next slide is paintComponent

19 Drawing

Drawing strings with


Font aFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 16);



g2.drawString("A car with no top", 45, 180);

How would you draw a solid black wheel that can be seen?

20 Drawing

Drawing Images in Java

21 Drawing

So far…

We know how to subclass a JPanel and use a

Graphics2D object as a drawing canvas inside the

paintComponent method.

Sometimes we need to use an existing image rather

than draw something ourselves

22 Drawing

Drawing an Image

Java’s Image class in java.awt abstracts a bitmap

image for use in drawing.

Images can be drawn to a panel through a Graphics


An important Graphics2D method: drawImage

But first…

23 Drawing

How do we load an image?

java.awt now contains a method Image img = ImageIO.read(new File("fileName"));

It is used to load an image file from disk

Once we have an image and a graphics object,

we can draw it // some other drawing code

// 'g2' is a Graphics context object and img

// is an initialized Image. 12 is x, 24 is y pixels

g.drawImage(img, 12, 24, null);

24 Drawing

Drawing Our Image

This code will draw img at the coordinates

(12, 24) on the panel

The final ‘null’ is for an ImageObserver

object, which we'll not need

25 Drawing


To draw a jpg or gif image 1. Extend JPanel

2. Declare Image instance variables in that class

3. Let the constructor initialize

4. Overide paintComponent

5. get a Graphics2D object named g2 perhaps

6. send drawImage messages to g2

26 Drawing

Example code that needs

6 jpg files in images

public class CardsOnTheWater extends JPanel {

private Image ocean, card1, card2, card3, card4, card5;

public CardsOnTheWater() {

try {

ocean = ImageIO.read(new File("images/ocean.jpg"));

card1 = ImageIO.read(new File("images/14h.jpg"));

card2 = ImageIO.read(new File("images/13h.jpg"));

card3 = ImageIO.read(new File("images/12h.jpg"));

card4 = ImageIO.read(new File("images/11h.jpg"));

card5 = ImageIO.read(new File("images/10h.jpg"));

} catch (IOException e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block




27 Drawing

This method is called when the

panel needs to be redrawn


public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

g2.drawImage(ocean, 0, 0, this);

g2.drawImage(card1, 10, 10, this);

g2.drawImage(card2, 30, 15, this);

g2.drawImage(card3, 50, 20, this);

g2.drawImage(card4, 70, 25, this);

g2.drawImage(card5, 90, 30, this);


28 Drawing

Still need to Add JPanel to a JFrame

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class DrawCardsOnWaterMain extends JFrame {

public static void main(String[] args) {

new DrawCardsOnWaterMain().setVisible(true);


public DrawCardsOnWaterMain() {

setSize(250, 250);


JPanel panel = new CardsOnTheWater();



