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Table of Contents

Audio Lectures and Guided Meditation .............................................................................................................................................. 2Music and Chants .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3Video and Multimedia ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4Biographies ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4Children’s Books ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6Direct Disciples ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8Holy Mother Sarada Devi ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10Health & Relaxation .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11Hymns & Prayers .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12India & Its Culture ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14Meditation .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15Philosophy .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16Reincarnation ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18Comparative Religion ........................................................................................................................................................................... 19Sri Ramakrishna ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21Sanskrit Language ................................................................................................................................................................................. 24Scriptures & Translations ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24Spiritual Practices .................................................................................................................................................................................. 30Epics, Stories, Poems ............................................................................................................................................................................. 32Various Other Subjects .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34Swami Vivekananda .............................................................................................................................................................................. 35Vedanta, Hinduism................................................................................................................................................................................ 39Yoga ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41

SPECIALSThe following titles written by Swami Bhaskarananda are shipped FREE* within the United

States if you order any combination of two or more.

Essentials of Hinduism: A Comprehensive Overview of the World’s Oldest Religion $14.50Meditation, Mind and Patajali’s Yoga: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Growth $14.50Life in Indian Monasteries: Reminiscences About Monks of the Ramakrishna Order $14.95

* Shipped via Media Mail. Extra shipping charges may apply to the remainder of your order.

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Bourne End Lectures SeriesSwami Bhaskarananda gives lectures covering the vitalaspects of spiritual life on audio tape.Tape 1: Benefits of Holy Company 55 min. Cat#10-488 $7.50Tape 2: Meditation and its Goal 54 min. Cat#10-489 $7.50Tape 3: Hazards in Spiritual Life 42 min. Cat#10-490 $7.50Tape 4: Spiritual Practice in Daily Life. 59 min. Cat#10-491 $7.50Set of all four tapes. Cat#10-487 $25.00

Christ the MessengerSwami Vivekananda’s lecture read by John Abbot. Audiocassette. Cat#10-837 $7.95

Dhyanam: Hindu Guided Meditations for Peaceand EnlightenmentContains simple, practical and step by step guidedmeditations narrated by Swami Medhasananda. Followsage-old Hindu spiritual traditions that have evolvedvarious universal meditation techniques for aspirants ofdiffering aptitudes. Includes meditations on both BhaktiYoga (Path of Devotion) and Jnana Yoga (Path ofKnowledge). 78 min. CD Cat#10-829 $12.00

DialoguesSwami Vivekananda’s dialogues. Read by John Batiste andAlan Arkin. Cat#10-841 $7.95

DiscipleshipA lecture of Swami Vivekananda read by John Batiste.Audio cassette. Cat#10-839 $7.95

Divine IncarnationSwami Prabhavananda. Newly remastered. Audio cassette.Cat#10-845 $9.95

Divine IncarnationSwami Aseshananda. Audio cassette of talk given onDecember 9, 1984. Cat#10-728 $6.00

Don’t Seek Him, See HimSwami Aseshananda. Audio cassette of talk given onDecember 8, 1985. Cat#10-735 $6.00

Evolution and PerfectionSwami Aseshananda. Audio cassette of talk given onJanuary 1, 1985. Cat#10-736 $6.00

Householder and Monastic LifeSwami Prabhavananda. Newly remastered. Audiocassette. Cat#10-844 $9.95

How to MeditateSwami Swahananda describes a variety of meditationmethods and presents the benefits of proper meditationpractice, including helpful suggestions for deepeningour meditation. CD Cat#10-833 $9.95

Maya and Freedom & The Teacher ofSpiritualityTwo lectures of Swami Vivekananda. Maya andFreedom read by Rdjemian. The Teacher of Spiritualityread by John Batiste. Audio cassette. Cat#10-838 $7.95

Message of WisdomSwami Aseshananda. Audio cassette of talk given onNovember 18, 1990. Cat#10-732 $6.00

Narada’s Way of Divine LoveSwami PrabhavanandaSet of 15 audio cassettes, each cassette including 2lectures of about 45 min. each. Inspiring andilluminating classes on Bhakti Yoga, the path to Godrealization through loving devotion. Each lectureconcludes with an enjoyable question & answer session.Complete Set of 15 tapes. Cat#10-737 $125.00Available Individually (please specify tape number).Cat#10-738 $12.95

Readings from the Lectures of Vivekananda —Series 1Contains “The Open Secret” and “Work and its Secret”.Audio cassette. Cat#10-836 $7.95

The Real and The Apparent ManReading of Swami Vivekananda’s lecture. Audiocassette. Cat#10-840 $7.95

Samsara & NirvanaSwami Aseshananda. Audio cassette of talk given onMay 24, 1987. Cat#10-726 $6.00

Audio Lectures and Guided Meditation

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Swami AkhandanandaSwami Aseshananda. Audio cassette of talk given onOctober 14, 1985. Cat#10-730 $6.00

Swami SaradanandaSwami Aseshananda. Audio cassette of talk given onDecember 28, 1984. Cat#10-727 $6.00

The Way to LiberationSwami Prabhavananda recorded in Santa Barbara onMay 26, 1957.Audio cassette. Cat#10-843 $9.95CD Cat#10-835 $9.95

What is True MysticismSwami Prabhavananda recorded in Santa Barbara onOctober 13, 1957. Newly remastered.Audio cassette. Cat#10-842 $9.95CD Cat#10-834 $9.95

Music and Chants

Devotional Songs sung by Swami ChidanandaMany Indian devotional songs on two audio cassettes.Cat#10-848 $13.95

Devotional Songs sung by SwamiBhaskaranandaTwelve songs sung with spiritual themes composed byTagore and other saints and poets of India. Mainlymelodic renderings of the words of the songs, withsome improvised tunes. Includes two chants. Englishtranslation of songs is also provided. CD. Cat#10-828$10.00

Breath of the EternalMany Sanskrit chants from Vedas and Bhagavad Gitawith English translation. Chanted by SwamiChetanananda. Three audio cassettes. Cat#10-850$22.00

Echoes of the EternalMany Sanskrit chants with English translations.Selections from the Vedas, Upanishads and otherscriptures. Chanted by Swami Chetanananda. Threeaudio cassettes. Cat#10-849 $22.00

MantrapushpamAn audio rendition of the chants in the Mantrapushpambook in the Hymns and Prayers section of this catalog.Chanted by Swami Devarupananda of the RamakrishnaOrder. Great for learning Sanskrit pronunciation as wellas proper intonation of chants. Set of four audiocassettes. Cat#10-831 $34.95

Sri Ramakrishna AratrikamSung at Belur Math and other centeres of RamakrishnaMath and Ramakrishna Mission. Quality recordingsung by Swami Sarvagananda & other monks of theRamakrishna Order. CD Cat#10-824 $10.00

Sri Ramanama SankirtanamSung at the centers of the Ramakrishna Order. Qualityrecording sung by sannyasins and brahmacharins of theRamakrishna Order. CD Cat#10-825 $10.00

Srimad Bhagavad Gita ChantingSanskrit chanting of the entire Bhagavad Gita by SwamiChidananda. Includes devotional songs. Four audiocassettes. Cat#10-847 $20.00

Suranjali - Songs composed by SwamiPratyayanandaSung by Sumita CharavortyLight classical Bengali devotional compositions bySwami Pratyayananda of the Ramakrishna Order.Contains 12 songs with English translation. Cat#10-851$8.95

Veda Mantras: Taittiriya UpanishadBy Swami Raghaveshananda & Swami Jnanadananda.CD Cat#10-830 $10.00

Vedic ChantingContains many Sanskrit chants from variousUpanishads. Chanted by Swami Chidananda. Twoaudio cassettes. Cat#10-846 $13.95


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Video and Multimedia

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi: Life andTeachingsMultimedia CD presentation contains Holy Mother’sbiography depicted with the help of paintings,photographs, narration and songs, places and peopleassociated with her, her selected teachings, and muchmore. Audio tracks of all songs can be listened to in aCD player. Narrated in both English and Bengali.Minimum system requirements: Pentium 300 MHZprocessor, 128 MB RAM, 16X-CD ROM, 16 bit graphicscard, Windows 98 or higher. Cat#10-826 $10.00

Ramakrishna - A DocumentaryProduced by Swami ChetananandaAn assemblage of quality images of Sri Ramakrishna,with a 1928 motion picture and a 1936 audio recordingof some of his disciples. VHS Video. 78 min. Cat#10-366$29.95

Swami Vivekananda: Life, Works & ResearchContains: the Complete Works of Swami Vivekanandain nine volumes; Life of Swami Vivekananda by HisEastern & Western Disciples in two volumes; SwamiVivekananda in the West—New Discoveries in sixvolumes; Selected quotes, photographs, and more.Minimum system requirements: Pentium 266 MHz, 64MB RAM, Sound Card, 800x600 at 16-Bit true colour,Microsoft Windows 98/Me/200/SP. Cat#10-827 $30.00

Vivekananda - As We Saw HimProduced by Swami ChetananandaFive personal reminiscences of Swami Vivekanandafrom original recordings, with his life story including 91photographs, and voices of Gandhi and Madame Calve.Quality VHS Video. 87 min. Cat#10-593 $29.95


A Heart Poured Out: A Story of SwamiAshokanandaSister Gargi (Marie Louis Burke)The extraordinary saga of an authentic spiritual teacher.Swami Ashokananda’s compelling personality and histraining of disciples, here brought to life for the firsttime, will help readers of all faiths surmount theobstacles of daily life. The story begins with theSwami’s experiences as a God-absorbed boy in villageIndia, and continues on up through to his last momentin the body. 449 pp. US hbk Cat#10-794 $26.00

Bhakti Schools of VedantaTr. Swami Tapasyananda. Lives and philosophies ofRamanuja, Nimbarka, Madhva, Vallabha andChaitanya. 364 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-002 $7.95

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: His Life, Religionand PhilosophySwami Tapasyananda. Indian ed. 103 pp. pbkCat#10-003 $3.95

My Faithful GoodwinPravrajika VrajapranaThe story of that faithful soul who recorded many ofSwami Vivekananda’s talks. Describes how at the touchof Swami Vivekananda the soul of Goodwin gotawakened and transformed into an all sacrificingdisciple. 116 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-009 $2.50

Life in Indian Monasteries - ReminiscencesAbout Monks of the Ramakrishna OrderSwami BhaskaranandaA book of charming, inspirational and intimateanecdotes about many of the monks of the RamakrishnaOrder of India. Written with an insider’s genuineunderstanding, the stories reveal the inner lives of themonks: their day-to-day activities and interaction, theirhumor, and what genuine and real spiritual growthreally means for a spiritual aspirant of any tradition.With 44 photos & illustrations. Glossary and index. 206pp. US pbk Cat#10-672 $14.95

Life of M. and Sri Sri RamakrishnaKathamritaDharm Pal GuptaAn extensive biography of the man who blessed theworld with “The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.” A faithful,realistic but reverential account, with special focus onthe phenomenon of M.’s Sri Sri RamakrishnaKathamrita. With foreword by Swami Tapasyanandaand introduction by Swami Atmarupananda. 534 pp.Indian ed. hbk Cat#10-795 $12.95

A Short Life of M., the Writer of the Gospel ofSri RamakrishnaDharm Pal Gupta. 119 pp. Indian ed. pbkCat#10-817 $2.95

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M.—The Apostle & the EvangelistSwami NityatmanandaA ten part continuation of M.’s Gospel of SriRamakrishna. Conversations—recorded in the form of adiary—of M., Professor Mahendranath Gupta, anerudite scholar and direct and intimate house-holderdisciple of Sri Ramakrishna, with the devotees of SriRamakrishna and with the author himself.Part 1: 446 pp. Indian ed. hbk Cat#10-807 $6.95Part 2: 433 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-808 $6.95Part 3: 446 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-809 $6.95Part 4: 264 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-810 $6.95Part 5: 304 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-811 $6.95Part 6: 290 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-812 $6.95Part 7: 398 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-813 $6.95Part 8: 356 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-814 $6.95Part 9: 355 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-815 $6.95Part 10: 310 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-816 $6.95

Sri Madhvacarya: His Life, Religion &PhilosophySwami Tapasyananda. 94 pp. Indian ed. pbkCat#10-006 $2.25

The Story of Mira’s LoveSwami Budhananda. With illustrations. A movingaccount of a 16th century saint and her intense love ofGod. 32 pp. Indian ed. Cat#10-007 $1.95

Sri Nimbarka: His Life, Religion & PhilosophySwami Tapasyananda. 22 pp. Indian ed. pbkCat#10-011 $1.25

The Story of Sister NiveditaPravrajika Atmaprana. A brief biography of one ofSwami Vivekananda’s great women disciples. 73 pp.Indian ed. Cat#10-013 $2.25

Sister NiveditaPravrajika Atmaprana. A detailed biography of one ofSwami Vivekananda’s great women disciples. Includesphotos, glossary and index. 314 pp. Indian ed. hbkCat#10-012 $10.95

My India My People - Sister NiveditaPravrajika AtmapranaBrings out in moving detail how this dynamiceducationist from Ireland led the life of a Karmayoginin India, and understood profoundly that sacrifice is theessence of service. 63 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-014$2.25

The Path FindersSwami Vijnanananda. Bird’s eye-view of SriRamakrishna, Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda, SriRamanuja and Sri Krishna; and an essay on What IsReligion. 66 pp. Indian ed. Cat#10-015 $2.25

Periya PuranamSekkizhaar. Condensed English version by G.Vanmikanathan. Tamil classic on the great Saiva Saintsof South India. 578 pp. Indian ed. hbk Cat#10-016$11.50

Profiles In GreatnessSwami SastranandaEngaging stories about Sri Ramakrishna, Sri SaradaDevi, Swami Vivekananda, Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna’sfather, Guru Nanak, Socrates, Swami Saradananda, 153pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-017 $3.95

Life of Sri RamanujaSwami Ramakrishnananda. A detailed biography of agreat spiritual teacher written by a great spiritualteacher. 279 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-018 $5.95

Sri Ramanuja: His Life, Religion andPhilosophySwami Tapasyananda. 84 pp. Indian ed. pbkCat#10-019 $2.50

Ramprasad - The Melodious MysticSwami Budhananda. 71 pp. Indian ed. pbkCat#10-020 $2.25

Saint-Poets Of MaharashtraN.N. Subramanian. With illustrations 47 pp. Indian ed.hbk Cat#10-021 $1.50

Saints of IndiaAnna. 105 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-022 $2.95

Saints and MysticsMany authors, including Swami VivekanandaA delightful boquet of the lives and sayings of somefourteen saints and mystics drawn from differentregions and faiths. 247 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-023$4.95

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Adi Sankara: His Life and TimesSri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati, Tr. T.M.P. MahadevanSeries of speeches delivered by Sri ChandrasekharendraSarasvati. Insightful light thrown on even the obscurestdetails concerning the life of Sankara. Gives a vividimpression of the Great Master against the richbackground of our multi-faceted culture. 177 pp. Indianed. pbk Cat#10-025 $4.95

Sankara Dig Vijaya: The Traditional Life of SriSankaracharyaMadhava VidaranyaTranslated by Swami Tapasyananda. The life of the mostwidely known of India’s philosophers, both within thecountry and outside, presented in a traditional telling. 195pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-024 $4.95

Spiritual Heritage of TyagarajaC. RamanujachariAn exaustive expostion of the contents of 565 songs of thisgreat saint and devotee. These compostions embodyTyagaraja’s trials and yearnings, religious fervour and hisdevotional experiences. Sanskrit with English translation.623 pp. Indian ed. hbk Cat#10-028 $12.95

Sufis, Mystics and Yogis of IndiaBankey Behari. Short inspiring biographies and teachingsof 11 great personalities of India. Includes an extensiveappendix containing orginal sanskrit texts. 384 pp. Indianed. pbk Cat#10-030 $4.95

Life of TukaramJustin E. AbbottThe life of the Marathi saint, Tukaram, born in 1608.Translation is a part of Mahipati’s Bhaktalilamrita.346 pp. Indian ed. hbk Cat#10-033 $11.95346 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-034 $8.50

Sri Vallabhacarya: His Life: Religion andPhilosophySwami Tapasyananda. 238 pp. Indian ed. Cat#10-038$2.25

Western Women In The Footsteps Of SwamiVivekanandaEditorial Advisor Pravrajika Atmaprana15 articles by several writers on the lives of these womenof courage and vision. Contains pictures and referencesfor further study. 209 pp. Indian ed. hbk Cat#10-039$10.95

Great Women of IndiaSeveral authorsA kaleidoscopic collection of essays on many of themost outstanding women in India’s history. Includesseveral photographs and illustrations and an extensiveindex. 551 pp. hbk Cat#10-040 $15.00

Women Saints East and WestSeveral authors. Lives and teachings of many greatwomen saints from Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,Christianity, Judaism, and Sufism. 275 pp. pbk Cat#10-041 $10.95

Children’s Books

Amar Chitra Katha Mahabharata Comic seriesComic series covering many stories from theMahabharata. Please inquire about available titles.Cat#10-042 $0.75

Amar Chitra Katha - Various TitlesComic series containing various stories. Please inquireabout available titles. Cat#10-043 $0.75

Jataka Tales Great Gift and the Wish-fulfillingGemRetold by lama MiphamA child of India seeks a legendary gem with the powerto satisfy human needs and open the way to happinessand peace. Beautiful full-page color illustrations. Forchildren ages 4-10. pbk Cat#10-059 $7.95

Jataka Tales Heart of GoldCelebrates the power of action motivated bycompassion, love, wisdom, and kindness. Beautiful full-page color illustrations. For children ages 4-10. pbkCat#10-741 $7.95

Jataka Tales Rabbit in the MoonA rabbit’s unselfish deed of offering himself for food toa hungry stranger is rewarded when he is placed in themoon for all to see. Beautiful full-page colorillustrations. For children ages 4-10. pbk Cat#10-063$7.95

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Jataka Tales The Monkey KingA brave monkey king risks his life to lead his followersto safety. Celebrates the power of action motivated bycompassion, love, wisdom, and kindness. Beautifulfull-page color illustrations. For children ages 4-10. pbkCat#10-745 $7.95

Jataka Tales The Parrot & the Fig TreeA parrot demonstrates selfless loyalty and devotion tohis fig-tree friend, bringing honor to them both.Beautiful full-page color illustrations. For children ages4-10. pbk Cat#10-742 $7.95

Jataka Tales A Precious LifeCelebrates the power of action motivated bycompassion, love, wisdom, and kindness. Beautifulfull-page color illustrations. For children ages 4-10. pbkCat#10-746 $7.95

The Story of Sri Krishna for ChildrenSwami Raghaveshananda. Illustrated with colorpictures. Large Indian ed. pbkPart 1: Cat#10-069 $4.95Part 2: Cat#10-071 $4.95

Shri Krishna LeelaSet of four comics. Cat#10-072 $4.50

Mahabharata For ChildrenRetold by Swami Raghaveshananda. Illustrated incolor. Large Indian ed. 43 pp. pbkVol. 1 Cat#10-075 $4.50Vol. 2 Cat#10-076 $4.50Vol. 3 Cat#10-077 $4.50

Pictorial Stories For Children - Book 1Surdas, Krishna’s Stratagem, Power of Lord’s Name,Karna’s Greatness, Pippalada’s Boon, SwamiVivekananda, Who is a True Devotee, Krishna’sConcern for the Devotees, King’s Grace and God’sGrace. pbk Cat#10-081 $0.75

Pictorial Stories For Children - Book 2Story of Bakasura, Divine Music, True Devotion,Sandalwood Merchant, Kacha and Devayani, Dadichi’sSacrifice, One Day in Gokula, Kashmir Shawl, KingAmbarisha. pbk Cat#10-082 $0.75

Pictorial Stories For Children - Book 3Kubera and Ganesha, The Great Giver, Minister’s Ring,Love That Pays, The King and the Barber, The MagicalMirror, An Incident in Madurai, Story of AbhiramaBhatta, Lord Muruga and Kacheppa. pbk Cat#10-083$0.75

Pictorial Stories For Children - Book 4Bhima meets Hanuman, Shabari, Concern for Others,Saint Tyagaraja, The Ungrateful Dog, The Idol at PuriTemple, The Horse-Faced Demoness, The Divine Will,Bhakta Kanakadasa, Compassion Incarnate. pbkCat#10-084 $0.75

Pictorial Stories For Children - Book 5Chaitanya Mahabprabhu, Knowledge Brings Humility,Jaya and Vijaya, The King With the Golden Hand,Parasurama’s Vow, Greatness of Truth, Self-Surrender,Sage Valmiki, Miser Turned Saint. pbk Cat#10-085$0.75

Pictorial Stories For Children - Book 6How Parikshit Attained Liberation, Sri Bhanudasa, TheFavorite Disciple, Markandeya, The Story of Kavadi,The Greatness of Jayadeva’s Ashtapadi, Eknath, TheGreatness of Work. pbk Cat#10-086 $0.75

Pictorial Stories For Children - Book 7The Origin of Ramayana, The Fruit of Devotion to SriRama, Sita of Immaculate Chastity, Kamban the PoetSupreme, Sri Gauranga Humbles a Vain Pandit,Daksha’s Sacrifice, Greed Ruins a Man. pbk Cat#10-087$0.75

Pictorial Stories For Children - Book 8Devotion Draws God’s Grace, Sage Agastya a MusicalGenius, Subhadra the Chaste, Valour Even inChildhood, Thoughtfulness is Wisdom, Vasishtha andVishwamitra, The Evil Asuras, Service to God. pbkCat#10-088 $0.75

The Story of RamakrishnaTold by Swami Smarananda. Illustrated in color. Indianed. 42 pp. pbk Cat#10-091 $1.95

Sri RamakrishnaComic book about his life. pbk Cat#10-090 $1.75

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Ramayana for ChildrenSwami Raghaveshananda. Illustrated with colorpictures. 44 pp. Large Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-093 $4.95

The Story of Sri Sankara For ChildrenSwami Raghaveshananda. Illustrated in color. LargeIndian ed. 20 pp. pbk Cat#10-095 $3.50

The Story of Sarada DeviTold by Swami Smarananda. Illustrated in color. Indianed. 30 pp. pbk Cat#10-096 $1.95

See and Paint - Divine ParaphernaliaLarge Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-098 $2.00

See and Paint - Divine VahanasLarge Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-100 $2.00

Stories For Children by Swami VivekanandaRetold by Irene R. Ray. Illustrated in color. Indian ed.pbk Cat#10-102 $2.95

Stories of Divine ChildrenSwami Raghaveshananda. Illustrated in color. Stories ofVamana, Nachiketa, Satyakama Jabala, Shuka Deva,Dhruva, Markandeya, Ekalavya, and Prahlada. 38 pp.Large Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-104 $4.95

Tales From RamakrishnaRetold by Irene R. Ray and Mallika Clare GuptaIllustrated in 3 colors. 54 pp. pbk Cat#10-106 $1.95

The Story of VivekanandaTold by Swami Smarananda. Illustrated Indian ed. 72pp. pbk Cat#10-110 $1.95

Vivekananda For ChildrenSwami Vishwashrayananda. Stories about SwamiVivekananda. For older children. Illustrated in color.pbk Cat#10-112 $1.95

Direct Disciples

The Apostles Of RamakrishnaCompiler and Ed. Swami Gambhirananda. Lives andteachings of the original monastic disciples of SriRamakrishna. 401 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-115 $5.95

The Eternal Companion: SwamiBrahmananda: His Life and TeachingsSwami Prabhavananda. Teachings, reminiscences andbiography with glossary and index. 301 pp. pbkCat#10-118 $10.95

For Seekers of God: Spiritual Talks ofMahapurush Swami ShivanandaTr. Swamis Vividishananda and GambhiranandaA direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and the secondPresident of the Ramakrishna Order. Wonderful wordsto be treasured. 311 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-119$5.95

From Holy Wanderings To Service Of God InManSwami Akhandananda. Reminiscences by one of thedirect monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna: the first toput Swami Vivekananda’s religion of service intopractice. 170 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-120 $2.95

Glimpses Of A Great Soul: A Portrait OfSwami SaradanandaSwami Aseshananda. Life, writings and spiritualprecepts of a great monastic disciple of SriRamakrishna. Also includes several reminiscencesabout the Swami. With photos. 274 pp. pbk Cat#10-121$7.00

God Lived With Them: Life Stories of 16Monastic Disciples of Sri RamakrishnaSwami ChetananandaAn impressive sequel to Swami Chetananada’s earlierbook, “They lived With God.” A wealth of fascinatingmaterial about Sri Ramakrishna, as well as intriguinganecdotes about his monastic disciples. 655 pp. pbkCat#10-123 $19.95���

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A Guide to Spiritual Life: Spiritual Teachingsof Swami BrahmanandaTr. Swami Chetanananda.Swami Brahmananda said, “Religion is like science. Ifone performs spiritual disciplines, the result is bound tocome.” 191 pp. hbk Cat#10-124 $11.95

In The Lap Of The HimalayasSwami Akhandananda. Translated by Dr. NarendranathB. Patil The Swami’s account of his Himalayanpilgrimages. 110 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-125 $1.95

Invitation to Holy CompanySwami Jnanatmananda. Reminiscences of ten of SriRamakrishna’s direct disciples. 115 pp. Indian ed. pbkCat#10-126 $1.95

Letters For Spiritual Seekers: Letters of SwamiShivanandaTr. Swami LokeswaranandaThese letters, written by a great monastic disciple of SriRamakrishna, reflect the Swami’s exemplary life of self-surrender to God. The letters are filled with loving,practical advice for all spiritual seekers. 295 pp. Indianed. hbk Cat#10-127 $6.95

Mahapurush Maharaj as We Knew Him:Reminiscences of Swami ShivanandaTr. Swami SwahanandaCompiled by Swami Apurvananda. This volume isfilled with the sweet memories of those closest toSwami Shivananda, a great monastic disciple of SriRamakrishna and the second president of theRamakrishna Order. 215 pp. pbk Cat#10-128 $12.95

Memories of a Loving Soul: SwamiPremananda: Teachings and ReminiscencesEd. and Tr. Swami Prabhavananda. 230 pp. Indian ed.pbk Cat#10-129 $1.95

Memories of Swami ShivanandaSwami AshokanandaTranscript of an informal talk given by SwamiAshokananda in San Francisco. Very touching with theauthor’s personal memories of Swami Shivananda.Includes three letters from Swami Shivananda to SwamiAshokananda. 22 pp. pbk Cat#10-822 $1.50

Nagmahasaya: A Saintly Householder Discipleof Sri RamakrishnaSarat Chandra Chakravarty. Extraordinary saint’s life.143 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-131 $3.95

The Saga of a Great SoulSwami Vividishananda. A moving account of the lifeand spiritual influence of Swami Shivananda, a directdisciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Photographs and glossary.258 pp. Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-132 $4.50

Sixteen Facets of Self-RealizationSwami Srikantananda. Describes each of the particularapproaches to God manifested by Sri Ramakrishna’smonastic disciples as so many specific yogas. 85 pp.Indian ed. pbk Cat#10-820 $2.00

Spiritual Treasures: Letters of SwamiTuriyanandaTr. and Ed. Swami Chetanananda. Letters of compassionand spiritual wisdom by a great monastic disciple of SriRamakrishna. 288 pp. hbk Cat#10-133 $11.50

The Story of An Epoch: Swami Virajanandaand His TimesSwami Shraddhananda. Story of the early andformative phase of the Ramakrishna Movement duringwhich Swami Virajananda was the sixth President of theRamakrishna Order. With photographs. 298 pp. Indianed. pbk Cat#10-134 $6.95

Swami Abhedananda In AmericaSister Shivani (Mary Le Page). A unique volumedescribes the activities in the West of this great monasticdisciple of Sri Ramakrishna. With pictures and index.314 pp. Indian ed. hbk Cat#10-135 $10.95

Swami Abhedananda: A Spiritual BiographyMoni Bagchi. The life of this great monastic disciple ofSri Ramakrishna is depicted with the help of factscollected from the Swami’s own diary. 466 pp. Indianed. hbk Cat#10-136 $8.95

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Holy Mother Sarada Devi

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Hymns & Prayers

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India & Its Culture

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Comparative Religion

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Scriptures & Translations

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