DOSATRON' - Tri Megah Tehnik · I . fertigation and chemigation. Operatiog pnnciple...


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--Ad valltag<!'ll of the f~tioll

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Advantag es of DOSiltron

. 1.."'....0;. ..._· tco<rty _ ;,td

. , _ 'I P'Ol>C ' _ 1 to th ' ~." . no.. P"'''''j l h ,IXl~" lh,00>.1,,,,.

• "" hko OIh.."""",_ ",,,., ~ "'_u....... ll<st"b<I­'i"" 01 ,.. ~" ..., , . , ...t" _ 'J

. DouI g , _" "" '"tho..., ,""" "',"""',"""!I" ~ " ., "'''11 '''''''''''l of,"" ."'i,, i "~' , ,,,, .. ""'.... ""' ''' _ m• •_ ; j

• rt.. 't>< I,'Y ••d _«I '" "" If, .... "'_..j

Total bypass installations

Principll! of centra li. ed installation {....",.,. to<l .".o<! - -- ­-

P n ncip le of decentralized in6tallatiofl (. .._ "",,,, 001)




- - - --- - - --- - - -- -- - --------- --

How to choos e your Dosatron

TI>< cho,,," 01til<Dosat'o" ' ''en!'' Ilyd<pend< on th' « q"''''0,,,",at,,,,, ftow b ' mplo

" "" ' ~ 200> "1"''''''''"

I' """" .l<:<XI / 1/, , ,,""'~

1 . Ca lculation of the requi r ed ir rigation flow M;" mum ;" "l"i",, "ow M, ltiply th.., oumbe' of oopp"" 10' , p" nk~rs 0' ' oul,,) '" t h<",,.fI,,,, """J} by t hO' r """ f low

1 000<1 I/ h . 2 000 I/ n . 2 m' / n

M",m.," ; ,, ; ~a M" ~WI;

Multiply t.e tota ' oumbero! o ' ippe ~ in all " ct,,,, b, th'" " , " fInw

$(100 + ' 000 + 2 000 · 6 000 ' 2 1/ ,

0 12 000 lI n 0 11 m '/~

2 . Cho ice of t he Do"atron It, "' ,mm"m flow Its m," ,mum flo w ,,~ rty must be eqcal to " 1<" 'h, " ,he ,equiredi" "" i"" now i, tl,. "" " """"to<.

r .9_. I« t " 2: 1 m'/ h

Po"" ;!;,;,, D45, '00 '/h to ' .', ",' i h D ~ R: 500 II ' to ~ m'f h D 2Q 5: 1 .0'1 , t0 20 m'/h

It<..., i"",m 1h>w Po<>ibi';h" , " N" , i"", l"o""u, f. thoj, t i" of , I[ >O<.tor> M" " ',,m "q,,, ,E'(] ~"~" 1OI1 1Iow,

namely> 11 .0'1 , lh. " qui,.o Do"" ro" ~ ' he D 2Q S, up to 20 .0 ' I n

2" ' 0' f" t,ga<ion,Me ,,, to, , l a hme R,,," ,, e~ " '9"t lOl1 flow '" the '''9'' >1 ""'tor.

namely3 (>()(l , I II" ' 6 000 II " , ",mely " 6 "" i" Th. "q u;re~ r:>o>atlQo i' tl>< 08~ ,~t o 8 ",' /n

Note: ,t "prct",!lI, to cOOos< ' Dos",,"with . ",.,imu'" flow " , ",i'y !i gh<r LI~ " ,h. " ,,"i red '~ , gJtIOl1 tlow m (>}(le, OJ" tlm" e '15 I,,",

Software for preparation of the s tock solution

'''' "Jo' l ~ " .• " " <;<

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., '".., ~ • ,.. .-.", .. 'n m ", (titus tlte I"","zer deo5lly I> ",,1""~ 1

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" " • " " ,. ", '" "" ,,," ""'- .._. ~ ,. ,., ._ ,_.~

~ ~ ~ _....._""­~ . " . _. , b~ ...

from water soluble or liquid fert ilizer-s Softw. " f" f< rt ' ~", K>n ~ ." ilO"" i" t"" form of {<" I 'P" . d, h«"

"" .... r """rpi< foe P"1""",K>n ol "'" >toc1 <trI , tion (t,,,,,,wat'" ", I ,~, !<rIi1i"" 1


• SUndo,'" ."d reg" lat;on<'" forco ," the count,., mu>t be ""P"ct<d """" ..,,,II.,ion " d US< 0' th< d"n l ",~ w",", "" wo,k

• l he"""" 'otion mu>t ",mp,i;e a ">coo,,,,,,,,, '" , non," tu,n " '\00 "P"''''"' 'h' in"ctiol1 'l"1<m to p,,,,,,,t from '"' 1'0"", 1011 of the "at" ","ce,

• ,""all a JOOm ~ ron F,It" upll ",m tf>< t>o"'lron ,e"" ' '' '9 ,nth, """ q,,, I, ty

No": t"" b.. lt_in fi l'" i" "'"'" nI<'>de~ ~"" ""'" ' h" • he" " r,ly d"",ice. ,,'" it mull ",'W be """d to ,ep"" Lhe[ il"" " ,"e,," . "" ''''''''0'''' '" pa.. ' ~' , . ","g ~ " oct ",:ut'",

"" ' """'d bo"""" '" '" p~y th. v"""", !lo<.otIo",­. "',"" "',, '" i" e< T at ,It. '"13k. " d"w '" two

d i ~f"r<" t """",,,,, • Tt" moto'" lob""" ,," by W"",' ''''''' 'Wly ~"' ­

soto ttre moto'.

Fo' p,wchon aI)o""" waW hamm" . it i, recom­me"",," ' hat

• \I>wly "",," '''9 ..' d ,I<''' "~ <01."0<' " ,'" ' hou<l be u;ed

• If" 00"" 0" ~ , <eO CO '"W ly " " " ,",," ," "" "te th ' "' ~_ val,.." >I~ u lt"",,,~ l y 100,", on. <wo,..,' 0,," " .""the,«<'0' at ' ho",metime)

. S,, ~ ~ r"l"")" f,, 51, ,,'" >t,,! fm, ' ~" ' on lto'" byp.><> ",'''II'''ionl DfIly 0"" th< whol< irnga1lO" 'l"" m i, rullo~ w"", (,r" , , r.... mi,"'",)

Th, I" ," I" ,n. ,,,,"' """" 00 "ok m,,,' , ,,' , '" high<i th" " th' Dcsatron (ris< of ' "",o"mgf_

r", acid d",inq. it i, p"t"" b~ to mo.'< , ,' acid , 'umawa, ~ ,m ,h. IlO" ' ,,o '" ' pu" ,_, 00 ,hea"m

Not<: !tt h< wergMt of"'d .. the stocl >oI ut'o' " mo,,, ' h,," 6~ '"" 'p t" 1<)1;, ' h""'" PV ~F model I"" option ,,<! 1"9< 4)



fertigation and chemigation Operati og pnnciple Recommended mceers­

••..Z:: J!i<,", attlo

'' 'lOll" d" t<lly in ,.. " ..... ",pp1y '00', ,... ~"'" Of""'" I>\t"""~ t~ flow 01......... "'" PO"/t' ""'" • . I .. ,............e> , .. Do>o!.... wi,,, b...kll> u,tn. '"'1,<fe<l P""'''"'''J< of <:on<on''.. " d..",'" from ' h< COO,,,"" , 'nd _n""" " .... ,.. ....,,,

tho Dowroo. ,"" c"""n"". ~ "'''o'd ~." \lit , . nd t~. w,",p'''''''' f,,,.. tho "''"100'' _ Tbt do>< 01",'.:t"',,L, w,1I .. do r",' ~

po~ '" 'ho ...._ of .~"" ""'"""Qt'< ~t"'"~ 01_ .., ,,,,,, ,, fl"'" '" ""''''''","" "'''- '''''''' .._.........

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D4SRE 1 · O. S . o 3 'lb

{ 'II 8 01>«............. ­.. SOO I/h to 8 ", '/h

" 1<1. l.,.ru>n ''''''

r•0 8 R- O.2t., 2'lb . 0 8 R 1SO-lloS 'Ilo

O"""""Q..."" now I 00'/11 to lO ..' / II

" f _",eel"'",," D 20 5-0.2 10 2 '\O

WWI O\J<'''"''JI w...' flo"

lOl/ h l o 3 m'/h ,<1. ,.,<<1"'" ..t<.

0 3 Gll -O.2102 'll> 03 (,l S - 0,510 5 "" D3GllO - l1010 'lb

~"""11 ....t.. ""'" 100 I/ h 10 ~, 5 ' I h

ro T. ' '0""'" '... D4SR! 1 5 ·0 2 'oH 'lb

Other Dosatron applIcations • Pe>,-<OftI'", •

• ....,"""'" Q/ " '_ I> .od""". tooo S'l""'"• """"' to,~ "",,·

• ',oi. do ~ "tffi"", • "">I·h.,,,",, ,, '".-... . Con",,,,, t,,,,, . ", ",..m.""",

ot cutfi_" o .

" . <1< " "'J" of ""''"I oM ' 1:mIto... " .h • ~ , ood cllI" . 01 _lh'!h _, ,. 001'90, h90l'< "'"'UI 0 ' ..... ·1 __ , ~ . , '''' odd""" lyOU' .....,.

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DOUT_ '''TE~N..TtOI''''. " .A.s. R,,. ~ . "'''' H~ • . ",,1\1 "'£S!lES <8ORDf....., ••""""" ..... n .O)~ ~.. 0" 11 " . • • •• n "',. , .. .,. I U (0)' . .. ,,, 10 • ••...,al, ,._....,_.•__ ...,""'.. _ .....,..."

New Stamp
