“Don't forget this fact, you can't get it back; Cocaine”- Eric Clapton



Cocaine was primarily used as a medicine by Europeans in the early 15th century. The 18th century saw a rise in the availability of cocaine in more concentrated forms and soon new medicinal uses of the drug were discovered. Cocaine was mainly used for the treatment of depression (due to its affect on the brain) and also used as an anesthetic. Cocaine was thereafter used regularly in elixirs and tonics and soon found its way into the popular soft drink ‘Coca Cola’.

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“Don't forget this fact, you can't get it back; Cocaine”- Eric Clapton

Author :- Dion Silva

The drug cocaine was first extracted from the leaves of the plant known as Erythroxylon Coca. The bush grows abundantly in Indonesia, West Indies and parts of South America. Cocaine is known to possess an intense and powerful effect and stimulation which targets the brain and central nervous system directly. The majority of people who are drug abusers take cocaine more than any other drug they take. The drug induces a state of mind in which one feels extraordinarily alert and hyperactive mixed with a feeling of euphoria and recklessness. These effects are the main contributors to cocaine being so wildly popular.

Cocaine was primarily used as a medicine by Europeans in the early 15th century. The 18th century saw a rise in the availability of cocaine in more concentrated forms and soon new medicinal uses of the drug were discovered. Cocaine was mainly used for the treatment of depression (due to its affect on the brain) and also used as an anesthetic. Cocaine was thereafter used regularly in elixirs and tonics and soon found its way into the popular soft drink ‘Coca Cola’.

In modern day medicine, cocaine has been categorized as a Schedule-II drug. It has a potential for abuse and thus only a qualified and experienced doctor may administer it legitimately.

Medicinal uses of cocaine involve its vaso-constrictive properties to be used as a topical anesthesia or in the treatment of the eye. The use however is slowly being restricted as better and more effective medicines have been researched. Cocaine is known to have a wide variety of physical and psychological effects. Some effects manifest themselves after just a few moments of the first dosage—and staying there for a couple of minutes/hours.

Physical effects include dilated pupils, constriction of blood vessels, increase in blood pressure and heart rate. These effects lead to a sense of decreased tiredness, which means that the subject feels extremely hyperactive. During the ‘high’ the auditory, olfactory and visual senses are over-amplified leading to hallucinations. Over use of cocaine causes a development of tolerance in the body which leads to the addict taking an even higher dose. Cocaine addicts suffer from paranoid behavioral patterns, vertigo, shivers, hyperactivity, muscle twitches and hallucinations.

People get so addicted to cocaine that they forget everything else-everything about a normal life. The majority of drug treatment programs aim at cocaine abusers. These treatment programs are specifically designed to meet individual needs so as to get rid of the addiction without going into relapse.

Now, de-addiction isn’t far!

Orange County is the second most populous county in California. It is famous for its tourism, such as Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm and several beautiful beaches. It is known for its affluence and political conservatism. Yet, it also has its share of people suffering from drug and alcohol abuse.

Addiction is no more a bleak future but a treatable mental disorder. Struggling with addiction is not a matter of making good or bad choices. The decision to enter drug rehab program is a difficult. It is made in the most trying circumstances. Turning over your or your loved ones recovery to the guidance and support of the private drug treatment center is one of the most important decisions one can make. That is why trained intake counselors begin an initial assessment over the phone.

There are many private drug treatment centers for men. These residential facilities provide private and luxurious treatment centers for men suffering from drug and alcohol abuse. At the drug rehab in Orange County each patient is assessed personally by two staff members and is then given a customized, unique routine, based on their physical condition and their progress in their recovery. The staff members at the centre are available round the clock to answer any doubts that the patient or their families have. Upon admission, a complete bio of the person’s addictive behavior and medical history is conducted. Once the patient is admitted they undergo an initial psychiatric evaluation so that the possibility of any psychiatric or psychological disorder can be checked.

The private drug treatment centers provide and assist outpatient sessions if necessary. The registered patients are given a set of rule books and diaries so their progress can be monitored. The treatment program at every private drug treatment center is spread across the day with activities that positively inspires the individual and results in peace of the mind and body systems. These programs enormously boost the self esteem and association with fellow patients and result in a “perfect blend” of daily processes that keep the patients continually building momentum; leading to the accomplishment of a long lasting optimistic alteration in lifestyle. To ensure a speedy recovery, patients are provided with an evenhanded participation in counseling and educational activities with frequent physical activity breaks and nutritious meals. Concisely, all these centers that have sprung up, are proving to be a new ray of hope for drug addicts and their families.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact Details

Sober Living by the Sea4816 Seashore Drive,

Suite B,New Port Beach, CA 92663

Get Help Now..! Call :- 866-323-5609Email : mhurst@crchealth.com

Website : http://www.drugrehabranch.com/

