Dolls House




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A Doll’s HouseA Modern Tragedy


“You go to the theatre for relaxation and amusement, not for instruction or correction.”--Eugene Scribe (1791-1861)

In Ibsen’s Words . . .

“[Doll’s House is] a tragedy of the

contemporary age.”

“Untruth does not reside in institutions but in the individuals themselves within the community.”

“Anyone who wishes to understand me fully must know Norway . . . the severe landscape . . . and the lonely shut off life.”

“What is it to be a poet? It was a long time before I realized that to be a poet is, most of all, to see; but mark well, to see in such a way that what is seen is perceived by his audience just as the poet saw it.”

“Before I write down one word, I have to have the character in mind through and through. I must penetrate into the last wrinkle of his soul . . . the stage setting, the dramatic ensemble, all that comes naturally . . .”

Act One The curtain rises. What are out first impressions of what we see on the stage?

Themes and Symbols


Essential Question: What is an individual’s responsibility to him or herself, his or her family, and his or her community?
