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The Dog Owners Handbook is revised and issued on 1 July annually.

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5 1. Obligations of a dog owner

6 2.Classificationofownersanddogs

7 3. Fees

8 4. What your registration fee pays for

8 4.1Responsetocomplaints

8 4.2Performancetarget

8 4.3Educationprogramme

8 4.4 Registration

8 4.5Impoundingandpoundfacilities

9 4.6Prosecutions*

10 5.Microchipping

11 6.Infringementfeeoffences(instantfines)

11 6.1DogControlAct1996offencesrelatingtoregistration

12 7. Hydatids

12 8. Safe feeding

13 9.Barking

13 9.1Howtostopproblembarking

13 9.2Topreventexcessivebarking

14 10. The aggressive dog

14 10.1 What should I do if an aggressivedogattacksme?

14 10.2Whatifmydogattackssomeoneonmyproperty?

14 10.3Whatifmydogattacksaperson,anotherdogorcat?

15 11. Control

15 11.1 Dog pound fees

15 11.2Ifyourdogismissing

16 11.3 Care of your dog’s health

16 11.4 Welfare

16 11.5 Holidays

17 12.WherecanIwalkmydog?

17 12.1 Dog prohibited areas

18 12.2Leashcontrolledareas

18 12.3Areaswheredogscanbeexercisedunleashedbutundercontinuouscontrol

19 13.Keepingthreeormoredogsonapropertylessthanonehectare(urbanandruralzones)

20 14. Preferred owner status

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1. Obligations of a dog owner

Theobligationsofdogownersaredefinedas follows:

• Toensurethatthedogisregistered*immediatelyinaccordancewiththeDogControlAct1996, and that all relevant territorial authorities are promptlynotifiedofanychangeofaddress or ownership.

• To ensure that the dog is kept under controlatalltimes.

• Toensurethatthedogreceivespropercareandattentionandissuppliedwithproperandsufficientfood, water and shelter.

• Toensurethatthedogreceivesadequateexercise.

• Toensureannualcheck-upsandvaccinationsareuptodate.

• To take all reasonable steps to ensurethatthedogdoesnotcause

anuisancetoanyotherperson,whether by persistent and loud barking or howling, or by any other means.

• To take all reasonable steps to ensure that the dog does not injure, endanger,orcausedistresstoanyperson.

• To take all reasonable steps to ensure that the dog does not injure, endanger,orcausedistresstoanystock,poultry,domesticanimalorprotectedwildlife.

• To take all reasonable steps to ensure that the dog does not damageorendangeranypropertybelonging to any other person.

• TocomplywiththerequirementsoftheDogControlAct1996, and of all regulationsandbylawsmadeunderthisAct.

*All dogs mustberegisteredby 3 months of age

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2.Classificationofowners and dogs

Owner classifications

• General owner

• Probationary owner

• Disqualifiedowner

Dog classifcations

• Menacingdogclassification

• Dangerousdogclassification

• Domesticdog

• Working dog

• Ruraldomesticdog

• Preferred owner status

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3. Fees

Dog registration fees are set by Council annually on 1 July. For current fees and charges, refer to Council’s website:

Definition of working dogs

TararuaDistrictCouncilAnimalControlrecognisesthefollowingthebreedsofdogs as standard working dog breeds:

• Huntaway

• Heading Dog

• BorderCollie

• Smithfield

• Kelpie

• Australian Cattle Dog

Dogs that are used for hunting or pest controlarenotclassedasworkingdogs.Shouldyouwishtoclaimanyotherbreed of dog as a working dog, you mayberequiredtoprovideapracticaldemonstrationofthedog’sability.

“Working dog”means:



(a)Anylivehorse,cattle,sheep,swine,alpaca,llama,bison,donkey,hinny,mule,orwaterbuffalothatisnotina wild state.


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4. What your registration fee pays for

4.1 Response to complaints

• Barkingdogs.

• Wandering dogs.

• Dogscausingtraffichazard.

• Dogsfoulingonpublic/privateland.

• Dogsscavenginginrubbish.

• Dogsdamagingproperty.

• Attacksonpeople,domesticpets,stock,orprotectedwildlife.

4.2 Performance target


4.3 Education programme

• Visitstoschoolswhenrequested.

• Provideinformationpamphlets.

• Initiateeducationofownerswithproblemdogs.

4.4 Registration

• Keepinganup-to-daterecordofdogswithinthedistrict.

• Sighting unregistered dogs in preparationforprosecution.

• Issuinginfringementnoticeswhereapplicable.

• HavingalllocaldatauploadedtotheNational Dog Database.

4.5 Impounding and pound facilities

• MaintenanceofanaccuratePoundRegister.

• Notifying known dog owners if their dogisimpounded.

• Impoundingroamingdogs.

• Re-homingsuitabledogstosuitableowners.

• Destructionanddisposalofunclaimeddogs.

24 hours, 7 days a week

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4.6 Prosecutions*

• Dogsattackingpersons/animals.

• DogControlActandBylawoffences.

• Failure to register.

• Failuretocontroldog.

• Barkingdog.

*ForoffencesrelatingtoregistrationundertheDogControlAct1996,refertoSection6.1 of this handbook.

Give your dogsome

t ys toamuse

itself if left alone

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As of 1 July 2006 all newly registered dogsarerequiredtobeimplantedwithafunctioningisostandardmicrochiptransponder.Yourvetclinicwillbeabletoassist you with this. It is a good idea to get thisdoneatthesametimeasyourdog’svaccination.Workingdogsareexempt,


Alldogsthatareimpoundedandare unregistered, or any dog that is impoundedforasecondtimeanddoesnothaveamicrochip,arealsorequiredtobemicrochippedbeforerelease.

It’s a good idea to microchip your working dog

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6.Infringementfeeoffences (instantfines)


Thefullfineistobepaidwithin28 days fromreceiptofthenotice.

6.1 Dog Control Act 1996 offences relating to registration

Section 41 – Penalty for false statement relating to application for registration


Section 42 – Offence of failing to register dog

(1) Everypersoncommitsanoffenceandisliableonsummaryconvictiontoafinenotexceeding$3,000 who is the owner of a dog of a greater age than 3monthsunless the dog is registered under this Actforthecurrentregistrationyear.

(2) Ifaterritorialauthorityhasreasonablegrounds to believe that a person has failedtocomplywithsubsection(1),adogcontrolofficerordograngermay—

(a) seizeandimpoundthedog;and


Section 65 – Infringement offences

(1) InthisAct,infringementoffencemeansanoffencespecifiedinSchedule1.


(a) beproceededagainstsummarilyfortheoffence;or


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8. Safe feeding

• Never feed raw offal to your dog. Offal mustbeboiledfor30minutesbeforefeeding to dogs.

• Alwaysfreezesheeporgoatmeatto-10°Cforsevendaysorcookthroughout.

• Donotletyourdogscavenge.Ownersmustensuredogsarecontrolledsotheyarenotabletoaccessoffalincarcassesthatmaybelyingundetectedon properties.

7. Hydatids

NewZealandhasbeendeclaredprovisionally free of hydatids. Continued controlsandvigilancearenowneededtostop the disease returning.

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9.1 How to stop problem barking

Barkingcanarisefromboredomorfromseekingattention.Barkingmayoccurasasign that an intruder is about, or through excitementwhenplaying,butadogwillrarely bark without there being a reason. Thedogbarkingfromboredomortoseekcompanycanbeasourceofgreatirritation.Askneighbourstomonitoryourdogifitisleftathomealone.

9.2 To prevent excessive barking

• Keepyourdogoccupied.

• Ensurethatthedogiscomfortable.

• Ensurethatthedogisexercisedregularly.

• Ensurethatthedoghastoystoamuseitself if left alone – e.g. bones, balls, andfamiliarobjects.

• Leave the dog with friends or have neighbours visit the dog while you are out.

• House the dog so that it is unable to see things to bark at.

• House the dog near other pets for companionship.Evenacagedbirdcanbecompanyforadog.


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10. The aggressive dog

10.1 What should I do if an aggressive dog attacks me?

1. DONOTRUN!Itmaytriggerthedog’shuntinginstincts.

2. Tryspeakingquietlyandfirmlytothedog.

3. Backoffslowly.Donotchallengethedog by staring, but keep the dog in view.

4. Havesomethingtoholdoutbetweenyouandthedog(e.g.removeajacket,useabriefcaseorlaptop)incaseitattemptstobiteyouasyoubackaway.

5. Makenosuddenmovementsandleaveas quietly as possible.

6. NotifyAnimalControlofanyattack.

10.2 What if my dog attacks someone on my property?

Youareinbreachofthelawifyourdogattackssomeone,evenonyourownproperty. Any person with reasonable groundsmustbeabletowalktoyourdoorwithoutbeingattacked.

10.3 What if my dog attacks a person, another dog or cat?



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11. Control

Yourdogmustbecontrolledandconfinedinamannerthatitcannotfreelyleaveyourproperty. It is your responsibility to keep your dog on your property.

• Afencedpropertyisthebestsolution.

• Providephysicalexerciseforyourdog.

• Providepositivestimulationforyourdogwithobediencetraining.

11.1 Dog pound fees

Pound fees are set by Council annually on 1 July. For current fees and charges, refer to Council’s website:

Dogs are only held for 7 days. After this, thedogbecomesthepropertyofTararuaDistrictCouncilandwillbedisposedofasTararuaDistrictCouncilseesfit.

11.2 If your dog is missing

ContactTararuaDistrictCouncilAnimalControl,assoonaspossible,atanytimeofthe day or week:

Dannevirke 06 374 4080

Eketahuna 06 376 0219

Pahiatua 06 376 0110

Woodville 06 376 0200

• IfAnimalControlimpoundsthedogandtheownercanbeidentified,theownerwillbenotifiedassoonaspossible(byphoneand/ormail).

• Dogs are held for 7 days. After this timetheCouncilmaydisposeofthedogasitseesfit.

• Suitabledogsmaybeavailableforre-homing.

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11.3 Care of your dog’s health

• Ensureyourdogreceivesanannualvaccinationfor:

• Distemper

• Hepatitis

• Kennel Cough

• Leptospirosis

• Parvovirus

• Havearegularwormingprogramme.

• Haveyourdogdesexed.Afemaledogwillnormallycomeinto“season”orbe“onheat”twiceayear.

11.4 Welfare


RNZSPCA 0800 inspector (0800 467 732)

MPI 0800 008 333

11.5 Holidays


• Decidewhowilllookafteryourdog.

• Boardingkennels–bookinadvance.

• Friends and neighbours – either havesomeonestayinyourhouseorleaveyourdogattheirplace.

• DONOTleaveyourdoghomealone.

Ifyouchoosetotakeyourdogonholidaywith you, ensure that it is okay to have your dog where you are staying and observe thatdistrict’sbylaws.


If your dog is left withoutaccesstoproperandsufficientfood, water, or shelter,thenitmaybeseizedbyananimalcontrolofficerorranger.

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• Anydisabilityassistdogscarryingoutservicessuchasblind,ordeafassistanceetc,oraccompanyinganypersonengagedinbonafidetraining of the disability assist dog.

• AnydogskeptbythePolice,oranyDepartmentofState,solelyorprincipallyforthepurposesofcarryingoutthefunctionsordutiesofthatdepartment.

• AnydogsownedbyasecurityguarddefinedinSection4 of the PrivateInvestigatorsandSecurityGuardsAct1974 and kept solely orprincipallyforthepurposesofcarryingonthebusinessofasecurityguard.

• Anydogspresentinconnectionwithsearchandrescuetrainingorwork.

12.1 Dog prohibited areas

• Allpublicreserves,wildlifereserves,sportsgrounds,andsportsstadiumssituatedinurban areas.

• AllpubliclibrariesadministeredbytheCouncil.

• Allpublicswimmingbaths.

• AllcemeteriesadministeredbytheCouncil.

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12.2 Leash controlled areas

Withtheexceptionoftheareasdescribedin 12.1above,dogsshallbepermittedinthefollowingplaces,providedtheyareona leash:

Allstreetsintheresidential,commercialor industrial areas of:





Pahiatua and Pahiatua River Walkway



12.3 Areas where dogs can be exercised unleashed but under continuous control


• Railwayembankment,StanleyStreet.

• Railway reserve, Mangatera (grassedareaatthecornerofRuahine and High Streets – adjacenttoMangateraHotel).

• Upper Wahipai Reserve, High Street(besidetheMangateracarpark,oppositethehotel).


• AdesignatedareaatVictoryPark.

Exemptions to dog prohibited areas

• Anyareasspecificallysetasideasdogtoiletingareasordogexerciseareas.

• Anydogattendingaveterinaryclinic.

• Any disability assist dog.

• AnydogkeptbythePolice,oranyconstable,oranyDepartmentofStatewhenusedforthepurposesofcarryingoutthefunctions,powersanddutiesofthePolice,orDepartmentofState.

• AnydogownedbyasecurityguardasdefinedinSection4ofthePoliceInvestigatorsandSecurityGuardsAct1974 when used for the purposes forcarryingoutthebusinessofasecurityguard.

• Anydogpresentinconnectionwithsearchandrescuetrainingorwork.

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Ifyouwishtokeepthreeormoredogsonan urban property or a rural property that islessthanonehectare,youarerequiredtomakeanapplicationforapermittokeepthreeormoredogs.Workingdogsareexempt.


Dogsmustbe kept

under control atalltimes

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For further information please call a Dog Control Officer or visit our website for copies of Council’s Dog Control Policy, Control of Dogs Bylaw, and also the Dog Control Act.


DannevirkePhone (06)374 4080

EketahunaPhone (06)376 0219

PahiatuaPhone (06)376 0110

WoodvillePhone (06)376 0200

14. Preferred owner status


