Does one person really matter?…. Can one person change the world?


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Does one person really matter?….

Can one person change the world?

We asked hundreds of people…

“Why don’t you step up to try to make things better…

in your community…,

in your work place…,

in the world?”

People said,

...because…it won’t matter if I step up, I am only one person.

But what if… one person DOES matter?

What if ….instead of saying “Why me?”

…We asked “Why not me?”

History is filled with people whostepped up….

A young woman with few credentials,

….and no money,

….asked for permission tostart an order,

…to help the sick and dying…  

She won the Nobel Prize.

Travis & David were two normal high school students.

One day, a kid was bullied for wearing a pink shirt.

When they heard about it…

they asked their fellow students to wear pink the next day.

Almost every student did.

….today there are pink shirt days in 20countries. 

Three women met a poor woman in Uganda…

working for a dollar a day in a rock quarry.

She sold them some jewelry that she made with recycled paper….

They came home and started holding bead parties….

Now thousands of women have started businesses in Africa. Because three women… with no business experience said…

“Why not us?”

Whales were being hunted to extinction….

then a group of journalists and activists

confronted the whaling fleet….

in the middle of the ocean….

In rubber zodiacs…pretty naïve right?

...they took pictures that were seen around the world. led to a worldwide ban on whaling.

Stepping Up….does not have to be something big.

It can be picking up a piece of garbage.

…taking time to talk to a lonely person,

…riding your bike instead of your car,

….holding a bake sale for a cause

Because….Every time someone steps up…

And decides to have their voice heard…

And chooses to believe…

that things can be better.

They create a ripple…

And the ripple can become…

…A tidal wave.

Why not you?….

Until you try…

you won’t ever know…

how powerful…

You really are.

Hear the stories of ordinary people…

Just like you…

Who are changing the world…

Right now.

Tell us how you or someone else… has stepped up…. www.steppingupforchange