Documents: Good practice in document design Good practice in document design 4 Task 7 Open...


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Documents: Good practice in document design

Documents: Good practice in document design


About These Activities

Software Used Word 2013

Documents Used columns.docx

CV RAndrews.docx

CV RHunt no sty les.docx



The Planets.docx

v indicat ion2.docx

Welcome headers.docx


Pamela Stanworth makes this booklet and the accompanying slides available under a Creative Commons licence (BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike).

The Oxford University crest and logo and IT Services logo are copyright of the University of Oxford and may only be used by members of the University in accordance with the University’s branding guidelines.

The Wollstonecraft document was sourced from Project Gutenberg and is available in the public domain. The Planets content was sourced from Wikipedia under Creative Commons licence WP: CC-BY-SA.

Finding the Exercise Files All the files for these exercises have been provided for you on a network drive. Your area of the drive is called the Home Dr ive H: .

They can also be downloaded from the ITLC Portfolio (visit and search for “documents good practice” or similar search text to find the course pack for this course).

Documents: Good practice in document design


Steps for the Learning Objectives Learning Objective One: Managing space

Task 1 Start Word

Step 1

Click the Start button on the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen

In the Start menu, type Word in the search box

Choose Word

Step 2 (On your office or home computer you might otherwise start the program using a Word icon or tile on the Desktop)

Step 3 If you are prompted for any user information, just click

A Word licence screen appears briefly

Task 1 Open v indicat ion2.docx

Step 1 Click Open on the Fi le tab.

Locate vindicat ion2.docx and open it

Step 2 Look through the long document, noticing where the pages break

Task 2 Fix some widows and orphans in this document

Step 1 Notice that at the top of page 16 there is a single line – the rest of its paragraph is on page 15 – and that there is another single line at the bottom of page 13

Step 2 Select the whole document (choose Select Al l from the Edit ing group at the right-hand end of the Home tab)

Step 3

Click the launcher to show the Paragraph dialog and show the Line and Page Breaks tab

Notice that some checkboxes appear partly ticked: this is because some but not all of the selected text has the format already applied

A checkbox in a dialog can have 3 states:

full tick selected text has the format

clear selected text has not got the format

partial tick some of selected text has the format

Documents: Good practice in document design


Step 4

Check Widow/Orphan control to show a full tick

and click

Examine the document again, to see that single lines are no longer separated from their main paragraphs

Task 3 Fix a paragraph which has been broken between two pages

Step 1 Notice that at the bottom of page 14, the paragraph beginning The affection of has been split

If this paragraph is important, it should be kept whole

Step 2 Click in this paragraph

In the Paragraph dialog, check Keep Lines Together and


Step 3 Apply this format to any other paragraph which you consider should not be broken between pages

Task 4 Ensure that the three notes at the end of the document will stay together on one page

Step 1 At the end of the document, click in note paragraph [1]

Suppose that this note must be kept with note [2]

Step 2 On the Paragraph dialog, check Keep With Next and click

Step 3 Apply this format to Note [2] as well

Step 4 You should not usually apply this format to the last item in a list, such as Note [3]

Task 5 Ensure that each PART heading will start on a new page, by applying a direct format

Step 1 Click in the heading PART I

Step 2 In the Paragraph dialog, check Page Break Before and


Step 3 Apply this format to the other PART headings

Step 4 Later in this course, you will see how to build this format into a style, to ensure that all similar headings will have the same formats

Task 6 Close the document, saving changes if you wish

Documents: Good practice in document design


Task 7 Open table2.docx

Examine the table in Print Preview

Step 1 Open table2.docx

Step 2 Choose Print on the Fi le tab to display the Print Preview

Page through the preview of this document: it contains a long table

Step 3 Some rows are interrupted by page breaks - note the Educational Studies entry at the bottom of page 3

Pages 2 and 3 are difficult to interpret because the columns have no visible headings

Task 8 Ensure that none of the rows can break across two pages

Step 1 Click the Home tab, to continue editing the document

Step 2 Select the whole table

Step 3

Click on the Table Tools Layout tab

Step 4 On the Row tab of the dialog, clear the tick box that reads Allow row to break across pages (so that rows are not allowed to break)

Task 9 Arrange for the top (header) row to be repeated at the top of every following page

Step 1 In the table, click in the top row

Click (look in the Table Tools Layout tab, in the Data group)

Step 2 Now the first row heading will appear at the top of each page, as the table breaks across pages

Step 3 Look at the document in Print Preview to see this effect

Task 10 Close table2.docx , saving changes

Documents: Good practice in document design


Learning Objective Two: Using styles for formatting text

Task 1 Open CV RHunt no sty les.docx

Step 1 Find CV RHunt no sty les.docx and open it

Step 2 This document has some simple formatting, but no special styles applied

Task 2 Apply heading styles, levels 1, 2 and 3, to suitable titles

Step 1 Click in the title Addresses

Step 2 Hover the mouse pointer (don’t click yet) over the Heading1 style in the Style Gallery

Notice that the paragraph is temporarily displayed with the chosen style applied – if this looks suitable, go ahead and click the Heading 1 style in the Style Gallery

Step 3 Repeat this to apply Heading1 style to the similar headings Education, Work Experience and so on

Step 4 Click in the title St John’s School

Apply Heading2 style from the Style Gallery

Repeat this for the title Balliol College

Step 5 Apply Heading3 to the headings for GCSEs, A Levels and each of the employers

Step 6 Now you might want to remove the empty paragraph lines

between sections – use Show/Hide to reveal them, then delete them

Task 3 Apply the built-in style List paragraph to the set of GCSE’s and to the set of A-levels

Step 1 Select all the GCSE subjects from Maths to Design & Technology

Step 2 Apply the built-in style called List paragraph to this text

This style has an indent and compact line spacing

Step 3 Repeat for the list of A-levels

Task 4 Apply the character style Intense emphasis to the names of the two referees

Step 1 Among the Referees, select the name Dr P Woods

Step 2 Apply the built-in style Intense Emphasis

Documents: Good practice in document design


Step 3 Notice that this affects only the selected characters within the paragraph, not the whole paragraph

This style is a character style, unlike those used earlier which are paragraph styles

Step 4 Repeat for the name of the other Referee(s)

Task 5 Open CV RAndrews.docx

This was created using Word’s Résumé (Equity) template

Examine the styles that have been used, using the Reveal Formatt ing pane to discover where styles or direct formatting have been used (press Shif t + F1 )

Task 6 Open the document The Planets.docx

Task 7 Apply a different Style Set to the document

Explore the effect of some different Style Sets

Step 1 Look at the gallery of style sets on the Design tab

Step 2 Choose one you like, such as Lines (Sty l ish)

Step 3 Notice that the parts of the document with built-in styles (such as Heading1 , Heading2 , Normal etc.) have been reformatted

Step 4 Apply another Style Set

Task 8 Look carefully at the illustrations in the Style Gallery on the Home tab: the built-in styles have been modified by the Style Set

This is one way to transform a document, giving it a new but consistent look (provided it has been formatted using the conventional built-in styles)

Task 9 Close and save all documents

Documents: Good practice in document design


Learning Objective Three: Modifying styles to provide the appearance you require

Task 1 Open the document headings2.docx

Task 2 Apply the built-in style Tit le to the title at the top of the document

Step 1 Click in the title at the top of the document

Step 2 Explore the Gallery of built-in styles on the Home tab of the ribbon

Step 3 Click the style called Tit le

Step 4 The title is re-formatted with font, colour and a line across

Task 3 Apply built-in styles to the headings as appropriate

The chapter headings, for example, should have the Heading1 style applied, while the next headings should have the Heading2 style and so on

Step 1 Click in the First Chapter Heading Introduction and apply the modified style Heading1

Apply the style Heading1 to each of the chapter headings: Introduction, Experimental Work and Conclusions

Step 2 Apply Heading2 to the headings Context, Background, Method, Apparatus, Results, Discussion etc.

Step 3 Apply Heading3 to the sub-section headings within the Background and within the Results

Task 4 Here are descriptions of some styles you will create or modify in this document

Feature Description of style

First level heading Modify Heading1 to be centred, bold, 20 point, Arial Rounded font with simple automatic numbering A. B. C.

Second level heading Modify Heading2 to be left-aligned, bold, 16 point, black font colour, Arial Rounded font

Third level heading Modify Heading3 to be left aligned, bold, 12 point, black font colour, Arial Rounded, with your choice of bullet symbol

Table of contents title, list title, index title

Create a new style with the name myheading , based on Normal, left aligned, bold, 14 point, Arial or Helvetica font, following text in Body Text style

Keywords Create a new character style with the name keyword , italic, 12 point, Arial or Helvetica font

Documents: Good practice in document design


Task 5 Revise the three heading styles as listed in the table

The modified heading styles will need to be based on the Normal style

** Note that Heading3 will usually appear in the Styles pane after Heading2 has been used **

Step 1

Use the Styles launcher to show the Styles pane

Step 2 Hover the mouse pointer over the style name Heading1 in the Styles pane, to show a menu arrow

Click the arrow to show a menu

On this menu, choose Modify

Step 3 In the dialog, use the buttons to set some of the formats required in the table above

Step 4

Click to reach other dialogs for further formats, including Numbering

Step 5 Confirm that the Heading1 style is based on the Normal style

Step 6 When ready, click to complete the revised style

Look at the paragraphs which already have the style Heading1, and notice that they have been re-formatted

Step 7 Use the same procedure to re-define styles Heading2 and Heading3 as specified in the table above

** Note that Heading3 will usually appear in the Styles pane once Heading2 has been used in the document **

Examine the effect on sub-headings throughout the document

Task 6 Create a new paragraph style myheading

Step 1

Click at the bottom of the Styles pane

Enter the new style name myheading

Step 2 Set it to be Paragraph type and based on the Normal style

Set the Style for following paragraph to be Body Text

Step 3

Use the buttons in the dialog, and/or , to set up the formats specified in the table above

Click to complete the new style

Step 4 Type a few plausible minor headings under the Recommendations, and apply the myheading style

Task 7 Create a new character style keyword , as specified in the table above

Documents: Good practice in document design


Task 8 Apply the keyword character style to the word keyword wherever it arises (such as under Background)

Task 9 Save and close headings2.docx

Documents: Good practice in document design


Learning Objective Four: Sections and section breaks

Task 1 Open v indicat ion2.docx

Task 2 Insert a Next Page section break just before PART1 (on page 2)

Step 1 Click just before the P of the title PART1, on page 2

Step 2

On the ribbon’s Page Layout tab, click

Choose to insert a Next Page section break

Task 3 Examine the section breaks marked in the document

Step 1 Move around the document, including the start and the end, noticing the Section numbers reported in the status bar1

Step 2

You may like to turn on Show/Hide in the Home tab of the ribbon, to see the section break lines

Task 4 Insert an Even Page section

break just before the graphic

Step 1

Click just before the graphic

Step 2

On the Page Layout tab, click

Choose an Even page section break

Task 5 Arrange for Section 2 (only) to be landscape orientated – keep the first and last parts of the document portrait orientated

Step 1 Move into Section 2

Look at the marker in the status bar – if this is not showing, right-click on the status bar and click to put a tick beside Sect ion

Step 2

On the Page Layout tab, click

Step 3 Choose Landscape Orientation

By default, this change applies only to the current section – confirm this by scrolling through the document

Task 6 Set narrow margins in Section 3:

1.27 cm on all sides

Step 1 Move into Section 3 of the document

On the Page Layout tab, click

Choose Narrow

1 If the Status bar does not report the Section number, right-click a space on the Status bar and place a tick next to

Sect ion

Documents: Good practice in document design


Task 7 Look at the document in Preview, to see the effects you have set

Step 1 On the Fi le tab choose Print , to see the document in Preview

Move among the pages to see the different orientations and margins

When finished, click to return to the document

Task 8 Close and save the document

Documents: Good practice in document design


Learning Objective Five: Laying out a page in columns

Task 1 Open the document columns.docx

Make sure you are using Print Layout View (check in the View tab)

Task 2 Format the whole document in 2 columns (use a button on the ribbon)

Step 1 Ensure that there is no text selected

Click on the ribbon’s Page Layout tab

Step 2 Choose Two columns

The document will now be formatted to a 2-column layout

Notice the way the text flows from one column to the next – this is different from setting up in a table

Task 3 Change the whole document to 3 column format with lines between (use a dialog)

Step 1 With no text selected, choose More Columns at the bottom of the Columns menu

Step 2 In the dialog, choose 3 columns and check Line between

Step 3

When you click , notice the effect on the document (confirm you are viewing in Print Layout View)

Task 4 Type a heading at the top: Concluding Remarks Format it in an eye-catching way, such as Small Capitals, 36pt font, centred, with a border line below

Step 1 Move the insertion point to the very start of the document (CTRL+HOME)

Enter the title Concluding Remarks and press ENTER

Step 2 Format the heading, for example as follows:

Select the title and use the Font part of the Home tab to format it in 36pt small capitals

Click to centre the text, then use the palette attached to to apply a single border line below the title

Task 5 Format the banner heading to stretch across the full page width (i.e. a single column, in a separate section)

Step 1

With the insertion point just before “It is not…”, click on the Page Layout tab

Step 2 Choose a Cont inuous Sect ion Break

This does not, in itself, rearrange the text

Documents: Good practice in document design


Step 3 Now click in Section 1

Use to set the banner text to 1 column

Step 4 Leave the rest of the text (section 2) in 2 or 3 columns

Task 6 Close the document, saving changes

Documents: Good practice in document design


Learning Objective Six: Interesting page numbering

Task 1 Open the document table2.docx

Set up page numbers to appear at the top right corner of each page

Step 1 Close any open documents

Choose Open on the File tab and locate table2.docx

Open the document

Step 2

Click on the Insert menu and make these choices:

Position: Top of page Alignment: a simple plain number on the right

Task 2 Check using Print Layout view that page numbers appear correctly

Step 1

Close the special headers/footers view by clicking

Step 2 Ensure that you are using Print Layout View (using the ribbon’s View tab)

Scroll to the top of a page and check that the page numbers are as required

Task 3 Change the page numbering to lowercase Roman, starting at iv on the first page

Step 1 From the Page Number menu (on the Insert tab), choose Format Page Numbers

Step 2 In the Format dialog, set the Number format to i,ii,iii

Step 3 Set the Start at to iv (that is, 4)

Task 4 Check again in the document, to see that the page numbers have been formatted correctly

Save and close the document

Documents: Good practice in document design


Learning Objective Seven: Headers and footers

Task 1 Open Welcome headers.docx

Step 1 Locate Welcome headers.docx and open it

This document has no headers nor footers yet

Task 2 Create a header like this:

Aldridge, K DRAFT ONLY Thesis for MPhil

Step 1

In the ribbon’s Insert tab, click

Choose the Blank built-in header from the list of headers offered

Step 2 At left edge of the header area, type Aldridge, K

Step 3 Press TAB

At the centre tab stop, type DRAFT ONLY

Step 4 Press TAB again (there is a right-aligning tab stop at the right-hand edge of this paragraph)

At the right edge, type Thesis for M Phil

Task 3 Create a footer with automatic date and pagination fields, like this:

[date] Page [page number] of [Number of pages]

Step 1

Click on the Header & Footer Design tab, to switch between the header and the footer

Step 2

At the left edge of the footer area, click to insert a date field

Choose a format similar to 18 January 2016

Check the box for the date field to Update automatical ly

Step 3 Press TAB twice, to tab to the right-hand edge of the footer

Step 4

Click and choose Current Posit ion

Documents: Good practice in document design


Step 5 In the list of page number layouts, scroll down and choose Page X of Y

Note: You may need to select the footer text and re-apply the style Footer , if the page numbering tool has reset the style to Normal

Task 4 Examine the effect, using Print Layout View

Step 1

Click to leave the header/footer editor

Step 2 Ensure you are looking at Print Layout View (use the View tab)

Examine the headers and footers as they appear on several pages

Task 5 Edit the footer so that the date appears in a format similar to Oct-17

Step 1 Double-click the existing footer, to open the Footer editing pane

Step 2 Right-click on the date field

Choose Edit Field

Step 3 Among the date formats shown in the central panel, choose one similar to Oct-17

Notice that time formats are also available here

Step 4

Click until you can view the document in Print Layout View; examine the edited header

Task 6 Set up an empty footer on the first page

Step 1 Check Dif ferent Firs t Page on the Header and Footer Design tab

Step 2

If necessary, use to move to the First Page Footer

Delete any contents

Step 3

Click to return to Print Layout View of the document

Confirm the footers you have on each page (nothing on page 1, various text on all following pages)

Task 7 Set up a pair of different footers on odd and even pages:

Step 1 View the footer again

Check Dif ferent Odd & Even Pages on the Header & Footer Design tab

Documents: Good practice in document design


Leave the odd footer as is

Edit the even footer to include your name on the left and the time on the right

Step 2

Use and to move between the footers

Label tabs make it clear which footer or header is on display

Step 3 Leave the First Page Footer empty and the Odd Page Footer unchanged

Step 4 In the Even Page Footer, rearrange or replace the contents to have your name on the left and the time on the right

Task 8 Set up a pair of suitable headers

For example, edit each header to include the page number, centred

Step 1

Click to switch to the headers

Step 2 Check that the Even Page Header contains a mirror of the Odd Page Header

If necessary, copy parts from the Odd Page Header to create the Even Page Header

Step 3 Close the header/footer editing pane

Task 9 In Print Layout View, check the appearance of the headers and footers

Close all open documents, saving changes

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