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Certificate 1 in Development Management

Institute of Governance and Development

Certificate 1 in Development Management

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Institute of Governance and Development Introduction

The Institute of Governance and Development, was officially registered on the 1st of

March 2011, as an Institution of Specialized Training Institute under the Ministry of

Education (Department of Higher Education), with a view to contribute to strengthening

governance and development education and awareness in the Maldives.

Our Mission:

To contribute to the acceleration of sustainable economic and social development and

good governance in the Maldives and to promote formulation of appropriate policies

towards this end.

Our Goals:

Increase competence and efficient, effective and transparent governance and

corporate administration amongst local councils

Deliver high quality, relevant human resource development programs for senior and

mid-level officials, private sector and non-government representatives in the areas of

sustainable development, poverty alleviation, integration and management of reform

Implement research programs that contribute to effective policy formulation on

governance and development.

Promote inter-council cooperation and cooperation between the government and

local councils as well as amongst other related sectors.


Decentralization will require local communities, spearheaded by the councils, to

undertake a number of roles that they have previously not undertaken. The Law on Decentralization stipulates that councils will have to provide municipal services, provide primary education, health care as well as facilitate adult learning opportunities. It

mandates councils to prepare Development Plans and budgets. It seeks to promote participatory, transparent and accountable mechanisms in the discharge of its functions.

For efficient service delivery and for effective development management, council

members, their secretariats, other partnering groups such as NGOs and women’s committees and government representatives should be provided with necessary

knowledge and skills. Such knowledge and skills should include, but not be limited to, personal effectiveness, leadership and team building, good governance and democracy, strategic planning, community mobilization, financial management, business planning,

environmental management, fundraising and project formulation.

The Institute of Governance and Development aims to provide all of the above within its

curriculum. The subjects identified above are structured to provide councilors and related stakeholders a comprehensive training, to bring them up to a certificate level 1 thus contributing towards their performance.

Certificate 1 in Development Management

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Table of Contents 1. Institutional Capacity and Management ........................................................................ 3

1.1. Organizational Chart ............................................................................................. 3

1.2. Relevant Facilities and Resources ......................................................................... 4

1.3. Internal supervision and quality improvement mechanism Instructional and

academic staffing ................................................................................................. 4

2. Instructional and academic staffing ............................................................................. 5

2.1. Course coordinator................................................................................................ 5

2.2. Teaching Staff........................................................................................................ 5

2.3. Staff performance and appraisals .......................................................................... 5

3. Admission requirement................................................................................................ 6

4. Course content ............................................................................................................ 6

4.1. Goals of the Course .............................................................................................. 6

4.2. Objectives of the Course ....................................................................................... 6

4.3. Methodology for Development of Course Content ............................................... 6

4.4. The Course summary ............................................................................................. 7

4.5. Summary of how learning outcomes of each subjects (modules/units) relates to

the Maldives National Qualification Framework (MNQF) level descriptors ..........01

4.6. Subject Outlines ..................................................................................................03

5. Student Assessment ....................................................................................................28

6. Student Withdrawal ...................................................................................................28

Appendices ......................................................................................................................29

Certificate 1 in Development Management

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1. Institutional Capacity and Management

1.1. Organizational Chart



Overall management of the institute, responsible for managing the day to day

operations of the strategic direction of the institution


The Council is responsible for guiding and assessing the effective implementation of

the institute mission


Responsible for the effective coordination of the program carried out in the institute


Facilitate learning within a prescribed course of study assigned by the institute

Administrative Officer

Provide both clerical and administrative support


Manage day to day work schedule of the CEO and the Council


Mr. Badhur Naseer

Accademic Staff



Ms. Salma Fikury

Administrative Staff


Adminstrative Officer

Ms. Fathimatha Naaji



Dr. Simad Saeed


Dr. Ahmed Shukry Hussain


Ms. Aminath Eenas


Ms. Shafeenaaz Sattar


Mr. Ali Hussain


Mr. Mohamed Nazeef


Mr. Mohamed Shihab

Organizational Structure Institute for Governance and Development

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1.2. Relevant Facilities and Resources

1.2.1. The Institute has a fully equipped t conference room with capacity for 100

persons, equipped with sound system, multi-media projectors and 2 wide

screen and Wi-Fi internet service

1.2.2. Secretariat room with a computer, 2 laptops, printer, fax and internet


1.2.3. Library resource room equipped with books, newspapers, magazines and

other literature. Total 749 books to date. Round table for project works are

available with internet facilities and projectors. Video and Photography

(Media Services) will be provided if required

1.2.4. Accommodation block (bunker style) with bathrooms, wardrobes, laundry

arrangement, common room with TV and outside compound for 40 people

including Wi-Fi internet Service

1.2.5. Guest rooms for lecturers and guest speakers

1.2.6. Kitchen, dining and recreation area (with employees of the resort)

1.2.7. Mosque

1.3. Internal supervision and quality improvement mechanism.

1.3.1. CEO conducts weekly review meetings with the coordinator and

administrative staff

1.3.2. CEO conducts quarterly council meetings and if required

1.3.3. CEO conducts coordination meetings with the lecturers and coordinator at

the beginning of each course work

1.3.4. CEO conducts review meetings with the lecturers and coordinator at the

end of each course work

1.3.5. CEO conducts yearly planning meeting (July-September) every year with all


1.3.6. CEO conducts mid-term and end of the reviews meeting every year with all


1.3.7. Monitoring and observation of the teaching and learning of the institute is

carried out by the coordinator report to CEO at the end of each course work

1.3.8. A report based on the evaluation will be prepared and submitted to the

lecturers after each training. Appropriate actions for improvement will be

taken where needed.

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2. Instructional and academic staffing

2.1. Course coordinator

2.1.1. Minimum qualification: Graduate degree (MNQF Level 7) in social sciences,

governance or related field with proven experience in imparting knowledge to

adult audiences.

2.1.2. Responsibilities: Oversee overall management of the training course Develop schedule of classes in consultation with lecturers Maintain quality of content and delivery for all modules/units Conduct evaluation of modules / units and act upon these Maintain participant’s interest and promote a culture of shared

learning and understanding among the participants

2.2. Teaching Staff

2.2.1. Minimum number of teaching staff: minimum 6 staff would be contacted to

facilitate the training

2.2.2. Minimum academic qualifications and teaching experience of the teaching

staff: as per that identified in course content; please note the qualifications

vary from one subject unit to the other

2.2.3. Responsibilities of Teaching Staff Prepare detailed lesson plan for each subject unit based on the

learning outcomes of the subject unit Prepare presentations and handouts and ensure these are

submitted to the Course Coordinator well in advance of classes Conduct inclusive and participatory sessions Use modern ICT methods and facilitation skills in delivery Maintain a high standard of discipline and commitment to schedules

2.3. Staff performance and appraisals

2.3.1. Staff appraisal is done twice a year. Coordinator appraisal is done by the

CEO appraisal of the lectures and administrative staff is done by the

coordinator. The appraisal form is attached in the appendix

2.3.2. The main tool for performance appraisal of the course coordinator and

lecturers will be the evaluation of the training modules / units by the


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3. Admission requirement

3.1. The minimum educational qualification required is basic literacy skills in Dhivehi

3.2. People currently working as councilors and those who are interested in

governance and development

3.3. Irrelevant

3.4. Irrelevant

3.5. Irrelevant

4. Course content

4.1. Goals of the Course

Facilitate experience sharing and networking among participants

Increase competence and efficient, effective and transparent governance and

corporate administration amongst local councils. Deliver high quality, relevant human resource development programs for

senior and mid-level officials, private sector and non-government

representatives in the areas of sustainable development, poverty alleviation,

integration and management of reform.

Promote inter-council cooperation and cooperation between the government

and local councils as well as amongst other related sectors

4.2. Objectives of the Course

Increase general knowledge and understanding on good governance, human

rights and democracy

Increase general knowledge and understanding of sustainable development


Increase general understanding of development planning principles and


Increase general understanding of basic financial management and resource


Inspire good leadership and demonstrate qualities of an effective councilor/


4.3. Methodology for Development of Course Content

A team of qualified and experienced professionals is hired to develop the

course contents. The modules include theory as well as practical / interactive

exercises. Global experiences and local level examples will be provided

Certificate 1 in Development Management

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where necessary. Reference will be made to the local context, i.e. the

Maldivian Constitution and Laws, history and ground realities as much as


Guest speakers will be invited to enhance the learning experience. Audio-

visuals and participatory techniques will be used to enrich the course


The course consists of 100 credits hours for 3 weeks durations. 85 hours of

course work would be carried out during the first two weeks of the training

where by participants will attend the sessions facilitated by the lecturers.

Remaining 15 hours of the course work is assigned for individual/group

project work this will take place during the 3rd week of the training.

Participants will report back to their work stations to complete the project.

Participants have to submit their project work at the end of the 3rd week.

Certificate would be awarded to participants who successfully complete the

project work.

The course content will be continuously enriched based upon evaluation of

participants and lecturers.

4.4. The Course summary

4.4.1. Total of 15 units are distributed among 3 main modules

4.4.2. Course duration is 3 weeks 4.4.3. Total of 100 credits hours 4.4.4. Total of 10 credits points

4.4.5. Learning outcomes

Module Units Learning outcomes Credit






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and Public


On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Demonstrate effective communication skills. Use different oratory skills in public speaking.






On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Define conflict. To recognize, assess and reduce risk in conflict







On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

List the tasks according to priorities. Manage interruptions. Prepare personal organizers by using Microsoft


3 hours


Leadership Case studies

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:




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Recognize different leadership frameworks Analyze different leadership styles

Leadership and Organizational Behavior

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Describe characteristics of a successful teamwork experience.

Explain the differences between leadership and management.

Demonstrate teamwork through giant work exercise.












Constitutions of

the Maldives

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the major historical events regarding the development and enactment of constitutions in the Maldives.

Understand the content and principles of the various constitutions enacted to date.

Understand the framework established by the Maldives Constitution 2008 and it’s interpretation

Understand the three branches of the state, their respective roles and functions.

Understand the concept of separation of power in the constitution of 2008

7 hours


Fundamental Rights

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand what is meant by right. Understand the meaning of fundamental rights

as guaranteed by the existing constitution. Understand that rights come with

responsibility and the broader meaning of citizen responsibilities has implied in the Maldivian constitution.

7 hours


Political Systems On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the difference between unitary and federal system

Differentiate advantages and disadvantages of presidential and parliamentary form of government.




Decentralization On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept and definition of decentralization

Differentiate levels of decentralized government.

Understand the scope and limitations of councils and the functions of the councilors

Understand the decentralization law and its components

Demonstrate the collaborative roles that the council have to play with government and non-government actors.

Recognize the important roles of councilors in engaging community participations.




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On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand skills and competence in the role as sustainable development leaders.




Regional Development

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept of development from a regional perspective and its applicability to Maldives.

3 hours


Results – Based



On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Gain working knowledge of key terms, concepts and tools used in development planning and projects.

Design an island development plan. Organize a participatory planning exercise.

9 hours


People’s participation

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept of people’s participation, its forms and levels and why participation is important in development.

Develop a problem and objective tree.

4 hours


Social and Inclusive development

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand major causes of social inequality. Analyze the situation from the perspective of

minorities. Identify and understand the difference

between gender and sex and how gender stereo typing is formed.

Understand the concept of gender and development.

Understand what gender and budgeting is. Familiarize participants with how to read a


3 hours


Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand financial management principles, the systems and processes with regard to public finances.

Understand the concept of macro-economic development.

Understand the Maldivian land law. Understand the laws, regulations and policies

related to taxation. Demonstrate resource mobilization techniques.

11 hours


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4.5. Summary of how learning outcomes of each subjects (modules/units) relates to the Maldives National Qualification Framework (MNQF) level descriptors.








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Module 1: Personal Effectiveness, Unit 1: Communication and Public Speaking Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Demonstrate effective communication skills. Use different oratory skills in public speaking.





Module 1: Personal Effectiveness, Unit 2: Conflict Management Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Define conflict. To recognize, assess and reduce risk in conflict situations





Module 1: Personal Effectiveness, Unit 3: Time Management Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

List the tasks according to priorities. Manage interruptions. Prepare personal organizers by using Microsoft outlook





Module 1: Personal Effectiveness, Unit 4: Leadership Case studies Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Recognize different leadership frameworks Analyze different leadership styles.




Module 1: Personal Effectiveness, Unit 5: Leadership & Organizational Behavior Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Describe characteristics of a successful teamwork experience. Explain the differences between leadership and management. Demonstrate teamwork through giant work exercise.



Module 2: Democracy and Human Rights, Unit 1: Constitutions of the Maldives Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the major historical events regarding the development and enactment of constitutions in the Maldives.

Understand the content and principles of the various constitutions enacted to date.

Understand the framework established by the Maldives Constitution 2008 and it’s interpretation

Understand the three branches of the state, their respective roles and functions.


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Understand the concept of separation of power in the constitution of 2008


Module 2:Democracy and Human Rights , Unit 2: Fundamental Rights Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand what is meant by right. Understand the meaning of fundamental rights as guaranteed by

the existing constitution. Understand that rights come with responsibility and the broader

meaning of citizen responsibilities has implied in the Maldivian constitution.



Module 2:Democracy and Human Rights, Unit 3: Political Systems Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the difference between unitary and federal system Differentiate advantages and disadvantages of presidential and

parliamentary form of government.



Module 2:Democracy and Human Rights, Unit 4:Decentralization Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept and definition of decentralization Differentiate levels of decentralized government. Understand the scope and limitations of councils and the

functions of the councilors Understand the decentralization law and its components Demonstrate the collaborative roles that the council have to play

with government and non-government actors. Recognize the important roles of councilors in engaging

community participations.





Module 3: Development, Unit 1: Sustainable Development Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand skills and competence in the role as sustainable development leaders.



Module 3: Development, Unit 2:Regional Development Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept of development from a regional perspective and its applicability to Maldives.



Module 3: Development, Unit 3: Results – Based participatory planning Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Gain working knowledge of key terms, concepts and tools used in development planning and projects.

Design an island development plan. Organize a participatory planning exercise.





Module 3: Development, Unit 4: People’s participation Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept of people’s participation, its forms and levels and why participation is important in development.

Develop a problem and objective tree.





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Module 3: Development, Unit 5: Social and Inclusive development Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand major causes of social inequality. Analyze the situation from the perspective of minorities. Identify and understand the difference between gender and sex

and how gender stereo typing is formed. Understand the concept of gender and development. Understand what gender and budgeting is. Familiarize participants with how to read a budget.




Module 3: Development, Unit 6: Financial Management and Resource Mobilization Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand financial management principles, the systems and

processes with regard to public finances.

Understand the concept of macro-economic development.

Understand the Maldivian land law.

Understand the laws, regulations and policies related to


Demonstrate resource mobilization techniques.





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4.6. Subject Outlines

4.6.1. Subject name: Communication and Public Speaking

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 03 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, Audio visual observation, Practical

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 6

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites: -

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Demonstrate effective communication skills.

Use different oratory skills in public speaking.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Vision and goal setting.

Creating a strong first impression.

Understanding of the audience and how to win their hearts.

Oratory skills

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Leanne, S. (2009) Say it like Obama: The Power of Speaking with purpose and

vision, New York, US: McGraw Hill Companies.

Gallo, C. (2006) 10 simple secrets of the world’s greatest business communities.

Illinois, US: Sourcebooks, Inc.

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4.6.1. Subject name: Conflict Management

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 03 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, Video Simulation, Group exercise

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 6

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Define conflict

To recognize, assess and reduce risk in conflict situations

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

What is conflict?

Types of conflict.

Condition and causes of conflict.

Conflict management skills.

Impact of conflict on organizations and society.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Covey, S. R (2004). 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the

character ethic, New York, Free Press.

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4.6.1. Subject name: Time Management

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 03 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, Group and individual activities, Interactive

computer application

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 6

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

List the tasks according to priorities.

Manage interruptions.

Prepare personal organizers by using Microsoft outlook

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Different approaches to Time Management.

Different tools to track time.

Goal setting and identifying priorities.

Time Management tools.

Modern tools such as Microsoft outlook and time tracker.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Covey, S. R, et. al (1994). First Thing First: To live, To love, To learn, To leave

a legacy. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Tracey, B. (2007). Eat the Frog!: 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and

get more done in less time. California: Berrett - Koechler publishers, Inc.

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4.6.1. Subject name: Leadership Case studies

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 07 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, Interactive discussion, individual exercise.

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 6

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Recognize different leadership frameworks

Analyze different leadership styles

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Leadership style of Nelson Mandela, Collin Powel, Barak Obama.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Stengel. R. (2010). Mandela’s way: Lesson on Life, Love and Courage.

London: Virgin Books.

Harari. O. (2002). The Leadership secrets of Colin Powell. The Macro Hill


Leanne, S. (2010). Leadership the Barak Obama Way: Lesson on Team

building and Creating a winning culture in challenging times . New York, US

McGraw Hill Companies.

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4.6.1. Subject name: Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 06hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, Interactive discussion, group work.

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 5

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Describe characteristics of a successful teamwork experience.

Explain the differences between leadership and management.

Demonstrate teamwork through giant work exercise.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

What is teamwork?

What is leadership?

What is organizational behaviour

Leadership vs Management.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials: -

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4.6.1. Subject name: Constitution of the Maldives

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 07 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 7

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the major historical events regarding the development and

enactment of constitutions in the Maldives.

Understand the content and principles of the various constitutions

enacted to date.

Understand the framework established by the Maldives Constitution

2008 and it’s interpretation

Understand the three branches of the state, their respective roles and


Understand the concept of separation of power in the constitution of


4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Major periods/events in the constitutional history of Maldives.

Content of the different constitutions throughout the years.

Evolution of the constitution.

The three branches of the state

Function and major principals guiding the three branches of the state

Role of the Local Council

Provisions related to the separation of powers in the constitution 2008

The checks and balances between the separate branches of the state

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Constitutions of the Maldives: retrieved from on 4th October 2012

Maldives Constitution 2008

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4.6.1. Subject name: Fundamental Rights

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 07hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, group work discussion and debate.

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 7

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand what is meant by right.

Understand the meaning of fundamental rights as guaranteed by the

existing constitution.

Understand that rights come with responsibility and the broader

meaning of citizen responsibilities has implied in the Maldivian


4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Historical overview of the concepts of right.

The development and adaption of the UDHR

State reservation for certain rights.

Different rights as contained in the Maldivian constitution Article 16 – 61

Article 67 of Maldivian constitution

Other laws related to citizen responsibility.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

UN General Assembly, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10 December

1948, 217 A (III), available at: [accessed 4

October 2012]

Maldives Constitution 2008

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4.6.1. Subject name: Political Systems

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 03 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, lecture, group based debate and reflection

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 7

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the difference between unitary and federal system

Differentiate advantages and disadvantages of presidential and

parliamentary form of government.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Nature of the unitary legal system and the comparative advantages and

disadvantages of such systems.

Nature of the federal system and the comparative advantages and

disadvantages of such systems.

Essential features of presidentialism.

Presidential vs Parliamentary form of government

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Walker. G.dq.(2001). 10 Advantages of a federal constitution: How to make

the most of them, retrieved on 5th October 2012.


Jowitt. A (2009). The nature and functions of specific legal systems, journal

of South pacific law, (2009), 13, (1)

Elgie, R (2005). From Linz to Tsebelis: three waves of

presidential/parliamentary studies? Democratization, 12 (1). pp. 106-122.

ISSN 1351-0347

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4.6.1. Subject name: Decentralization

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 10 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, game, group work

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 7

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept and definition of decentralization

Differentiate levels of decentralized government.

Understand the scope and limitations of councils and the functions of

the councilors

Understand the decentralization law and its components

Demonstrate the collaborative roles that the council have to play with

government and non-government actors.

Recognize the important roles of councilors in engaging community


4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Introduction of concept and definition of decentralization.

Powers, roles and responsibilities of the local councils.

Collaboration and cooperation between local the local councils and

other agencies/ stakeholders/ the community.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Maldives Constitution 2008

Decentralization Law 2010

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4.6.1. Subject name: Sustainable Development 4.6.2. Subject Code: - 4.6.3. Credits, learning hhours and contact hhours: 06 hours 4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, lecture, group and individual excercise

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 7 4.6.6. Pre- requisites: - 4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to: Understand skills and competence in the role as sustainable

development leaders.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar: Major theoretical approaches to development. Historical context of development.

Theories and concepts of sustainable development. The four pillars of sustainable development. Application of the four pillars of sustainable development to the

Maldives. Conservation and ecological sustainable development. Concept of carbon neutrality and energy security.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

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4.6.1. Subject name: Regional Development

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 03 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentation, lecture

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 7

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept of development from a regional perspective and

its applicability to Maldives.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

What is development?

Importance of regional development.

Administrative vs regional development.

Rethinking global or International positioning.

Regional development issues.

Absence of regional development.

Potential outcomes of regional economic development.

Regional development strategies.

Key challenges and opportunities.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Haynes. J. (2008), Developmental Studies, Polity press, Cambridge, U.K

Sen. A. (1999), Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, U.K

Kaplan. R.D. (2011), Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the future of American

Power, Random House publishing group, India

7th National Development Plan, Maldives.

Strategic Action plan 2008 – 2013

HIES study

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4.6.1. Subject name: Results – Based participatory planning

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 09 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Lecture, group planning exercise

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 6

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Gain working knowledge of key terms, concepts and tools used in

development planning and projects.

Design an island development plan.

Organize a participatory planning exercise.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Overview of key development issues in the context of Maldives.

Stakeholders and the interaction between them.

Key development strategies employed and the practical and policy

implications of managing development challenges.

Overview of results based planning, results outcomes, outputs, activities

and inputs.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Michelson.G, and Michelson. S (2003), Sun Tzu for success: How to use the

art of war to master challenges and accomplish the importance goals in

your life, Adams media, An F + W publications company, USA.

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4.6.1. Subject name: People’s participation

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 04 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentations, group exercise, group presentation

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 6

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand the concept of people’s participation, its forms and levels

and why participation is important in development.

Develop a problem and objective tree.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Definition of people’s participation.

Historical Overview of people’s participation with local examples.

Difficulties and barriers to effective people’s participation.

Problem and objective tree.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Balakrishnan . R. (2007), Participatory pathways: people’s participation in

development initiative, Dorling Kindersley Pvt ltd, New Delhi, India.

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4.6.1. Subject name: Social and Inclusive development

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 03 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentations, discussion, group work, case study

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 6

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand major causes of social inequality.

Analyze the situation from the perspective of minorities.

Identify and understand the difference between gender and sex and how

gender stereo typing is formed.

Understand the concept of gender and development.

Understand what gender and budgeting is.

Familiarize participants with how to read a budget.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Gender equality and social inclusion, empowerment and barriers to


How different cultural, social, religious norms form attitudes towards

men and women.

Concept of gender and development.

Design and implementation of gender sensitive and gender equitable


Gender responsive budgeting.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Zhuang . J. (ed.) (2011), Poverty, inequality and inclusion growth in Asia:

Measurement policy issues and country studies, Anthem press, London, UK

and Asian Development Bank, Metro Manila Philippines.

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4.6.1. Subject name: Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

4.6.2. Subject Code: -

4.6.3. Credits, learning hours and contact hours: 09 hours

4.6.4. Modes of delivery: Presentations, group work, individual work

4.6.5. Minimum qualification and experience required by instructors: MQA level 7

4.6.6. Pre- requisites: -

4.6.7. Co-requisites:

4.6.8. Expected learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, participants will be able to:

Understand financial management principles, the systems and processes

with regard to public finances.

Understand the concept of macro-economic development.

Understand the Maldivian land law.

Understand the laws, regulations and policies related to taxation.

Demonstrate resource mobilization techniques.

4.6.9. Curricular content in terms of topics and a summary of content planned for

each lecture/ tutorial session, seminar:

Principles of public finance management.

Public finance law of Maldives.

Land law of Maldives.

Macro-economic development.

Resource mobilization techniques.

Taxation in Maldives.

4.6.10. Assessment methods and grading criteria: Refer to section on Student

Assessment (5) of this document

4.6.11. List of reference materials:

Tax Administration Act, 2010

Maldivian Land Act, 2002

Public Finance Act, 2005

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5. Student Assessment

Assessment Item Marks % Week Due

Project Work 80% End of 3rd week

Class Participation 20% Throughout

Grade Grade point

Pass 100-50%

Fail 50% below

5.1. Participants will be assessed through a project work during the 3rd week of


5.2. During the 3rd week of the training course participants report back to their field of

work and complete the assigned project within a week. Participants should submit

the project work within the time frame given.

5.3. Participants will be required to attend 80% of the training in order to be awarded

the certificate.

5.4. The value of training at Institute for Governance and Development depends upon

the quality of academic work and contribution by the participants at the Institute.

Each participant of the Institute for Governance and Development has a role in

promoting and preserving integrity in the Institute. The participants of the

Institute should comply with the following rule at all times.

Attempting to use unauthorized information.

Submitting one’s own work prepared by another person.

Plagiarism (taking and using another person’s thoughts or writing and using

them as one’s own.

Certificate will not be awarded for any participant who is found guilty of

academic misconduct.

6. Student Withdrawal

6.1. If a participant wishes to leave the course, the reasons for withdrawal should be

submitted to the Course Coordinator in writing. Justifiable reasons would be

accepted. If not justifiable the Course Coordinator should negotiate with the

participant and see if there is a possibility for the participant to continue. In case

of weak attendance or misconduct, the participant will be given a maximum of

two warnings and if there is no improvement, he/she asked to leave the course.

6.2. No reimbursement of fees, if any have been levied, will take place in any case of

withdrawal from the program.

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Appendix 1: Participants Feedback Form (Session) Thank you, very much for participating in the session. Your comments and feedback will

be highly appreciated. Please provide few minutes to complete the following questions.

Topic: ___________ Date: ____________

Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

Objective(s) achieved

Information Gained is useful to my current work



Trainers knowledge of the subject matter

Time allocated

What is the most interesting part of the session?

What would you do differently as a result of this session?

What aspects of the session could be improved?

Other comments:

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Appendix 2: Participants Feedback Form (Workshop)

Thank you, very much for participating in the training. Your comments and feedback will

be highly appreciated. Please provide few minutes to complete the following questions.

Date: ____________

Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

Objective(s) achieved

Information Gained is useful to my current work



Trainers knowledge of the subject matter

Time allocated

Training condition


Accommodation and food


What is the most interesting session of the training?

What would you do differently as a result of this training?

What aspects of the training could be improved?

Other comments:

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Appendix 3: Observation Form

Topic: Duration of the observation:





CONTENT Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor NA

Objective(s) is/are clear and specific

Main ideas are clear and


Instructor related ideas to local








Organization of the session was

given at the beginning

Effective transition


Clear organizational plan






Different level of questioning

Sufficient wait time

Encourage questioning by participants

Feedback and reinforcement

Rapport with participants







Language was understandable


Absence of verbalized pauses

(er, ah, dho, etc.)

Voice quality

Pace of delivery

Body movements and Gestures

Eye contact







Visual aids can be easily read


Group work

Individual exercise

Rating scale (1 = poor, 2 = satisfactory, 3 = good, 4 = excellent, NA = not applicable)

Observer name: Instructor name:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:
