Do you know that you can SUBMIT, TRACK and RECEIVE RESULTS TRAX...


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A  Guide  for  PSP/SP  and  Project  Owners  

Kuala  Lumpur  City  Hall  

www . k l t r a x . c om  

Do you know that you can SUBMIT, TRACK and RECEIVE RESULTS

of your submission from anywhere, anytime?

FAQs    1.  What  is  KL  TRAX?                KL  TRAX  is  an  online  tracking  and  submission  system  for  all  DCP  

applicaDons.      DBKL  provides  the  service  to  PSP/SP  and  Project  Owners  of  development  projects  in  Kuala  Lumpur.    The  system  runs    24  x  7  x  365  days.    

 2.  What  are  the  benefits  of  using  KL  TRAX  to  PSP/SP  and  Project  

Owners?  •  PSP/SP  can  submit  DCP  applicaDon  from  anywhere,  anyDme  

without  having  to  come  to  REGULATORS’  offices.  •  PSP/SP  can  find  out  the  status  and  decision  made  by  each  

REGULATOR  through  KL  TRAX.  •  KL  TRAX  emails  results  automaDcally  to  PSP/SP  seconds  aZer  a  

REGULATOR  has  made  its  decision.  •  REGULATORS’  approval  and  support  documents  will  be  made  

available  in  KL  TRAX.  

3.  Where  can  I  get  more  informaDon  on  KL  TRAX?  •    

4.  How  long  does  it  take  to  learn  and  competently  use  KL  TRAX?  •  30  minutes  of  hands  on  training.      •  Please  enquire  at  OSC  of  Kuala  Lumpur  City  Hall  for  upcoming  

training  session.    

5.  How  much  do  I  have  to  pay  to  use  KL  TRAX?  •  FREE    

6.   Can  KL  TRAX  be  used  for  all  types  of  DCP  applicaDon  process?  •  YES  (OSC  1  Submission,  KLiSBEST  and  OSC)    

7.  Do  I  need  to  install  any  soZware  in  my  notebook?  •  NO.    KL  TRAX  can  be  accessed  from  internet  browser  with  internet  

connecDon.    You  can  also  use  your  tablets  and  smart  phone.  


Kuala  Lumpur  City  Hall  (DBKL)  is  introducing  an  online  tracking  and  submission  system  called  KL  TRAX  as  part  of  its  effort  to  improve  its  delivery  system.    KL  TRAX  connects  REGULATORS  including  DKBL  departments,  JBPM,  SKMM,  IWK,  TNB,  SYABAS,  DOSH,  etc.    It  covers  Dealing  with  ConstrucDon  Permits  (DCP)  from  Data  Gathering,  Plans  Approvals  to  CompleDon  of  Project  (Deposit  CCC).  
