Do Chapter 2 Vocab



Do Chapter 2 Vocab. Cataract pyramid Mummy Delta tribute Papyrus incense Hieroglyphics savanna Dynasty Pharaoh Embalming Deity. Chapter 2 Ancient Egypt. Section 1 The Nile River. I. Early Egypt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Do Chapter 2 Vocab

Cataract pyramid MummyDelta tributePapyrus incenseHieroglyphics savannaDynasty PharaohEmbalming Deity

Chapter 2 Ancient Egypt

• Section 1 The Nile River

• I. Early Egypt

• 1. Around 6,000 B.C to 5,000 B.C hunters and gatherers moved into the ________________.

• Nile River Valley

A. These people were the first _________


• 2. The Nile River provided the people of the area all of the water they needed.

• A. the Nile is the world’s ___________.

• Longest River

• II. The Shape of the Nile

– 1. The shape of the Nile looks like a flower.

A. At the top is an area known as a _________.


• B. The Nile also has many _______ that are rapids formed by large rocks in the river.

• cataracts

• III. Area around the Nile

– 1. On both sides of the Nile are _________ for as far as can be seen.

– deserts• A. To the west is the ________, the

world’s largest desert. – Sahara

• B. The Desert did have one huge advantage and that was the ability to keep other ____________.

• armies away.

• C. Another feature helped keep people out including cataracts and _________in the north.

• delta marshes

• 2. Even though the people were isolated, they could still trade with others using the Red Sea and the ______________.

• Mediterranean Sea

Homework- Copy Questions

• 1. What is one advantage of the desert to the Egyptian people?

• 2. About what time did people begin to live in Egypt?

• 3. What is the name of the largest desert located in Egypt?

Get into Groups of 4

• Make sure one person has a phone with date.

• Work Quietly and one person get out a piece of paper.

• Make a list of the 10 longest rivers in the world.


• Finish Vocab and turn in.

Hold homework.

• IV. Flooding of Egypt

• 1. Like Mesopotamia, the people of Egypt dealt with flooding.

• V. Use of the Flooding

• 1. The Egyptians used the floods to become successful farmers.

A. They grew things like wheat, barley, and ____________. Flax seeds

• B. Their success was largely attributed to their wise use of ___________.

• Irrigation

• 2. They also created other forms of technology including a ___________.

• Shadoof


• A. Another technological discovery was the use of ___________.


B. Papyrus was used for things such as baskets, sandals, rafts and eventually ________.


• VI. Their own form of writing

1. The Egyptians developed their own system of writing called ______________.

• Hieroglyphics•


• A. The writing consisted of hundreds of symbols that stood for objects or even ________.

• sounds

• 2. Only a select few men learned how to ____________.

• Read and write

• A. Like Mesopotamia, Egyptians had other jobs than farming, such as making cloth pottery and _____________.

• weapons

The Way it Was

• Read this section and answer the two questions.

• We will go over the answers afterward.


• Remember to bring a paper folder for your grades. We will pass out papers Thursday.

• VI. The Rise in Government

1. Advancements in farming and trade created a need for government.

A. Irrigation needed to be fixed extra grain needed to be handed out.

• 2. At first village chiefs were in charge of a certain area.

A. But quickly many villages were united into small kingdoms.

B. Soon the villages were in either Lower Egypt or ____________. Upper Egypt

• VII. Egypt Ruling Families

• 1. In 3100 B.C ___________ unified Egypt by taking over Lower Egypt.

• Narmer

• A. He passed down his empire down his family in a system called a __________.

• dynasty

Dynasty Activity

• We know what a Dynasty is now.

• What are some Dynasty’s that we have had in American Politics?

• Would a familiar name help you decide on who to vote for?

• B. The dynasties are broken up into three parts the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and __________.

• New Kingdom

• VIII. Early Egypt Life

1. Social Classes

• A. The Upper class was made up of nobles, priests and other ____________.

• Rich people.

• B. The middle class was made up of people who ran businesses or produced goods.

• C. The rest of the people were either farmers or unskilled workers doing __________.

• Manual labor

Section 2

• Old Kingdom

• I. Old Kingdom Rulers

1. Around 2,600 the Old Kingdom began and lasted until ________.


A. The rulers of this time were called ____________.


• B. The Pharaoh had many officials carry out his orders without question because of their belief that he was the son of Ra, the ___________.

• Sun God


• 1. What is the name of the leader that first unified Egypt?

• 2. How long did the Old Kingdom last?

• 3. Who did most Egyptians believe that the Pharaoh was related to?


• Compare what you learned about the Pharaoh and the President of the United States. Write 5-6 Sentences on the topic. Make sure to think about both similarities and differences.

• II. Religion

1. The Egyptians were very much into religion and idolized many ____________.


• A. The main God was Ra, the Sun god.

• B. Other important gods were ruler of the Nile Hapi and ruler of the dead _________.

• Isis

• III. Life After Death• 1. Unlike the Mesopotamians, Egyptians

believed in an afterlife that was better than life on earth.

• A. An important book called __________ was believed to lead the people to an afterlife.

• Book of the Dead

• 2. For a long time, the Egyptians believed that only the Pharaohs would go to an afterlife and needed to have their body preserved by _______________ it.

• Embalming • A. The final wrapped body was called a

_______.• mummy

• IV. Egyptian Medicine• 1. By working with human bodies during

mummification, people became more knowledgeable of the human body.

• A. They used ___________to treat illnesses.

• Herbs and drugs

• V. Pyramids

• 1. When a Pharaoh died they were buried in a massive tomb called a __________.

• Pyramid • http://

• A. The giant tomb protected the body from weather, animals and kept his ______________.

• Belongings for the afterlife

• 2. It took thousands of people and years to build a pyramid.

• A. Most of the time the farmers were the main workers during the floods.



• Find one part of Egyptian life that you can compare and contrast between life then and now. 5 sentences.

3. Each Pyramid sat on a square base facing the North.

A. They found North by studying Astronomy, where they invented a 365 day calendar, with 12 months and 3 seasons.

• 4. Egyptians made advancements in math while making the pyramids.

• A. They invented a system of written numbers based on ___.

• 10

• 5. Once a site was chosen the people would look for _______ anywhere they could find it.

• Stone.

• A. Once cut they would pull the stone blocks over logs to the building site.

• VI. The Great Pyramid

• 1. Around 2540 B.C the largest Pyramid was built and known as the _________.

• Great Pyramid

• A. The pyramid was built near _______ for King Khufu.

• Cairo

• B. It was the tallest building for ______ years equaling the size of a 48 story building.

• 4, 000

• 2. The pyramids are quite impressive, they were used without animals specials tools or even the _________.

• Wheel


• 1. Egyptians found north by studying what? • 2. Created numbering system based on what? • 3. What were the pyramids made of? • 4. The largest pyramid known as? • 5. What city was the great Pyramid built in? • 6. How many stories high was the Great Pyramid? • 7. Pyramid was built without ? • 8. Who is the Sun God?


• Read The Prince Who Knew His Fate.

• Answer Questions on Page 54-58 Numbers 1-4

• Quiz Corrections-

• Following corrections we will watch Egyptian video


• Use firefox browser with adblock plus

A Few New Things

• Popsicle Stick Lottery- Pick up stick and match to desk number.

• Talk time. Every 15 of good hard work equals 2 minutes of free talk time. Mess up and we will use that time to copy out of the book.

Project instructions

• 1. Create a visual representation on either my paper or you can buy your own.

• 2. Will be about a part of Egypt. Use book and even sections we have not got to yet.

• 3. Present next Monday. Work on it this in class Thursday and Friday.

• Tell us who, what, where, when and something interesting. Include pictures what ever you can fit on this sheet.

Put into groups

• I will put you in groups now.

• Use time of 10 minutes to talk and brainstorm.

• Will grade based on your seriousness on presentation -10 for class disturbances, creativity, information and grade from others in group on your participation.

Section 3

• The Egyptian empire

I. The Middle Kingdom

• 1. Around 2300 B.C the pharaohs of Egypt lost control.

• A. New family in place meant a move from Memphis to Thebes.

• B. The middle kingdom lasted from 2050 to 1670 B.C.

II. Conquering others

• 1. Egypt took Nubia from the South and attacked now Syria.

• A. The conquered people sent tributes, giving lots of money to Egypt.

• Find Egypt and Syria and label it on the map you have.

III. Increase in arts

• 1. Interest in the arts increased during the middle kingdom.

• A. No more pyramids, now Pharaohs were buried in side of mountains called Valley of the Kings.

IV. Conquered

• 1. In 1670 the middle kingdom ended.

• A. Nobles fought for control once again.

• B. Another threat lurked from western Asia known as the_____________.

• Hyksos

• 2. The Hyksos were mighty warriors that fought on ___________.

• Horse drawn chariots

• A. The Hyksos ruled for about 150 years before Egyptian prince took back power.

V. The New Kingdom

• 1. The prince that brought Egypt back into power was ___________.

• Ahmose

• A. He began the new kingdom, which lasted from 1550 to 1080. B.C.

• 2. During this time the Pharaohs became very ________________.

• Imperialistic


• Think about what you want for your project.

• Find pictures to place on visual representation.

• Advisory Read Section 1 and 2.

• Or I will get a book for you to read and write a paragraph about each day.

Bellringer Constitution Day

1. In what year was the Constitution put into effect?

2. Who is called the “Father of the Constitution”?

VI. Woman Ruler

• 1. A woman ruler named Hatshepsut came into power around 1473 B.C.

• A. Was not as interested in conquering as others, more into _________.

• Trade.

VII. More Imperialism

• 1. When Hatshepsut died her nephew took over named____________.

• Thutmose III


• 2. The empire grew rich from many tributes from the conquered.

• A. Also enslaved prisoners of _________.

• War.

VIII. Monotheism

• 1. Around 1370 B.C Amenhotep IV found that priests were taking power from Pharaohs so he tried to get rid of all gods and focus on __________.

• Aton

• A. Changed his name to Akhenaton and ruled from a new city.

• B. Egypt was attacked from the Hittites and lost a lot of the western parts of Asia.

IX. King Tutankhamen

• 1. When Akhenaton died his son in law took over at the age of _____.

• 10

• Famous more for his discovery by Howard Carter than his actual rule.


X. Ramses II

• 1. For 66 years Ramses II ruled and helped rebuild Egypt.

• A. He regained land in western Asia and began a building program.

Egypt 2 Quiz

• 1. What was Hatshepsut most famous for?• 2. What was the name of the singular god of

Egypt?• 3. What was Hatshepsut most interested in?• 4. What land did Akhenaton lose?• 5. Who discovered King Tut?• 6. How long did Ramses II rule?


• Write about one country that you have learned about throughout your life that was imperialistic, other than Egypt. Tell me what they did and why to the best of your knowledge. 6 sentences.

• 80 for less than 6 complete sentences• 70-less than 5, 60-less than 4, etc.

Circle Graph Egypt and Mesopotamia

• For both- both relied on a main river throughout most of the area

• For Mesopotamia- Did not believe in an afterlife

• For Egypt- obsessed with the afterlife. • Find two more of each category to make your

circle graph.

XI. Temples built

• 1. Under New Kingdom rulers temples were built for many purposes.

• A. These temples were thought to house the gods and goddesses.

XII. Egypt’s decline and fall

• 1. Following the rule of Ramses II, Egypt began to fade.

• A. The main problem came from being unable to defend themselves because of a lack of ____________.

• Iron ore

• 2. By 1150 B.C the Egyptians had lost their empire all except for the ___________.

• Nile Delta

• A. A number of countries took over Egypt from Libyans, to people of Kush and finally Assyrians.

Section 4

• The Civilization of Kush

I. Nubia

• 1. In an area south of the Egyptians on the Nile was a civilization first known as Nubia but later______________.

• Kush

• 2. More than likely people arrived in Nubia around 2000 B.C as _________.

• Cattle herders.

• From now on Quizzes will be the day following our notes. Giving you time to study the night before.


• 1. What would Nubia come to be known as?• 2. Name the three civilizations that would

eventually rule Egypt following the rule of Ramses II.

• 3. What did the Egyptians lack that would lead to their demise/end?

• 4. What was the main purpose of the temples built by Ramses II?

The Civilization of Kush

Chapter 2 Section 4

(pages 69-72)

Did You Know???

• The upper class in ancient Egypt had indoor bathrooms, though they did not have running water.

I. Nubia (pages 69-70)

A. The region of Nubia, later known as Kush, was located south of Egypt on the Nile River.

B. The first people to arrive in Nubia were cattle herders, who grazed their herds on the savanna. Later, farmers settled in villages in Nubia.

A savanna is a grassy plain.

Four peoples of the ancient world:Syrian, Nubian, Libyan, and Egyptian.

C. More powerful Nubian villages took control of weaker ones, and the kingdom of Kerma was created.

D. People of Kerma traded with the Egyptians, and Kerma became wealthy.

The people of Kerma traded with Egyptians and served as warriors in the Egyptian armies.

E. The kings of Kerma were buried in tombs like the Egyptian pharaohs.

F. Egypt invaded Kerma, and after 50 years of war, Kerma was defeated. During Egyptian rule, the people of Kerma adopted many Egyptian ways.

Well-preserved body of a female servant buried with one of the kings of Kerma, about 1650 BC.

II. The Rise of Kush (pages 70-72)

A. Nubians broke away from Egypt and formed their own kingdom called Kush.

B. The Kushite kings ruled from the city of Napata, which was located along the upper Nile. This location helped the Kush people become important traders, and Kush grew wealthy.

C. A king named Kashta and his son, Piye conquered Egypt in 728 B.C.

D. The Assyrians later invaded Egypt and forced the Kushites out.

E. The Kushites learned iron working from the Assyrians. The Kushites were the first Africans to become iron workers.

Iron working skills helped the Kushites make farming tools. Superior tools helped them grow more crops. They also could make iron spears and swords. Traders also traded iron to other peoples.

F. Kush moved the ruling city south to the city of Meroe, farther away from the Assyrians. Meroe became an important center of trade and iron working.

G. Kushite kings rebuilt Meroe to look like Egypt, with pyramids and temples.

H. Kush eventually declined in power, and the kingdom of Axum rose up. Axum invaded Meroe and burned it to the ground.