Divinity Cards - Rebecca...


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Divinity Cards: We all have the ability to connect

with our higher guidance, be it our Team Spirit or

our own intuition and higher self’s knowing. In fact,

no one is more tuned in to you and your spirits, than

YOU! All we have to do is believe in ourselves and

our ability to communicate with our Angels, spirits

and guides. Card readings can be incredibly helpful

to get a clear read on a situation or question you may

have for yourself or others. Choose a deck that speaks

to you and you will be amazed at the accuracy and

guidance that arrives when we need it most.

Mala Beads: Malas, or Buddhist prayer beads, are a

traditional tool used to count the number of times

a mantra is recited while meditating. Malas are

typically made with 18, 27, 54 or 108 beads. The

material used to make the beads can vary according

to the purpose of the mantras used or the intention

for the malas. Set an intention before purchasing a

set of malas, and then research which stones

best represent that intention. Mala beads can b

e purchased at any Tibetan gift shop, where

employees should be able to help you find a stone

that is best suited for your intention. While Malas

were originally intended for meditation, they can

also be worn or used for a specific purpose. They

offer us a wearable reflection of something sacred

in our own life, and a reminder to remain present

and aware of our intention.

Crystals: Different crystals are known to possess

different vibrational energy and powers. I like to

place crystals – especially Clear Quartz – on my altar,

or throughout my house and office. It was once only

an intuitive belief that Clear Quartz held psychic and

healing powers, a belief that modern measuring

equipment has since proved to be correct. Quartz is

called the master stone because it strengthens all of

your energies in a very broad spectrum sort of way.

In order to use a quartz crystal to strengthen your

energies, all you have to do is keep it with you, or

keep it close to where you spend time, such as your

bedroom, office, or an altar. You don’t need to do

anything special to the crystal in order to experience

its benefits. I encourage you to research the various

healing and energetic qualities of different crystals,

in order to find one that is best suited for your needs.

Smudge Spray: There are many ways to clear the

negative energy around you and one of my favorite

practices is the ritual of “smudging.” This involves

burning sage leaves that create a powerful smoke

in the air, but burning this strong smelling herb

isn’t always practical or allowed. A more practical

practice to clear the air is to use smudge spray.

There are several great brands available that

combine essential oils, sea salts, and other herbs


such as sage. Some brands also claim to include

holy water that has been blessed. Start spraying

while walking around your office and living space or

hold it over and around your body and spray away.

As you do, set the intention inwardly to yourself or

aloud to release any toxic energy you or the space

you are in has absorbed. You might also ask your

spirit guides to remove any and all darkness, nega-

tivity and fear from the space around you. There are

many scents available, so be sure to select one that

smells good to you, and lifts your spirit.

Candles: I liken the flame of a candle with the

radiant light within each of us that energetically

connects us with the higher energies of the unseen

world and with everyone around us in the physical

world. In addition to meditating on candle light to

symbolically light you up from the inside out, you

can use this spiritual tool in the following ways:

Connect With Spirit

Spirits often encourage me to light candles to draw

them in, as the high vibrational frequency of the

flame is easily recognized by them. Light attracts

light, as like attracts like. I always light a white

protection and healing candle before I do group

readings and I set the intention for the room to be

filled with pure, positive energy where I solely make

connections with loving spirits.

In Meditation

I almost-always start my meditations by lighting

a candle and offering a prayer of gratitude for the

presence of Spirit to protect me. I then meditate on

the flame for a few minutes, setting the intention

to draw the light into my body and ignite my own,

internal flame. I visualize this light growing and

expanding and filling me with love and light. I then

close my eyes and go deeper into my meditation,

inviting intuitive guidance and messages from

Spirit into my consciousness. When I feel that my

meditation is complete, I open my eyes and blow

out the flame. This final action seals the deal, so to

speak and I move forward with my day.


Another use for candles is for manifesting a desired

outcome. This is also referred to as simple ‘candle

magic’ or ‘candle burning.’ The basic principles are

to visualize an outcome that you desire and then

hyper-focus your intention for that outcome on

the burning flame of the candle. This form of

manifesting can be used for protection, overcoming

bad habits, attracting people or personal objects

into your life, repairing health, developing a stronger

connection to your deceased loved ones, on and

on. Before lighting a candle, I like to write out my

intention for what I hope to most manifest in my life

and then once the candle is lit, I speak my intention

out loud. After that, I let the candle be and trust that

the power of my intention will seek out what I most

desire and deliver it to me. Whatever your intention

is for burning candles, you must believe in the power

of your intention for it to manifest into your life.

Only then, will it work.

Essential Oils: Essential oils are essences derived

from various plants. They can be used to beautify,

purify, and stimulate/calm your environment,

raise your vibration and enhance your psychic

experiences. There are many ways to use essential

oils: put them in your bath, rub them on candles,

use them in a diffuser, or simply inhale them from

the bottle. There are various grades of essential

oil qualities, so do some research before making a

purchase, and decide if this is a factor for you. A few

of my favorite essential oils and their uses include:

Rose: Cleansing, healing, balancing, protective.

Opens heart chakra.

Lavender: Integrating, balancing, healing,

protective, purifying. Opens third-eye chakra.

Rosemary: Protective, cleansing, psychic

stimulant. Dispels negativity. Opens heart chakra

and third-eye chakra.

Intention Boards: I have a tradition where at the

start of any new phase, like a new year or major

transition, I create a vision board. I sit down with a

stack of magazines and cut out pictures, phrases

and words that capture the feeling and intention of

the things I want to manifest during the new phase.

I then paste them down on poster board and hang it

in my meditation space where I meditate on it daily.

It serves as a collage of my hopes, dreams and goals

that I intend to bring into my physical experience in

the near future. There are a number of ways to bring

your truth into your sacred space for daily inspiration,

even if creating a vision board isn’t for you.

In my office, I have this personalized poster from

Gloment that serves as a constant reminder of my

truth. My office kitchen is also supplied with coffee

mugs that have positive affirmations painted

on them.


Our departed loved ones and guides use a special

“sign language” to let us know when they are

around. Some of these universal signs will be

applicable over your lifetime, while other signs may

pertain only to a certain period in your life, or to a

particular spirit or guide, and they may change as

you do.

Setting the intention to be open to the signs is your

best strategy for noticing them. While they may feel

small and easy to dismiss at first, when focused on,

acknowledged and by continuing to ask for them,

signs from the Other Side often increase in

frequency and size.

There are endless numbers of signs (for a more

extensive list see my book Spirited), below are a list

of the top fifteen which spirits use to validate or

answer a question you may have asked, or to simply

remind you that you are guided from beyond and

never alone.

Numbers: Do you have a favorite number or number

sequence? Spirit will often use number patterns

that hold meaning for you to attempt contact. Be on

the look out (but don’t look for) repetitive number

sequences and number sequences that hold special

meaning to you or a departed loved one such

as birth dates, death dates, anniversary dates, or

“lucky” numbers. I’ve built a whole sign language

of numbers with my guides and by using Doreen

Virtue’s book, Angel Numbers as a reference guide.

Every day, I notice number signs via license plates,

vanity tags, page numbers, street addresses,

receipt totals and times on the clock.

Feathers: Feathers of any color are a beautiful

reminder that your departed loved ones, guides and

angels are near, loving and supporting you from

beyond. When you find feathers in unusual places,

consider this as a powerful angelic sign. White

feathers are almost always a sign from your

guardian angel.

Coins: Spirit can inspire coins to appear in random

and unusual places as a way to get our attention—

often as a message of prosperity. Because coins,

especially pennies, are often found lying around

in the home, at the bottom of your purse, or in

the subway station, it may be hard to distinguish

between spiritual intervention and chance

circumstance. So, pay attention to patterns and

specific coins that consistently reappear. Does the

date on the coin hold any meaning for you? Have

you asked for financial help from your guides? The

words, In God We Trust, can be a reminder to have

faith and trust along your path. When you find a

coin know that it was deliberately placed on your

path, and is a symbol illustrating you’re loved,

supported and guided.

Music: Your departed loved ones and

guides may communicate with you

through a song that reminds you of

them at the exact time you are

thinking about them. They may

also try and get your attention

through recurring songs,

that hold significant

meaning to you,

or a series

of songs with a resounding theme or message that

you need to hear.

Synchronicities: When you experience a series of

“coincidences” or synchronicities, it means you are

on the right track and being divinely guided and


Angel Bumps: Spirits often reach out to you, very

subtly and impress you with a sense of love by

brushing your arm or neck, or by gently placing their

hands on your back or shoulders. This is often re-

ferred to as getting the chills, or angel bumps. If you

sense a presence in the room with you, sitting next

to you or watching over you, consider this a sign that

a loving spirit is surrounding and protecting you.

Children: Have you ever noticed that kids can say

the most insightful—wise beyond their years—

kinds of things at just the right time? Young children

often serve as messengers for our departed loved

ones and guides. Spirits have an easier time

connecting with children because they’re more

fully in the present moment, free of judgment

and doubt.

Animals: Animals often pick up on spirit energy,

mainly because they’re highly sensitive creatures.

When your pet looks like they’re watching an

invisible fly move around the room; when they

whimper or growl in a particular direction and at

nothing in particular; when they act as if they’re

playing with someone, running in circles, jumping

all over the place, or swatting the air—they may

be recognizing spirits. Sure, a lot of times animals

just behave this way. But when unusual behavior is

accompanied by our intuitive feeling that there’s

energy in the room with us, it’s very possible your

departed loved ones or guides are communicating

with your pet as a means to get your attention.

Scents: Have you ever had a strong sense of smell,

an odor or fragrance wafting around you, with no

indication of where it was coming from? This could

be a departed loved one manifesting a specific

scent that you associated with them in life to let you

know they are still with you; it could be a perfume,

cologne, cigarette odor, the smell of specific foods

or any other distinguishable and unique scent.

Formations in the Sky: Rainbows are a common

symbol of Divine love. They also represent the Other

Side in my sign language with my guides. When you

ask for angelic assistance and shortly after a rainbow

appears, know your prayers have been heard and are

being answered. Clouds may take on recognizable

shapes or images such as angels, wings, faces, etc.

Signs: Sometimes the departed and your guides

will use literal signs to capture your attention.

These “signs,” on billboards, license plates, street #rrlivingwell

names, shop signs and flyers generally address a

specific question we want an answer to. Signage is

everywhere so it’s up to us to discern the difference

between messages that are inspired or uninspired.

Sparks or flashes of light: The departed and

higher enlightened beings are made of light, there-

fore it’s common to see them in their natural state.

Orbs, unexplained shimmers of light or flashes of

color out of the corner of your eye, are all common

ways of experiencing the presence of Spirit around

you. When I see sparks of light to the side and

slightly above my client, this is my tip off that I’m

communicating with his or her spirit guide, and

the brighter the spirit, the older and highly evolved

and enlightened.

Electricity (lights, electronics, technology,

appliances): It’s easy for spirit to manipulate

electricity and cross wires, so to speak, because

both of these forms of energy vibrate at a higher

frequency and are highly charged. Look for lights

flickering in the house, light bulbs blowing out,

disturbance with television sets, radios, appliances

and computers. Spirits often communicate that

they don’t mean to frustrate us by messing with

our electronic devices; they are simply trying to get

our attention.

Dreams: Spirits like to communicate with us in this

altered state because our minds are more open.

When we’re visited by the departed and our guides

in our dreams, we’re often left with vivid and lasting

impressions that make us feel more peace and

reassurance that we are supported from beyond.

Before you drift off, invite your team spirit to join

you in your dreams and see what happens!

Wings: Spirits love to manipulate winged creatures

such as butterflies, birds, hummingbirds, dragonflies,

ladybugs, flies and bees. Spirit will inspire these

creatures to fly around and land on us to get our

attention and inspire us with the feeling that we are

guided and supported

from beyond.
