Diverse Diversions Sergio Barrio | Luis Perozo | Collin Su | Cory Wolfe


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Diverse Diversions

Sergio Barrio | Luis Perozo | Collin Su | Cory Wolfe

Problem Background• Underrepresented groups in fields of

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

• Mathematics is foundational subject• 58% of American teens own a


• Needo Build interest in STEM fields by promoting


[1] Teen Smartphone Use Accelerates Faster Than That Of Other Age Groups".

Goal and Objectives• Goal

o Develop culturally-relevant mobile phone games that will reinforce mathematical concepts

• Objectiveso Target middle school studentso Educationalo Funo Culturally-relevant

Alternatives• Culturally Situated Design Tools and CMD-

ITo Workshops focused on making these types of tools

• Distributiono Suite vs. Standalone

• Featureso Teacher Modeo Mental Models

System Design

System Design• Measure Madness

o Fraction additiono Sheet music

System Design

System Design• Measure Madness Structure

System Design• Restaurant Race

o Fraction operationso Kitchen cook

System Design• Difficulty levels:

o Easy – 25 secondso Medium – 20 secondso Hard – 15 seconds and subtraction

System Design• Restaurant Race Structure

System Design• Restaurant Race

System Design• Retail Wrap-up

o Order of operationso Cashiero

System Design• Difficulty levels:

o Easy – multiples of 5o Medium – any integerso Hard – two decimal places

System Design• Retail Wrap-up Structure

System Design• Retail Wrap-up


Design Validation• Feedback from Dr. Taylor:

o Relevant mathematical concepto Relatable game concept

• Feedback from casual testers:o Immersiono Intuitive Design

Team Management• Luis Perozo

o Team Leadero Database/Problem Generationo Interface design

• Sergio Barrioo Game designo Game logico Interface design

Team Management• Collin Su

o Problem configurationo Game engineo Gameplay component

• Cory Wolfeo Interface designo Database designo Game engine

Social, Political and Ethical Concerns

• Ethnic componento Appropriateo Accurately portray cultures

• Promote educationo Increase interest in mathematicso More underrepresented groups in STEMo Improve communities

Manufacturability, Sustainability, and

Economics• Distribute through Android market place

o Free of charge

• Improvementso Customize by educatorso Integrate into suite of gameso Modify game concepto Adjust difficulty levels
