Disposal by Destruction of Records in the Institution of a.P. Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta Rules,...


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8/7/2019 Disposal by Destruction of Records in the Institution of a.P. Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta Rules, 1993

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*Approval of draft Rules made by the Lokayukta of the Institution of

Andhra Pradesh Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta for disposal by destructionof the Documents in the Institution.

[G.o.Rt.No:4281, General Administration (SeD), Dt,26-8-1993]

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of' Section 3 of

the Destruction of Records Act, 1917 (Central Act V of 1917), the Government

of Andhra Pradesh herebyapprove the draft rules made by the Lokayukta of

the Institution of A.P. Lokayukta andUpa-Lokayukta for disposal by

destruction of the documents in the said Institution.

Whereas the Govemor of Andhra Pradesh has been pleased to authorise,

by notification issued in G,Q.Rt. No.3455, General Administration (SC.D)

Department, dated the 14th July, 1993, the Lokayukta of the Institution of

Andhra Pradesh Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta, to make rules for the disposal,

by destruction of records under sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (2)

of Section 3 of the Destruction of Records Act, 1917 (Central Act, V of

\.9\ 7) and pu b J is hed in the Rules Su pp lement to the Andhra Pradesh Gazette,

dated the 12-8-1993 (12th August, 1993) at page 1087 of A.P. GazetteNo.32.

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1)

of Section 3 of the Destruction of Records Act, 1917 (Central Act V of. \

1917) the Lokayukta of the Institution of Andhra Pradesh Lokayukta and

Upa-Lokayukta with prior approval of the Government of Andhra Pradesh

made under sub-section (3) of Section 3 of the said Act hereby makes the

following rules:

1. Short title:- These rules may be called the Disposal by Destruction

of Records in the Institution of Andhra Pradesh Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta

Ru les, 1993.

2. Index Paper to be opened:- An Index in the form prescribed in

Annexure-A hereto, shall be put up with the records of every complaint on

its registration, and each paper, as it is filed with the record, shall be entered

is such index.

3. Records to be divided into parts:- Every record shall after its

complet ion and immediately before it is deposited in the record room, be

R.S. t o Part I, A.P. Gazette No.8, dt. 7-10-1993.

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70 f iR . I S

div£d,ed in to p arts , as s pecified! in A]:lpeJ:ulb:,~B"mil,d,o f .aci~ i la! tesueh . d i v i ! l i i , l l } l 1 ,

each p~pe[" shal l ; as soon as i t t is filed w ith the record be num bered and

m arbd off i o n th e index a s , apperta inung 1)0 one o r ano th er o f su ch p a rts "

4, lUlilll'ill}d Do,cuntemts to be !keptnl)l{lrl

,andd~troyt:d:- ('I)D D < [ ; i . J l l n e ~ n : s wh ~cLl I i l a v o e been p roduced by p a ri I i e - s bu t h ave eithernet been ,

tendered ill evidence, 01 " hav illlg been tendtlredl in eviden ce and have been

I'e jeclc (l sh aJ'U be kep t ap art from the reco rd of the complaint Of other .

p roceed ing s to w h~ch t!:ley belong and en te red in the register o f u nflled

docum en ts and sh a ll~I if ao t r ec la imed by th e p a rty \ . , . 1 1 0 p roduced th em , be

rera lned ln tlil.. mst'utut; iQrI f f j e t aperfcd of one year fr-om t t ' l l l0 d,atl:l:of nile f in.al

order u n th e eom p la ln t o r p roce-ed ing i f ! w hich th ~ docum en ts w ere produced,

and shall ,8[th e e xp ir atio n Onna! j ) C i i ; i , o d be destroyed in th e m a nn er p -res .crib ed

lIIRder ' [sub-rule (1) of rule 100] .

(2.) N o IIp 'p l_ ic8 itioruiha.11 be nillcessary for ~~,e return ohhe dOt':lil1l1!!fltS

p roduced, w l!ic h have Gi, l~Cru.ot 'been, tendered i r i l , evidence or if tendered,

have been rejected. It i s . sufficient if a! NlC~ip~fo r their rerum is taken i l l 'h~

I is t with w'l'nich have wen pur up:

: P 'r - o ' l { i .c l ~ d t h c a t aotlcc of destrae tion sha ll 'be _ g iven . ln the manne r

p res cribed 2 [in sub-nile (1) of ru le [1] illlthe mosth 0f'38.ill lJBry/Ju,ly succeeding

the (late of expiry of the period of one , ) f e a r refereed to in this ru le; and a l s oby affix'lng on the notice b03!rd of th e Ills liw rion of Loka ,yuk ,ta ,! 'lindUp,a-

Lo'kaYlUlkta a ,copy of Ike no tiee 'p ub lished in th e D is tr ic '~ G a ze tte .

's'. Peri!l.dis o f Retentiilll'D ! ~r fb,~iI :-4 I' If \.as : -The parts o f i t 'e C O 'o -d s 5-1JJ~ir.edl,

in Appen : d\i 'l,-C s h a m be re ta in ed fo r the- per iods ' re.o;pective-IyS:~OWIili agains t

them I~·.om'(h.,~date of their cempletion:

P O O I ' ! I 'ded thst i~l@ l n y easethe - o k a Y l I k m o r t i l e U p s - L o k a y u k t a , a s t h e

case Inay be. II fUlY. f c ; r r e 8 J 5 0 : i 1 S to be recorded iu w r i t i n g , di r e e l rhat;!'ll'lY of

th e papers i: J i a f fYone part h e - T J j ;' a ~ , l s f e 'r n e d !t o a n y 'otner p a rt fo r w h ich a long er

p Eri.od. of retention is 'p~c['ibed. i l l : wn.icb C8!Sf : ; sueh fa ct S :l!m ~ ~b enoted [Ill

th e ufldex and tbe piitJJ'G;rsa rc dea .lt wHh as if file) ' h ad belcng ed from d u . e

comraencemen t to th ,e p ar t [0 w hich th ey ,...e re , :s o tr an s fe rr ed ,

';~6,Feril!)iIIsof ReneIiliUl!ltllllltffRegister:s dc.;- Registers, dii ar i( ;s . books

! : ! ! [ I , dp apers . described .in parts l l t O o tV of A p~ Il,d .ix~C ,flindi P a r t s I [(]I I l l of

A ppendix D sh a U be re ta ined for tllil.cperiods speci,fied respectively a :g _ ains 't

t hem ,r eck JJ -! li '! lgth e p eriod from t : i . l e : end of file yea r for "vbic.'lil the:y relate.]

I. Subs for the words "RuLe 6" by G.O.R!- 1 i I - )847, G A (SC-D) dl. 22-6-1994.

2. Subs for the express ion "in R illie 9 " by ibig,

], S ubs by G_O_R ' L 3aA'i, G A (S iC -D) dt 22 -6-1 994 .

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R.11] 11

1. nl)culIliJ.enils r ipe for Dest:ruc'Uo!n t,a.k~11 tro!!' CODsid,enll 'Uon ' ! I I ianotber Complaint:- Wh.e re ilOy docum ents of w lllic,h m l ii : destrucit~QIJIis

ordered 'by thase rules, ]fbeoo:re· it has been des.n.};~d, made evidence ln , 8 I f . 1 r Y., ,

other romp]~int 01" proc-eed:ungs. th e ru~, 'El'egar-ding: its destructloa s1l.a~1be th e

m ile a p p licab le to evidence filed in such complaint or p l t o c e . - e d . i l l g 5 w here 1 lliIeperiods prescribed by such last m .. n ticned ru le is in excess of the per iod

proscr ibed by tile ru le w h ich ori,gin3 I~y gove rned its destruct ion.

S . ROi l l k s a .od pape:I"S to be d1~s't ' ,o~'edla lte r p ,Ote .s (:I !'~ l1ed eliod:~ All

r ec or ds , r eg ls te re rs , ,d i,aJries.,books a n d p'tllpe,rs specified i o ] Appmtcl iJ!! , ·Cand

Appendix-D shall be des'lfoyed witheut fail at th(JieXpmratiolO of the periods

pr-escr ibed.

9 ., ReeGtds w hic!b , a re no t 110 'be des~l~oyed:-ile f o U o : w u f l . g r ,ecords

shall not be (iI,eslJroy,ed;

R ecords conne cted with ~ l'(pemi it u; re wh ich iswithia rhe sD :a !h ,l,ref


R eco rds connected w ith claims to se rvlee and p ersona l ma ile rs a ff ec tin g

parSons ill service; and

Order and sanctions of perm ane ru cha ra cte r unti,~ .re vis ed ..

. 1 1 ) . . Uistrh:ts und Andbrn Pradesh G'O ' !~e t1es : - (I) Witlh t he ex~ep1.i(Dnof District Gazettes, parts : I-A, [ I -B, m 8J,d IV of'th e A ndllira Pradesh Gazette

a rid P a rts -I , 1 1 a n d m a nd s up p lem ern ts to th e G evernm ent o f India G azette;.

wl~ich ~tLa.ybe so ld as waste paper , a l i i o the r r -ecord !'i,bo ti ik s and p ap~ !" s to

b e des tro yed I lneh~r '[R u.~e S ] sh~U be: dlisposoo by burning il l the pre sence

uf the record-keeper O r loom topieces and sold .3iS,paper waste.

(2 ) Wh en e,\I'~ r reeords , books , d iar ies , p~pers 0 , 1 " Gaz.ett;e;s ,are to be

destroyed under ' [Ru. lc 8] a complete, :~istof records , books , diaries, pape r s

O f Gazettes to be 0 0 destroyed shall be p l ' - e p O l f i e d i an d th e cliattl'o f d e s t r u c t i o nshall be entered on the top of the list, It shall be t & ! e duty of d'ae Record-

Kaeper, o r h is ass is t .l I.n l, as [he case !nary be, to c er tifY tile COrrec tm: lSS of tine

lis ts b efo re o brn in im g the orders of the Re;gistfa .r f or d es tr uc tio n ' 1 . I l i . . : . r no f ,

Ill. (1) In J 8 i r : l l l : 8 i r y ! J I ! : ! ~ Y of each y e i 3 1 r not ica s h a n be p u"lis '~ ed l in 'tliu e

Andh r a Pradesb G azette and sh a ll be a ff ixed on th e InstibrliolllJ S not iue

board s p ec if yir ll,g th e dne umen ts flied lh~ [h ~ Parties w hL cl.lwill \b e de.sl rnyed,

d! .l rmg 'the f!l!lSl'l~l1ig s ix months, and th e eernplel I1Its to wb'iell s ach doeam eers

apper ta in , if any. and tile da tes 01\ which tIle,), will be des troyed and g iv ing

a no tice th a .1 i:u n les s p reviou s ly , rec la lm ed by tlhe parriesentitled :if ani)'

b~fore tile said dates, dt:lstm(;ti(lll sJiJall withou t f . i ! l u I., ensue.

1. S ubs , f Oor·'R illl.c 6 " b y G .O ,R ! . 384 '1" G A (S .c~D).dI22-6- ' l994 .

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(2 ) AU documen t s reelalmed by tile parties e 4 l U U e d s ha ]L b e re turned to

such pau :t u.es illmae r o rders of the ReguMnr .

n. N O lh ru n g cOlllt aD lle '< i ,iu these nl ! les shall b e deem ed tc a u : t i l : t o t l s e t l le

des tru e tien of any dO~lJ,Imer'lt Ox :r:G\cord.r.!l ' ld 'O y .8iIlLYo ffic er o ftlite Govemm.eld

ait~;i'1}dllCed bJl su ch o ffice r 'U1tpon SlmUllOIlS of r eq .~is~Uor ! !issl!le.di by ~e[[IsltutHti.cm either suo mo/~ or ,art th e £.~~u~stof · t t t i u i l l party tn ~~.e oamp: la in t

Such dO C ' I, I :r n e . : I 'i I ' ~ ,if Ii:'iO~. firnviou.s.~y . r e d , i l i I l ; i l l f l d , shal l i : n v a r . i a b l y beretuJ"aed to

mheofflce from wllichtlneywere produeed,

13 . B : ! e o o r . c l s i l 1 D . I 1 D l a t t f J ' S a U i l re la ,tio l1 tn wb ich p ro ceedin gs a re p e o o i u u . g Iii

thefligh COI!Jl!t or '!:~e Su:p:ren'l '~ Cou.r~: as tlile case ma.y be shB~ll not be

d¢stroy.ecl r i l l th e disp osa l V : ~ e l " O O f by th e respect ive a l l J U l O r i t i e s .



FliIsl:i:ruH{i;jj I!l(f AJRdbr,a , J i' rndes,1) Lek AyukJtaa l lu l

Up-Lo'k AYllIkta,Hydc'rabad

'Comp~ a i. li it 'No . of l 9 ..

C @ r n : p l , ll I i lt

.Plibl ic S0F"i3:ilIt

[ l,'itte o f f in a l d js po~1 ~


N o .

Descr ipt ion

of tlte(Iomjm~.t:u

Dare o f


'rart N l I J m b e a : ' o f R . e m a r k s

N o_ S :~~rg ..



Ta.lbl.e , !l Ii lOM.ug. 'bl te di. r' li '~~ll Im .!ilif the, ~llIrd alltdt.lile

d C 8 C f l i p t ~ 1 ] i 1 ! ! . m i ii l' tlhe p a l J D e n 'raml!1g under each div.is~oln


{ M a m t e ; 1 f S t a k e n lap 1 0 0 . 1 'H n a ] ID1lvesll,g!l,ItLcIl'l u e d e r S e e t l e n HI o fthe' AP . Lo]l::aY liMa . a n d . U p a - L O k a _ Y U . k t a A c t , (983) .

L ]1Jdex.

2.. Complaim lncludlag-Forms ] and I[ (ilitclu:~illIg matedilll ( ! IU wl1ir t :~ .S~

mans ellull.II·iry is sta~. )

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App". qDisposal by destruction of records ... Rules, 1993 73

3. Reference made under Section 18(3) by Governor.

4. Report under Section 12 of the Act.

5. Report from the Government under Section 12 of the Act.


(Matters taken up for Final Investigation under Section 10 of

the A.P. Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta Act, 1983)

1. Documentary Evidence.

2. Oral Evidence.

3. Reports received under Rule 5 of A.P. Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta

(Investigation) Rules, 1986.


(Complaints other than those taken up for Final Investigation

under Section 10 of the A.P. Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta

Act, 1983).

1. Index.

2. Complaint including FOI111S and II (including material on which suo

motu enquiry is started).

3 . Final Orders.

4 . Documentary evidence.5. Oral Evidence.

6. Reports received under Rule 5 of A.P. Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta

(Investigation) Rules, 1986.


1. All Papers not otherwise specified.

2. All other orders passed by Lokayukta or Upa-Lokayukta ..


Table Showing the Periods Prescribed for the Retention by various

Parts of the Records in the various cases of Proceedings.

Part I


(Matters taken up for Final Investigation under

Section 10 of the Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta Act, 1983).

I. Index.

2. Complaint including Forms 1 and II (including

material on which suo motu enquiry is started).

l. Report under Sectio n 12 of the Act.




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4, lRejpoll1 from rhe 'Gover. l ' lm~iIU under

S ec{ion l2 o f the Ac· t ,


(Matters taken l!Ip fer F i r r a l l!:!ve~t~~i:I!h·on n o ' e l f

Sc.ctia:ir1I] (I of the Lokayukta ami Upa-Loksyu kta Ac~,.198 ;3).

1 . Docum enta ry Evidence

2 . O rall Evideli.c.c

L R epo rts rece .iv·ed under RllJte 5 o f

A.P. Lok ayu k ta a nd U p a-lo kO l )lu kta (~nyestig.:lIt~(m)

R l ! I l e . s , 1 . 9 ' 8 6 .

".. S ix Y ea rs


...Six Years

Pian In(COl'llplaim other. t l l l i t l i l iL those t aken ' IlIPOO[ .f ' i rm~

lDi1wilt6gl)tucl1l~ iUllcl~if Sectian ]{)or the tokaYiLlkta.

and Upa-lok~ytllta A ct, 19 .8 3.) .

I. . [ndex.

1 . C om p la i lilt JIlC b:lil1ig Form s ] ,& [li

{ i ·L'u:! l!J ldi :ng material en w hiich In/a liWt.U

enquiry I S started]

3. final Orders

4 . [ !gcumenl l~ ry Evidence

5. O ra l Evldenee

6 . RepoDil:~recejved u nder R u le 5 of

A .~. L okarY lillra and U p a ' : L o ! < a Y l y k t ' a

( ] ' I 1 v l : l s t i g - . a t i o r n ) R U J l le s . : 19 8 , 6 .

. . ,T hree Y e ars

. .. Th ree Y ea rs

. .. .T h re e Y e ar s:

.. . Th ree Y ears

,. .. Th l'e e Yea r s

:Par~ IV

L A ll jJJp ers no t o th erw ise sp ec ified

2 . .A II o th er O 'M II!: tsPflSSC(l iby lokayulkl la

0 1 " ' U p E I - L o k . . a Y l I I I l r a .

...One Year

... One Yeai"'•


L C em pla in t R e<g js te r N o .1

2.. fiDlI.a~llvecstigatioUli Reguster


. . . Pe rmanen t

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4. Dest ruc t ion Register

S. Disposaland Consignment Regis te r

6 . DOCllIi ine'i11llts Retu rn Regis~( ; ! r

7. Reglsteref records called for from

ether d e p a r t t l l D 1 e I l ' l : : s

IlL A ttendance Ifegis "ter 0 . 1 " wimess

9 . R eg is te r N o.2A . R eports ca lled fo r from

other Offices,

Register No.2B. Reports called for from

]:IfI'1"est:igatiolll A g e 1 ! l l . c , i e s ,

10. Inward Register (J udicial)I l , Records lssue register (Record Room}

12. CO l P ' y . i S 1 : Regi~IDer

D- C ou rt D ia f) '

1 4 . H ea ring B ook

15. C au se lists

16. C.M.P. R.egis~er



I .. C a sh B ook and L edg er

2 . P~y 13m Reglsters of om.cer s .

Mi:nist 'eria~ staff su d C la ss= IV e.lT 1ip ~,o yoos

3, Service R~gi.sters

4. C ha llan and Cheqll~ Books

5. A cqu ittance R (:g is t~ r

6. R eg is te r o f B ills sent to P.A .D_

7, B udg et" R eg is ter

,8 , Penaion Files

~f t,e r r e ti remenl'rr)

9 . Pe:lTmalle:nt Mvan ' ce Regi s re t

U : : J i .Travelling AIIQwa.ncl;l i Sms and A c q u l t t a a c eRo lls r;~ 'la Jting thereto

II. R eg is te r o f cQm p l!;l.in t Fees

~ 2 : . . Cont ingen t and o th er M i scellaneous Bills

J, U.D. Pay Regis te r


.,.Six Years

".Six Years

. " . S , i it Years

....S:il\ Years

. .• . ,nlfec Years

• • .Th ree Years

..".Thl\~~ V~al"$

.. .O n e Y ea r

."One Year

...One Y~ar

._ .O n e Y ear

...One Year

. . . Per~I' i :l l[ ilem l't





..,(5 years


. . 1 (3)



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I.. loans and Adv8lt lCe Register2 : . Reg i ster of Books received i~'l'aeLibraI)'

3. Furnlture and other movah le ' properties R e g i s ' L e J : "

4..Gradation list of empioyees

5. Stock file ~.oi1tahli'lIIgGovernment,

sanction ,in resp ect of this 1 1 l ' l : ! > t i l l l l T i O i l

6 . G eaera l S tock file conw]llirag Cif~ulatS. <G .Os .

and Me:mo f-aod'U 'm s is sued by the Gcvermnen t

7. , Departtme:li l .ml enquiry files

,8 , ,~1.1W8Ird and O u tw ard Registers

9 '. Tappa l 1 B 0 a k .

10. Service Postage Register

11 . Frenk ing R eg ls i'er

12_ Administrative files finally clo~cl

l3. Increment R~gi ster

14 .. S t a1 !:io lJ le ry Ac-cou lJ it Book

[5, Log Book

16_ Ear ned le av e, H~ 1 f';'P ~} 'lL .ea ve. S ~ r.render L ea ve,

Leave OJi loss of Pay appl:ic atio [} S , wi~ihorders

t 7. Confidential files,

1s . . Casual Leave Register

19 '_ C asu a l L eave A pp ,lica tio lls f ile

20. Late Attendance Register

21" Aue !1da r.lo e Regis te r

22. Office Order Register (Roc, Register)

23, X0rox, Reg l s rer

24, Roneo Register

'25, Register of Book issued t,o Sec

26 . R ou t o n e Co rre s p cn de ac e

. . .Permanent· . .Permsnem

·_ _Pe rm an en t


· .Permanent

. . .6 i years



_ _ ! { S )


. " .{S)



._ . (3)


....(3 years . after

rel imme:nt . (if



. . . . ( '1 )

• • . r ( I. )


- . - P ). . ·O}_ , . _ ( i )



